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De Manifestor en de waarheid

When we are speaking about the Manifestor "in truth", we realize that the Manifestor is
Designed to tell the full, honest, and straightforward truth. Everything in the Design leads in
this direction.
The strategy of the Manifestor is to initiate IN ORDER to inform. The informing is the whole
point! This is because the role of the Manifestor is to Educate. This is their whole and entire
purpose of existing. They bring a reality from the causal plane and deposit it in the physical
plane. It is a purely mechanical function that the "body-intelligence" of the Manifestor....
whether the person riding in that body likes it or not, cooperates with it or not, or even is
aware of it or not.
The conditioning of the Manifestor is to do the opposite. To hide. To lie. To give
disinformation, etc. It is very simple. That conditioning is an illusion and only creates an
illusion that the mind will believe. The "form-intelligence" will never believe it. It is
disinformation. This does not stop the informing, which happens on an energetic level, but it
does create a dysphoric state between the conscious world and the unconscious world. This
discontinuity creates a kind of chaos for everyone that is very disturbing. The purpose of
Human Design is to resolve this gap. This description of dysphoria applies to all Types
according to the formula of their strategy.

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