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Where does UGC content come from?


Think unboxing videos shared on TikTok or praise-filled posts on Instagram. Your customers
are usually the most prominent cohort you’ll look to gain UGC from, either because you’ve
asked for it or because they’ve organically decided to share content about your brand.

Brand loyalists

Loyalists, advocates, or fans. However you label your most dedicated customers, they’re
typically the group that’s most enthusiastic about your business. Since loyalists are so
passionate about worshiping at the alter of the brand, this audience segment is ripe to reach
out to and ask for specific UGC content.


Employee-generated content (EGC) shows the value and story behind your brand. For
example, photos of employees packing or making up orders or a video of your team talking
about why they love working for your company. This behind-the-scenes content helps
establish brand identity and works across social and ads to showcase authenticity.

UGC creators

A UGC creator is someone who creates sponsored content that appears authentic but is
designed to showcase a specific business or product. UGC creators are not creating traditional
organic UGC — they’re paid by brands to create content that emulates traditional UGC.

Why is user-generated content important?

UGC is used across all stages of the buyer’s journey to help influence engagement and
increase conversions. The customer-centric content can be used on social media and other
channels, such as email, landing pages, or checkout pages.

Takes authenticity to the next level

Nowadays, brands have to fight to be seen online, and competition is fierce for audience
attention. As a result, buyers are more selective about the brands they interact with and
purchase from, especially the notoriously fickle Gen-Z.

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