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In my point of view, I will tell Mr.

Jones about the plan of illegal copying of citation

from the internet without acknowledging the source. In this lieu, plagiarism could be accused to
students who copied sources without the consent of the author. There are lots of prohibitions that
took place in today’s crisis especially that the digital technology is fast changing. One way of
which is the copy infringement done by several students. Technology on the other hand can be of
great help in doing your work at ease. But certainly, there are considerations and limitations to be
followed. One way is to let the author know that you will copy few from the information through
an email or if not, get the idea out of it and make your own. In this regard, a student will no
longer be introduced to plagiarism.

Moreover, the use of technology will help us a lot especially in dealing with online
classes but it must consider also that there are limitations on it like permission and subscription.
Student can access the online platforms and it can be of big help for them to discover more on
the digital world. For me, it is good to research thoughts on the internet by some authors with
due permission also. With the advent of ongoing technology development, there must be a law in
which the one who access will know. One law is the copyright and cyber security law. It
monitors the entire information’s on the use of internet.

In conclusion, life could be easy as it is with use of internet. But for some other reasons
like copying without permission, one’s life is in danger. The students that were entrusted to
teachers like Mr. Jones have had enough knowledge on the terms, policies, rules, law and
conditions preferably on internet access. It is the primary role of the teacher to see to it that the
student’s learning capacity may allude through proper intervention on the world of educational

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