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Microsoft Business Profile

Company Name: Microsoft corp

Type of business: Information Technology

Date of creation: 1975 (47 years)

Type of Company: Multinational technology company

Founder(s): Bill Gates and Paul Allen (1975, Albuquerque, New Mexico).

Current CEO: Satya Nadella

Head office address: Apple park, Redmond, Washington, États-Unis, United States

Main products/services: mainly PCs, servers, phones etc.

Number of employees: 221 000 (2022)

Main Markets: Worldwide

Export percentage: China (16.8%), Italy (13.8%), United States (12%), etc.

Annual Revenue: Est. 2020 annual revenue $143,015 million$

Further general information about the company:

Among the 5 biggest companies in the US

the first software company to reach $1 Billion in revenues.


operating systems for personal computers ("PCs"), servers, phones, and other intelligent devices; server
applications for distributed computing environments; productivity applications; business solution
applications; desktop and server management tools; software development tools; video games; and online
advertising. It also design and sell hardware including the Xbox 360 gaming and entertainment console,
Kinect for Xbox 360, Xbox 360 accessories, and Microsoft PC hardware products.

it provide consulting and product and solution support services, and it train and certify computer system
integrators and developers. it also offer cloud-based solutions that provide customers with software,
services and content over the Internet by way of shared computing resources located in centralized data
centers. Cloud revenue is earned primarily from usage fees and advertising.

2) the vision of Microsoft : create innovative technology that is accessible to everyone and that adapts
to each person’s needs.

Mission: help people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential

Microsoft’s competitive advantage is quickly innovation.  Each year, the company invests a large
amount of its revenue into R&D, which has helped it stay ahead. They have gone from creating
an operating system to expanding into gaming, cloud, and consumer electronics. Microsoft has a
very strong relationship with its customers to keep in touch with their demands and invest in
where the market is heading.

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