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CHECKLIST: Written Accounts of your Lesson


Things that worked well: _______________________________________________

Things that didn’t work so well: _______________________________________________

Unexpected problems: _______________________________________________

Things to do differently next time:_______________________________________________


Key points that the students learned in the lesson: ___________________________________

Vocabulary/Grammar errors they made: ___________________________________

The way(s) I dealt with those errors: ___________________________________

Words/Grammar points they still need to practice: __________________________________

Conversation Format

1. You give your account of the lesson, focusing on what worked well, what didn’t work so
well, and what you might do differently next time.

2. If you have asked your mentor teacher/supervisor to focus on specific aspects of the lesson,
you can both discuss the information that was collected and its implications.

3. Your mentor teacher/supervisor responds to your account of the lesson and adds his/her
own observations and gives feedback.

4. Any problem areas of the lesson are discussed and strategies for addressing them are

5. A goal is set for the next observation.


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