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By: SAAmper

Practical Research 1
It is defined as the development of new knowledge and/or the application of existing information in
a new and creative way to generate new concepts, methodologies, and understandings by rigorous
investigation and analysis of materials and sources in order to establish facts and make new
conclusions. This could entail synthesizing and analyzing past research to the point where it
produces fresh and innovative results. Research is essential to find out which treatments work
better for patients. It plays an important role in discovering new treatments, and making sure that
we use existing treatments in the best possible ways. Studies reveal that research helps restore and
protect memory and enhances mathematic and problem-solving skills.


Qualitative Research  is a method of naturalistic inquiry that aims to gain a
comprehensive understanding of social processes in their
natural environment. It focuses on the "why" of social
phenomena rather than the "what," and it is based on
people's actual experiences as meaning-makers in their
daily lives.
 Qualitative research does not use treatments, manipulate
variables, or force the participants to use the researcher's
operational definitions of variables. Rather, it allows the
participants to find their own meaning. It is more
adaptable since it can adjust to the environment. As the
research proceeds, concepts, data gathering tools, and
data collection methodologies can all be tweaked.
 Qualitative research seeks to gain a better knowledge of a
topic by firsthand experience, honest reporting, and quotes
from genuine conversations. Its goal is to figure out how
people draw meaning from their surroundings and how
that meaning drives their actions.
 The following are some of the distinguishing aspects of
quantitative research. Structured instruments such as
surveys, polls, and questionnaires are used to collect
quantitative data. The sample size is based on a large
sample size that represents the target market. Closed-
ended questions that are specific to the study's objectives.
Prior studies or those that are currently being investigated
before obtaining input from respondents. Non-numerical
representations of quantitative data, such as tables, charts,
and graphs. Finally, results must be generalized in order to
take appropriate corrective action.
 Pros and Cons of Qualitative Research, Pros; Quantitative
research allows for a more in-depth look at a topic,
whereas qualitative research allows for a more in-depth
look at a topic. Cons; One of the primary drawbacks of
qualitative research is that it is impossible to estimate how
many people in your audience would respond in one way
or another.
Quantitative Research  Quantitative research is described as a systematic analysis
of phenomena through the collection of measurable data
and the application of statistical, mathematical, or
computational methods. Quantitative research gathers
data from current and potential consumers by employing
sampling methods and sending out online surveys, polls,
questionnaires, and other forms of data collection, the
results of which can be represented numerically.
 The statistical approaches used to acquire quantitative
data from the research study are generally used in
quantitative outcome research in the social sciences.
Quantitative research templates are objective, detailed,
and, in some cases, investigative in nature. This research
strategy produces logical, statistical, and unbiased findings.
 Some of the defining characteristics of quantitative
research are as follows. To collect quantitative data,
structured instruments such as surveys, polls, and
questionnaires are utilized. A considerable sample size that
represents the target market is used in the sample size.
Closed-ended questions that are tailored to the research's
goal. Prior studies or those that are being researched prior
to receiving feedback from respondents. Tables, charts,
graphs, and other non-numerical representations of
quantitative data. Finally, results must be generalized in
order to take suitable actions for improvement.
 One of the advantages of quantitative research is the
speed with which data may be obtained. This information
can also be evaluated fast. A survey can also be swiftly
generalized to the entire population by utilizing statistically
reliable random sampling.
 The limited ability to probe responses is one disadvantage
of quantitative research. Furthermore, persons who are
willing to reply may have qualities that are not shared by
the entire audience, therefore biasing the study.
Quantitative research experiments can often be expensive.
Both quantitative and qualitative data has an order or scale to it.
Both rely on a theoretical framework and place a high value on rigor.
A plan for conducting an investigation is required for both qualitative and quantitative
Researchers, both qualitative and quantitative, collect data and conduct research in natural
environments, such as through observation. Quantitative research is mostly used to test
theories, but it can also be used to develop hypotheses and theories. Although qualitative
theory is used to produce theories, it may also be used to test hypotheses and theories.
Quantification, or assertions, are frequently included in qualitative data. Questionnaires
can be used in quantitative research to collect data through open-ended inquiries.

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