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Unit 3 and 4 question Bank

1. Why are CNNs preferred over dense neural networks? State the reason with a suitable

2. Explain briefly the two main reasons for Convolutional neural network to have lesser number
of parameters than dense layer neural network.

3. How is mixed polling different from average and max pooling? Give suitable examples to
support your answer.

4. If the size of the input image is 28x28x1 , kernel size is 3x3, stride =1 and padding = valid.
What is the size of the output feature map?

5. Explain the terms :

a. Sparsity of connections

b. filter

c. kernel

6. What are sequence learning problems? Suggest a solution to overcome this problem.

7. Explain the concept of LSTM.

8. Differentiate between LSTM and GRU.

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