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Group 2 (Vina, Parlin)

Opinion 1 
1. Females and Males differ in their biological appearances (females have more fat
percentages, men are built with more muscle and are sturdier built)
2. Female can get pregnant and have many biological changes during her pregnancy, and
during the breastfeeding period, the belly gets bigger, swelling the leg, the breast gets
swollen, and during the post-birthing period woman still discharges blood from the
birth canal  
3. Hormones affects emotion in female, especially in her periods affected by the
ovulation period and many interactions from the hormones related to the ovulation
period and pregnancy 

Opinion 2
1. Culture determines which clothes/ type of clothes should men/women wear-- for
example, women should wear a skirt, high heels, feminine clothing, and a hijab.
Conversely, men's options are limited to more 'masculine options in clothing à t-
shirts, suits, pants, vests with a more neutral/dark choice of colour, 
Or in some religions, women are demanded/ obligated to wear hijab/ burqa/ to hide
part of their body.
2. Culture mainly determines the profession of each gender, though it does have its
indirect biological influence. à women should be housewives, secretaries, nannies,
babysitters, housemaids, and nurses (directly related to the women's nurturing nature
Men à mechanical/ construction workers, a leader in organizations, and sports athletes
à related to men's nature of strong, "leader" of the household 
In some religions, the position of head of faith cannot be achieved by women à Kyai,
Pastor, Pope, 
3. Though it doesn't directly relate to a biological standpoint, à culture determines
gender difference by perfume, toiletries, and personal care used by females/males. 
Female bath products use a more feminine scent, floral, strawberry, vanilla, à use skin
care, and skin products are frequently used by women.  
Male bath products sporty, woody, male is more seldom to use skincare products
4. Culture determines how each boy/ girl should be taught
 Boys should play sports, only play with boys, play with cars, wear pants and
masculine-darker clothes, boys shouldn't cry etc.
 Girls should play w/ dolls, cook and wear a skirt, and pink coloured-feminine
Both arguments are valid, and both biology and culture are closely related and affect each
other.  Biological changes affect how culture works: nurturing characteristics of women
evolve into evolutionary behaviour that is reflected in our culture (mother taking care of its
children, wife taking care of its husband) à implemented in our culture 
n Culture sometimes differentiates women and men regardless of their biological influence à
nowadays, in a professional context (aside from physical limitations), there are no limitations
on how males and female can do their job.

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