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Propare yoursolt for the BAC exam Bs. In 2 world where landing a job is not as easy as “A, B,C" and success is everybody's Ral. education has become more and more important as people realised tee help em become more competitive. Unfortunately, not many people understand that the highest result of education is tolerance towards peoplo around ue ne matter the competition involved Us judge and hurt the others, as everybody is valuable and extraordinary in their own way. So, true education is seeing that people can co-exist peacefully Fashion and us Have you ever wondered what fashi the monster who tried to make ever of accessories on. Don't you agree? You who imposed it on the already troubled soul of the teenager, but the millions of posters, ads and teen models around, No sane human being has something against beauty, but | think that its madness to pend the never returning time of your life and the money needed to build = future on false images and forever elusive dreams. Personally, | love my friends so much that i hu (Onithe other hand, not athe young people lack the maturity and sense of responsibiliy ne {Or voting, The young population isnot that numerous nowadays, soit would vex bea goodid ‘o raise the voting age to twenty, because the number of young votre merle diminish, '9 age depends solely on how mature and wise the you generation is, 112 ORFF a er eY pedo > ae gf? wf 28 Prepare yourset forth ——— Prepare yourself forthe ®ss is everybody's Balised it can help iderstand that the #S, no matter the ince an early age Bet, etc. Although ® also many who zation for people, may be at some and inner peace BS around. Again Ishould not make their own way, mbles Procust Ag their beauty er have a high n't you agree? the teenager, $ madness to id @ future on ) much that it Shop window hile both my ) beings! rer outledge that a bridge can be built only it People on both banks of the river agree with it. Consequently, the generatiog Gap can be bridged only through the fRulual effort of both parents and children, The cificuty of such an endeavour is the very fact that each part awaits for the other to take the initiative, or even accomplish the task ane that can electorate everybody, twenty as nsible way. ar freedom DUS young Violence against nature is a crime against humanity As generic a term as action against nature ity needed 1900d idea sh. NM young Propare yourself for the BAC exam Secondly, we can consider our very living: All OuF houses, big or small, wooden oF concrete, rich oF poor, are built on earth. Consequently, the quality of our land is extremely important for our security and comfort Unfortunately, earthquakes, floods, fees and other disasters are not all natural, but also the result of nuclear experiments, pollution and bad resource management ‘Thirdly, the natural environment is a source of delight even for those used to living jurrounded by sky-scrapers because no matter how ignorant or insensitive, they cannot be but impressed by nature's beauty. In conclusion, as humanity and nature meet in us, | cannot but agree that if nature is ndangered, we are all affected, indiscriminately 14. Hobbies inspite of so many magazine articles encouraging people to take up a hobby, | consider that their importance in one's life is mot fully understood. First of all, hobbies give spare time the greatest value because they provide rest and peacefulness to both mind and body. No matter if one is involved in a sport activity, & peace one or just uses their tools to repair somelting ‘around the house, this actions ial offer them a special kind of active resting and @ pleasurable way of spending their time. Secondly, while indulging yourself in a hobby you break free from all the pressure and Steee of your dally work. Emotionally speaking, hobbies help people relax and focus on the postive side ofife, Moreover, every hobby wil lead io welcomed result, either from a material or physical point of vier jot only will your brain receive the break it needs, fut your hobby can always tur into a source of income In conclusion, having @ hobby or more can enrich one's life and that is why | think that people ‘should be encouraged to discover this inner joy. 15. We all love to spend time having fun and relaxing ourselves. Unfortunately, what most people do not understand is that free time wil never ‘come back and this is why we all Chould try and spend it as wisely as possible: ‘ss for young people, itis dificult to say they all consider time in the same manner. On the one hand, there are the youngsters who do not care {i much about their future and: Use all the modern facilities only for fun and doing foolish things and indeed, these waste their free time in activities that do not bring them any benefit. But on the other hand, there are young people who are extremely interested in building a good future for themselves. They are the one who spend their free time trying 16 improve their social skills, getting involved in different social and scientific projects oF tising modern technology in order to expand thelr artistic skills. In this case, nobody aot gay they do not use their free time wisely on the contrary. In conclusion, as it happens with almost everything, youth's actions cannot be generalised, because everyone Is different 114 Prepare yourself for the BAC oxam wooden or WE SPEAKING - Subiecte tip1 our land is xkes, floods, 1. Would you like to work and live abroad? periments, 2. Do you prefer paper made books or e-books? Why (not)? fed to living 3. Do you ever help your parents? Why (not)? they cannot 4. Would you like to have your own business? Why (not)? 5. Are you an organised person? if nature is 6. Answer the following question: How do you think you will use your English in the future? 7. Answer the following question: Do you have free time during the day? 8. Answer the following question: Do you think that reading essential books in our childhood can influence our future? Re ccosidal 9. Answer the following question: How many meals a day do you think we should eat? 10. Answer the following question: Are clothes and fashion important to you? Why! Why je rest and not? pactivity, a 11. Answer the following question: If you were a journalist, what kind of things would his acti 9 3 natae you write about? Why? lr . 12. Answer the following question: Are you a determined person? a ae 13. Answer the following question: Think of a new hobby that you would like to try d focus on 14, Answer the following question: Do you think that online social networks influence ithe from people's behaviour? ‘it needs, 15. Answer the following question: Are you a superstitious person? Why?/ Why not? Brink that 2 FOLLOW-uP QUESTIONS 1. What are the disadvantages of studying abroad? Would you come back to Romania after graduating from a university abroad? Rat most 2. What kind of books do you enjoy reading? hy We all How often do you buy books’ 3. Should children have chores to do from an early age? nner. On What is the chore that you dislike the most? ture and 4. What are the qualities of a good entrepreneur? se waste Have you considered doing an MBA? building 5. What can people do in order to become more organised? ying to Can parents influence the way a child behaves? jects or 6. What do you like most about learning English? nobody Do you think that English will remain an international language in the next 50 years? 7. Do you think there is no stress during the holiday? mot be lf you had more free time, what would you do? 8. Name some essential books for you. Justify your choice. Have you recently read any book that influenced you in a particular way? Propare st 9. Have you ever followed a special diet? : How important are cookery books in your opinion? a 10. What do you expect to be trendy in the near future? the kite Can you define your own style? in hang 11. How important is the mass media in today's world? Do you think journalists invent stories sometimes? 4 Su 12. What qualities do you value most in a person? Td love How would you describe yourself? cal a 18. hat prevents you from taking up this hobby right away? absolut Do you think one’s hobbies can tell us something abort one 's personality? a 10 you as amember ofan online HB gon td Social network? smportar What is the basic information necessary for someone who wants to join a particular 6 be on Social network? there on +5. Which was the first time you found out about superstitions? S Suge Why do you think that such a great number of people sre superstitious? im not re 1m lookin t have n "> Succesten answers odor ined 1. Suggested answer a: Enot for n {would definitely want to experience living abroad, It might be difficult at frst to adapt to Sugg maleate: but 'm confident that | would easily ft iy cd enjoy being part of a ‘multicultural environment. There are so many things you can learn from people belonging That's me toa culture different from yours, Siothes si evening's Suggested answer b: tall has tg {on think | would ever leave my country in order to live and work abroad. I've got my lite and m {amily and friends here and it would be a really painful experience to leave everything and everyone behind. They are very dear to me and leary imagine myself being miles Supal away from them, in a foreign country surrounded by people | don't know. jam sure 1 2nd write i 2. Suggested answer a: Books that f tr not easy to choose because both have their charm, Anyway, | think 'd.go for the old Nwould lice traditional paperback. Nothing can replace the thril browsing through a book freshly English. off the printing press. They bring back memories of "™y grandmother who always readlllissrinerships me stories before bedtime. Sugges: Suggested answer b: Re | know [think we shouldnt get stuck n the past and accept that the. ayoridis changing. E-books amalllleeauage, Aa Fain 19 take the place of paper made books. They are ‘cheaper and more environmental Recuages, m ‘endly. Think of all those trees that could be spared ifac only bought e-books. h will 3. Suggested answer a: unicate | have to. Everyone in our family has chores 10 do and I'm no exception to the rule. | take fover. Out the rubbish, I do the di he dishes, | make my bed and clean my room, Frey also babysit my youngest sister. | know Mm least I can do to make their lives easier 116 m time to time! 'y Parents have stressful jobs, so this is 2 fan online Particular: adapt to part of a elonging + got my erything 19 miles, the old freshly is read ks are entally Itake time | is the Propare yourself for the BAC exam Suggested answer My parents want me to focus on my studies, so they don't really expect me to do things around the house. However, when | have a spare moment | enjoy helping my mother in the kitchen. I'l soon leave the family nest and cooking is one of the skils that might come in handy later on, 4. Suggested answer a: "Glove to set up my own business. | know it's not easy at all, but if you work hard, nothing can stand in your way. | believe that having my own business would allow to put to good Use all the skills and knowledge I've gained throughout the years. It's a challenge and | absolutely love challenges. Suggested answer b: | don't think that being self-employed is the best choice for me. I'd rather work for an important company. Running your own business involves taking a lot of risks and | prefer to be on the safe side of the road. Being an employee is not as difficult as going out there on your own and facing lots of difficulties. 5. Suggested answer a: I'm not really a neat and tidy person. My stuff is everywhere and I never find the things ''m looking for. It runs in the family | guess, because my dad is just like me. We're lucky o have mum. She always knows where my socks are and tries to get some sense of order into me, but so far everything was in vain. | wish | were a litle bit more organized, if not for me, at least for her sake. Suggested answer b: That's me. | always have everything in its place. If you enter my room, you won't find my Clothes strewn on the floor, stacks of papers on my desk, food from the previous evening's dinner, smelly socks or an unmade bed. | don't know what the secret is. Maybe itall has to do with the way I've been raised. | think you learn discipline when you are little and my parents have done a great job with me and I have to thank them for that. 6. Suggested answer a: |'am sure | will need to use English very often in the future. Very soon, I'll have to speak and write in English during my university classes, not to mention the great number of books that I'l have to read. Even during my holidays English will be very useful because would like to travel as much as possible and the only international language that | know 's English. And later on, when I'l have got a job, it's clear to me that a lot of materials and Partnerships will involve communication in English. So, plenty of opportunities! ‘Suggested answer Well, | know I'm going to need English a lot, but | intend to learn more than one foreign language. As far as | have seen while looking for online courses for different foreign languages, most of the materials are in English, so at least unti | get over the basic level, English will be my permanent companion, but after that | hope that I'll be able to gommunicate also in Chinese, Japanese or Swedish and English will remain only my “first love” BA 7. Suggested answer a: '{ depends on the day. There are ays when | have nothing to do and | get bored relat gure Out what I'd like to do, but work in inY days are full... schoolwork ang my alives coming and going. My parents oe nal shifts and Ihave a lot of free tina When alone in the afternoon because nobody bothers me. But when both ot them "ork in the moming shit and then come home, there's no free time left Suggested answer b: nd 2 oA lotactually. ‘ma very organized Fife op ant ve learned how to set priorities and so i's easy to arrange el hepnng in my life So that I can have a ior Of free time for fale And it makes me feel happy ‘almost every day, because it's Great to be able to follow your dreams and make tine for your hobbies 8. Suggested answer a: Yes, | definitely do. | mean, | know that people say that children don't read He days: but even so they get into contact with some particular stories this is the most impor style and the at too much and heroes and ore of 9 MY Point oF view. They wil 9row to appreciate the ergot the book some time later, but te Greatest influence is the othe characters. And i the character or neether® are bigger chances for that Nid to desire to become a good percen himself or herself Suggested answer b: No, not necessarily. In my opinion, sad ays future is influenced by a lot of factors, no Jocpt te BOOKS he or she has read, cy Course, they have their importance without mons ut we Reed much more than this "0 be able to build a good future for ourselves, {’mean, itis the education that we Aacelve, our capacity of making a 900d decision using the opportunities that arise for we ‘And furthermore, l could mention tre Connections that me make in time, and the way we use thon And the list may go on, 8. Suggested answer a: As far as | remember from the artic «Ve fead on this issue, you should have three main meals every day and if still mnGIY. You can have a snack around 11 a.m. and maybe another one around 5 pm, Suggested answer b: In my opinion, everyone should try to have at least one meal @veryday and they should th Out what is the best for them | hogan. | know people who cannot feet right without mit breakfast, but there are alge others who always skip it and they are alright as well But at least one meal is compulsory for each of us 10. Suggested answer a. fos they are, because I've noticed that You are judged by the outfit you're wearing. It has pobbened to me several times to be pomehow isolated by the others during a party 48 ato), Sald | was not properly dre So, I'm trying to keep up with the latest ‘Tends, but without spending too much on clothes. Just enough to fit in Prepare yoursof for the BAC exam ‘Suggested answer b: # | get bored no, they aren't. | think that clothes matter only for your comfort, but nothing more than work and my Weg Cople make too much fuss about image, style, brands and other thinge lke these e time when We should care more about our real selves, not appearances. As for fashion, it changes ; 20th of them So often that it’ Noble If! were a journalist, l would definitely lke to travel and to write about those extraordinary Be at and special things and places that only in some parts of the globe can be fourg }to0 much and exciting life events? leroes and Suggested answer b: 7 ta Tell, this topic suits me perfectly because | do want to become a journalist some day. .. fa Atleast as a part-time job if | can't make a living out of it. And | would be clearly interested osha srenuraal People. | mean, everybody writes about famous people, politicians, inventors, ; Tonos negtul there are very few articles and materials about the lfe of ordinary people once heard someone saying that he already knew what a normal ife meant bocssce Bi 7° ;Ras just an ordinary guy, but| don't agree with his idea; what | have personally seen not a ie - Binet a Seat athat we call “normal life” and “normal people" are actually a wide range of Sei Tamper or eabecple and lifestyles. | think that writing about them would mean a large eee umber of lessons and inspiring ideas for many of us, on using jons that 12, Suggested answer a: es; Im sure lam because | always pursue my dreams and never give up when I really Want something. I've always seen it as a quality, but | think that there may situationg when | should change my mind. os Suggested answer b: (fel: | don't think this is my strongest point. I | desire a certain thing really badly, | ty to obtain it, but if i's too hard, | don't strive for should without 5 well. 13. Suggested answer Bh, there are actually alot of new things | would lke to ry! For example, flying a plane, bungee-jumping or white- Ithas adrenaline? ‘party : ia! Suggested answer b: Even if | am a person who likes stable, clear things and who likes to always be in control, | would like to try horse riding. I've heard that the relationship between aman and a horse is special and I'm very curious if could build such a connection, based on respect and communication with an animal. it may be difficult at first, but | think it will definitely Pay off in the end. 119 ____Prepare yoursolt for tho BAC exam 14. Suggested answer a: Yes, they definitely do, no matter if the necessarily Suggested answer b: Well, | think it depends a lot on the kind of person the user is. | personally have been {Sing Facebook for a year now and | don't see myself changed by it. | use it to get in touch with people | haven't sex fave found. But | don't consider myself more popular or more intelligent or | dont know, patter from any point of view just because I receive a “Like” for my pictures or my posts. would be stupid of me to value myself according to that. | mean, | Personally give ‘Likes’ to many people just to make them feel better, but this doesn't mean | Pay attention to all their stuff. 15. Suggested answer a: No, Tam not, at least not anymore. | used to be when I was younger, but in time Ive to er acO understand some of the reasons behind people's superstitions and | decided thabt a0 of these ideas, especially as they used to make my life difficult: don't take out the garbage after sunset — but what if | was having a party or company and the house was ful o iter waiting to be taken away? Or don't continue your walk if you stumble over a black cat: but what if have to run after my bus and I am already late for an important appointment? And there are tons of alike examples that make no sense to me anymore, Suggested answer b: bad luck with my especially as it is my luck at stake, ot theirs, Propare yoursolt for the BAC exam SPEAKING - Subiecte tip 2 And itis not seis It is already 1. Describe a place you like to go to in order to have fun. agnition and 2. Talk about a moment when you felt discouraged. is have ona ad suddenly 3. Describe the strangest happening in your life. ad there are the virtual oy 5. Speak about one difficult decision you had to make. maybe, but 6. Speak about the effect that body language has on communication. 4. Describe a museum that impressed you. 7. Describe your favourite month of the year. 8. Talk about a special birthday present you received. have been it to get in 9. Describe your ideal home. events my 10. Talk about a situation when you had to tell a lie. ks ; a od 11. Describe an experience which made you laugh. imy posts. 12. Describe an experience that made you appreciate the natural world. ally give ers 13. Talk about a situation when you had to apologize. 14. Speak about your favourite pastime. 15. Imagine you are at the airport. Describe what you see. |time I've I decided t take out he house nble over 2. How do you cope with failure? mportant ‘Are people nowadays obsessed with success? anymore, 2 FoLLow-uP Questions 1. How important is it for people to relax? How do you deal with stress? 3. Are you an adventurous person? Do you often take risks? but more 4, Are museums a thing of the past? joned”. Can a museum change into a classroom? hada take. d luck is that it's 6. How do you know when a person is happy/ sad/ sleepy/ bored? How can you misinterpret someone's body language? 5. Is it easy for you to make decisions? Do you usually listen to other people's advice? 7. What's your opinion about your country’s climate? Do you think there is any connection between weather and your mood? 8. Do you prefer giving or receiving presents? Why? Have you ever “re-used” a received gift? 9. Is it possible to build the house of your dreams nowadays? What's your opinion about the saying “There is no place like home” 10. What do you think of liars? Are white lies acceptable? __Propare yoursel forthe BAC exam 11. How important is it to have a sense of humour? Some doctors speak about laughter therapy; what do you think about such an idea? 12, Why do you think some People don't care about the natural environment? Would you like to work for an environmental program? 13. Why do you think People find it hard to apologize? When you make a mistake, is it ‘enough to say “I'm sorry"? 14. When did you take up this pastime? 's it easy for you to find time for this hobby of yours? 15. What impressed you the most when being in an airport for the first time? Would you like to work in an airport? > Suacesten answers 7). Whenever we want to have fun, | and my friends go to a club where we can listen to live music and chat about the latest things in our lives. The music is upbeat and most of. ond 2 lonuomer happy. So, if you want to spend an evening out and enjoy good musie and a lovely atmosphere, this is definitely the place to be. 2. Ive been writing poems since | was in the 5" grade. At first there were only rhymed sen- lences, a child's play, but in time my technique really got better and | was very proud of «d reading some of my poems to my friends Posed. | still wonder where she is now. 4,Amuseum that has really impressed me is the National Art Museum. It hosts a wealth: of absolutely amazing paintings in a building that once used to be the royal palace of the kings and queens of Romania. The moment you enter the building you get impression 122 n listen to Id Most of lastic and ul sounds hairs and to make Md music led sen- roud of friends ed Very nS to a jazine, > quite head. get. | swith hwe been lay | Sup- alth the ion Dur on as Prepare yourself forthe BAC exam 7. My favourite month is December. I love winter very much with its surrounding white landscape and the icicles hanging down the branches of trees or off the walls. | have to admit that | love it also because of the winter holiday and the Christmas celebration Ever since | became a pupil, this holiday has been the first major joy of the school year and | quess that the feeling will stay with me even after graduation 8. A special birthday present that I'l definitely never forget is the one | got for my 18% pithday: a car. | worked a lotto get my driving licence, Lat had never thought ! would car of have a me wth encr® am twenty. | know how expensive cars are ard we have @ lot of problems with money, and in the best case scenarby1 would have pictured myself behind my father’s car wheel. But | have never imagined that my mother’s sister, the Aan ihe lives in Norway and has no children of her own, wl do such a thing for me. Apparently she talked to my parents two years ago and they all decided it to be the holsters GLY Coming of age. I stil can't believe my eyes ~i's the blue Volvo with silver holsters that used to be hers. It looks great in my Parking lot, you can imagine! Propare yoursolt for the BAC exam myself Several sandwiches for school each day. Unfortunately, one of my classmates had noticed that and during the breaks he was stealing them from my schoolbag! | have never figured out how, but | became desperate at some point since | had got to eat almost none of them, As | didn't know who the thief was and also didn't want to ask directly because I didn't want the other classmates to know how many sandwiches | was carrying with me every ay, one day | put a spoonful of garlic powder and red pepper in all of my sandwiches {.can't tell you how funny it was when the classmate who used to steal them grabbed a bite and started to cough and sneeze at the same time, not to mention the smell of garlic all over the place! Everybody started to laugh, me included, and we made fun cf him and his appetite. | didn't tell anybody what had actually happened and neither did he and we never discussed about this incident openly. Suffice to say that | never had problems with my. Sandwiches again! The only thing that | regret is that | couldn't find another way out without lying to anyone, 2. Well, what can | say? There is always something in your fe that makes you laugh, even if it's not nice for the others involved. | remember something that happened to my desk mate during a test paper in Chemistry. The teacher had asked us to place all our textbooks and copybooks and other materials on the floor so as not to copy anything from them during the test. We all did it and the test began, My desk mate is a tall pretty git who likes to wear fashionable clothes and shoes, even {| She sometimes looks more like a party goer. That day she was wearing very high- heeled sandals, and she was very proud of them. When she realised that she Had no clher way to open the copybook, she took off one of her sandals and she started to move the pages with her toes. | don't know how much she could read from that distance, but vehen the teacher announced that we had to finish and hand in the papers, she had totally forgotten that she had one sandal on and the other one off, and so she stood up, {00k the test paper in her hands, but when she tried to take a step towards the teacher, She accidentally stepped on the high-heeled sandal under her desk and fell between the ows of desks. We all started to laugh and she was about to cry because she had hurt herself quite badly, but | guess she immediately realised that by doing so the teacher imight want fo see what had exactly happened, so she rose quickly, made a funny face and gave me her paper to hand it in. ‘don't think the teacher had suspected anything because nothing was said and my desk- Imate aciually got a very good mark as far as | remember, but from that day on | would call her “the monkey git!’ because she was so good at grasping things with her toes! 12. One of the moments when | realised how important nature really is, was two years ago in the Bucegi mountains. | have to admit | am not the romantic type and although | had travelled alot unt then, | had never had the time to admire the landscape; | was only having fun with my friends or | was busy to compete with my brother... you know, who climbed faster or who was better at a game, Bul two years ago it was different. it was the first time | was climbing the mountain all by. myself, because my girifriend had left me a week before. | can‘ tell you how much that ‘mountain helped me then! 124 =—s> Beoegwas Bees seag- aa BSRSIFLEGS BSeTe soosergos ty classmates bolbag! | have jad got to eat pause | didn't vith me every ‘sandwiches, m grabbed a mel of garlic le fun of him id we never swith my ler way out you laugh, ied to my f materials Jit and the hoes, even very high- he had no dd to move tance, but » she had st00d up, B teacher, Ween the phad hurt teacher inny face my desk- I would toes! yo years though | vas only DW, who Prepare yourself for the BAC oxam Ai the beginning, | only wanted to be away from everything and everybody, especially as we had been together for more than a year and all of my friends were hers, too. And so I decided to take my gear and go up the mountain. I hadn't noticed most of the path, | was just walking along the old trail, when I suddenly stopped and looked around. All that silence, the air, the green, even the old path, made me realize that there is more to life than crying over lost relationships. And nature was just there to remind me that! It was an extraordinary experience and | came back home healed. | realized that life could be ‘So beautiful in even its tiniest pieces and that | should try to enjoy it as much as possible... feeling blue was definitely not the way to do it. I still do a lot of climbing and | still remember that feeling. 13. Unfortunately, | have had too many situations in my life in which | had to apologize for one bad thing or another, but | choose to talk about a funny incident. Itis related to my mom and her attempts to make a tidy person out of me. | have to admit that | am extremely untidy and my mother always shouted at me to clean my room and arrange my clothes in the closet, but most of the time | just ignored her pestering. | have never realized how annoying all this must have been for her. Until one day when my mom arrived home very upset from her job and when she entered my room and saw the mess inside couldn't bear it anymore and took all the clothes piled on my computer keyboard and the rest of my desk and just threw them out of the window! | couldn't believe my eyes! | immediately ran downstairs to pick them up, but not all of them had got on the ground: a lot had remained clinging on the branches of trees in front ‘of my block. | managed to take them out of there by borrowing a fishing rod from my girlfriend's father, but | had to stay at my window “fishing” them one by one while my friends, my girlfriend and the neighbours ... at their windows ... were making fun of me and were giving me “directions” on how to catch my “fish”. When she came home, | apologized for all times | ignored her words and promised I'd change. | can't say | have become a very tidy person, but ! never mess around in front of my mom now! Actually, | think that situation was the last time we had any argument whatsoever. 14. My passion is my guitar. Playing it, learning more songs and more rhythms is my favourite pastime. It both relaxes me and gives me a special sense of happiness and usefulness. It also brightens my day when I feel lonely or blue; my guitar seems to understand me much better than some of my friends. Let alone the joy my playing it gives to the others at parties or family reunions. 15. Going through an airport was a very exciting experience for me, especially for the first time. Not to mention the butterflies in my stomach at the thought that something may go wrong for one reason or Ill end my journey before even starting it. An airport is composed of the main lobby where the arriving and the departing flights are displayed. When the time comes, that is about an hour or two before the actual flight, the passengers are invited to check in and their luggage is weighed and checked and X-rayed and sometimes even opened, if the airport staff felt any foul play. This is why some of the flights can be delayed. If everything goes smoothly, the passports are checked and you you're on your way to the airfield, In the meantime you can also do some shopping at duty-free shops and watch the other planes taking off 125 Prepare yourself for the BAC exam ‘SPEAKING ~ Subiecte tip 3 1, Express your opinion on the following: The words Wwe use point out who we really are, Use relevant arguments and examples to Support your ideas. 2. Express your opinion on the following: Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry. and vow ery alone. Use relevant arguments and examples to Support your ideas, 3. Express your opinion on the following: Music unites people. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas, 4. Express your opinion on 5. Express your opinion on the following: The power of imagination makes us infinite. Use relevant arguments and examples to Support your ideas. 216 living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. 's and examples to support your ideas, 18. Express your opinion on the following: We cannot always build the future for our youll, but we can build our youth for the future, Use relevant arguments and examples 'o support your ideas, © FoLtow-up questions Prepare yourself for the BAC exam 3. What kind of music do you like? Do your friends like the same genre? What if they like something totally different? 4 Have you made any decision that changed your life 80 far? What destiny would you like to build yourself? We really are, YOu. Cry and s. 51s there anybody in particular who you admire for their imagination? Do you think everybody has imagination? (Why/ Why not?) 6. What life lessons should every child lear? Do you think that a world ruled by children would be a better one? t arguments se rel OME Hon etouis we Punish those people who mistreat animals? b. Po you think it is acceptable to test cosmetics on annie tin Ro: You think that knowledge may involve a tisk of any kind? What are the things that hurt people? sh ; Bias PORE When wal the last time you felt proud of yourself? Does your pride prevent you from asking others for help? th ay fang 10. Would you like to continue your education? (Why? How?/ Why not?) De you think there is any connection between education av happiness? you. Use 11. Do you think school has an answer to what People need nowadays? arcane any other ways you can leam something span macy wo mentioned esn't do already? Support 12. Being a teenager is considered to be Rynonymous to being a rebel. Do you agree? Are there any rules which seem pointless to you? es bg) 13. Why isi important to know a foreign language? ees, Do you think that a language other than English should be used as an “international ugh the language"? a 14, What makes “a good life"? 2 who How do you see yourself in 20 years’ time? 15. 00 you think young people realize how lucky they are? lead What's the most important problem young people have to deal with nowadays? deas, non, “our ples Yourself for the BAC exem "> Suscesteo answers 1 Key Words: The words we uso = {he type of vocabulary useq how correctly we speak how polite we are our character Our education ott strengths and our weaknesses | can start by saying that | {stally agree with this quote Because indeed the way we Choose our words speaks volumes about ourselves, (1p SIV you several examples to Show why 1 believe this Nobody can say yon rind that they don't feet fike Paing at that particular moment What | mean is, even if we see Lying oF telling the truth, whey Wwe say is what we fee! that wwe want to say or it is nece Paw, [OF Us to say. That meane that those words are omciOusly or unconsciously chosen by us for that eonversation and even it we regret i afterwards, what we said Mpressed our thoughts and feelings at the moment of peaking. This is why these worge ©27 Say a lot of things about us Firstly, the words we s haracter. Deli show our caring a haar People and for ourselves, while tough, ugly and strong

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