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Personal statement

In 2014 me and my partner set up a flower business in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.First years we tried

to manage the finance and accounting of the company by ourselves, but later on we hired a

professional who did this job perfectly and our business from a little flower shop started expanding

and finally in few years turned to the second biggest online flower business in Kuala Lumpur.And I’ve

promised myself to earn a finance and banking degree and to study this field as deep as possible,

because all these years we have been working with many banks and financial organizations to

strengthen our business.

I’ve a solid background in business which includes financial management, marketing management,

business development, project management and etc. At the same time I’ve a bachelor degree in

Management and I studied many financial and business subjects back in university. I think all this

knowledge will be of great help when I’ll study at this program in your respected university. I’m good at

math and analytical thinking which to my view will additionally

make the learning process easier.

Through all these years our company have been facing many challenges, but at the same time we

have learnt a lot about the real life business processes. And one thing which is for sure is that if the

company manages well the finances and builds up good relationships with the banking industry, it will

solve many issues much easier. It was that time when I started thinking about applying for master

program in the UK.

I have chosen the master program at your university due to its high quality facilities, outstanding

faculty, as well as emphasis on the comprehensive learning environment.

The UK degree is certainly a great asset. It will certainly help me to gain new knowledge about

business mechanisms and innovations and will strengthen my knowledge of finance and banking

which are very important for my business expansion and development in the years to come.

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