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Med Speaking 1

Setting: Suburban General Practice

Doctor: This 40-year-old patient broke their left leg (a complete closed tibia and fibula
fracture) while playing football 10 weeks ago. They experience pain if they put their full
weight on their left foot. They are currently doing mobility exercises with a physiotherapist,
who has referred the patient to you to complete a return to work plan. They currently work
as a retail staff member in a hardware store. The patient’s X-rays show that the bones are
healing well (a callus has formed between the bones).


• Ask about the patient’s level of comfort with the broken leg.
• Explain the importance of initial immobilisation with fracture healing (e.g. the callus is
temporary bone, helps with fusing, but is not strong; rushing may cause weakness).
• Explore the ways the patient could return to work that require little movement (e.g.
working as a cashier or in the office completing orders).
• Suggest modified duties for 6 weeks until the bone has healed further (complete
healing may take 3-6 months).
• Recommend continuing hydrotherapy and pool running with the physiotherapist as
these are non-weight bearing. A return to football will have to be planned for the
following season.

Setting: Suburban General Practice

Patient: You are a 40-year-old who broke your leg while playing football 10 weeks ago. You
have tried to walk without crutches, but whenever you put weight on your foot it hurts. You
want to return to work, so your physiotherapist has referred you to your doctor to complete a
return to work plan. You worked as a retail staff member in a local hardware store. You are
used to walking around and helping customers.


• Explain that you want to return to work as soon as possible. You are bored at home
and want to feel useful again.
• Find out if it is possible to return to the same job. Can you use crutches to walk
around the store?
• Request more information on how to ensure your muscles heal faster. You want to
make sure you resume full duties quickly.

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