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Nama : Caleb Janvier G

Nim : 121190042
Prodi : Manajemen

1. What so you think of those quotes? Do you agree with them?

2. do you have experience related to those quotes?
3. write your improvement in this chapter?

1. What so you think of those quotes? Do you agree with them?

Yes I agree, that quote is true, success can come from hard work. everything in this world is
also not a coincidence but because of Allah's Rhido the result of what we have done so far.
including the success that we will get after going through the struggle, process, and hard
work. Quality in us also depends on how we think, speak, behave and act.
2. do you have experience related to those quotes?
Everyone must have a quality in itself, that quality is formed from the habits that we have
been doing. Learning to have the courage to say something is not easy, especially for
someone who is always quiet, learning to think maturely and critically.
there are so many experiences that can be taken from the life that has been passed. Falling up
and down in learning to reach all dreams, until you fail in that endeavor, have you ever felt to
the point where you are afraid to dream again, for fear of failure. But we must realize that
failure is the beginning of the key to success.
not having achievements doesn't mean he can't or can't afford it, because we can get success
from where we want to try hard work, the prayers of parents and God's grace.
3. write your improvement in this chapter?
Understand some of the difficult terms and words about organizing. learn about the world of
organizations, and understand some quotes to motivate ourselves to always grow to gain

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