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Egyptian Energy Healing:

The Eight of Hermopolis

Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D.

Famous example of the frog and snake headed gods and goddesses
of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis pictured on the ceiling of the
Temple of Hathor in Dendera.
Egyptian Energy Healing: The Eight of Hermopolis ©2021 Shelley A. Kaehr,
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever, including internet usage, without written permission
from Out of This World Publishing and the author, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Printing, 2021
Cover photos & map graphic procured from
Cover design by Shelley Kaehr
Hieroglyph drawings by Shelley Kaehr
Symbol drawings by Shelley Kaehr

ISBN: 9798505364406
Visit Shelley online:
This book is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed
medical or mental health professional. The reader should regularly consult a
physician or mental health professional in matters relating to their health and
particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or
medical attention. This book provides content related to educational, medical,
and psychological topics. As such, use of this book implies your acceptance
of this disclaimer.

Edgar Cayce’s Egyptian Energy Healing

Egyptian Energy Healing: The Nine of Heliopolis
Egyptian Energy Healing: Memphis Triad
Pythagorean Healing Level One
Binary Healing: Pythagorean Healing Level Two
Platonic Healing: Pythagorean Healing Level Three
Stars: Pythagorean Healing Level Four
Shelley is author of numerous books on
past life regression and gem and crystal healing.
For a full list of Shelley’s books, please visit her main website
Follow the Books link which will take you to her author page.

To my students and all seekers.

Thank you for supporting Egyptian Energy Healing!
Each book is based on a class in my online Healing Arts School.
Through this series, I hope seekers discover
new insights from former lives in Egypt and beyond.
For more details on classes, please visit:
Chapter One - In the Beginning: Hermopolis Creation Myth
Chapter Two - Channeling the Ogdoad
Chapter Three - Healing Symbols
Chapter Four - Self-Healing
Chapter Five - Healing Others
Chapter Six - Distance Healing
Chapter Seven - Group Healing
Chapter Eight - Global Healing
Chapter Nine - Sagittal Plane Healing
Welcome to the continued journey around ancient Egypt to meet with
the goddesses and gods of old. I have a list of the order I plan to release the
series, so for that reason, the next most important pantheon is known as the
Ogdoad of Hermopolis – a rather obscure group of pairings who represent the
creation of the world. The Ogdoad are primordial deities that you may have
encountered in either this life or in your past.
Interestingly, while compiling this book, my guides told me that one
of my students worked with these energies in her past life. Sure enough, it
was true! She confirmed that she’d looked into the Ogdoad years earlier,
which brings up a great point. Working with the earliest deities worshipped
in the various nomes of ancient Egypt helps us connect with who we were in
the past.
In my personal spiritual journey, I’ve been working on the idea of
integrating the shadow within and I’ve been consciously seeking different
techniques to do so. You may be surprised to hear that, but rest assured, even
though I write various books and teach, I still work on myself constantly. I
believe so long as any of us are here in physical form, we’re not done with
our work and that must begin with the self. A few months back I received the
insights about how the Ogdoad assisted with the shadow and over time, have
come to fully value and embrace this system for the transformational energy
I’ve received from it as well as watching how my students also came to truly
appreciate the technique you’re about to experience.
Recently I met an astrologer who specializes in the 7th House of
relationships and she suggests everyone dig into their personal shadow work
in order to heal and attain the rewards of a happy, productive life. What is the
shadow, you ask? Let’s face it. We all have things that we want the world to
see and know about us, and we also have the things that are hidden, the parts
of ourself that we don’t like, or perhaps don’t understand, or worse, we’ve
disowned because we believe those things will make us less lovable and
likable to others. This manifests as situations we don’t like, people who we
find challenging and so forth. It’s tough when one is on the spiritual path
because there’s some unseen expectation that we’re supposed to feel and
react positively a hundred percent of the time. In reality, that’s simply not
possible. At some point, this shadowy substance bubbles up and demands
attention. When that happens, it’s incredibly upsetting and makes us
instinctively want to disown that unpleasant energy even more because we
tell ourselves that ‘we know better than to think that way,’ or ‘this doesn’t
reflect who I am as a person’, and so forth. When we have such unwanted
influences emerge, I agree, it’s probably not who we are or want to be as a
person, but alas, it’s there nonetheless, and demands we give that aspect of
the self some attention rather than simply running away or denying those
thoughts and feelings exist. I’ve spoken in other recent writings about my trip
to the Vipassana temple a couple of years ago for a silent retreat. During ten
days, you can’t speak to anyone. You’re to breathe and follow the prescribed
techniques, one of which is to treat pleasant experiences and unwanted
influences with the same regard, not favoring the good over the bad. That was
a tough experience for me as someone who only likes to think positively.
That practice is something I’ve done my best to carry forward and it became
the beginning of my new journey to attempt to find a middle path and peace
regardless of what’s going on around me. found the Ogdoad is a perfect
system for helping these energies emerge so they can be healed and
transformed. Over time, the students who I’ve taken through this material
found that they began enjoying this system more and more as they allowed
the unwanted influences to emerge and transform.
Anyone who reads material about ancient Egypt finds a collective
fascination with the architecture, the tombs, and accoutrements of the
pharaohs. There’s nothing else like it in the world! Beyond that basic
obsession with all things Egypt that so many of us have in common, I’ve
found that looking into the geographical regions helps the soul to pinpoint
specific areas where we may have lived in ancient times. Knowing more
about our personal soul journey can help us find answers about our soul’s
purpose, why we’re here in our current incarnation, and can ultimately bring
us a deep feeling of internal peace and self-acceptance.
If you’re reading this, and taking the journey with me, at some point,
you too will find something that is so familiar, it defies logic. In this book,
we’ll discuss the history of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis and work with them in
healing. I’ll show you another interesting and powerful method for getting in
touch with the Ogdoad that can bring great balance to body, mind and spirit.
Let’s get started!
I acquired the above map from and made some adjustments to give you a general idea of
the location of several important sacred Egyptian sites we’ll cover throughout this series including:
Heliopolis, Memphis, Hermopolis & Thebes.
Chapter One - In the Beginning: Hermopolis Creation

The gods and goddesses of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis (known in

ancient times as Khmun) are mentioned in both the Pyramid and Coffin
Texts, which are funerary spells uttered during burials. Ogdoad is a Greek
word for group of eight. In the Ennead of Heliopolis discussed earlier in this
series, there were nine deities. Likewise, in the Ogdoad, the spiritual
significance of the number eight played an important role in this early
cosmology. One of the challenges I had in compiling this material is
determining how to spell the names of the official members of this sacred
grouping because the number eight seemed more important than the actual
members themselves, who shift identities over time. The above shows the
most widely used gods and goddesses along with the most common spellings
of their names that we’re going to use throughout this book.
You may have encountered the word Ogdoad in Gnosticism, referring
to the seven heavens and the eighth celestial sphere from which creation
arose. To ancient Egyptians living in Hermopolis, these eight primordial
deities represented the forces that animated the world. At first glance, you
may not recognize any of the names except for one, Amun, who in later days
graduated from his lowly role in the Ogdoad to a higher status as a major sun
god. We will definitely encounter Amun again in a future book in our series,
but for now, this is his first iteration. In class, I’ve been joking around about
Amun by giving the analogy of a high school teenager who gets his first job
delivering pizzas. He’s driving around town with his contemporaries, and yet,
later in his life, he will rise to greatness and receive a promotion. In the case
of Amun, he becomes not only a creation deity, but an actual god of
tremendous importance to the Egyptian people. Once Amun received his
promotion, in some listings for the Ogdoad of Hermopolis, he and his divine
counterpart Amaunet were eventually replaced. Despite that, I’m guided to
keep Amun and Amaunet in this grouping because they were the original
deities and I’ve always found there’s more strength when working with the
origins of systems.
We’ve talked in other books about the influence rulers had over
worship in ancient Egypt. There seems to be a competition amongst the
leaders of various nomes or city states, who claimed they had the inner track
on which deities needed to be revered and in what order. The my god is better
than your god mentality and the need for rulers to establish authority by
ensuring people believed that their way of thinking and believing was the
way cannot be understated. Such propaganda would ensure the citizenry
stayed loyal and felt good about their own ascensions into the afterlife, which
was an obsession for anyone living in Egypt during these times. That’s one of
the most interesting and simultaneously confusing aspects of studying
Egyptian mythology – the gods and goddesses are changed by leaders over
the course of history. Rulers determined if a god needed to be rebranded to
help exert greater power over subjects, which is why belief systems
drastically evolved over time. To the people of Hermopolis, this divine
pairing of eight gods and goddesses collectively called the Ogdoad were the
very first who formed the world around them. The numbers four and eight
held great significance to Egyptians who believed they represented

Frogs & Snakes

One major takeaway when dealing with the Ogdoad of Hermopolis is
the fact that in this grouping or pesedjet, the males have frog heads and
females have snake heads. Frogs symbolized fertility and snakes were power
symbols said to be the first offspring from the primordial mound. Unlike
other gods and goddesses in this series, the energies of Ogdoad members
themselves are less distinct and seem to refer more to the state of nothingness
through which the world arose, rather than to personify any specific deity.
Also unique to the Ogdoad is the fact that the individual members of these
pairs should be considered one half to a whole. They stay together and act in
consort as one divine being, which is how we will work with them later in the
book. Let’s take a closer look at them now.

Nun & Naunet = Primordial Water

Nun and Naunet represent the murky chaotic waters through which all
life forms arose. Ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus believed that
everything in the known world was made of water. His Egyptian counterparts
agreed. In the creation myth of Heliopolis, we hear about Nun, however he is
only mentioned as a sidenote to the rise of the creator god of that region,
Atum. The Ogdoad grouping is less interested in personalizing the forces of
divinity as simply recognizing and acknowledging that all physical matter is
borne of nothing and originates in water.

Heh & Hauhet = Infinity/Eternity

Heh and Hauhet represent eternity and the space between heaven and
earth. Ancient people dealt with life and death on a daily basis. This pair
acknowledges that sacred space where life emerges and where beings cease
to exist.

Kuk & Kauket = Darkness/Chaos/Void

Many ancient peoples recognized the existence of a dark void of
nothingness that is inescapable once the sun disappears beneath the horizon.
We can imagine how challenging this might seem to people in times of old.
This couple acknowledges the unseen.

Amun & Amaunet = Invisibility/Air

Amun and Amaunet are often referred to as The Hidden Ones.
Because Amun is not yet a god when he appears as part of the Ogdoad, in this
early system, he and his divine counterpart Amaunet represented the air and
space in between all things. Collectively, they’re known as the Hidden Ones.
Philosophically, all people understand that in between the physical and
material reality, space is a very real, yet unseen or hidden aspect of reality.

Creation Myths for the Ogdoad of Hermopolis

There are two primary myths associated with the Ogdoad. Both focus
on what we’ve already discussed – these figures represent the elemental
processes of creation that eventually combusted to give rise to the world.
Version one of the creation myth suggests that the Isle of Flame, a
primordial mound of earth, rose up from the water. Ibis headed god Thoth
placed a cosmic egg on that original mound. Once the egg hatched, the sun
emerged and rose into the sky. For that reason, Hermopolis became a major
cult center for worshipping the sacred scribe Thoth, god of wisdom and
writing. Greeks likened Thoth to their god Hermes, thus Hermopolis
translates to City of Hermes.
The second version of the myth describes a sacred lotus flower
floating on the water as the personification of the deity Nefertem, discussed
in my earlier book in this series Memphis Triad. The Hermopolis creation
myth suggests that the petals of this holy flower opened up and revealed the
sun, personified as Horus.
When we get to the energy healing section of the book, you’ll get to
see the symbols we will use to work with the Ogdoad and you’ll know which
of these two creation myths we will follow for this work. Stay tuned for that!
Next up, we will discuss some basics to consider before your
channeling sessions and we will go meet with the Ogdoad of Hermopolis.
In this section, you will meet with members of the Ogdoad of
Hermopolis. Before we begin, I’d like to discuss some important aspects of
channeling and healing work.

On Intention & Psychic Protection

Psychic protection is a big area of discussion for any healing work,
and especially when channeling energy. Please understand that your intent is
more important than anything else you will do. What is your intent? To
connect with love and light? Great! Then that is exactly what you’ll get! You
must trust that you are divinely guided and have faith that’s being done
through your intention.
All guided journeys in this book - or in any of my other books for that
matter - are written to build in the intention that you are inviting love and
light into your proceedings. This is done through the initial relaxation process
when you will be asked to bring a light through your body and surround
yourself by a golden protective shell, knowing that only your highest good
can come through. In the earlier days of my career, I used to go through many
complex processes to establish that sacred space for clients, but have realized
that by intending up front that you are surrounded by a protective shield and
stating that only love and light can come through the shield, then that’s
exactly what happens.
Over the years, I’ve chosen to give readers many guided journeys in
my books that they can do on their own. I do this because I believe that you
have the power within you to do all sorts of healings on yourself without
spending a ton of money to do them. Still, some clients want to have private
sessions with me for various reasons. One such private client recently
commented on this protected space during a past life regression session. She
said she’d always been afraid to do past life sessions on her own so she
decided to have me guide her to those places. After our time together, she
said that for the first time, she understood that by intending the protection is
around you right up front, she created her own safe space and would
definitely feel okay going there again on her own using processes in my
books on past lives and healing. All of this to say that I hope you will trust
this process and trust yourself!

Décor & Tools for Creating Psychic Preparedness

Beyond the mere intent of highest good, love and light, you can also
create a physical space to further define this protected feeling and create the
shields of sacred space where you can confidently do your work. Your décor
will be unique to you and you alone, and will definitely differ from person to
person. The main goal is to create a comfortable and safe space for yourself
where you include personal items that will provide your higher self with
subconscious cues that make you feel comforted, nurtured and supported.
There’s no right or wrong in what you place in your space. It’s all up to you,
a personal choice. What items make you feel happy? Here are a few
suggestions to get you started:
Healing Music – you can use certain music that sends healing alpha
waves into your space. Experiment by going out to YouTube and finding
what you like and play that music prior to channeling to shift the
vibrational frequencies in your home or office.
Candles, essential oils or incense – smell is a huge cue to relaxation to
help you create sacred space. What smells do you love? Lavender
essential oil is always popular because it physically relaxes you.
Incense or Sage - Traditional sage wands can also be a comfort, or certain
kinds of incense. Burn those items in your space and envision any heavier
energies going away as the smoke casts a protective glow around you and
your area. Above all, use what you enjoy!
Gems, Stones, Crystals – keeping your favorite stones and crystals near
you will cast a protective shield around you and your space. All gems
shift vibrational frequencies simply by being present. They also bring
beauty to any area.
Pillows, blankets – I love to be warm and I have certain blankets I love to
have around me because of the comforting feelings they bring. You can
do the same by decorating with items you love that help you keep your
temperature even. Journey work sometimes alters your body temperature,
so you want to ensure your comfort to help you have a successful session
and avoid unnecessary distractions. These are just a few suggestions. Do
what makes you happy!
Intentions Through Prayer
The best way to set the proper intentions to invite love and light into
your healing or channeling work is through your prayer or positive
affirmation stated either aloud or to yourself prior to doing your work.
I’ve been using the same prayer for years because it sets the intention
so well and simply states everything I’m intending for my sessions, whether
it’s channeling or healing:
I am calling in my guides, ascended masters and all beings of love
and light who wish to join me today for this (channeling session or healing
session). May Higher Will be done!
Obviously in this section, you’re going to meet some new deities, yet
you can still enlist help from the regular guides you enjoy.
You could also invite your personal guide to surround you with loving
light before beginning your session. I love Archangel Michael and I call on
him often by saying:
Archangel Michael, I ask you to surround me with protective light
and know that I invite only that which is of pure love and light to join me
today for this healing/session. May Higher Will be done!
To close my healing or channeling session, I say the following:
Please allow this healing to continue, may Higher Will be done.

You may wonder what I mean by allowing a healing to continue. How

does that work? Believe it or not, the light and information brought through
from your channeling or healing continues to spread love to you beyond
those exact moments when you’re doing the work. You make holographic
impressions on your space and those blessings can continue to be experienced
long after the session is done.

Keep an Experience Journal

Soon you’re going to meet with the Ogdoad to receive healing and
messages. You may want to create either a paper or online journal to
document the messages you receive along the way. Know that you’ll always
get what you most need at any given moment, and sometimes those insights
are helpful to look back on later.
Establishing Your Starting Point
Before we meet with the Ogdoad of Hermopolis, we’re going to take
a quick trip into the Egyptian Healing Temple where you will do this work.
If you’ve experienced earlier installments of this series, you may have
taken this journey before. That said, no two journeys are ever the same
because each time you come back, you receive different information, and in
this case, you’re working with different deities. In terms of aesthetics, you
may find this is the same exact temple you’ve visited before, or you may go
somewhere new. Keep an open mind and allow whatever’s for your highest
good to emerge. Let’s go into the temple now.

EXERCISE: Journey to the Temple

Find a comfortable place to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Place
your hands in your lap and your feet flat on the floor and close your eyes.
Breathe. Breathe in healing, and peace, and relaxation, and exhale tensions
and concerns.
Imagine a beautiful beam of pure white light is moving down through
the top of your head, moving into your eyes, your nose and jaw, into your
neck and shoulders.
Feel the light moving down into your arms as it moves through your
spine, into your heart and lungs and travels all the way down into your legs,
your knees, ankles and down into the soles of your feet. Allow the light to
pour through you, carrying away any tensions and concerns and allow those
to move down into the earth where they are transformed into a loving,
healing light for our planet.
The light is getting stronger now, so strong it begins to pour out of
your heart, creating a beautiful golden ball of light that surrounds you by
about three feet in all directions. Feel yourself floating inside this golden
light, safe and secure, knowing that within the golden light, only that which is
of your highest good can come through.
Imagine now there is a doorway in front of you. See it, feel it, or just
know it’s there. This doorway leads to the Egyptian healing temple, a place
where your soul has been before, long, long ago. In this healing temple, you
will find healing and insights into your soul’s journey, and the temple is a
place where you feel totally safe, secure and relaxed.
In just a moment, when I count to three, you will open the door and
enter the healing temple. Ready? One, two and three, opening the door. Be
there now, inside the healing temple. Very good!
Walk or float through this sacred healing temple. Notice the
wonderful energy as you start to look around. See what you see, feel what
you feel and hear what you hear. Very good. Take a few moments now to
Continuing to benefit from the incredibly healing energy here, in just
a moment, you will turn and walk back through the door and go back to
where you started. Know that you will come here often and that all is well.
Ready? Turn now and walk back through the temple until you arrive at the
door where you entered. Open that door now and walk or float back to where
you started, closing that door behind you, but knowing you will return here
very soon.
Be back in the space where you began your journey. Notice how much
lighter and brighter you feel now that you’ve had this experience. In a
moment, when I count back from three, you will return to the room feeling
awake, refreshed and better than you felt before. Ready? Three, you are
grounded, centered and balanced, two, you’re still surrounded by a
protective golden light that you will keep with you now and always and you
are safe in all activities, one, and you’re back!

Recap - Journey to the Healing Temple

How did you enjoy the journey? You may want to write down details
about your temple. Was this a place you’d been to before, or was this new?
What special decorations did you see there? How did you feel? You’ll be
visiting this space again in the next section, so if you didn’t get as many
details as you would have liked, know that more information emerges with
each successive journey.
Chapter Two - Channeling the Ogdoad
Now that we’ve talked about preparing for your guided imagery
journeys, we’re going to meet with members of the Ogdoad in pairs,
according to their Divine Counterparts. From the moment I first “met” the
Ogdoad and students started working with them, the message was clear –
they would meet people and work together, rather than individually. Each
pair represents the feminine and masculine aspects of the energy they
embody, so they’re really like two halves of a whole.
Before we meet with them, we will look at their hieroglyphs and
discuss some basic information about each pair. Once you’re more familiar
with the Ogdoad, I will give you some guided imagery journeys and
suggestions for how to work with them.
I also include the Keynote with each pairing to remind you what they
represent in creation. That keynote may or may not affect what shows up for
you during the journeys, but it is interesting to note. Let’s take a look at this


Keynote: Primordial Water

Nun and Naunet represent primordial water, the murky cosmic

material that began the physical manifestation of all things. For those who
lived in the arid desert in ancient times, the life affirming gift of water could
not be taken for granted and deserved attention and reverence.
In healing, the water element speaks to our emotions, bringing up
unpleasant feelings for resolution, water soothes the soul and washes away
those unwanted influences, helping you recall happier times so you can draw
upon the strength of those memories for healing and transformation.


Keynote: Eternity

Everlasting life and the indestructible nature of your soul and spirit
are all part of what Heh and Hauhet embody. The ancient Egyptians wanted
assurance of a successful ascension into the afterlife and attempted to control
their ultimate destiny in the afterlife by appeasing the gods and goddesses so
they might find peace in eternity. Heh and Hauhet assist with the connection
to source and your higher power.


Keynote: Darkness

Kuk and Kauket represent darkness. Their hieroglyphs provide

scholars clues about their meaning through the pictorial references to both
sky and darkness. When the sun disappeared beneath the horizon each day,
ancient ones were left wondering what would happen to them. Is this it? Has
everything ended? Am I safe? Will the light return or has the sun disappeared
The absence of light is a constant for us all. What lies in the darkness?
Our shadow self is examined and our deepest fears and unrealized potential
lingers just beneath the surface of our perceptions. Kuk and Kauket require us
to embrace the unknown. The darkness does not need to be seen as the realm
of despair. The space may hold unrealized gifts and surprises we may not yet
have discovered both within ourselves and in the world around us.


Keynote: Air

Within the Ogdoad, Amun and Amaunet embody invisibility, the

hidden ones, the undeniable unseen that connects all things and is
simultaneously unknown. All ancient cultures came to understand that there
is a space in between things, an unseen web of consciousness that connects us
even though it cannot be detected with the naked eye. While this aspect is
often personified as the air around us, it also represents the collective
thoughtform and cultural memory of all that has come before us and all that
will ever be – the Akashic Records of our journey through time.
We all have unknown factors in our lives and in ancient times, the
unknown could bring blessings or challenges, depending on the day. This pair
represents the aspect of our soul that asks us to embrace the unknown and
have faith in things we cannot see.
Preparing to Meet the Ogdoad
Now that you’ve learned more about the eight members of the
Ogdoad, it’s time to return to your healing temple and meet them in person.
The journey is designed so you can have your own intuitive
experience. Hold your intentions for which pair you’d like to meet or ask for
whoever is for your highest good and be surprised by who appears in the
temple. It’s all up to you!

Short Prayer to Begin Your Journey

Before you start, clear your space, settle in to a peaceful state of being
by either lighting candles or incense, playing music and ensuring you won’t
be disturbed. Set your intention of what you’d like to receive.
As we discussed earlier, a suggested prayer for the journey is:
“I’m calling in all my guides, ascended masters, angels and light
beings who wish to join me on this journey as I meet with _XXX (Name the
Ogdoad pair you want to meet) XXX.
May Higher Will be done!”

If you want to meet with whatever pair is for your highest good, say
or intend the following:
“I’m calling in all my guides, ascended masters, angels and light
beings who wish to join me on this journey as I meet with whichever Ogdoad
members would be most for my highest good at this time.
May Higher Will be done!”

Once you’ve set your intentions, go through the following journey.

Journey to Meet the Ogdoad of Hermopolis
Find a comfortable space where you can sit. Close your eyes and
relax. Take a deep, healing breath in through your nose. Breathe in love,
peace, harmony. Exhale any tensions. Very good.
Direct your full attention and awareness to the area behind your eyes.
Become fully present in this moment. Very nice!
Now imagine a beautiful beam of pure white light is moving down
through the top of your head. Feel that light moving into your eyes, your
nose, your jaw, moving into your neck and shoulders.
Feel the light moving down into your arms as it moves through your
spine, into your heart and lungs and flows all the way down into your legs,
your knees, ankles and down into the soles of your feet. Allow the light to
pour through you, carrying away any tensions and concerns and allow those
to move down into the earth where they are transformed into a loving,
healing light for our planet.
That light is getting stronger now, so strong it begins to pour out of
your heart, creating a beautiful golden ball of light that surrounds you by
about three feet in all directions. Feel yourself floating inside this golden
light, safe and secure, knowing that within the golden light, only that which is
of your highest good can come through.
Imagine now there is a doorway in front of you. See it, feel it, or just
know it’s there. This is a doorway you’ve experienced before. This door leads
to the Egyptian healing temple, a place where your soul feels totally safe,
secure and relaxed.
In a moment, when I count to three, you will open the door and enter
the healing temple. Ready? One, two and three, opening the door. Be there
now, inside the healing temple. Very good!
Walk or float through this sacred healing temple. Notice the
wonderful energy as you start to look around. See what you see, feel what
you feel and hear what you hear. Very good.
Notice up ahead, you see a figure or you may see several figures
moving toward you, or you may simply feel their presence. Imagine they
approach you now. Say hello and allow whoever shows up to introduce
themselves to you.
Who appeared?
Why have they come to see you at this time? Allow them to share any
information that is most for your highest good.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask those now.
Know that you can come here again in the future to receive any
further information or clarification on what you received.
Go ahead now and thank them for being here today.
Turn and walk back through the door where you started, closing that
door behind you. Be back in the space where you began your journey. Notice
how much lighter and brighter you feel after your experience.
In a moment, when I count back from three, you will return, feeling
awake, refreshed and better than you felt before. Ready? Three, grounded,
centered and balanced, two, processing this information in your dreams
tonight so by tomorrow morning, you will be fully integrated into this new
energy and information, and one, you’re back!

Wrapping Up Your Journey Experience

How did that go? What information did you receive? Remember, you
can always begin a journal and document the messages they gave you. If you
take the journey more than once, different insights will likely come up based
on whatever you most need to know and whatever’s going on in your life at
the time you inquire. Next up, we will work with the Ogdoad in healing.
As we begin our healing work, I must share the fact that the students
who have taken the classes based on the Ogdoad weren’t sure what to think
of them at first. I believe this is because the energies are so ancient and
primordial, they’re asking us to embrace our shadow self and integrate both
positive and negative attributes of ourself in order to heal.
In the introduction, I mentioned my new commitment to transforming
my shadow using meditation and studying astrology. Another example of
shadow transformation is doing a cleanse. Cleansing could be to remedy the
long term damage from toxic foods, difficult situations, the challenges facing
the world that affect us emotionally in ways that are tough to take, or all of
the above. The body stores up energetic blockages as well as real life toxins,
and once in a while, these things must be purged for us to get back on track.
Usually once a year, I do some kind of cleanse where I stop eating my
normal foods and take some herbal supplements. I step away from routines,
go into deeper meditation so I can cleanse my body, mind and spirit. My
recent cleanse was three days long. The first day, after cutting out some of the
stuff I normally eat and after taking the herbs, I felt absolutely horrible,
almost like I had the flu. My body ached and I felt incredibly tired. In
essence, I had purposefully placed myself in what some would call a healing
crisis. This happens anytime your body feels sore or tired as a result of some
kind of inner work or even from massages or other bodywork.
Once the discomfort starts, it would be easy to walk away and tell
myself, “No! I need to stop doing this right now!” Our first instinct is to stop
anything that causes discomfort. The experience feels a little frightening,
uncomfortable and unpredictable, and yet, I kept going. By day two, I began
feeling like certain toxins had been eliminated which felt like a relief, yet also
became exhausting in a different way. At that point, it would be easy for me
to think that I already received the needed benefits and don’t need to
continue. I could just get back to what I’m doing, no problem. That’s when I
had to stay the course and kept going by recommitting to the three day period
I initially decided on. By day three, my soul and spirit became noticeably
lighter. Each passing day, my meditations were deeper and I felt more and
more at peace. After undergoing the discomfort and slight challenges, I
emerged better.
I share that little story because I am convinced that’s kind of what the
Ogdoad is like. When you work with this system, it’s super deep. It’s like
tapping into a detox that will go straight to the heart of your cells and has the
potential to transform your body, mind and spirit. Over time, this has become
a favorite of my students who persevered.
Many of the new healing techniques I’ve developed lately involve
sending symbology through the crown of the head to give yourself an
activation into the system. This would be like becoming your own Reiki
master, so to speak, for this technique. With many of the systems, you would
then go through the symbols a second time to address any specific physical,
mental, emotional or spiritual issues. These symbols are so strong though,
you may find that only one round is needed at any given time. We will talk
about that more as we go along. For now, let’s take a look at the Ogdoad
Chapter Three - Healing Symbols
Next up, let’s take a look at the symbols for the Ogdoad. We will
continue to examine each in pairs and discuss how you will work with the
symbols to do a powerful healing technique.
While working with the healing symbols, it’s important to remember
the fact that ancient Egyptians were not only obsessed with the afterlife and
ascending into the hereafter in a proper manner, they also concentrated on
balancing order and chaos. That’s certainly something we have in common.
All humans desire order and peace.
The Egyptians wanted nothing more than to appease the unsettled
gods, and yet, chaos ensued all around them that they realized they had little
control over. When we work with a divine pairing, the two deities embody
the forces of order and chaos and come together to create much needed
The Ogdoad symbols, as a general rule, will help remove the
unwanted influences all around us and balance the chaos within the energy
field. Because they’re far less personal and energetically go far deeper than
other symbols in this healing series, they are quite powerful and may take a
little while to integrate.

Final Symbols in this System

Once we explore the symbols that represent all of the members of our
Ogdoad, I will share two other symbols we will use for opening and closing
the session – Cosmic Egg and Ra/Re. Earlier in chapter one, I mentioned the
creation myths of Hermopolis. In the first version, Egyptian scribe and god of
wisdom Thoth places a cosmic egg on the primordial mound that hatches to
become the sun. Ra/Re is a familiar symbol we used in Heliopolis to
symbolize the power and lifeforce of the sun.
With most of the other systems I’ve developed, we need to open the
healing session with light to get energy moving. At the end of the session, an
energetic transformation has been created and that must include a symbol to
embody that achievement. Let’s take a look at all of our symbols now.
Keynote: Primordial Water

Any water is emotional and speaks to the energy of creation. We begin the
series with Nun and Naunet because they began creation and their watery
energy will help get unwanted influences moving and ultimately help to
transform them into something of a higher nature.
Keynote: Eternity

Connecting with the eternal energy of Heh and Hauhet is like connecting to
your Source/Creator and reaffirming the eternal aspect of your soul. In
healing, I often see depression emerge in people who are not connected to
Source energy. This pair will help you reestablish your divine birthright and
recognize your own divinity. You are not alone and all is well!
Keynote: Darkness

Kuk and Kauket assist you with bringing up the hidden aspects of the self,
learning to see yourself for who you really are by loving yourself
unconditionally. This duo assists you to integrate all parts of who you really
are into the whole.
Keynote: Air

Amun and Amaunet represent the air or space in between physical things. Air
helps lighten heavier energies and gets things moving. If you have a stuck
feeling, the air will lighten your frequency. You can also ask this invisibility
aspect to move into cells, filling you with light and raising your vibrations to
higher levels.
Cosmic Egg

Keynote: Universal Consciousness

When deciding what symbol to use for opening our healing sessions
with the Ogdoad, there was never any doubt – we had to use the cosmic egg!
This symbol is a favorite of students. It may not look like much at first
glance, but it’s quite powerful and expansive. I hope you enjoy it!
Ra/Re God of the Midday Sun

Keynote: Sun/Life Force/ Vitality

Continuing with the creation myth about Thoth and the cosmic egg,
we open each session with the fully formed egg that becomes the sun by the
end of our sessions. Ra makes a wonderful ending to your healing session.
The sun symbol encircles your energy field in a protective shield of golden
healing light at the conclusion of your session, and that protective glow
remains with you.
Chapter Four - Self-Healing
Before you work on others, you’ll need to work on yourself. As with
many of the other new healing techniques I’ve written about the past few
years, you will work with the Ogdoad symbols twice. The first set will
initiate or activate you into the healing system, and the second round would
be used to address any specific issues you want to work on.
The Ogdoad are quite strong though, so you may or may not need to
do these twice. Follow your guidance. Let’s go through the steps:
1) Say Your Prayer – when I work on myself, by myself, I normally
don’t say this aloud, but I always do spend a moment thinking about
my guides and higher power and calling in love and light to initiate
any healing I’m doing. A great prayer would be: “I’m calling in all
my guides, ascended masters, beings of love and light who wish to
join me today for my healing. May Higher Will be done!”
2) Connect with the Ogdoad by saying: “I ask for only that which is
of my highest good be present today as I work to balance soul and
spirit and connect with the energies of the Ogdoad and the following
gods and goddesses: Nun & Naunet, Heh & Hauhet, Kuk & Kauket,
and Amun & Amaunet.”
3) Envision the Cosmic Egg symbol opening the session by bringing
a strong healing light down through the crown of your head, moving
into your arms, hands, torso, legs and feet. Allow the Cosmic Egg to
illuminate your energy field and prepare you for the Ogdoad.
4) Send the symbols for the Ogdoad in order through the crown of
your head by sending one pair at a time, imagining them side by
side, moving through your body from head to feet: Nun & Naunet,
Heh & Hauhet, Kuk & Kauket and Amun & Amaunet. Take your
time and allow the energies to move through the body. They’re
sometimes quite slow because they’re so strong!
5) End round one by sending the Ra/Re sun symbol down through
the crown of the head, through the body and legs, and out the soles
of your feet. Envision the smaller interior circle moves through the
body, while the larger circle surrounds your body with a golden
healing light. Imagine the sun illuminating your energy field and
raising your vibrational frequencies, completing the activation and
initial healing.
6) Next, if you’re guided, send the symbols again to address any
specific issues. I recommend intending to do them in order as you
did in round one, but if you’re guided, they need to be sent in a
different order, then follow that inner guidance. You may find you
only need to send the Cosmic Egg, or Ra, or you might find that
you’re guided you only need one or two pairs of Ogdoad members
and not all eight. You must open to channel the energy and be
receptive to your own intuition as to what you need at any given
time. During this second round, I personally like to end with the
Ra/Re symbol because of the protective shield of golden light it puts
around your field.
7) End in prayer by saying, “Please allow this healing to continue,
may Higher Will be done!”

As mentioned earlier, the reason to say and intend healing to continue

is because once you set the intention for healing by placing symbols in your
field, they continue to make a positive shift in your energy for a period of
time after you complete the process. Healing work is multidimensional, so
know that you’ve set your positive intentions into motion and that can
continue beyond the present moment.
When sending the Ogdoad symbols either to yourself or others, use your
imagination to see the pair side by side traveling through the crown of the
head as shown above.
Chapter Five - Healing Others
Hopefully at some point, you’ll have the luxury of spending time with
people in person and you’ll have a chance to do a session for someone
without being on a Zoom call or on Skype or FaceTime. You may also have
family members or pets you’d like to practice on. The students I’ve worked
with over the past year have found that our pets are quite receptive to many
of these healing methods. Follow your guidance!
Before sending healing to others, you will want to speak to your
recipient about what they’d like to work on during the session. If you live in
the same household, just ask, but if they’re coming to see you, consider
sending a text or email in advance, or maybe even having a phone
conversation to see if there are any specific things they’d like you to
concentrate on during your time together. Once you find that out, make sure
you prepare your sacred space as mentioned earlier. Ideally, it’s a great idea
to clear your energy field as well by using the symbols on yourself first
before working on them.
Once they’re in your home or office, with this method, they can either
be on a massage table, or sitting upright in a chair since the symbols are sent
through the crown.
Let’s go through the steps:

1. Engage their energy field - place the palms of your hands over
their head.
2. Say Your Prayer – when working with others, use your
judgement about whether or not to say this aloud. Some people
enjoy hearing your prayers, others don’t and would prefer a quiet
setting. Regardless of whether you say it aloud, you’ll still want to
set your intentions for a wonderful session by saying: “I’m calling
in all of John/Mary’s guides, ascended masters, beings of love and
light who wish to join us today for this healing. John/Mary is free
to accept or reject this healing. May Higher Will be done!” We
intend that the person is free to accept or reject the healing because
they may tell you verbally they want healing, yet in reality, they
may not actually want to receive it. Why does that happen? Often
people are not in alignment with what they truly want or what’s for
their highest good or part of their soul plan this lifetime. That’s
why we ask for Highest Good because the healer must always be
aware that we are not in charge of any healing. God/Source/Spirit
is in charge. Light flows through us and is not of us.

2. Connect with the Ogdoad by saying: “I ask for only that which is
of John/Mary’s highest good be present today as I work to balance
soul and spirit and connect with the energies of the Ogdoad and
the following gods and goddesses: Nun & Naunet, Heh & Hauhet,
Kuk & Kauket and Amun & Amaunet.”
3. Envision the Cosmic Egg symbol opening the session by
bringing a strong healing light down through the crown of your
recipient’s head, moving into their arms, hands, torso, legs and
feet. Allow the Cosmic Egg to light up their energy field. Use your
imagination and inner vision to know when the Cosmic Egg has
successfully moved through the body.
4. Send the symbols for the Ogdoad in order through the crown
of their head one pair at a time, imagining them side by side
moving from head to feet: Nun & Naunet, Heh & Hauhet, Kuk &
Kauket and Amun & Amaunet. Take your time and feel the energy
intuitively so you know when to move on.
5. End round one by sending the Ra/Re sun symbol down through
the crown of their head, through their body and legs and out the
soles of their feet. Envision the smaller interior circle moves
through the body, while the larger circle surrounds them with a
protective golden healing light. You’ll feel an expansion of their
field as the light shield moves into place.
6. Send symbols a second time to address any specific issues based
on what they told you they needed to work on. If they have a
specific spot on the body that needs healing, you may send the
symbols straight to that area.
7. End in prayer by saying, “Please allow this healing to continue,
may Higher Will be done!”
Take some time after you finish to ask the recipient for feedback
about what they felt during the session. You can also ask if they would like
to hear about any intuitive flashes you received when you were working on
them. The exchange of this information can be incredibly helpful to both the
recipient and to you. As you start to hear about how powerful you are, you’ll
become more confident in your healing practice.
Chapter Six - Distance Healing
Theoretically, there’s only one difference between in person and
distance healing. Your imagination! I cannot stress enough how important
your imagination is in healing. By imagination, I mean the inner vision that
appears in your mind’s eye that sparks your intuition to guide you in what to
do and how to do it during any healing session. In distance healing, obviously
the person is not sitting right in front of you, so you will need to use your
inner vision to sense they’re there, even when they’re not. In reality, there is
no such thing as separation, so if you close your eyes and set your intent to
connect with someone, they’re there despite the fact you can’t see them
I’ve found at times that a good distance healing can be even better
than being in the same room because there’s nothing between you and the
pure high frequency light that you’re sending to the other person. Neither you
or your recipient have to worry about being late or uncomfortable, or any
other stressors that come up with dealing with people in person. Also, for
those who are super sensitive empaths, you can be more diplomatic during
your session because you won’t be unduly influenced by the energies of the
You do have choices in how you conduct a distance healing. I do all
my sessions by myself, which works best for me. I do know some
practitioners who choose to do them via Zoom with the recipient on the call. I
don’t do the healing sessions that way because I find that can sometimes
cause undue stress. Even for a Zoom call, everybody has to get ready to be
seen on camera, and for some, all of that stress from getting camera ready can
actually distract from the healing itself. You can experiment and see what
works best for you. There’s no right or wrong, just do what makes you feel
best and most supported.
To send distance healing, follow the same steps as before, with a
couple of differences. You’ll still receive guidance from your recipient in
advance about how you can help. You’ll still set up your space by playing
music, lighting candles or incense or whatever you like to do, and you’ll still
clear yourself and sit down at the prearranged time to do the healing. The
main difference is in how you engage your imagination. Let’s go through the
1. Engage their energy field – even though they’re not with you,
you will still place the palms of your hands over their head.
Envision they’re sitting on a chair in front of you and place your
hands over their head and feel the connection.
2. Say Your Prayer – Decide if you want to say your prayer aloud.
The most important point is to set the intention for an amazing
session by either saying or thinking: “I’m calling in all of
John/Mary’s guides, ascended masters, beings of love and light
who wish to join us today for this healing. John/Mary is free to
accept or reject this healing. May Higher Will be done!”
3. Connect with the Ogdoad: “I ask for only that which is of
John/Mary’s highest good be present today as I work to balance
soul and spirit and connect with the energies of the Ogdoad and
the following gods and goddesses: Nun & Naunet, Heh & Hauhet,
Kuk & Kauket and Amun & Amaunet.”
4. Envision the Cosmic Egg symbol opening the session – imagine
healing light flowing down through your recipient’s head, moving
into their arms, hands, torso, legs and feet. Allow the Cosmic Egg
to light up their energy field. Feel the light as it moves through
them and trust that feeling as real. Take your time.
5. Send the Ogdoad symbols in order through the crown of their
head by imagining them side by side moving through their body
from head to feet: Nun & Naunet, Heh & Hauhet, Kuk & Kauket
and Amun & Amaunet. Feel the energy intuitively so you know
when to move to the next pair until all are received.
6. End round one by sending the Ra/Re sun symbol through their
head, body, legs and out the soles of their feet. Envision the
smaller interior circle moves through their body and the larger
circle surrounds them with a protective golden healing light. Feel
that light surround them and expand their field.
7. Send symbols a second time to address any specific issues and
use your imagination and intuition to decide if and when to send
any extra energy.

8. End in prayer: “Please allow this healing to continue, may Higher

Will be done!”
Once your session is over, let the recipient know about any insights or
thoughts you had during the healing. You could either email, text or call to
share your insights and let them tell you what they felt during the healing.
Their feedback is valuable!

Chapter Seven - Group Healing

Group healing is a blast! Whether you’re in person or on a Zoom call
like I’ve been most of this year, either way, this is a perfect opportunity for
you to learn more about your own healing capabilities and give and receive
feedback in the process.

In Person Group Healing

If you’re meeting in person, I recommend up to five people per group.
One by one, each member will sit in a chair while everybody surrounds them.
Each group member will take turns starting the healing and being in charge
by asking the recipient what they’d like to work on, or what areas need
healing. The person in charge will say the prayers aloud and lead the
discussion. Then you’ll switch recipients and group leaders until everybody
has a chance to experience giving, receiving and leading the group. In group
sessions, it’s always great when the recipient asks and intends that Highest
Good be done because that way, different insights can emerge that may be
well beyond what the recipient originally expected. Also, this intention saves
time so people are not getting into lengthy stories. I’m also a big believer in
the fact that the universe is still going to give you what you need, rather than
what you want and you will definitely receive whatever’s for your highest

Virtual Group Healing

Since I developed this coursework during the pandemic of 2020, most
of the time I’ve been doing the group healing sessions on Zoom, which has
been a ton of fun. In the Zoom environment, we follow the same steps.
Thanks to the breakout rooms, we divide groups up by five or six people, just
like we would do if we were meeting in person. Focusing on one recipient at
a time, we send energy to them while one group member says the prayers and
leads us. We go around the room until everyone has their turn. As you can
see, the steps are just about the same with a few minor changes. Let’s review
those steps again now.
1. Engage the recipient’s energy field – whether the recipient is
with you in a physical room or not, you will place your palms out
facing them and engage their energy field. If you’re meeting in
person, you won’t be able to stand right over them because you’ll
be in a circle, so your intention to connect is what matters.
2. Say your prayer – The team member in charge should say your
prayer aloud for the whole group to hear: “We’re calling in all of
John/Mary’s guides, ascended masters, beings of love and light
who wish to join us today for this healing. John/Mary is free to
accept or reject this healing. May Higher Will be done!”
Remember that each group member will have a chance to say the
3. Connect with the Ogdoad – At times, our groups do this step and
sometimes we do not. Again, intention is key, and the unspoken
intention is to connect with this grouping. If you choose, the team
member in charge can continue the prayer by saying: “We ask for
only that which is of John/Mary’s highest good be present today as
we work to balance soul and spirit and connect with the energies
of the Ogdoad and the following gods and goddesses: Nun &
Naunet, Heh & Hauhet, Kuk & Kauket and Amun & Amaunet.”
4. Envision the Cosmic Egg and all other symbols moving in
order through their head each group member can send the
Cosmic Egg and the Ogdoad, Nun & Naunet, Heh & Hauhet, Kuk
& Kauket and Amun & Amaunet and end round one by sending
the Ra/Re sun symbol through the crown of their head, through
their body and legs and out the soles of their feet. Send symbols a
second time to address any specific issues only if guided.
5. Follow Your Intuition! Although I’d love you to do your best to
follow the typical steps when sending energy in a group healing, at
times, because everyone is sending the symbols all at once, you
may not be guided to send all of them. I’ve had plenty of times
using this system when I was only guided to stand there during the
whole healing and send the Cosmic Egg or Ra/Re symbol. Other
times, I’ve only sent a few of the many symbols to the recipient.
When that happens, follow your inner guidance! They may not
need all of the symbols. Always follow your intuition above all
else! Trust yourself!
6. End in prayer: Once the recipient receives all they need, there’s a
collective shift that occurs and most healers will end at about the
same time by bringing hands to prayer. Once that happens, the
person in charge can end by saying, “Please allow this healing to
continue, may Higher Will be done!”
7. Exchange Feedback: Let the recipients describe what they saw
and felt and go around the group and allow each person to share
any insights about the healing or any messages received.

Group healing is an amazing tool for building your self-confidence

and helping you to have the experience of the healing working in your life.
That last step of giving feedback is incredibly important because it helps
validate your experience! When the recipient tells everyone about what they
felt, the other thing that happens is many group members may have received
similar insights during the session and by validating those verbally, it helps
Chapter Eight - Global Healing
Global healing is much needed and can be done alone or with a group.
I’m a huge fan of spending a couple minutes a day to send light to our planet
and fellow beings. Here are a few suggested steps of how to do this using the
Ogdoad of Hermopolis.

1. Engage the energy field of planet earth – Imagine holding

the world in the palm of your hand and envision healing can
encompass all beings, people, animals, etc. without being too
2. Say your prayer – Either aloud or to yourself, you can say,
“I’m calling in all of my guides, ascended masters, beings of
love and light who wish to join me today for this healing for
all beings, people, animals, plants, countries, governments.
All are free to accept or reject this healing. May Higher Will
be done!” At any given moment, so many need light around
the world, it’s best not to allow our preconceived notions to
get in the way of sending healing to whoever needs it the
3. Connect with the Ogdoad: To continue your prayer of
intent, you can say or think to yourself: “I ask for only that
which is of love and light be present today as I work to
balance the energies around our planet with the Ogdoad and
the following gods and goddesses: Nun & Naunet, Heh &
Hauhet, Kuk & Kauket and Amun & Amaunet.”
4. Send the Cosmic Egg and symbols for the Ogdoad in
order through the crown of their head and end with
Ra/Re sun symbol. I like to send all my symbols quickly and
then allow energy to flow from my hands to the imaginary
planet I’m holding in my hand. The energy gets incredibly
strong at times, so sit patiently and feel the flow. Allow the
healing to go on for as long as you can spare the time to do
so. In reality, we could sit and send light around the clock and
it wouldn’t be enough!
5. End in prayer: At some point, when you’re ready, end the
healing with, “Please allow this healing to continue, may
Higher Will be done!”
No doubt we need as much healing as any of us can send, and so it’s
definitely a great idea to intend that our healing can continue on beyond the
time we’re sending it. If we could all take a couple minutes a day to send
light to our planet, what a difference we can make!
Chapter Nine - Sagittal Plane Healing
Another fun way to work with the Ogdoad of Hermopolis is by
working along what is called the Sagittal Plane. During our time together and
throughout this whole book, we’ve concentrated on sending symbols through
the crown of the head to the feet. Since these deities come in pairs, they’re
well suited to move through the sides of the body and meet in the middle to
create a profound sense of balance.
All people have both masculine and feminine energies within them.
The feminine side is on your left and the male is on your right. With that in
mind, to do sagittal healing, follow these steps:
1) Envision males on one side, females on the other. I don’t want to
say which side you should envision the Ogdoad because I’ve seen
this work differently depending on the recipient. Follow your
intuition and allow them to show up however they do for highest
2) Send the Ogdoad in pairs: Nun & Naunet, Heh & Hauhet, Kuk &
Kauket and Amun & Amaunet. Envision each pair in your mind and
if, for example, you see Nun or his symbol on your right, then
imagine Naunet on your left. Allow them to move through the sides
of the body and meet in the middle. Take your time and allow them
to move and balance the body. Some may meet, others may merge,
while some might spin around. Use your imagination and intuition!
3) Intend that balance is the ending result. Imagine they’re bringing
stability to you, smoothing out all the elements within the body.
The exercise is not a formal healing, but it is quite effective for
bringing that much needed balance into the energy field. Above all,
experiment and have fun!
To heal along the Sagittal Plane, envision the pairs moving through the
sides of your body, rather than through the top of your head. Don’t get
too concerned about which side each member of the pair goes through.
Follow your intuition and allow the Ogdoad to bring balance to body,
mind & spirit.
I’ve long believed that we’re all grasping in the dark at clues to put
our true selves together. When I first dreamed this series up – literally – after
the idea came to me in a dream, the Ogdoad of Hermopolis stood out among
the important groupings we most needed to explore. The word Ogdoad was
on my mind when I woke one morning and stuck with me until I began
digging in to the material. I now believe that has to do with the idea of
integrating the shadow and finding deeper peace in life. The experience of
connecting with the Ogdoad is one I feel will benefit me for years to come
and I hope you will find the same.
Through my research, I realized that although I didn’t pay much
attention at the time, I actually encountered the Ogdoad firsthand in my
current life during my trip to Egypt in 2000 when I voyaged down to Aswan
and visited the famous Temple of Philae featuring famous carvings on the
walls of the Ogdoad.
I mentioned at the beginning of the book that I am absolutely
convinced that people will find their former lives by reading the books in this
series. So….do tell! What happened with you when you met the Ogdoad?
Did the energies of the primordial elements ring a bell for you? If so,
wonderful! And if not, that’s okay too. I hope you found the material sparked
your interest in self-discovery about your ancient past and that, as with all
things in our lives, this material found you at just the right moment on your
Wishing you joy, peace and happiness on your path now and always!
Bard, Kathryn. An introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. , West Sussex, UK, 2015.
Budge, E.A. Wallis. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani in
the British Museum, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, NY, 1967.
Budge, E.A. Wallis. The Gods of the Egyptians: Studies in Egyptian
Mythology Volume 1, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, NY, 1969.
Budge, E.A. Wallis. The Gods of the Egyptians: Studies in Egyptian
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Collier, Mark and Bill Manley. How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Step-
By-Step Guide to Teach Yourself, Revised Edition, University of
California Press, Ltd., London, England, 2003.
Goodenough, Simon. Egyptian Mythology. New Line Books, New York, NY,
Mercer, Samuel A.B. The Pyramid Texts. Longmans, Green & Co., Inc., New
York, NY, 1952.
Pinch, Geraldine. Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and
Traditions of Ancient Egypt, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.
Redford, Donald B. The Ancient Gods Speak: A Guide to Egyptian Religion.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 2002.
Watterson, Barbara. The Gods of Ancient Egypt. Sutton Publishing,
Gloucestershire, U.K., 1999.
Wilkinson, Richard H. The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt:
Illustrated Edition, Thames & Hudson, London, U.K., 2017.
For two decades, Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD (Dallas, TX) has worked
with thousands of people around the world helping them achieve greater
peace and happiness in their lives. She developed several cutting edge
healing modalities including Edgar Cayce’s Egyptian Energy Healing,
Pythagorean Healing and Holographic Mapping, among others.
A world-renowned past-life regressionist, Dr. Shelley's method of
combining energy work with hypnosis has been endorsed by numerous
leaders in the field of consciousness. She received her Doctorate in
Philosophy Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic
Theology in 2001.

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healing techniques here:
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