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Name : Amel Daniela Anggriani

NPM : 120820210503
Link :

In my opinion China is one of the most important country for Indonesia economy, especially
during a Covid-19. I am agree with Bapak Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia, with limitations in
bilateral relation between China and Indonesia make decreased economic from every sector
mainly in import, export, tourism, and investment. The example from the impact of
limitations when China economic growth decreased by 1% so that make Indonesia economic
growth decreased too around 0,3%.

The negative impact for Indonesia :

1. Loss or limited support resources and raw materials,
2. There is a shortage of goods, because theres no supply from China,
3. Differences price and quality of raw materials from other manufacturers,
4. The market price will be higher.

Possible solutions:
1. Domestic production must be developed to meet consumer demand in Indonesia,
2. Balancing export shipments to other countries so that needs are met,
3. Making a change or a new movement that can compete with the quality of production
in other countries.

With the scarcity of goods will increase the selling price, when the market price is high
consumer demand will decrease until there is a balance between the quantity demanded and
the selling price. After that happens, the Indonesian economy will stabilize again.

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