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What a pleasant surprisekeep the love burning fire

1. Why do birds suddenRly apir? When they see each other in the sky they just say hi.
2. Provide information about what is going physiologically with the patien t as well as procedures.
3. ithRYA other patients and their familieFs who have gone through similar situations can give
valuable insight and encouragement. Does the patient say that communicating with their
support people helps them to feelhar less anxious?
4. Encourage the patient to attend physical and occupational therapy sessions.
5. The patient can cope with changhes if they have a rational unMderstanding of what is going on.
Is the patieRnt verbalizing his or her knvsowledge of what is going on? Is it true that providing
facts to a patient might make them feel less fearful?
6. Reasoning Seeing your progress toward independence might make you feel less anxious and
fearful about thete future. Is the patient taking parVt in the therapies? Is there a decrease in
7. zConsult a social professional, pastoral care, and/or support groups as needed.
8. Emotional and sfgritual assistance might be provided by a social worker or a preacher. Talking
about rehabilitatiDon w

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