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Python Practical Program

1. Write a python Program to print the multiplication table for the given number.
2. Write a python program to check whether the given number is prime or not.
3. Write a python Program to find factorial of the given number.
4. Write a python program to implement simple chatbot.
5. Write a python program to implement list operations.
6. Write a python program to generate Calendar for the given month and year.
7. Write a python program to remove punctuations from the given string.
8. Write a python program to calculate mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation.
9. Write a python program to create an empty and full NumPy Array.
10. Write a python program to import data from a CSV file into a pandas program.
11. Write a program to read and display original images using openCV cv2 library.
12. Write a program to crop the image using OpenCV cv2 library.
13. Write the program to upload your own picture and put a black box on face and the hands.
14. Create array using NumPy Package:
• Create a 4X2 array with random integer.
• Create 3X3 array with all zeros.
15. Write a program to input two numbers and swap both the numbers without using the third

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