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LANGUAGE EXCHANGE the practice in which speakers in different languages meet to talk
first in one language, then in the other.
PUTTING OFF not doing (something) until a later time.
ENROLLING signing up for.
YOGA physical and mental exercises, originated in India.
COLLEAGUES people who work together.
A BUNCH a group.
TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT a common expression that means the whole story is
longer and has more detail, but the speaker is only going to tell the end result.
BETRAY {A PERSON'S) TRUST fail to help someone or keep someone's secrets when
FACE TIME time spent with someone in person.
UNHEALTHY not good for emotional or psychological well-being (in this context).
VIRTUAL LIFE doing everything online; interacting with others and doing everyday actions
only through a computer, not face-to-face.
IN-PERSON MEET-UPS a meeting with people in real, face-to-face situations.
PASSING temporary and superficial.
INTROVERTED shy, quiet.
LIKELIHOOD the chance that something will happen.
BE GLUED TO be looking at something without paying attention to anything else.

OUTFITS sets of clothes that are worn together

DISCOURAGE try to persuade someone not to do something
DRAW ATTENTION TO get people to notice
CONVENTIONAL usual, traditional, or accepted type
PEER PRESSURE the influence that other people of the same age or social group have on
COMPEL force (a person to do something)
OVERALL general; whole, entire
PSYCHOLOGIST someone who studies the human mind and behavior
CATEGORIZED put into a specific group based on certain qualities
QUANTIED having the skills and/or experience to do a job well
BABY-FACED having a face that looks innocent and younger than the person's
chronological age
SUBMISSIVE always doing what other people tell you to do
POTENTIAL possible
UNINTENTIONALLY without meaning to; by accident
ADDRESS (IT/A PROBLEM) deal with; try to solve
BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTION made to appear worse than it is
STICK not change
ACKNOWLEDGE accept or admit
GROVELING behaving in an overly humble way in order to be forgiven
ASSUMPTIONS things you believe to be true without having any proof
SELF-DEPRECATING done in a way to make your own abilities or achievements seem
unimportant to others

STORAGE a place where something is kept until needed

SYNTHESIZE create a new substance through scientific manipulation
DNA SEQUENCER machine that reads the sequence of bases that form the specific DNA
LASER SCANNERS devices that tell the distance between the car and any object found
NAVIGATION successful use of roads and highways
GUARDRAILS fence-like barriers along a road
MILEAGE the number of miles per gallon of fuel
TRAFFIC CONGESTION slow or blocked traffic due to too many cars on the road
ACCESS connect to
DROPPED (CALLS) didn't connect; disconnected
PERFECTIONIST someone who must do everything perfectly
CRASHED stopped working completely
SWIPE the act of moving your finger across the screen of a device or a card through a slot
NOT YOUR EVERYDAY. . not common
ROCKETED moved extremely quickly

SPACECRAFT FOR PRIVATE FLIGHTS aircraft that flies regular individuals (not astronauts)
as passengers into space
SPEECH-TRANSLATION TECHNOLOGY a device or system that instantly translates
something spoken in one language into another language
WEARABLE ELECTRONICS ELECTRONIC devices designed to be worn (as clothes,
accessories, etc.
SURPASS go beyond
INNOVATIONS new ideas or methods genetic having to do with DNA
GENETIC having to do with DNA
OVERCROWDING too many people in one place
MISTRUST not believing or having confidence in.
CEASED stopped
TAKE ACTION do something about a situation
BANNED said something was forbidden
CONFRONTED faced a problem and tried to deal with it
TRANSFORM change completely
DEPRIVATION not having something that is usually considered necessary
TECHNOLOGICALLY LITERATE able to understand and use technology
SUCCUMBED accepted a situation that one was initially opposed to
INTERMITTENT happening occasionally, but not at regular times
STRAIGHTENS YOUR HEAD OUT helps you think clearly
NEAT clever
PERSONALITY CLASHES disagreements between people who have different personalities
that aren't compatible
GETTING DRESSED UP putting on formal clothes
DISPOSE OF GET rid of something you no longer need or want
FLAWED has problems
OVEREAGER more enthusiastic than is good or necessary
COMPACTNESS being small and efficiently arranged
FLASHINESS being too big, bright, and/or expensive-looking
AUTOMATICALLY without thinking
(YOU'RE) IN FOR (you are) going to experience something, usually unpleasant
SUSPICIOUS making you think that something is wrong or strange about someone or a
FAKE not real
PANICS feels extremely upset and nervous to the point of losing self-control
LEVEL-HEADED having good judgment, able to be calm even in difficult situations
GOES OUT OF HIS WAY to makes a special effort to
LOITERING remaining in one place and not doing anything
EMITS sends out into the air
WHEEL OF (CHEDDAR) CHEESE a large round piece of cheese; the form it comes in before
it is cut and sold
RIPEN to age so that the proper color, texture, and taste are achieved.
APRIL FOOLS' April 1, traditionally a day when people play harmless tricks on one another.
A person who believes the trick is known as an "April Fool."
PRANKS tricks meant to be funny and not harm anyone
DECLARED INDEPENDENCE separated from a central government and became an
independent state
FRANTIC almost out of control because of extreme emotions such as worry or fear
COOKED UP invented (a story)
DEDICATED TO giving a lot of time and energy to a cause
FADES loses strength
JINXING doing something to cause bad luck (to someone)
HURDLER an athlete who jumps over a type of fence while
running around a track
PODIUM small raised platform
PSYCHO (slang) very unusual behavior
PREVALENCE frequency, commonness
FOUL SHOT free throw given to a basketball team because of something wrong the
opposing team did
TRIGGERS causes to start
MINDSET way of thinking
BOX OFFICE HITS movies that are successful at theaters
SEQUEL a movie that continues. the story from an earlier one
PREQUEL a movie that shows the story preceding that of an earlier one
PROFITS money earned after paying expenses
REVENUES amount of money earned by a company
CROWDSOURCING requesting ideas, services, or funds from a large group of people,
especially online
PASSING FAD something that is popular for a short time
STORYLINE what the movie is about; the plot
REFLECT give a correct picture
APPEAL attract interest
ENGAGING interesting in a way that holds your attention
DYNAMIC continuously moving forward
SETTING when and where the story takes place
ONE-DIMENSIONAL (CHARACTER) too simple and uninteresting, showing only one aspect
of (the person's personality)
DRIVE keep (something) moving
CONFLICT disagreement between people
INDIE FILM movie made by an independent filmmaker, not associated with a large studio;
movie in the style of such films
OFFBEAT unusual and unexpected in an interesting way
LONG TO want very much to do something
CLASSIFIED AD advertisement in a newspaper or online used to find, buy, or sell
WOULD-BE wanting or trying to be something
FOUL-TEMPERED easily annoyed, usually in a bad mood
DREW ME IN attracted me to
HILARIOUS very funny
WITTY clever and funny
UNIQUE very unusual in some way
CHEMISTRY relationship between people
STREAM get continuous sound and moving images sent from the Internet to a computer
or mobile device
NETWORK a large TV or radio broadcasting company
ASPIRATIONS things you hope to achieve
THE MEAN TIME meanwhile
STUCK WORKING unable to move out of a job
KITCHENETTE small kitchen
ACADEMIC related to education
CAPTURE record something (on video)
EXOTIC unusual, interesting, and often foreign
ACCOMPLISH succeed at reaching a goal
A WIN a success
FOOTAGE a piece of video (showing an event)
BROADCAST (PROJECT) intended for 1V or radio
FEATURE-LENGTH (movie that is) 90 or more minutes long
AWKWARD difficult
FUSION combination
EDITORIAL PROCESS the process of preparing the
final movie (in this context)
UNDERSCORE emphasize the importance of something
GROUNDED gave a firm base to
WIDE-RANGING including a large number of subjects
GRASSROOTS from ordinary people
PAINSTAKINGLY carefully, with great attention to detail
TAP INTO make sense of (something, such as beliefs or attitudes)
DERIVES from develops from
INDULGE allow to have something enjoyable
WORKOUTS series of physical exercises
STRENGTH-TRAINING exercises, such as weight lifting, that focus on making muscles
SUSTAINABLY with little or no damage to the environment
PESTICIDES chemicals used to kill unwanted insects
ORGANIC PRODUCE fruits and vegetables grown without the use of harmful chemicals
RESORT TO choose a way of doing something when other ways have not worked
ACCOMMODATING helping people by providing something they need
FALL IN (THAT CATEGORY) belong to; are part of transitioning changing from one style to
HANDS-OFF not interfering; allowing others to work independently
(COMMUNITY) OUTREACH PROGRAM an organization or group that helps people with
social, medical, or educational problems
INSTITUTING introducing, starting up (a new plan or system)
GIANT STEP an action that causes a large amount of personal progress
ASSUMING taking on
PUBLIC-RELATIONS (PR) job working to get people to have a good opinion of a company
or organization
MAKING ENDS MEET having enough money to live on
THE NEEDY the very poor
NONPROFIT not established to make a profit; a charity organization in this context
COVER THEIR OWN AIRFARE pay for their own plane 1ticket
ASSIGNED sent to a particular place for work
STAND IN MY WAY be an obstacle or a reason not 1to do something
SETS THEM APART shows that they are different
COMMITMENT a promise to give time and energy to something
CULTURE SHOCK a feeling of confusion or anxiety when in a new and different place, such
as a foreign country
PRECIOUS extremely valuable
PARALEGAL a person who works in a lawyer's office and assists with researching cases
TRIAL LAWYER a lawyer who defends or prosecutes clients in a courtroom
BED AND BREAKFAST a small inn with a few bedrooms, typically, a person's home, where
guests can sleep and have breakfast
DISHING OUT serving (food)
MESA a high, flat piece of land
PHENOMENON something that is noticed because it is unusual or new
WIDESPREAD very common throughout a large area
FRAZZLED exhausting and stressful
GONE WAY DOWN decreased a lot
POTLUCK DINNER a dinner where each guest brings part of the meal
ADVOCATING expressing support for
CONSUMPTION PATTERNS the regular ways in which people buy and use resources
DEPRIVATION the state of not having enough

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