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Members: Codes:
Kevin Ayala 192136
Fransheska Hidalgo 202212
Carlos Llambo 202191
Alexander Montalvo 202196
Andrew Núñez 202197

PAO: 4 Parallel: “B”

Confitería y chocolatería
Ing. Luis Armando Quishpe Hipo

Ecuadorian Gastronomy Caldo de bola
Ecuadorian gastronomy is characterized by a great variety of flavors and aromas which
merge into an essential element called quality. This cuisine is a mixture between the
tradition of its ancient inhabitants and the cultures that with the passing of time have been
recognized in the territory of this country. There are many varieties of dishes that can be
found in the kitchens of Ecuador. Anyone who wants to know the gastronomy of Ecuador
will fall in love with its famous caldo de bola (Andrew Núñez).
The caldo de bola has its origin in the Ecuadorian Coast, however, we do not know the
specific place of its creation, being the Spaniards who introduced some vegetables and
foods that later would be used to prepare the caldo de bola; this hearty dish is high in
calories, providing lots of energy, has carbohydrates like green plantain and cassava,
which are natural energizers, the protein of beef accompanied by its own fat, vitamins, rich
minerals from vegetables and legumes that add flavor to our delicious dish (Alexander
To make a refried with onion paiteña, tomato, garlic, green bell pepper, white onion and
we mix to give color we add achiote, once ready the refried add the duck prey to seal it.
Once the duck prey is sealed, we place it in a pot with boiling water and also add the
greens that will be used for the dough. For the stuffing of the dumplings, we chop in small
cubes the duck breast and fry it with garlic, cumin and salt, then we add carrot and peas.
Once the duck meat is cooked, add the other half of the fried mixture and add peanuts and
let it cook for 5 minutes. In the broth we add the corn and the beans. On the other hand, we
grate the 2 raw green plantains, once the plantains are grated, we proceed to knead them so
that they get consistency, add salt, garlic and achiote. Then we remove the cooked
plantains, crush them and mix them with the raw dough. Once the dough is ready, form the
balls without forgetting to add the duck stuffing and place them in the broth previously
made. Blend some peanuts with water and add this mixture to the broth. Finally let the
broth boil for 10 minutes and serve (Franchescha Hidalgo).
We obtained a dish with a strong consistency and with a very traditional flavor and aromas
of the Ecuadorian people. This dish is preferable to eat it without a side dish because it can
be a little heavy due to the amount of ingredients that this preparation has, but in case we
want a garnish we can opt for white rice. This preparation can have different textures, but
the most acceptable is a thick texture being this the most attached to the traditional way of
Ecuadorian cuisine (Kevin Ayala).
Some people recommend preparing the dough for the green balls with the plantain
completely raw, however, using this method we run the risk that the inside of the balls will
be raw or fall apart in the broth. We recommend using a mixed dough, to guarantee a good
result in the preparation of this traditional Ecuadorian dish. Several recipes omit the
process of sealing the duck, but we recommend not skipping this process as it helps to
enhance the flavors of this protein (Carlos Llambo).
After cooking the famous Ecuadorian caldo de bola, we can conclude that this cuisine is a
mixture of the ancestral techniques of the inhabitants of this country that has merged with
the food and customs from other peoples of the world resulting in a dish that Ecuadorians
love, mainly due to the quality of their raw materials and the creation of cooks in this
country who know how to perfectly mix different foods and spices that result in an
extraordinary flavor and aroma. (Andrew Núñez)
Ecuadorian gastronomy within everyone's reach - Ministry of Tourism (2022).
Leonela, A., Cruz, T., Cecibel, M., & Briones, S. (n.d.).
Pujol, L. (2012, October 11). Caldo de bolas de verde- Easy recipe with step-by-step
photos. - Recipes de Cocina.
Rosa Falconi Johnson. (2018, October 9). History with flavor: Caldo de bolas.; El Universo.

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