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Six Main Methods Of Cooking report this ad


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The act of cooking food is an essential part of everyday life. Cooking methods
can range from boiling water to grilling a steak. There are many different
ways to cook food and it is up to the cook to find the method that best suits
their needs.

1. Sauté
The word SAUTE is French for "to jump." You must limit the amount of food in
the pan so that you may control or flip the food. The purpose of sautéing is to
cook the food quickly, to avoid the extraction of water and the oxidization of
vitamins, but to also to enhance the robustness of the meals and enhance
their flavour.

The heat's sufficiently high to permit browning to occur and flavour to

develop. There is, also, a small amount of fat in the pan to wick away the
ingredients and to prevent food from sticking to the pan.

Sautéing will sear the outside of the meal, allowing the water to remain
inside. This water will collect heat as it passes through the seared barrier and
conduct it into the product's core. There, it will cook or denature animal
proteins, as well as soften vegetable tissues. As you can see, this must be
done fast in order to preserve the nutritional integrity of the meal while also
ensuring optimal browning and/or taste development.

2. Braise

BRAISING is generally done at a lower temperature than sautéing, on the

whole. The meat and vegetable ingredients are usually much larger. When
braising, the foodstuffs are often seared first in hot fat to mitigate the loss of
moisture and flavor during the cooking process. This also allows the surface of
the meats and vegetables to brown and form flavor compounds that will
determine how the taste will turn out.

When the meat is seared and browned and liquid and/or vegetables are
added, the casserole is finished in a stew pot at about 210 degrees, or the
meat is cooked in the liquid until its coagulated connective tissue breaks down.

When the process is complete, the connective tissue has turned into a portion
of the sauce and will permit the sauce made from the braising liquid to
develop a gelatin shininess. The meat is tender and extremely juicy in the
water absorbed.
3. Broiling & Grilling

These cooking methods are essentially the same, with the only difference
being gravity. Both methods depend on heat transfer via heat to heat up food.
The primary flavor compounds are created during the heating of the food and
marinade before cooking it.

Like sauté, the heating system in the food advances from its exterior to its
core through conduction, The more tender cuts of meat are utilized as these,
as they lack any connective tissue.

4. Deep Fat Frying

This set of procedures is at the same time complex and extremely simple. It is
complex due to the fact that it needs to follow a set of rules, but beyond that
you can fry nearly anything, including ice cream. The maintenance of the
water is effortless at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, but oil cannot be maintained
without a thermometer and a even heat source.
The oil must be carefully shielded from the food while it is being fried and the
food from that oil. Volatile water from the food will always seep during frying,
but if too much of this water evaporates, it will dry the food out and make
your oil spoil. Applying a coating to the fried food will protect that oil and
absorb extra moisture. Furthermore, water losses from the food will be
greatly reduced.

The best-tasting deep-fried foods are specifically confined in the container in

which they were fried by the heat of the frying oil. These are then cooked by
means of their own steam, which is generated by the frying oil's heating

5. Baking And Roasting

BAKING is the cooking of a food with dry heat around what you're cooking.
Oven baking is a form of the delivering heat evenly on all sides of a food base
so that all parts of that food are cooking simultaneously. This is in contrast to
roasting, in which a lower temperature is used and the term baking includes
different kinds of food aside from meat.

ROASTING, on the other hand, is the practice of cooking meats at sufficiently

high temperatures that the browning process is greatly expedited on the
surface. This is possibly due to the amount of protein found in the meat and
amino acids, but also due to the fats there. There are fewer sugars than, say,
in a piece of cake, but they react at high temperatures to cause the wonderful
scent of browning.

6. Boiling And Steaming

Boiling water reaches a maximum temperature of 212°F, the closer you are to
that temperature, the more agitated the food becomes. This results in food
becoming broken and unattractive. For this reason, the food is hardly ever
boiled. Instead of being pulled out of the boiling e-mail, it is simmered at a
lower temperature, or steamed at a higher one.

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