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Muhammad Ayaan Zahid

Topic of debate: Kids are smarter than grown ups

Respected Jury, Honourable guests and all my fellow students,
A very good morning to you all.
I, Muhammad Ayaan Zahid, take this opportunity to present my views in favour of
“Kids are smarter than grown-ups”
Respected audience, there is no doubt that kids are smarter than the adults.
As Walt Streightiff said
“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child, there are seven million.”
Listeners, you would agree with me that you neither can arrest a child nor can escape from
him if he is asking something.
Listeners, Kids minds are fresh and not cluttered like adults. So they think quickly and
Whilst the adult is still trying to figure out what to do, the child already knows what to do.
Yes, kids are smarter because they live in the moment and they are truthful about what
they think.
Respected jury,
I can prove that kids are smarter than grown-ups.
All of you will agree with me that all kids present here can decide best how to dress up
when it’s time to impress others and how to convince our mothers when our hearts wan
At the end, I would just say
“Little children are treasure
Their worth you cannot measure”
Thank you
Have a nice day.
Muhammad Ayaan Zahid
Topic of debate: Kids are smarter than grown ups
Respected Jury, Honourable guests and all my fellow students,
A very good morning to you all.
I, Muhammad Ayaan Zahid, take this opportunity to present my views in favour of
“Kids are smarter than grown-ups”
Respected audience, there is no doubt that kids are smarter than the adults.
As Walt Streightiff said
“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child, there are seven million.”
Listeners, you would agree with me that you neither can arrest a child nor can escape from
him if he is asking something.
Listeners, Kids minds are fresh and not cluttered like adults. So they think quickly and
Whilst the adult is still trying to figure out what to do, the child already knows what to do.
Yes, kids are smarter because they live in the moment and they are truthful about what they
Respected jury,
I can prove that kids are smarter than grown-ups.
All of you will agree with me that all kids present here can decide best how to dress up
when it’s time to impress others and how to convince our mothers when our hearts wan
At the end, I would just say
“Little children are treasure
Their worth you cannot measure”
Thank you
Have a nice day.
On the pro side:
Kids today have access to a wealth of information and resources that previous generations
did not, including the internet, smartphones, and educational apps and games. As a result,
they may be better equipped to learn and absorb new information quickly.
Kids are also more open-minded and receptive to new ideas, which can make them more
receptive to learning and more adaptable to change. This can give them an advantage in a
world that is constantly evolving and changing.
Kids are also more resilient and able to bounce back from setbacks and failures than grown-
ups, who may be more set in their ways and less willing to take risks. This can allow them to
learn and grow more quickly, and to develop skills and abilities that may not be as easily
attainable by grown-ups.
Kids are often more curious and inquisitive than grown-ups, and may be more motivated to
seek out new information and experiences. This can help them learn and grow more quickly,
and to develop a wide range of skills and abilities.
Kids are often more open to trying new things and taking risks, which can help them learn
and grow more quickly. Grown-ups, on the other hand, may be more set in their ways and
less willing to take risks, which can limit their learning and growth.
Kids may be more adaptable and resilient than grown-ups, which can help them learn and
grow more quickly. They may be more able to bounce back from setbacks and failures, and
to learn from their mistakes.
Kids are often more imaginative and creative than grown-ups, and may be more open to
new ideas and approaches. This can help them find innovative solutions to problems and
challenges, and to learn and grow more quickly.
Kids are often more energetic and enthusiastic than grown-ups, which can help them learn
and grow more quickly. They may be more motivated to seek out new experiences and
challenges, and to work hard to achieve their goals.
There are a few strategies you can try to help improve your enunciation and overcome any
issues with intonations:

Practice speaking slowly and clearly: Make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly,
and enunciate each word carefully. This can help you develop better enunciation skills and
improve your overall speaking ability.

Focus on your breathing: Good breathing technique can help improve your enunciation and
help you speak more clearly. Practice taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly, and try to
keep your breath under control as you speak.

Use tongue twisters: Tongue twisters are phrases or sentences that are designed to be
difficult to say quickly and clearly. Practice saying tongue twisters out loud to help improve
your enunciation and speaking skills.

Record yourself: Record yourself speaking and listen back to the recording. This can help
you identify any areas where you need to work on your enunciation, and give you a chance
to practice and improve.

Seek feedback: Ask a trusted friend or family member to listen to you speak and give you
feedback on your enunciation. You can also consider working with a speech therapist or
language coach, who can provide guidance and help you overcome any intonations issues
you may be experiencing.

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