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‘A Carter Dixon is excorted by His ‘Lauren OW 5 es ‘A Jacob Devaynes is escorted by his aster ‘A Logan Davis e:cor'ed oy her OVA, TEDDY HOWELL ORIA APOST! los/ FU [A TAKING THE CROWN: Makayla Clement cnc Khalll Chung are crowne It’s Raining nomecoming aueen and kg, bby LYDIAKAMPE Editorin Crist BLUE « GOLD A hurricane can't rain on Roberson’s HOCO he homecoming football game has always been on a Friday. However this year, Robersons homecoming game against Enka High School had tobe moved forward to thursday ata resul of Hutscane lan projected route. This nt only aflected the time of the fase, but italso affected Friday’ pep rally, the Fomecoming courts plans, andthe urnott ofthe student section az whole Tn typical Roberson style, everyone made the bes af The homecoming committe put a ton of ine ana effort into planning the game While they Couldst have planned for moving things azound de tan incoming hurricane, they worked with ‘hat they had andi ended up being sn overall success. One ofthe homecoming committee members, Cat Lisck, valued the turnout despite the ast mine change of events “Twas wovted that tere wouldst be a big of a turn ot forthe game de (othe as inate date ange, bat so many stadents, parents and faclly ‘were thereto support our Ram and the cowd war so loud” su Lasik ‘While there was great dal of excitement at dhe game, many students fel sad tha here was 20 homecoming dance, The last homecoming dance 20 Roberton took place pre-COVID in 2019. k was supposed to make a return this year but was Canceled not lng before is scheduled date "We started school ate ths year and we found cot the denee wes canceled ondya few weeks out Teel like everytime we got plan lid out for something, eerything changed: said Lusick. "We just had bed Tuck and fot enough time tox” ‘While the dance unfortunately didnt make a comeback, sprit week turned ou tobe fun and ‘ccesafl, From grout to cowboys to dynamic dis, students and stall showed ou to lah their iam pride Mellie episit week wat success inthe sense that people dresed up” said Lusick "Our days were not the most excling Buti was Something that everyone was able to pariipate in, which a big thing you have to take into Consideration ven planning days Spirit week carried on forall Ave days, even the day ster the homecoming game. That Friday, the pep rally that was supposed to be «pre-game hype up forthe student body ended up being a postin celebration. Though tase a typleal ep rally stil served to build comradery and FEtuionships witin the school *Thheard people saying tht they did fel ike there wat a Featon to govand hoosslyT could 4 October 2022 Graphics & Design Iydia Kempe understand where they were coming foun” sald Lusick. “Sgt MeCres and I knew we had to make thebestof the station, soinstead ofa pep rally to ype everyone up, we thtew one a Celebration ofthe win The celebrations the pep rally was well deserved, because the big game self was a hage sucess Unfortunately however, several Roberson spor teats had previoualy scheduled games and practices onthe same day that the homecoming game wae moved to The volleyball eam specifically hada home game at “Thursday tha slighty interfered wih the football game. The fenior homecoming court made light of the situation aad at doven to support the volleyball team prior to the football geme while they were all dressed ‘up and ready to walk the eld’ One of the homecoming cour members, Jacob Devaynes, especially enjoyed this unique homecoming experience My favorite part was al ofthe seiors decking to randomly goo the volleyball game and we just [messed sround” sald. Bevaynes “he senior homecoming coust spent a good amount of time citing ready and taking photos together. Things ike going (othe folleball game snd spending ime beforchan just enjoying cach others company made for some ofthe best memories One of the homecoming court members, Makayla Clement, had a funny moment with Jacob Devaynes, “accidentally got makeup on Jacob Devaynes's white si, andl feltbad ats but hen we Kind of joked about sid Clement “We had to lock arms, and afer Iwas walking away and looked at my sleeve and it was covered all he way dover my am in taker suid Devayes. “Claire Lim had an extra shirt and was able to wear i and she saved my lie Clare Lim was another one of the ten senior homecoming court members The others included Jacob Asbil, Khalil Chang Carter Dixon, Boston Duval, Logan Davis, Lauren Ott and Bra Schectman, aswell asthe previously mentioned Makayla Clement and jacob Devaynes For everyone the outfits were thought out and planned, Some were een Fushed dus tothe hurscang bat they wee prepared or the cold nonetheles The senior homecoming court a: wil a al ofthe underclassmen, walked the held with grace and confidence. ‘hy thougts wile walking on the fla was that Iwas jast thankful tobe on the court not knowing who was going to win” sid Clement “Either way, was ‘While happiness filed her heart as she walked down the fil it radiated er face when she was crowed homecoming queen ‘Alongside Clement Khalil Chung was crowmed ths homecoming icing Fy thoughts were chat I was surprised but thankful” said Clement “I definitely dida't expect felt eit was definitely a hard pick Everyone was fled with excitement asthe two names were called While the erowns only went to two people, homecoming would have been possible without the participation and pride ofthe Rams schoolwide Grapbice& Design| Lydia Kampe L@GEMEDIAGROUP 1! Ociober 202219

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