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The Flipside!!

So sorry to hear the friend you thought was for life doesn't talk to you anymore!
So sorry to hear the person you thought was your soulmate is not there anymore!
Maybe it was not meant to be
Maybe someone's out there better for yours to be
It's hard to get over that one person you thought will be with you till the last
But you know what you are enough for yourself and this shall pass
Sometimes what we pray for ,there are better plans than that for us
Sometimes what we think is the best for us
Is not actually meant for us
But let's not lose hope
Cause your life ahead would be dope
Everyone we meet comes with a reason
Some can be for life but some for a season
Most of us can relate to it
And most of us also hate's it
Not everyone is meant for you
But the one for you will be there for you

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