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二人旁述:一問一答_禮堂(第三版) 約 1 分鐘 3 秒 5A(15)羅浩銘

人物 語氣 朗讀句子 動作 場景
A: (疑惑地) 咦,這是哪裏,我們今天要到哪 一隻手托 影彩虹梯
一個地方呢? 住腮
B: (胸有成竹) 不用擔心,我們今日會去一個大 自信滿滿 ⬇️
A: (疑問) 究竟有多大啊? 維持動作 ⬇️
B: 去看看就知道啦! ⬇️
A: (驚訝地) 嘩!真的很大啊!上方還掛着一 驚訝的表 禮堂內部,
個大十字架,非常宏偉。 情、感嘆 鏡頭面向十
B: 你仔細看看,(停頓)上面還畫着一 介紹 鏡頭能拍攝
些聖經故事,望下左邊,寫着校 到校訓、校
訓「身心靈兼善」,目的是讓學 徽及十字架
A: 拉長 哪⋯⋯那些座椅呢? 指着座椅 座椅
B: 嗯,你看到禮堂的座椅是讓學生 ⬇️

A: 知道!啊!是了,為什麼地上會 提出疑問 禮堂地下

B: 誇獎 全對!哪你知不知道禮堂還有上 禮堂上層
A: 我知!只要在 3 樓沿樓梯行走便
B: 興奮 對了,我們差不多要要去另一個 A和B都
地方了,再見! 向鏡頭揮 影向 A 和 B

A: Where are we? Where are we going now?
B: Don’t worried. We are going to the big school hall.
A: How big is it?
B: Go inside and you will know that.
A: Wow! It is really big! There is a cross on the top of the hall. It is very big.
B: Look carefully. It has some beautiful pictures of the Bible story on the cross. Look down, it
write the school motto “the body and the heart are beautiful “, it mean we need grow up the
benefits of the students. At the right hand side, it is the sign of the school.
A: How about the ⋯the chairs ?
B: Yes, the chairs around the hall are for the students watching the show or attend some
events, such as the thanks festival.
A: I know! Oh, why there are some lines on the ground? Is it for the students doing sport when
it is too windy or rainy?
B: Correct! Do you know that there have second floor?
A: I know! I know! We can walk the stairs on the third floor to the hall.
B: Ops, we should go to other places now. Goodbye!

二人旁述:一問一答_音樂室(第三版) 約 40 秒 5A(15)羅浩銘
人物 語氣 朗讀句子 動作 場景
A: (好奇地) 咦,為什麼這裏會有一個鋼 邊行邊問 影向鋼琴
B: (表示明 對,這裏有很多  樂器的 拿出三角鈴 影向音樂櫃
白) 呢,就讓我拿一個出來吧。 (叮,叮,叮)

A: (明白及 這是一個三角鈴!真動聽! 看着三角鈴 影向三角鈴

B: 舉例說明 嗯!這裏還有小鼓、單簧管 拿出樂器 影向 B
A: (驚訝地 真多!那麼同學是不是會在 提出疑問
及打斷) 老師帶領下歌唱呢?
B: 是啊!同學會坐在凳、負責 影向椅子,並
帶領唱歌或演奏樂器。 慢慢向右掃
A: (讚嘆地) 真的很吸引,希望能參與這 渴望的樣子
影向 A
B: 很簡單,就讀這間學校。 影向 B
A: Oh! Why there are a piano? Is it a music room?
B: Yes, there has plenty of music instruments. Let me take one out.
A: This is a triangle bell! It’s sound beautiful.
B: Yes! We also have drum, clarinet...more and more.
A: Wow! Will the teachers lead the students sing?
B: Of course. Some students sit on the chairs, lead the students singing, or play the music
A: It is really attractive! I hope I can attend this event.
B: Easy! You learn in this school.

一人旁述_禮堂(第三版)  約 1 分鐘 1 秒 (整個場景基本上是一樣的) 5A(15)羅浩銘



A: Hello everyone! I would like to introduce the hall of Stcps. Where is it ?

Oh! Is it in the first floor?Yes,it is there. Go straight ahead and turn left. We arrive it! Wow! The
hall is very big. At the top,there is a cross. It has some beautiful pictures of the Bible story. Let

us look down, the school motto “the body and the heart are beautiful “, it mean we need grow up

the benefits of the students. At the right hand side, there is a school badge. There is some

equipment in the backstage for performances. Around the hall, there is a lot of chairs for

watching the show, such as the thanks festival, awards ceremony…

Wait! Why there are some lines on the ground? Is it for the students play sports if it is too windy

or rainy. We finish the talking now. Goodbye!

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