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Prepared by:

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),

This module will help the students to understand the meaning of personality and its

development. Personality refers to the total person. It is the expression of what you are and

what you do. It is the reflection or interpretation of your inner self to other people, it covers the

different aspects such as physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and moral. An

understanding and development of such aspects will create a good personality, leading to an

effective personality. Students will be able to learn the ways in improving their personality

through suggestions for personality improvement and understanding the reasons and importance

for developing ones personality.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),
CHED Recognized Local College
TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Accredited
Member Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.

College of Business and Hospitality Management

Personality Development

Credits : 3 units
Pres-Requisite : none

1. Lesson Title: Personality and Personality Development

Definition of terms
Five Factor Model/ Personality Traits
Influences on Personality
Factors Affecting the Development of Personality
Ways to Measure Personality
Scientific theories on personality
Personality Types based on the conducted study of cardiologists
Aspects of Personality – Intellectual Aspect

11. At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Define personality according to different perspectives.
2. Explain what is personality development.
3. Discuss the big five traits, personality theories, and the factors affecting the development
of personality.

Textbook :
Ethel Magalona,MA,DSSE, Evelyn Salting,-Sadsad, Ph.D, Elaine Magalona PHR,SHRM-
CP,2018, Personality Development

Ricardo Ruio Santos, 2017, Personal Development
Sferra, Wright, Rice, 2017, Personality Development and Human Relations know-thyself

111. Lectures

Personality refers to the total being of a person. It is the expression of what you are and what
you do. It is the reflection or interpretation of your inner self to other people. It is shown
through a person’s total behaviour. When a person’s behaviour manifest successful adjustment
to a given area of his environment, his personality in that area would be an effective one. The
key to a good personality is the ability to adjust equally well to a various type of life situations.

Personality is the combination of the physiological, moral and spiritual, psychological and
emotional, intellectual facets on one’s individuality.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),
The term personality came from the Latin word persona which means mask. It provides
readiness as to how the individual confront different types of people who plays a significant roles
in their lives. They wear a different mask when at home, in front of their peers, and even in the


 The act or process of growing or causing something to grow or become larger or more
 The act or process of creating something over a period of time
 The state of being created.

Personal Development. Process in which persons reflects upon themselves, understand who they
are, accept what they discover about themselves, and learn or unlearn new sets of values,
attitudes, behaviour and thinking skills to reach their fullest potential as human beings.

Personality Development. Process of learning skills like table etiquette, how to sit properly, and
walk with grace, how to dress up appropriately and how to communicate better it also includes
image enhancement; such as skin care and make up, fashion and clothing, and even body
contouring, modelling and beauty pageant and many others.

The dimensions of personality known as the Big Five or the Five Factor Model

1. Openness to experience. This trait means that a person is open to possible experiences
and learning which connotes wide interests, curiosity, flexibility, creativity,
innovativeness and unconventional attitudes.

2. Conscientiousness. This trait refers to those whose persona shows meticulous and
principle behaviour but guided by one’s own rules and beliefs. The person is highly
organized, diligent, disciplined, punctual and dependable .

3. Extraversion. This type of individual is highly sociable with a life that is directed to the
significant others. The individual is very friendly, assertive and gregarious. These people
are warm and concern.

4. Agreeableness. This trait refers to being a person with much altruism and benevolence
meant for others. They empathize, sympathize, an cooperate a lot by volunteering
themselves in any moment of need.

5. Neuroticism. This trait connotes negativity as experiences are thought to be full of

sadness, hostility, self-conscious, insecure, vulnerable and frustrated. Degree of self-
confidence, self-concept and self-esteem is very low.

Factors Affecting the Development of Personality

 Nature. Is a person’s biological inheritance. The traits derived from one’s biological
parents. The external and internal make-up of a person is a result of biological

 Nurture. The environment plays a vital role in the development of personality. The
physical and social environment influences the formation of the traits, attitudes, interests,
motivations, emotions, of the individuals. Several areas of our persona are changed
through the learning that we derive from the different agencies of socialization by
different institutions.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),
Theories Influencing Personality Development

 Psychodynamic Theory. Developed by Sigmeund Freud. Personality is made up of three

major systems that points the role of the id, the ego and the superego, known to be the
three determinants of one’s unique personality.

Id. The most primitive and is mainly concerned with instant gratification of
physiological need and urges. It is a pleasure-oriented side of one’s persona.

Superego. Is the moral arm of one’s persona. Sometimes it is termed as conscience

which serves as gauge to measure how we fare in relation to societal expectations.

Ego. Rational and realistic area of the system.. the ego is the self and it resolves the
conflict between the id and the superego.

 Behaviourism Theory. Personality can be determined through overt responses.

Manipulation of the environment may produce certain behaviour. Behaviourist believed
in the use of rewards whether positive or negative, and punishments to produce early
change in the individual. Bothe asserted that behaviour can be learned and conditioned.

 Trait Theory. Personality can be understood as exhibited in one’s common traits or

characteristic ways of behaving. Traits theorist emphasized that biological inheritance is
the origin of human traits.

Ways to Measure Personality

1. By observing people’s behaviour. This is quite limited for some aspect of personality
can be observed subjectively . example is loneliness.

2. By using different kind of test like MBTI – Myers-Brigg Type Indicator:

 E or I ( Extraversion or Introversion) is how an individual prefers to channel his or her

energy when dealing with people, whether it is inward (introversion) or outward

 S or I (sensing or intuition). Is how one prefers to process information whether through

the use of senses such as being able to describe what one sees, or intuitively like dealings
with ideas.

 T or F. (Thinking or Feeling). Is how an individual prefers to make decisions, either

thinking or using logic and analysis, or feeling which uses the cognitive senses based on
values and beliefs.

 J or P. (Judgment or Perception) .is how and individual prefers to manage one’s life,
whether through judging, which means a planned and organized life versus perception
which has a more flexible approach to living.

Personality Types According to Cardiologists Meyer Friedman and R.H. Rosenman

1. Type A

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),
 These people are high-achievers. They are great at multi-tasking unrelated duties and

 They are constantly in a race to achieve higher goals. When goals are attained they
set much of loftier aspirations.

 They find it difficult to accept failure. It is never one of their realities.

 They feel like time is an opponent that they have to beat everyday. They will work
their butts off to exhaustion.

 The severe sense or urgency makes them edgy. Relaxation is difficult for them.

 They need to compete. If there is no obvious competition, they create one.

 They are driven people, usually self-driven. Their stress levels are generally high.

2. Type B

 They know their abilities and work steadily for their goals. They enjoy their

 They are not too stressed out to excel. They can be disappointed when they fall short
of their goals, but they are not devastated. They accept failures.

 They enjoy games and competitions, not for the sole objective of winning, but for the
love of the game.

 They are reflective and innovative. They allow themselves to explore and fail if

 They are even-tempered.

 They typically live less stressful lives.

Spheres of Personality: physical appearance, intellectual capacity, emotional make up, social
qualities,and the value system

First impressions are based on appearance, physical stature, dress, grooming and facial
features. A pleasant and modulated voice and clear well chosen speech always make a good
impression. Most behaviour patterns are the result of a person’s emotional make-up and his
control over his emotions. Manners may be based on tradition or convention or on personal
ideals of conduct.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),
1V. Activities

A. Academic ( on the attached pages)

1. Find it out/ Research

2. The Johari Window

B. Life Activity (direction will be posted in the GC)

An effective personality is adjusting to a different life situations. In coping with the

existing pandemic, apply this effective personality. Help/save yourself and the people
around you. Follow the safety protocols. Wear face mask and face shield, wash/sanitize
your hands. Be a good example.

V. Assessment

a. Case Study

b. Self Evaluation


Ethel Magalona, MA,DSSE, Evelyn Salting-Sadsad, Ph.D, Elaine

Magalona,PHR,SHRM,CP.2018, Personality Development

Ricardo Rubio Santos, 2017, Personal Development

Sferra, Wright, rice, 2017, Personality Development and Human Relations know-thyself

Prepared and Reviewed by:


Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),
Course Instructor
Department Chair, HRDM

Business Administration


Name ________________________

Activity 1
Find it Out

Direction: Follow the procedure

A. Search for a prominent personality in the last decade.

B. Read on the life and times of this personality.
C. Write an assessment paper as to why this personality is influential or not.
D. Refer on the gc on how/ when to submit.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),

Name: _______________________
Date: ________________________

Activity 2
Work on this!


1. In a clean sheet of paper copy the Johari window.

2. Determine the traits that you possess according to the given quadrant.
3. Be prepared for sharing this to the class to enlighten them more about you.



(Traits that both you and others (Traits that they think you possess but
know about yourself) you really don’t)


(Traits that you are aware of ( Traits that remain a mystery)

but others are not)

The Johari window was created by Joseph Luft and Harrinton Ingham, both Psychologists. It is
uses as a way to make people understand their relationship with themselves and with the
significant others.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),
The following will be posted in the GC:
1. Direction for Life Activity.
2. Assessment 1 and 2.
3. Date of submission

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: - (Registrar’s Office),

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