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Since the inception of digital media there has been an increase in the number of devices

used by a sum of 1000 persons, a decrease in the cost of data services and an increase in the
number of digital businesses/ application established.

The line graph above is a statistical representation of the evolution of Digital Media.

A technological revolution was brought about by the influence of digital media. With
traditional information storage methods like books, the Internet, personal computing, and
digital media have given us the opportunity to manage information on a level we could only
imagine. The worlds of journalism, entertainment, education, publishing, commerce, and
politics have all been completely transformed by digital media. It resulted in fresh issues
with intellectual property and copyrights.

According to digital busters, Internet access to the public is now widely used through our
day-to-day lives and many people would struggle to survive without it. The graph above
conveys the rise in popularity of the internet since and the world of digital media from 1990.
In 1995 there was 16 million internet users, that figure has skyrocketed and the trend is set
to continue into the future.

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