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Reliability, Resiliency, and Vulnerability Criteria For Water Resource System

Performance Evaluation

Article  in  Water Resources Research · February 1982

DOI: 10.1029/WR018i001p00014


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3 authors, including:

Jery Stedinger Pete Loucks

Cornell University Cornell University


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Reliability, Resiliency, and Vulnerability Criteria

For Water Resource system
Performance Evaluation

Iniert~orionu/Institlrte .for Applied Systcpt~rsAnc~lysis,L(l.renhrrrg. Austria

Srlrool of Cilli/ atrd Environmenrnl Et~gitteering. Corr~rll Universiry, Irlractr, Nrrv York 14M3

Three criteria for evaluating the possible performance of water resource systems are discussed.
These measures describe how likely a system is to fail (reliability),how quickly it recovers from failure
(resiliency),and how severe the consequences of failure may be (vulnerability).These criteria can be
used to assist in the evaluation an& sclsction of ;dternative design and operating policies for a wide
variety of water reso~irceproi.-xt.g. 'lhe pcrfmnancc of a watcr supply reservoir with a v:lriety of
operating policies illustrates lheir u:c.

INTRODUCTION public decision-making process [Lo~tckset al., 1981, pp.

The ability of existing and proposed water resource sys- 137-1381. Slarr and Whipple [I9801discuss the differences in
terns t o operate satisfactorily the wide range of risk preferences exhibited by society and by individuals.
possible future demands and hydrologic conditions is an The multiobjective multiple-decision-maker character of
important system characteristic. The likely performance of public decisions is widely recognized, and multiobjective
water resource systems is often described by the mean and planning algorithms have been developed [Cohort, 19781.
variance of benefits, pollutant concentrations, or some oper- The value of a multiobjective framework in water resources
sting variable. This paper develops additional performance planning is that the benefit and disbenefit bundle associated
criteria that capture particular aspects of possible system with alternative projects and proposals can be better identi-
perfomance are especially important during periods fied. AS a result, the public as well as different participating
of drought, peak demands, or extreme weather. The pro- public agencies and interest groups can better evaluate
pro~osedprojects using their own unarticulated objectives.
posed criteria are called reliability, resiliency, and vulnera-
bility. These measures should be useful in the Advocated here is the inclusion of special risk-related
selection of water resource system capacities, configura- system performance criteria within the multiobjective analy-
tions, operating policies, and targets. sis of alternatives. By adding these performance measures to
Bayesian methods are one natural and rigorous way of those already used to describe the expected costs and
dealing with the which arises in many planning benefits of projects, individuals and groups should be better
studies. Davis et al. [I9721 and Benjamin and Cornell [I9701 able to understand how a project might perform in the
review the basic methodology. when ~~~~~i~~analysis is uncertain future. If they better understand how water re-
combined with multiattribute utility theory [Keeney and source Systems may operate and how unpleasant any ~ e r i o d s
Ra;ffa, 19761, the analysis can incorporate the variability inof unsatisfactory performance may be, individuals will be
system performance and uncertainty in planning parameters prepared makebetter
with a single decision maker's attitudes toward risk. Exam- Of interest are system performance criteria which are
of the use of multiattribute utility theory in water suitable for characterizing the stochastic and dynamic per-
resources planning are given by Keeney and Wood [1977], formance of such water resource systems as wastewater
Goicoechea el al. [I9791 and Krzysztofowicz and Duckstein treatment plants, multireservoir water supply systems, or
[19791. flood-flow forecasting and control systems. Some recent
Unfortunately, there are several drawbacks to this meth- work on the properties of ecological systems is relevant to
odology. In particular the method requires the development this problem.
of autility function which incorporates adecision maker's or Holling [I9731 used the concept of resilience to describe
society's tradeoffs between competing system attributes and the ability of a dynamic multispecies ecological system to
also their attitudes toward risk. N~~ only is such a function persist with the same basic structure when subjected to
very difficult to construct for a single identified 'decision Stress. Resilience is to be contrasted with stability, which
maker,v but such a function will probably not thepertains to the variability of species densities over time.
priorities of all groups having significant influence on the Holling points out that some systems may appear to be
unstable because population densities vary over wide
ranges. However, such systems may be very resilient, for
I Now with the InternationalD~~~~~~~~~~center of Japan, they can persist after severe shocks or during periods of
Tokyo, Japan. stress because of their capacity to accommodate variability
in individual ipecies densities. Very stable systems may not
Copyright O 1982 by the American Geophysical Union. be able to cope with large variations in population densities.
Paper number 1W1562. 14
They may disintegrate ifthey suffer large losses due to fire or Mere
disease, the introduction of a new pollutant, or a radically
new management strategy. I
Later work has extended this idea to environmentall
ecosystem management [Fiering and Holling, 1974; Holling, Mean
19781. These authors question the wisdom of management level
strategies which force natural systems to be highly stable.
Enforcing stability may result in changes in the structure of Failure threshold
managed systems which could greatly reduce their resil- X
ience. For example, enhancement of salmon spawning
should lead to more productive fisheries and, as a result, acceptable Time
greater fishing pressure. However, this greater pressure is
very likely to cause the less productive stocks to become Fig. I . Variable system performance with infrequent failures.
extinct or nearly so. This would leave the fishing ecosystem
precariously dependent on a few artificially enhanced spe- Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the inability of the mean and
cies [Larkin, 19791. variance by themselves to define how severe and how
Several individuals have applied similar ideas to water and frequent periods of poor performance may be. The figures
land related resource systems management. Haimes and contain a time history of the performance of two possible *

Ka!l [I9771 introduce several :riteric for describing the systems. The mean and variance ofthe performance parame-
characteristics of system m;degs and plazning situatioss. ter is the same in both cases over the time period shown. In
Fiering [1976, 19771 has developed measures of 1.esilience fact, the curves are mirror images across their mean level.
which can be useful in water resource planning. Hashimoto However, the performance history in Figure 1 displays two
[19Z3n,b] and Hashimoto et al., [this issue] have advanced periods where performance clearly fell below the perform-
the idea of system robustness, in which robustness describes ance standard. This is never the case for the performance
the possible deviation between the actual costs of a proposed history in Figure 2.
project and those of the least cost project design. When summarizing the values of performance parameters
by their mean and variance, it is also difficult to determine if
an improvement in the mean accompanied by an increase in
In many studies the operational status of a water resource the variance is an overall improvement. Theory addressing
system can be described as either satisfactory or unsatisfac- the relative tradeoff between the mean and variance of risky
tory. The occurrence of unsatisfactory performance will be investments is well developed for small risks [Pratt, 19641.
described in this paper as a failure. A failure could corre- However, if performance is highly variable or if the conse-
spond to the actual structural failure of a dam from a quences of poor performance are severe, then it is appropri-
catastrophic flood event or an earthquake [Mark and Stuart- ate and desirable to employ risk descriptors which (unlike
Alexander, 19771. The modes of failure of concern here are the mean and variance of a parameter) describe in clear and
less severe and more common. A failure may be a 50-year or meaningful terms what the character of failures might be.
200-year flood event which may cause extensive but not Our analysis of system performance focuses on system
catastrophic flooding, moderate and severe droughts which failure, defined as any output value in violation of a perform-
make it impossible for reservoir systems to meet contractual ance threshold (such as a performance standard or a contrac-
obligations, or unexpected peaks in demand which tax water tual obligation). System performance can be described from
supply and wastewater treatment systems. three different viewpoints: (I) how often the system fails
A number of indicators can be used to describe the (reliability), (2) how quickly the system returns to a satisfac-
possible performance of water resource systems. Simple and tory state once a failure has occurred (resiliency), and (3)
frequently used measures of system performance are the how significant the likely consequences of failure may be
mean and variance of system outputs a d performance (vulnerability). Descriptive as well as mathematical defini-
indices. While the mean and variance of such quantities as tions of these criteria follow.
project net benefits or DO concentrations in rivers are useful The definitions of these criteria are formulated assuming
statistics, they are often not sufficient. In particular, the that the performance of the water resource system in ques-
mean and variance describe the average level and average
squared deviation from the mean of the parameters in More
question. These statistics provide a very vague description occeptobie
of just how poorly a system might behave in the infrequent
situation when a failure does occur. The DO concentration in
a river or the BOD removal rate in a wastewater treatment Mean
plant may be satisfactory 360 days a year. However, our perforrnoncr
primary concern may be the 5 days when things go wrong O
and aquatic communities might be seriously degraded (at
least temporarily). For example, our attention should not be Failure threshold

focused exclusively on the 10-year, 7-day low flow as things

can be worse in critical parts of the river with the minimum
l-year, 7-day low flow due to the increased flow rates

- Time

(Loucks et al. [1981], pp. 527-528, provide an example). Fig. 2. Variable system peformance without failures.
,ion can bc descrihc~h\, ;, s,ationilry stoch;~s~ic process. unsatisfactory state:
That is, the prubahility di;trihutions th;lt dcseribc the output
time series d o nut ch;lngc with time. Ofcourse this is only an W,=l X,ES Xr.lEF
approximation of but it is often quite reasonable. For W, = 0 orherw ise
instance, rhc prob;lbility distribution of streamflows at a
P;~rticular may change over timc due to climatic shifts or In the long run the nlcan v:~lue of It', will c.qu;ll thc
land use changes in the drainage area. Still, it is both probability pof the systcm bcing in the \ct S in 4imc pcriod t
convenient and satisfactory in many cases to assume that and going to the set F in the follouir~gperiod:
streamflows are a stationary process over typical planning
p = P r o b { X , E r S . X , + ~ E f l =l i m -
I '!. \\', 13)
*-. n 1.1

Denote a system's output state or status by the random

variable X, at time r, where r takes on discrete values 1 , 2 , 3 , The average sojourn timc in thc uns.~ti\f;~cton
or fililure
. . In general, the possible values of X, can be partitioned states during an n-pcriod espcrimcnt i5:
into two sets: S, the set of all satisfactory outputs, and F, the
set of all unsatisfactory (failure) outputs. At any time r the
system output is assumed to be an element of one of these
sets. The reliability of a system can be desclibed by the
frequency o r pmbatsil~tyn that 3 system i- in a satisfactory where A is the total time in F and fl 15 thc number of times
state: the process went into F. Hencc
a = Prob [X,E S] (1)
An alternate definition of reliability not adopted here is that
reliability is the probability that no failure occurs within a
fixed period of time, often taken to be the planning period. If
the planning period is a single period, then the two defini- As n approaches infinity. the n\,cr;tgc \c)journ tlmc sill
tions are equivalent. approach its mean value (1 - n ) l p . Thu\ the expected lcngth
Reliability is a widely used concept in water resources of time that the system's outpur or pzrformance rem;rins
planning. Reliability is sometimes taken to be the opposite of unsatisfactory once it becomes rlns:~ti\t-~cton equals
risk. That is, the risk or probability of failure is simply one
minus the reliability a. Both reliability and this definition of
risk do not describe the severity or likely consequences of a
failure. The possible severity of failures can be described by
other criteria, such as resiliency and vulnerability. This defines the average number of time periods a fail~rrcis
expected to last once it has occurred. 'fhc invcrsc of this is
Resiliency the system's average recovery rate :~ndi s our mcawrc of
Resiliency will describe how quickly a system is likely to resiliency:
recover or bounce back from failure once failure has oc-
curred. If failures are prolonged events and system recovery p Prob {X, E S and -Y,. I E F)
y=-- - (7)
is slow, this may have serious implications for system I - a Proh (.\', E f.')
design. One would like to design systems which can recover
and return to a satisfactory state rapidly. In the long run, the number of transi~ionsfrom satisfactory
Resiliency may be given a mathematically precise defini- states in S to unsatisfactory states in I; must cqual the
tion. Let TFbe the length of time a system's output remains number of transitions inthe reverse direction:
unsatisfactory after a failure. The resiliency of a system can
Prob {X, E S and XI+I E F } = R o b {.Y, E F and XI, E S)
be defined as the inverse of the expected value of TF. TO
derive a mathematical expression for that expected value, let (8)
Hence y is equivalent to thc average probability of a
recovery from the failure set in a single time step:

Then (lln) XI=," Z, is the fraction of time from period t = 1 to Prob {X, E b' ;lnd A', + E S)
I = n that the system output or performance is satisfactory. Y = Prob {.Y, t Fj
In the long run this fraction approaches the probability of the
performance being satisfactory, and hence equals system
reliability: = Prob {,Y,+l E 5 i XI E FJ
1 " Note that if the occurrence of ;I fa~lurc,Y, E F and a
mrn I=,
Z, = a (2)
subsequent success A', E S arc probahilistically indepen-
dent events, then y would reduce to Prob {X,. I E S). which
Let W, indicate a transition from a satisfactory to an is our measure of reliability.

TABLE 1 . Characteristics of River Flows

Here vulnerability refers to the likely magnitude of a Winter Summer ~ n n u a l

failure, if one occurs. Even when the probability of failurz is Mean flows. .lo7m3 4.0 2.5 6.5
small, attention should be paid to the possible consequences Standard deviiltion, x lo7 rn' 1.5 1.O 2.3
of failure. Hollirlg [I9781 discusses the idea of safe-fail as Correlalion of flows: winter with following summer, 0.65;summer
opposed to fail-safe. Attempts to maximize system reli:?bility withfollowing winter, 0.60.
are attcmpts to make a system's operation failure-free. Still,
few systems can be made so large or so redundant that
failures are impossible. Even when it is possible to raise unsatisfactory and severe outcome that occurs in a sojourn
levees high enough or make water supply reservoirs large into the set of unsatisfactory states F. Then e, equals Prob
enough that Failure is hard to imagine, it is often not 1.9, corresponding to s,, is the most severe outcome in a
economical to do so. After a point, effort is better expended sojourn in F}. One reasonable metric for overall system
making the consequences of failure less severe and more vulnerability would be the expected maximum severity of a
acceptable than in trying to eliminate the possibility offailure sojourn into the set of unsatisfactory states:
altogether. Early warning systems, flood insurance, and
flood-proofing of structures are three approaches to decreas-
ing the costs of Rooding when Roods do occur. Likewise, the
t.vclusion of buildings frnm floodways and the use of flc;od-
prone arcas for parks, natural areas, and agi-ir,ul!gre are Her:. emphasiq is flaceii not on how long failure persists (the
other means of minimizing the cvsts of floods. inverse of r-esiliency) but on how bad thlngs may become.
It is important to realize that efforts to maximize system
eficiency 2nd reliability can actually increase a system's
vulnerability to costly failure should failure occur. Transfor-
mation of traditional agricultural systems to high yield Use of the reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability con-
single-species crops sets the stage for disaster should a new cepts is illustrated with a reservoir operation problem. For a
crop disease or pest develop. Likewise, flood control reser- reservoir of given capacity the reservoir operating policy
voirs and levees that control small floods create an image determines the reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability of a
and sense of security; as a result, unwise development in water supply system. Kitson [I9791 emphasized the need in
partially protected areas can occur. This creates the poten- reservoir operating policy development to consider reduc-
tial for large losses should a large flood occur or a levee tions, during drought periods, in the amount of water avail-
break. Replacement of small unreliable wastewater treat- able. He stated that this need leads to 'the concept of
ment plants by large well-managed regional facilities may expressing reliability in terms of the frequency, duration and
decrease the frequency of plant failures, yet by concentrat- intensity with which restrictions have to be placed on water
ing the total treated wastewater flow in a single location, the consumption.' Velikanov [1979], refemng to irrigation water
impact and consequences of a breakdown in the biological use, pointed to the necessity of evaluating in probabilistic
oxidation process will be greatly magnified should the plant terms system performance under conditions of both exces-
be overloaded or receive a slug of concentrated or toxic sive and deficient water availability.
material [Adams and Gemmell, 19801. The reservoir operation example presented by Loucks et
The loss of a rear cargo door on the DC-10 aircraft due to al. (1981, pp. 138-1521 is used here to illustrate the use of
improper latching provides an excellent illustration of fail- risk-related system performance criteria. In that example a
safe versus safe-fail design. The blow out of the cargo door small reservoir with capacity 4 x lo7 m3 was to provide 4.5
at high altitudes causes a rapid decompression of the cabin x 10' m3 of water to meet summer irrigation needs. The
and the severing of control cables by the collapse of the floor logarithms of the inflows to the reservoir were modeled with
.separating the cabin and lower storage area. Commercial a Thomas-Fiering model which reproduced the mean and
airlines emphasized design modifications and safety proce- variance of flows in each of two seasons and the season to
dures to prevent such mishaps. Unfortunately, a failure
occurred and many died. In some military aircraft, holes
were cut in the floor separating the two compartments,
allowing rapid decompression of the cabin should the cargo
door be lost. This prevented structural damage to the aircraft
and made the planes 'safe in failure.' operaling
It is important that decision makers be aware of the Torgel demand

vulnerability of a system to severe failure should a failure

occur. This should be an important criterion in water re-
source system design and selection. To construct a mathe-
matical index of system vulnerability, assume that the sys-
tem performance variable X, can take discrete values X I , Demand met ond-
. . . , x,. To construct a quantitative indicator of system Delicits occur Dsmond mat reservoir sptlls

vulnerability to severe failure should a failure occur, assign '

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1

to each discrete failure state xj E F a numerical indicator of Water available d h g summer, S + I( a l ~ ' m ' )

the severity of that state, denoted sj. Furthermore, let ej be Fig. 3. Standard operating policy for initial storage S and inflow I
the probability that xj, corresponding to sj, is the most obtained by minimizing the expected loss E[I,(R)] for @ = 1.
Water available during summer. S + I ( x 10'm')
Fig. 4. Optimal summer release policy for P = 3. The lines show
best value of release R as a function of initial storage S plus inflow I T a l a l s u m m e r ~ n f i a r .(x10'm'l
for specified value of S and release target T. Fig. 5. Optimal reservoir sumrncr rcle;~\cfor p = !a \ a function of
initial storagc and tor;~lT u n l r n c r ~nflow.

season correlation of the flows (Lorrcks et al., 1951, pp. 141,

283-284, 305-3q7). The values of the statistics descr!bing the In Figure 4, several operating curvec arc discontinuous
relevant hydrology are given in Table I. It was also neces- because they are defined over only a portion of the initial
sary to release 0.50 x lo7 m3 of water during the wet season storage plus inflow (S + I) axis. For ex:tn~plc.if the initial
to satisfy minimum flow requirements. summer storage is S = 3, then thc only le~itimatcvalucs of S
The steady state operation of this simple system was + I are those greater than or equi~lto 3 . As thc two figllres
simulated with a range of summer season operating policies. show, the optimal policy for P = 3 can result in large and
The winter operating policy was always to release 0.50 x lo7 unnecessary deficits when the cllrrcnt summer inflow is
m3 of water if possible and to store as much of the excess below normal levels. To incur such deficit\ is optim;~lfor the
water as the reservoir could hold. The summer season specified loss function, for it minimi7es the cxpected valt~e
operating policies were derived by stochastic dynamic pro- of immediate and possihle futurc lo\ses which could occur if
graming [e.g., Loircks et al., 1981, pp., 324-3311 with the streamflows remain below normal.
objective of minimizing the expected or average long-run For /3 < 1, a very different operating policy hchavior
loss: results. In this case the marcin:ll disutility of deficits is a
decreasing function of the tot;11 deficit. As a result. optimal
policies always meet the entire taqet if this is po5sihle but
sometimes fail to release any water at all when a modest
failure is already unavoidable. Such a policy for P = 0.50 is
T target release of 4.5 x lo7 m3; displayed in Figures 6 and 7.
R summer season release; In the limit as /3 approaches zero. the loss function
ls(R) = 0, when R r T ; becomes
ls(R) = [(T - R)/TIs, when R < T.
The exponent P defines the shape of the loss function
ls(R). A range of p values between 0 and 7 were considered
to provide a range of policies. In the optimization, inflows, In this instance the optimal policy is to meet the summer
and storage volumes in each season were discretized in units release target T = 4.5 x lo7 m3 if possible and to deliver as
of 0.25 x lo7 m3. Optimal policies were a function of initial
summer storage and the actual summer period inflow.
Note that the parameter p i s an artificial device introduced
to facilitate the generation of operating policies which reflect
different tradeoffs between shortfall magnitudes and failure
frequency and hence different tradeoffs among reliability,
resiliency, and vulnerability.
For p = 1, one obtains the 'standard' operating policy
shown in Figure 3. In the figure, I denotes the summer
inflow. The standard policy meets as much of the demand
target as possible.
For p > 1, operating policies exhibit 'hedging': they
sometimes provide only a portion of the target release, when
in fact all or at least more of the target volume could be
provided. (KlerneS [I9771 and Stedinger [I9781 discuss this W o l e i avaslab8e c ~ r . n ?rummar, S + l ( ~ l O ' m B )
phenomena.) This saves water to protect against future Fig. 6. Optimal sunln;:r re!-:l\c ;rlllc! for 0.5. m e lines
deficits which could be even larger. This is illustrated by the show best value of rele;~.;rh' :I\ s lunctlon d available warn s + 1
policy in Figures 4 and 5, obtained with P = 3. for specified values of inirl,:l \lorarc .q.
TABLE 2. Reliability and Expected Losses Achieved With Oper-
ating Policies Derivcd with Different Values of 6.
~cliability Expected Value of Three Loss
p Used of System Functions
to Derive Operation,
Policy a E[I,(R)l EI1dR)I E[Ij(R)I
0 0.93 6.6 6.5 6.1
0.25 0.91 4.2 2.7 1.47
0.50 0.89 3.2 2.0 0.98
0.75 0.87 2.6 1.04 0.31
1.00 0.87 2.5* 0.76 0.062
1.50 0.79 2.6 0.70 0.051
2.00 0.62 3.5 0.67* 0.040
3.00 0.41 5.3 0.79 0.027
5.00 0.19 9.1 1.37 0.022'
7.00 0.15 12.4 2.2 0.029
T o t a l summer i n f l o w , (x 107m'l
'Note that minimum value of E[I,(R)] is achieved at p = k because
Fig. 7. Optimal reservoir summer release for P = 0.5 as a function the policy derived with givcn /3 by construction minimizes a l n ( R ) 1 .
of initial storage and total summer inflow.

little water as one can if 2 failure cannot be avoided:l'bk Resiliency gener;.lly shows rhe s a n e trend as reliability.
maximizes system reliability by saving water to avoid possi- For /? = Ci, system ~csiiicncyis high aad sequeaces of railure
ble future failures when a failure in the current period is years are very short. Deficits are very severe, often equaling
already unavoidable. . the entire target. For p 2 3, resiliency is low because periods
With each policy the reservoir-irrigation system was simu- of failure can be very long, although deficits are often small.
lated for 10,000 years to determine (1) the reliability a with The vulnerability trend is different from that obtained with
which the summer irrigation target was met, (2) the resilien- the other risk-related performance criteria. It achieves its
cy y of the system equal to the reciprocal of the average maximum at p = 0 when almost every failure is a complete
length of sequences of failure years, and (3) the vulnerablity failure. It then decreases with increasing P to achieve a
v of the system equal to the average of the maximum deficit minimum at /3 = 2. Above P = 2, vulnerability actually
that occurred in each sequence of failure years. A failure increases with increasing p. This occurs because operating
year occurred whenever the summer release R was less than policies derived with large P will frequently incur deficits
the target release T, equal to 4.5 x 10' m3. much larger than is necessary. This saves water as a hedge
Figure 8 illustrates the values of system reliability a, against the possibility of even larger deficits in future peri-
resiliency y, and vulnerability v as a function of p, the ods. This tradeoff (for P > 2) decreases the reliability and
exponent in the loss function used to derive the various resiliency as well as the vulnerability of the system's per-
operating policies. As P increases, the penalty on large formance. Still, it is optimal with respect to each policy's
deficits becomes increasingly severe. As a result, as /3 loss function. This is shown by Table 2, which reports the
increases, system reliability a decreases because the optimal value of the expected loss function E[lp(R)]for P = 1,2, and
policies incorporate a propensity to incur small deficits so as 5.
to minimize the expected loss from larger deficits at later The values of reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability in
times. Figure 8 reveal some of the characteristics of reservoir
system performance that can be obtained with reservoir
policies that minimize the specified loss functions. Realistic
policies probably correspond to j3 in the range of 1.0-2.0 and
hence would have high reliability, modest resiliency, and
close to minimal vulnerability. Figure 9 provides a more
explicit description of the unavoidable tradeoff between
vulnerability and reliability. One cannot have both the
maximum possible reliability and minimum possible vulnera-

In general, there exist tradeoffs among expected benefits,

reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability. Use of the three risk
criteria improves our ability to describe how often failures
may occur, how long periods of unsatisfactory performance
are likely to last, and just how severe failure might be. This
was illustrated with a water supply reservoir example.
There, high system reliability was accompanied by high
I 2 3 4 5 6 7O system vulnerability. This information should be used to
Voluc of B usad to derive optimal palicias supplement other standard project evaluation criteria, in-
Fig. 8. System reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability as a func- cluding the distribution of project benefits and costs as well
tion of parameter p used to derive operating policies. as various social and environmental impacts. By using
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