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Técnicas De Estudio Para El Éxito Universitario

To begin with, you need to know that you understand yourself by success. Normally,
success, in any respect, is considered to be the fulfillment of the goals proposed by oneself.
Success can be achieved in different areas; can be school or work, among other types. In
addition, it is important to know that it must be oneself who decides the goal you want to
reach. If we allow third parties, such as our family members or close friends, to determine that
we must comply, we will end up under pressure for something that we don't really look for, so
we'll end up failing and for the same reason, we'll be frustrated and angry. On the other hand,
among the most common goals is success at the school level, especially in the university age.
Since this era is considerably more complicated than others, there are several study techniques
that will allow us to succeed university

So¿what do you need to consider to succeed in college? You have to give him the
seriousness that the situation deserves. Perhaps the time before deciding the race will be quite
stressful, because this will determine our future, so it is necessary to have a vocation. Since
this will increase the chances of success. If you really like matter you won't have trouble
concentrating and you'll feel more comfortable, because you will have more freedom and
acquire new skills that will serve in your future work. The university age is a unique stage in
life, because you come to learn new things, often marking a before and after in any young
man's life. To achieve real success you don't need to know our skills, tastes and that we want
to learn, so the student will be less likely to leave some semester

For this, there are several study techniques that will help us achieve success in our
university studies. Among the most common is to underline what we consider important. It is
recommended to use bold colors to make it easier to concentrate. Second, it rewrites the study
material using words with which we are familiar, remembering all the key data. This is
followed by conceptual maps, which helps organize our ideas, and study sheets, on which
specific data is written. In addition, in matters related to exact sciences, conducting exercises
and case studies will help assimilate matter. On the other hand, for matters more related to
memory, perform tests or mnemonic rules. In the first you will evaluate yourself to know in
which areas you should practice, while the second will associate the concepts to be learned
with concepts that are known to you.
In conclusion, we can say that university success depends on our vocation and desire to
learn. However, there are many study techniques that we can use to achieve success in our
studies. It is necessary to develop a timetable, so that we can concentrate better. If we create
short-term goals, and make sure we meet them, it will be easier for us to achieve goals that
require more effort. On the other hand, you can also lean on images or study in groups with
your peers. The point is to acquire knowledge and skills that will help you in the future


Idat. (sf), 12 técnicas de estudio para potenciar tu aprendizaje, Recuperado de

Univercia, (8 febrero 2019), ¿Qué factores influyen en el éxito universitario?, Recuperado de

Significados, (10 de febrero 2015), Significado de Éxito, Recuperado de

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