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I would like to talk about the social issues that affect my city .

I have lived in Lima since I was 6

months old and I have seen many social problems. Let's talk first about crime. Thieves often
smash car windows at traffic lights to grab jewelry, purses, backpacks, or other visible items
from a car. This type of assault is very common. Also passengers who hail taxis on the street
have been assaulted and robbed. Street taxis are not well regulated and are often used as a
front by criminals to rob unsuspecting victims. I think that he best way to reduce crime is to
prevent it. Unfortunately, younger people tend to commit more crime than older folks.Giving
the youth in the area more things to do is a great way to help them stay on the right track. If
you support local community organizations, you’ll help others out while keeping crime down
in your area.

Another social issue is Violence against women that continues to grow month by month.
During this year more than 150 cases of women murdered by their own husbands, cohabitants
or partners have been recorded. One of the main solutions we can put into action is listen to
and believe survivors,When a woman shares her story of violence, she takes the first step to
break the cycle of abuse. Another solution is empowering young people with information, and
educating them about women’s rights. If we set for the younger generation shape the way
they think about gender, respect and human rights, we Will build a better future for all.

A third social issue is the air pollution that have improved in Lima in recent years, it still shows
that levels are extremely high. the principal causes of the city’s pollution are poor fuel quality
and the vehicle fleet on the road that is more than 20 years old. If we stop using private cars
and start using systems like the Metropolitano, which uses gas, or the Lima Metro, we will
reduce pollution.

The fourth social issue is corruption. Unfortunately, we suffer from the worst levels of political
corruption. To reduce corruption, we must investigate candidates. If we are well informed
when voting, we will have a better government.

The fifth issue is that there are too many people living in an extreme poverty that can not
purchase a basket of basic food. In order to help these citizens, we can provide more job

The sixth social issue is vandalism performed by people under the age of 18. There are too
many young people with vandal and destructive behaviors. The help that provides the
government is not enough to stop this problematic. As good citizens, we can organize some
motivational campaings to inspire them to practice some sports instead of doing vandalism.

Finally, I would like to conclude telling you that every solution is in our hands. If we join forces
and work together, we will have a better city. Thanks for listening.

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