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Session: 2017 – 2018
Class: IV Maximum Marks: 100
Subject: Bengali Time: 21/2 Hours

১। নীচের অনুচেদটি পচে প্রশ্নগুব঱র উত্তর ল঱খ:
খালরয ধালয কা঱ পু র পু লেলছ। তায ঩াল঱ই যলেলছ বফ঱ার ধান খখত। বতনলে খভাল খালরয
জলর গা ডু বফলে খকফর ভাথা ফায কলয খচাখ ফুলজ আযাভ কযলছ। আয একবিলক যাখার
খছলরযা স্নান কযলছ, ঳াাঁতায কােলছ। একেু এবগলে খগলরই ঳রু ফাাঁল঱য ঳াাঁলকা। ঳াাঁলকায নীলচ
জর কভ। চালী ফউযা ভেরা খছাঁ ড়া কা঩ড় বনলে তীলয ফল঳ কাচলছ আয গল্প কযলছ।
ক) খালরয ধালয কী পু র পু লেলছ ? (1)
খ) ঩াল঱ই বফ঱ার কীল঳য খখত যলেলছ ? (1)
গ) বতনলে খভাল কী কযবছর ? (1)
ঘ) যাখার খছলরযা কী কযবছর ? (1)
ঙ) ঳াাঁলকায নীলচ কী কভ ? (1)
চ) চালী ফউযা কী কযবছর ? (1)
ছ) বফ঩যীত ঱ব্দ খরখ: ঳রু , কভ (2)
জ) ফাকয যচনা কয: জর , ফাাঁ঱ (2)
২। রেনা ল঱খ (লয লকাচনা একটি): (10)
ক) ফইলভরা খ) একটি ঱ীলতয ঳কার
৩। ল ামার লদখা একটি রচের লম঱ার ির্ণ না বদচে িন্ধু চক বেঠি ল঱খ। (5)
লীচ র ছু টিচ িনচভাজন করচ বগচে লকমনভাচি বদনটি কাটাচ঱ া জাবনচে িন্ধু চক
বেঠি ল঱খ।
৪। ব঱ঙ্গ পবরি ণ ন কর: (1×5=5)
ক) ফাি঱া খ) খভাযগ গ) গােক ঘ) ঩াঠক ঙ) ফারক
৫। অিযে পদগুব঱ খুুঁচজ বনচে ল঱খ: (1×5=5)
ক) আবভ িািায ঳লে ফাজালয মাবি।
খ) খ঱াাঁ খ঱াাঁ ঱লব্দ ফাতা঳ ফইলছ।
গ) গযভকালর আভ, জাভ ও বরচু ঩াওো মাে।
ঘ) উ:!কী ঱ীত ঩লড়লছ।
ঙ) খতাভায জনয এই ফইটি এলনবছ ।
৬। সমােণ ক লব্দ ল঱খ (একটি কচর): (1×4=4)
ক) আকা঱ খ) গাছ গ) ঳ূময ঘ) ঈশ্বয
৭। বিোর কা঱ বনর্ণ ে কর: (1×4=4)
ক) ফাফা কার ঳কালর করকাতা মালফন।
খ) তু বভ গতকার গান খগলেবছলর।
গ) খরাকটি খজালয ঴াাঁেলছ।
ঘ) ঳ুবভতা আগাভীকার নাচ কযলফ।

৮। বিপরী ােণ ক লব্দ ল঱খ: (1×5=5)
ক) জে খ) বফশ্রাভ গ) শুকলনা ঘ) কঠিন ঙ) ইিা
৯। বিো঩ি কে প্রকায ও কী কী ? (2)
১০। একটি িাচকয উত্তর দাও: (1×4=4)
ক) বফনা ঩বযশ্রলভ ঩বযলফ঱ খথলক কী কী ঩াওো মাে ?
খ) গাছ ভাটি খথলক কীল঳য ঳া঴ালময খািয ঳ংগ্র঴ কলয ?
গ) ‘কণ্বভুবনয আশ্রভ’ গল্পটি কায খরখা ?
ঘ) ‘চড়ুইবাবত’ গলল্প ঘাল঳য ও঩য খকান ঩াবখ খনলচ ছু লে খফড়াবির ?

১১। অেণ ল঱খ: (1×2=2)

ক) ববো খ) ইবেত
১২। িাকয রেনা কর: (1×2=2)
ক) ঳ংগ্র঴ খ) উৎ঳ফ
১৩। বিপরী লব্দ ল঱খ: (1×2=2)
ক) ঳ুন্দয খ) ঩বযষ্কায
১৪। িাুঁ বদচকর সচঙ্গ ডান বদক লম঱াও: (1×4=4)
ক) ভ঴বলয কলণ্বয কালছ ঋবল কুভালযযা i. আ঩ন ঴ালতয ভুলঠাে ঩ুলয
খ) বফশ্ব জগৎ খিখফ আবভ ii. খফি ঩াঠ কযত
গ) ভাবরনীয জর ফড় iii. রতা-কাঠি কুড়াইো আলন
ঘ) অ঩ু ভ঴া উৎ঳াল঴ শুকনা iv. বিয, আেনায ভত
১৫। ঠিক / ভু঱ বনর্ণ ে কর: (1×4=4)
ক) ‚঩বযশ্রভ‛ গিযাং঱টি ঈশ্বযচন্দ্র বফিযা঳াগয বরলখলছন।
খ) গালছয ভলতা জন্তুলিয গালেও একযকভ ঳ফুজ ঩িাথয আলছ।
গ) ঱কুন্তরায ভালেয নাভ বছর িুগযা।
ঘ) ‚কাভনা‛ কবফতাটি হুভােুন কফীয বরলখলছন।

১৬। প্রশ্নগুব঱র উত্তর দাও: (2×5=10)

ক) ‚খকান বাগযফতীয খছলর ঩থ আলরা কলযলছ ?‛ - গল্পটিয খরখক খক? ‘বাগযফতী’
ফরলত কালক খফাঝালনা ঴লেলছ ?
খ) মাযা ববক্ষা কলয তালিয খরখক কী ফলরলছন ? কালিয প্রবত঩ারন কযা ঩ুত্রবিলগয
অফ঱য কতয ফয-কভয ?
গ) ‘আফজযনা’ ঱ব্দটিয অথয কী ? আফজযনা িূয কযায কথা ফরা ঴লেলছ খকন ?
ঘ) ঱ারুক ও ঩লেয ঩া঩বড় বিলন ও যালত কী যকভ আচযণ কলয ?
ঙ) কাযা ধনীয ফাবড় ততবয কলয ? ধনী কালিয ফলর ?

১৭। নীচের প্রশ্নগুব঱র উত্তর দাও: (3×4=12)

ক) ঱ূনযিান ঩ূযণ কয:
i) নীযফ আকা঱ ______________________কলয ঱ঙ্খবচলরয ডালক।
ii) খরালক ঩বযশ্রভ কবযো ______________________ উ঩াজযন কলয।
iii) খ঴ খভায ____________________ প্রবু ,ভভ বচত্ত ভালঝ।

খ) ঳ুলোযানীয বতনটি ঳ালধয কথা খরখ।
গ) চড়ুইবাবতয খকান বজবন঳ো ঩ানল঳ ঴লেবছর ? খকন ঴লেবছর ? অ঩ু ও িুগযায ঳লে
আয খক চড়ুইবাবত কলযবছর ?
ঘ) ‚গযীফ খভলে ঩াে না আিয, ঳ফায কালছ পযারনা‛ - এই কবফতাটি খক বরলখলছন ?
পযারনা ফরলত এখালন কী খফাঝালনা ঴লেলছ ? খক আিয ঩াে না ?
বিভাগ –ঘ
১৮। একটি িাচকয উত্তর দাও: (1×5=5)
ক) যাভলভা঴ন যােলক যাজা খখতাফ খক বিলেবছলরন ?
খ) আশুলতাললয খতজবিতায জনয খি঱ফা঳ী তাাঁলক কী আখযা বিলেবছলরন ?
গ) প্রীবতরতায জন্ম খকাথাে ঴লেবছর ?
ঘ) ইংরযালেয খকান ঱঴লয যাভলভা঴লনয ভৃতুয ঴লেবছর ?
ঙ) আশুলতাল বফলরত মানবন খকন ?

১৯। যাভলভা঴ন যাে ইংরযালে বগলেবছলরন খকন ? (2)

২০। প্রীবতরতা কখন কীবালফ ঱ব঴লিয ভৃতুয ফযণ কলযন ? (3)


SESSION: 2017 – 2018
Class: IV Maximum Marks: 100
Subject: English Time: 2 ½ Hours
General Instructions:-
This paper consists of 4 sections. All questions are compulsory.
Section A: Reading (10 marks)
Section B: Writing (25 marks)
Section C: Grammar (25 marks)
Section D: Literature (40 marks)

Section A: Reading (10 marks)

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Sant Eknath was born in Paithan. His family was known for its devotion and learning.
Eknath studied hard under the guidance of his teacher Janardan Swami at Deogiri. He was
a very sincere and devoted student. Once Eknath was writing certain accounts for his
teacher. When he counted the figures he noticed a difference of a rupee. He counted it
once again but could not find the mistake. It went on for many hours. It was past midnight
but Eknath kept at the accounts in the light of an oil lamp. When Janardan Swami saw the
light he came to see what was happening. He found Eknath engrossed in his work.
Suddenly, Eknath found the mistake. “Yes I have found it!”, he said joyfully. “What have
you found that makes you so happy, Eknath?”, his teacher asked. Eknath was surprised
and felt shy at the sight of his teacher. He narrated the whole story. His teacher was
extremely pleased and blessed him.
I) Choose the correct answer from the given options:
a) Sant Eknath was born in _______ (1×3=3)
i) Punjab ii) Paithan iii) Peshawar
b) Eknath kept the account till _________
i) midnight ii) next morning iii) noon
c) While counting the figures Eknath noticed a difference of _________
i) one rupee ii) ten rupees iii) five rupees
II) Answer the questions in brief:
a) Who was the teacher of Sant Eknath? (1+2=3)
b) What did the teacher do when he heard the whole story?
III) Write the opposite of the following words:
a) able b) blessed (1/2×2=1)
IV) Complete the following sentences:
a) Eknath’s family was known because of its _____________ (1×2=2)
b) Eknath was surprised and felt shy when he saw ___________
V) Find the word from the passage which means the same as - “ to be absorbed in (1)
Section B: Writing (25 marks)
2. You are Srija/Shreyan. You have won a singing competition in your neighbourhood. Pen (10)
down your feelings in the form of a diary entry.
Enter a page in your diary expressing your feelings before the Annual Examination.

3. Write an application to the Principal of your school seeking a leave for 5 days due to your (10)
aunt’s marriage ceremony.
4. Leave a message for your sister informing her that your mother will return home late due (5)
to an emergency meeting.
Section C: Grammar (25 marks)
5. Fill in the blanks with correct preposition from the brackets: (1×5=5)
a) My mother is fond _________ coffee. (at/of)
b) Divide the chocolate _________ the two boys. (between/among)
c) The dog jumped ________ the fence. (in/over)
d) We will begin our journey ________ 6 o’clock. (at/in)
e) Are you going _________ the market? (to/since)
6. Complete the sentences by adding question tags: (1×5=5)
a) He is a good student,_______________?
b) The dogs haven’t stopped barking, _________________?
c) They were playing in the park, _______________?
d) The teacher teaches nicely, ________________?
e) You will do the work, _______________?
7. Identify the adverbs in following sentences and state their kinds: (1x5=5)
a) I often visit my grandparents.
b) Please wait patiently.
c) We will leave today.
d) Children are playing outside.
e) Dia acted wisely in that situation.
8. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct verb from the brackets: (1×5=5)
a) The earth ___________ round the sun. (revolves/ revolving)
b) He is ___________ a book. (read/reading)
c) I ______ to school everyday. (go/goes)
d) My friends will ___________ next week. (came/come)
e) They have ___________ the project. (complete/completed)
9. Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences: (1×5=5)
a) A beautiful bird sat on the tree.
b) The baby was playing with a doll.
c) The computer is not working.
d) Trees give us many things.
e) The dancer gave a nice performance.
Section D: Literature (40 marks)
10. Choose the correct answer from the given options: (1×5=5)
a) The name of the rich lady’s pet dog was _____
i) Sammy ii) Teddy iii) Tomy
b) The fox hurriedly ate the _________ of the donkey.
i) brain ii) Lungs iii) Kidney
c) The poet of Travel Plans would like to swim in a _________
i) cup ii) glass iii) bucket
d) The third foolish man was looking for his diamond ________
i) bracelet ii) pendant iii) ring
e) Lemuel Gulliver was an English __________
i) sailor ii) soldier iii) trader

11. Write the meaning of the following words: (1×5=5)
a) meadow b) strange c) ignorant d) shabby e) weary
12. Make sentences with the following words: (1×5=5)
a) sprang b) interest c) wish d) rainbow e) travel
13. Identify the following sentences as correct or incorrect and correct the incorrect (1×5=5)
a) Emperor Akbar asked Birbal to find three most foolish men in Agra.
b) The beggar was prince Harry in disguise.
c) Sunil Gavaskar was found sleeping peacefully beside a fisher woman.
d) The poet of Fantasy would sing like the jingle of a cuckoo.
e) A lion, the king of the forest, had a fox as his minister.
14. Answer the following sentences in brief: (2×3=6)
a) What kind of life did the princess lead with the beggar?
b) Why was the second man carrying a bundle of straw on his head while riding a horse?
c) How did the artist make Tomy lick the lady’s portrait?
15. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: (3+3=6)
a) “If I were to be born...”
i) Name the poem.
ii) What does the poet wish to be born as? Why?
b) “If you wish you can help us win this war.”
i) Name the prose piece.
ii) Who is speaking to whom?
iii) Who has attacked whom?
16. Draw a web chart on the character traits of Lemuel Gulliver. (5)
17. Complete the following sentences: (1×3=3)
a) Sunil Gavaskar would never have become a cricketer if Nan Kaka had not noticed ___.
b) According to Birbal the last two most foolish men in Agra are _____.
c) In a fit of anger, the king gave the princess to a beggar ___________.


Session: 2017 – 2018
Class: IV Maximum Marks: 100
Subject: Hindi Time: 2 ½ Hours
सामान्य निर्दे श :
1. इस प्रश्ि-पत्र में चार खंड हैं - क, ख, ग, घ।
2. सभी खंड एवं प्रश्ि अनिवायय हैं।
3. प्रश्िों के सभी उप-भागों के उत्तर क्रमश: एक साथ लिखखए।
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
1. प्रस्तत
ु गदयांश को पढ़कर पछ
ू े गए प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीजिए – (2x5=10)
एक दिन अजीब घटना घटी। जंगल में शिकारियों का एक िल शिकाि खेलने आया।
काफ़ी खोज किने पि भी शिकारियों के हाथ कोई शिकाि न लगा। िोपहि का सिू ज
तपने तथा प्यास लगने के कािण शिकारियों का बिु ा हाल था। वे पानी की तलाि में
इधि-उधि भटकने लगे। एकाएक उन्हें झील दिखाई िी। शिकारियों की जान में जान
आ गई। पानी पीकि उन्हें संतोष हुआ। अब वे थक गए थे। वे पेड़ की घनी छाया
िे खकि रुक गए। वे सोना चाहते थे कक ककसी की आहट पाकि चौकन्ने हो गए। दहिनों
का झुंड पानी पीने आया था। यह आहट उसी झुंड की थी। काला दहिन उनका नेतत्ृ व
कि िहा था।
क) एक दिन जंगल में कौन औि क्यों आया?
ख) शिकारियों का बुिा हाल क्यों था?
ग) शिकारियों की जान में जान क्यों आ गई?
घ) शिकािी चौकन्ने क्यों हो गए?
ङ) दहिनों का झुंड क्या किने आया था तथा उनका नेतत्ृ व कौन कि िहा था?
2. निम्िलिखखत शब्र्दों के वविोम रूप लिखखए – (1x3=3)
क) मीठी ख) कटु ग) वविे ि
3. निम्िलिखखत शब्र्दों में उचचत शब्र्द / शब्र्दांश िोड़कर िए शब्र्द लिखखए – (1x3=3)
क) चचत्र ख) िक
ु ान ग) अन
4. निम्िलिखखत वाक्यों में से संज्ञा छााँटकर लिखखए – (1x3=3)
क) आलू गिम थे। ख) मैं घि जा िहा हूूँ। ग) मोहन ध्यान से पढ़ िहा है ।
5. निम्िलिखखत शब्र्दों के लिंग बर्दिकर लिखखए – (1x3=3)
क) अध्यापक ख) मालककन ग) गाय
6. निम्िलिखखत ववशेष्य शब्र्दों के लिए उचचत ववशेषण लिखखए – (1x3=3)
क) ______ लोमड़ी ख) _____ िोटी ग) _____ बोिी

7. निम्िलिखखत वाक्यों में से क्रक्रया छााँटकर लिखखए – (1x3=3)

क) मामी पैिल जा िही हैं। ख) लड़का कहानी पढ़ िहा है ।

ग) िानी महल में िहती है ।
8. निम्िलिखखत वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त काि का िाम लिखखए – (1x3=3)
क) बच्चे पढ़ना-शलखना सीख चक
ु े थे।
ख) िोपहि बाि पहलवान के ढाबे के बाहि शमलेंगे।
ग) बारिि हो िही है ।
9. निम्िलिखखत वाक्यों के शुद्ध रूप लिखखए – (1x3=3)
क) मेिे को मत मािो। ख) एक फूलों की माला िे िो।
ग) वह लोग आ गए हैं।
10. निम्िलिखखत वाक्यों में उपयुक्त ववराम चचह्ि िगाकर पुिः वाक्य लिखखए - (1x3=3)
क) क्या तुम स्कूल जाओगे ख) स्वातत पढ़ाई-शलखाई में अच्छी थी
ग) क्या तम
ु पढ़ िहे हो
11. निम्िलिखखत मह
ु ावरों का वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए – (1x3=3)
क) घी के िीए जलाना ख) खदटया पकड़ना ग) नौ-िो ग्यािह होना
12. प्रस्तत
ु गदयांश को पढ़कर पछ
ू े गए प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीजिए – (1x5=5)
ब्रज की होली एक-िो दिन नहीं बल्कक कई दिनों तक मनाई जाती है । ब्रज की नंिगाूँव
औि बिसाने की लट्ठमाि होली बहुत प्रशसद्ध है । नंिगाूँव के परुु ष िं ग खेलने के शलए
बिसाने पहुूँचते हैं, जहाूँ मदहलाएूँ लादठयों से उनका स्वागत किती हैं। परु
ु ष िं ग डालने
की कोशिि किते हैं औि माि खाते हैं।
होली का त्योहाि बुिाई पि अच्छाई का भी पवव है । हमें इसे सही तिह से
मनाना चादहए।
क) प्रस्तुत गदयांि ककस पाठ से शलया गया है ?
ख) ब्रज की होली ककतने दिनों तक मनाई जाती है ?
ग) कहाूँ की लट्ठमाि होली पसंि है ?
घ) नंिगाूँव के पुरुष िं ग खेलने के शलए कहाूँ जाते हैं?
ङ) होली का त्योहाि ककसका प्रतीक है ?
13. प्रस्तुत पदयांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीजिए – (1x5=5)
डाल-डाल पि उड़ना गाना
ल्जसने तुम्हें शसखाया है
सबसे मीठे -मीठे बोलो
यह भी तुम्हें बताया है
बहुत भली हो तुमने माूँ की
बात सिा ही है मानी
इसीशलए तो तुम कहलाती
हो सब चचड़ड़यों की िानी।
क) प्रस्तुत पदयांि में ‘तुम्हें ’ िब्ि ककसके शलए आया है ?
ख) उसे चचड़ड़यों की िानी क्यों कहा जाता है ?
ग) उसकी माूँ ने उसे क्या शसखाया है ?
घ) उससे आपको क्या शिक्षा शमलती है ?
ङ) ‘यह भी तुम्हें बताया है ’- इस पंल्क्त में से किया छाूँटकि शलखखए।
14. निम्िलिखखत प्रश्िों के उत्तर 10-15 शब्र्दों में र्दीजिए – (2x6=12)
क) मनु ने जुलाहे के घि तक पहुूँचने का क्या तिीका अपनाया?
ख) लोमड़ी ने हीिक दहिन को अपने साथ चलने के शलए क्यों कहा?
ग) बच्चों ने बारिि में क्या ककया?
घ) स्वातत को पुिस्काि क्यों दिया गया?
ङ) हीिा, मोती औि पन्ना क्या काम किते थे?
च) चचत्रकाि ने नाव पकड़कि क्या ककया?
15. निम्िलिखखत प्रश्िों के उत्तर 20-25 शब्र्दों में र्दीजिए – (3x6=18)
क) लकड़हािा जंगल के अंिि तक क्यों गया?
ख) बसंत के मौसम में क्या-क्या होता है ?
ग) ववषैली गैस का चोिों पि क्या असि हुआ?
घ) होशलका को क्या वििान शमला हुआ था? क्या उसका वह वििान काम आया?
ङ) स्कूल जाने वाले औि काम पि जाने वाले बच्चों में अंति स्पष्ट कील्जए।
च) चचत्रकाि सन
ु सान जंगल में क्यों गया तथा वहाूँ उसके होि क्यों उड़ गए?
16. निम्िलिखखत में से क्रकसी एक ववषय पर 60-80 शब्र्दों में अिच्
ु छे र्द लिखखए – (10)
क) मेिा वप्रय खेल
ख) ववदयाथी जीवन में अनुिासन का महत्त्व
ग) मनोिं जन का एक प्रमुख साधन – ििू ििवन
17. निम्िलिखखत में से कोई एक पत्र लिखखए – (5)
क) आपकी माूँ बीमाि हैं, ल्जनकी िे खभाल किने के शलए आपको अवकाि चादहए।
अवकाि माूँगते हुए प्राचायव / प्राचायाव को आविे न-पत्र शलखखए।
ख) जन्मदिन की बधाई िे ते हुए सहपाठी / सहपादठन को पत्र शलखखए।
18. प्रस्तुत चचत्र के आधार पर मि में उठिे वािे ववचारों को पााँच वाक्यों में व्यक्त (5)

SESSION: 2017 – 2018
Class: IV Maximum Marks: 100
Subject: Mathematics Time: 2 ½ Hours
1. Choose the correct answer from the given options : (1×10=10)

Which of the following fractions is represented by the above figure?

i) ii) iii) iv)
b) The best unit for measuring area is ____________ .
i) degree ii) cube iii) square iv) none of these
c) Which of the following has the greatest volume ?
i) golf ball ii) cricket ball iii) tennis ball iv) foot ball
d) The measure of space a solid occupies is called the _________ of the solid.
i) perimeter ii) area iii) volume iv ) none of these
e) The greatest 6- digit number formed by using the digits 8,4,0,9,6 and 1 only once is ___ .
i) 0,14,689 ii) 1,04,689 iii) 9,86,401 iv) 9,86,410
f) 40 × 30× 100 = ________
i) 120 ii) 1,20,000 iii) 1,200 iv) 12,000
g) 1 kilolitre = _________ litres .
i) 100 ii) 1,000 iii) 10,000 iv) none of these
h) Today is Monday. After 23 days, what day will it be?
i) Tuesday ii) Saturday iii) Wednesday iv) Friday
i) + - = _______ .
i) 1 ii) iii) iv) none of these
j) ___________ is the smallest unit of weight.
i) Milligram ii) Gram iii) Metre iv) Kilogram
2. Do the sums as directed : (2×8=16)
a) Convert 108 l 75 ml into millilitres .
b) Write the numeral using commas between periods: Seven lakh one thousand nineteen.
c) Is the year in which India got Independence a leap year? Give reason for your answer.
d) Convert 49,086 g into kilograms and grams.
e) Draw an angle of measure 750 (using protractor).
f) The side of a square field is 25 m long. Find its area.
g) Change into an equivalent fraction with denominator 42.

h) Complete the pattern: i) 30 , 27 , 24 , 21 , _____ , _____ .

ii) 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , ______ , _______ .
3. Solve the following sums : (3×7=21)
a) Find if the pair of fraction and is equivalent.

b) Find the sum of 14 kg 475 g , 23 kg 283 g and 45 kg 736 g.

c) Write the next 3 equivalent fractions of

d) Length of a rectangular park is 20 m and breadth is 5 m less than the length. Find the area
of the park.
e) Draw a clock and show the time 7 : 20 on it.
f) Find the difference between 46 l 355 ml and 29 l 569 ml .
g) Fill in the blanks :
i) 4 decades = __________ years.
ii) The smallest unit of time is _________.
iii) There are _____ weeks in a year.
4. Work out the following sums : (4×7=28)
a) Find the product: 927 x 345.
b) Find the sum of 6 hrs 55 min and 7 hrs 35 min .
c) Convert into improper fractions : i) 9 ii) 6
d) Raghu had a rectangular corn field of length 16 m and breadth 8 m. If he ploughed an area
of 100 sq. m of the field, how much more area is to be ploughed?
e) Change into mixed numbers : i) ii)
f) Which one has more volume? A cuboid of length 7 cm, breadth 5 cm and height 4 cm or a
cube of edge 6 cm.
g) Complete the number tower :

35 31
18 17 16 15

5. Work out the following word problems by writing proper statements : (5×5=25)
a) A programme on T.V. started at 6:20 p.m. and ended at 10:55 p.m. For how long did the
programme last?
b) A wooden sheet is 17 m long and 9 m broad. It has to be painted on both sides. Find the
cost of painting at ì 40 per square metre.
c) Dick weighs 53 kg 475 g. Dick’s father weighs 18 kg 685 g more than Dick .How much
does Dick’s father weigh?
d) The edge of a cubical tank is 8 m. Half of the tank is filled with water. Find the volume of
the water.
e) There is 25 l 750 ml of cow’s milk in a container. At first 12 l 485 ml of cow’s milk is
removed from the container and then 16 l 875 ml of buffalo’s milk is added to it. What is
the quantity of milk in the container now?


SESSION: 2017 – 2018
Class: IV Maximum Marks: 100
Subject: Science Time: 2 ½ Hours

1. Choose the correct option from the given options below: (1×10=10)
a) How many pointed teeth are present in our mouth?
i) Eight ii) Four iii) Six iv) Twelve
b) Many human activities, like, bathing ___________ water pollution.
i) decrease ii) increase iii) none of these iv) all of these
c) This vitamin is necessary for good eyesight and healthy skin
i) Vitamin B ii) Vitamin E iii) Vitamin D iv) Vitamin A
d) Two major natural sources of water are
i) Rain and Snow ii) Rain and Wells
iii) Snow and Rivers iv) Groundwater and Rivers
e) How frequently should the water in room coolers and flower pots be changed?
i) Every one week ii) Every 3-4 days iii) Every 15 days iv) Every month
f) This disease is spread by mosquitoes
i) Malaria ii) Dengue iii) Chikungunya iv) All of them
g) Which of the following trees possess narrow and needle shaped leaves?
i) Banyan ii) Banana iii) Sal iv) Pine
h) We often keep dried___ leaves in clothes to keep the insects away.
i) neem ii) coriander iii) mint iv) peepal
i) People store water in _______ containers.
i) earthen ii) copper iii) plastic iv) all of these
j) This food is rich in fibre
i) Tomato ii) Egg iii) Whole Grain iv) Fish

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: (1×10=10)

a) A baby is born with _____ teeth.
b) Weeds harm the growth of _____ plants.
c) Insects do not have _____.
d) All nutrients are not available in any _____ food item.
e) More and more trees should be planted to maintain the _____ in nature.
f) The most common method of purifying water is _____.
g) Rain water when just formed, is the _____form of water.

h) Regions, which get heavy rainfall are often ______.
i) We can get _____ from iodised table salt.
j) ______ which are found on rodents like rats, spread bubonic plague.

3. Answer the following in one word: (1×10=10)

a) Substances present in our food, needed by our body to grow and stay healthy -
b) Cutting of trees in the forest -
c) Water which is clean and fit for drinking -
d) Give an example of energy giving food -
e) Water containing impurities -
f) Muscular bag like organ of human digestive system -
g) Plants that grows on land -
h) Collection of rain water for day to day use -
i) Addition of small amount of chlorine in water to purify it -
j) Six sided chambers present in beehive -

4. Write 'True' for correct and 'False' for wrong statements given below: (1×10=10)
a) There are two pairs of salivary glands in our mouth.
b) The leaves of hydrilla are narrow and needle shaped.
c) A sting is located at the back of a stinging insect.
d) We should use 'ladle' to take out drinking water from a container.
e) Orange is a rich source of Vitamin B.
f) Water helps in absorption of nutrients in our body.
g) Water hyacinth plant freely floats on water.
h) There are twelve canines in all in our mouth.
i) Solid waste materials, from power plants pollute river water.
j) Malaria is spread by the bite of Aedes mosquito.

5. Match the following: (1×6= 6)

Side A Side B
a) Nectar i) precious gift of nature.
b) Dirty and stagnant water ii) requires less energy.
c) Old people iii) a part of flower.
d) Water iv) sweet liquid in flowers.
e) Pollen grain v) a painful bite.
f) Sting vi) breeding place of mosquitoes.

6. Differentiate between the following terms: (2×2= 4)
a) Potable water and polluted water.
b) Traditional filter and modern filter.

7. Define the following terms: (2×5=10)

a) Insecticides b) Pollination c) Balanced diet
d) Water conservation e) Evergreen trees

8. Answer the following questions in brief : (2×5= 10)

a) What is lac? Give two uses of it.
b) Why is the mineral iron necessary for our body?
c) State two reasons that are leading to clearing of forests.
d) Name two diseases caused by drinking polluted water.
e) Mention two natural methods to get rid of harmful insects.

9. Answer the following questions in detail: (4×5= 20)

a) i) "Water is essential for our body to function properly"-- Write three important functions
of water in our body.
ii) Write any one importance of roughage present in our food.
b) State any four ways of conserving water in our daily life.
c) How do house flies spread diseases?
d) How is honey collected from a beehive?
e) Write down any four ways to prevent water pollution.

10. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the following:

a) Traditional water filter. 5
b) Any two useful insects. 5


SESSION: 2017 – 2018
Class: IV Maximum Marks: 100
Subject: Social Science Time: 2 ½ Hours

1. Choose the correct option : (1×5=5)

a. India’s national game is _______ .
(i) Cricket (ii) Hockey (iii) Badminton (iv) Football
b. Hand of the compass always points to the _______.
(i) east (ii) west (iii) north (iv) south
c. The Deccan Plateau is _______ in shape.
(i) rectangular (ii) triangular (iii) circular (iv) square
d. ____________ play an important role in rural transportation.
(i) Animals (ii) Mules (iii) Horses (iv) Camels
e. Fax or facsimile is also known as _______.
(i) Teleconferencing (ii) Videoconferencing (iii) E-mail (iv) Telecopying
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words : (1×5=5)
a. ____________ islands are situated in the Bay of Bengal.
b. The telephone was invented by ______________.
c. The camel carts are a common sight on the roads of ______________ in Rajasthan.
d. The Periyar Tiger Reserve is in __________________ .
e. Sports and games help to keep us________________.
3. Match Column A with Column B: (1×5=5)
Column A Column B
a. Ancient activity i. First newspaper published in India
b. Bengal Gazette ii. Rough idea
c. Sketch iii. Pilgrimage tourism
d. Book of maps iv. hunting
e. Vaishno Devi temple v. Atlas
4. State whether the following statements are True or False : (1×5=5)
a. The outdoor sporting activities have a greater mass appeal.
b. The African desert is popularly known as the Thar desert.
c. A dancer communicates his/her feelings through mudras.
d. Transportation by ships is the cheapest means of transport.
e. The highest peak of South India is Nilgiri.
5. Answer the following questions in brief : (2×14=28)
a. How is Navroz celebrated in India?
b. What is a bridge? How is it useful?
c. Name any two traditional games of India.
d. Mention any two factors that help us to decide the selection of the mode of transport.
e. Define the term scale.
f. How do airways score over railways?
g. How are goods transported in the hilly areas?
h. Mention any two ways in which the telephone is better than a letter.
i. Write two advantages of playing games and sports.
j. Name any two hill stations located in the Northern Mountains.

k. Name any two famous places of adventure tourism in India.
l. What is a landmark?
m. Name any two places of tourist interest in Kerala.
n. What is the importance of speed post in our day to day lives?
6. Give short answer to the following questions : (3×7=21)
a. What is the significance of Dusshera?
b. Write any three benefits of indoor games?
c. Describe any three steps of brick making process.
d. Suggest three ways to reduce vehicular pollution in cities.
e. What is a Map? Write two advantages of a Map.
f. Which type of tourism do you like the most? Give two reasons.
g. State three main features of the Northern Mountains.
7. Answer the following questions: (4×6=24)
a. What do you understand by the language of a map? Why is it important to use same map
symbols all over the world?
b. Write four steps to improve tourism in India.
c. State the different ways through which the electronic media has influenced our lives?
d. Write two main features of each of the following –
i) Northern Plains ii) Coastal Plains
e. What steps are taken to reduce traffic jams in cities? Suggest any four ways.
f. Describe the Lakshadweep Islands.
8. Locate and label the following places in the political map of India : (1×7=7)
a. Kerala
b. Nepal
c. Himachal Pradesh
d. The city where the first post office was opened
e. Thar desert in India
f. Uttarakhand
g. Hilly region of Assam


Name: _______________________________ Section: _____ Roll No.:_____ Signature of Invigilator_____

Q. No. – 8


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