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Kidney International, Vol. 67, Supplement 95 (2005), pp.


Consequences and management of hyperphosphatemia in

patients with renal insufficiency
Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York

Consequences and management of hyperphosphatemia in pa- by parathyroid gland hyperplasia and increased syn-
tients with renal insufficiency. Progressive renal insufficiency thesis of parathyroid hormone (PTH) [3]. Secondary
leads to hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and secondary hyperparathyroidism is usually quadraglandular, and re-
hyperparathyroidism. Bone demineralization in secondary
hyperparathyroidism may induce fractures, while joint and sults from the combined effect of altered calcium phos-
subcutaneous precipitations of calcium pyrophosphate limit phate metabolism and vitamin D production. In addition
mobility, and may cause crippling. Strategies to preempt bone to increased phosphate retention, patients with ESRD
and joint destruction in chronic kidney disease and end-stage have reduced production of active vitamin D, resulting in
renal disease have focused on limiting dietary phosphorus, hypocalcemia and increased PTH. Over time, these fac-
intra-gut binding of ingested phosphorous, enhancing calcium
absorption, and limiting parathyroid hormone secretion. De- tors result in parathyroid gland hyperplasia, autonomous
ciding which regimen is most effective to meet these treatment production of PTH, and tertiary hyperparathyroidism [4].
objectives challenges nephrologists; they often uncover conflict- Figure 1 outlines multiple factors involved in the patho-
ing evidence about which abnormal metabolite should be the genesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism, including low
prime treatment objective. Especially vexing is the question of levels of vitamin D, hypocalcemia, altered parathyroid
whether hypercalcemia is a cardiotoxic consequence of calcium-
based phosphate binders. gland function, and skeletal resistance to PTH. High
levels of circulating PTH result in bone loss and other
systemic defects, such as cardiovascular complications
Chronic kidney disease inducing progressive decrease that increase mortality in patients with renal failure. The
in renal function is estimated by an expert committee of metabolism of calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D plays
the National Kidney Foundation [1] to occur in about 20 an important role in secondary hyperparathyroidism.
million individuals in the United States. Chronic renal Impaired renal production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
failure results in reduced synthesis of vitamin D by the (calcitriol), the active hormonal form of vitamin D, con-
kidneys and increased retention of phosphorus. Distur- tributes to the generation and maintenance of secondary
bances in calcium and phosphorous metabolism in pa- hyperparathyroidism in patients with CKD [5]. Calcitriol
tients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) can result in represses parathyroid cell proliferation and PTH syn-
secondary hyperparathyroidism, along with ensuing bone thesis. CKD patients have reduced levels of calcitriol,
disease, soft tissue and vascular calcification, as well as which results in high serum PTH levels [6]. Calcitriol
arterial stiffness and artherosclerosis [2]. This review will deficiency results in indirect secondary hyperparathy-
focus on the consequences of secondary hyperparathy- roidism due to decreased intestinal absorption of calcium.
roidism in the context of CKD. The challenges in treating The progression of CKD, as determined by glomeru-
altered mineral metabolism and the resulting renal and lar filtration rates, is associated with decreased levels of
cardiac complications will also be discussed. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and a corresponding increase
in PTH levels, as shown in Figure 2 [7]. In this report,
CKD and secondary hyperparathyroidism PTH levels were compared in 58 diabetic and 268 nondi-
abetic patients with serum creatinine levels >1.2 mg/dL.
In patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), Diabetic patients with creatinine clearance <70 mL/min
kidney failure results in decreased secretion and in- had lower PTH levels than did nondiabetic patients
creased retention of phosphate. This causes hyperphos- (P = 0.003), as well as significant differences in serum
phatemia, a condition that results in the development phosphorus, magnesium, and tubular resorption of phos-
of secondary hyperparathyroidism and renal osteodys- phate. Serum glucose concentration in those with dia-
trophy. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is characterized betes varied inversely with PTH, leading to the inference
that poor control of diabetes (hyperglycemia) may con-

C 2005 by the International Society of Nephrology tribute to development of hypoparathyroidism in patients

S-2 Friedman: Consequences and management of hyperphosphatemia


Renal Mass
1,25(OH)2D Current Elevated Current
Phosphorus Retention therapy PTH therapy
Low Calcitriol Levels Altered Parathyroid
Gland Function Renal Nonskeletal Unintended

PO4 Osteodystrophy Effects Consequences:

Renal mass Hyperparathyroidism Ca×P
Adynamic osteitis fibrosa Ca
Bone demineralization Systemic and P
Skeletal Resistance Disease fractures Arterial Effects
to PTH bone pain


1,25(OH)2D PO4
1,25(OH)2D Increased
Skeletal resistance
Redrawn from original source (author not certain of origin).
Modified from original source.
Fig. 1. Pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Low levels of
calcitriol (vitamin D), hypocalcemia, altered PTH gland function, and Fig. 3. Clinical consequences of secondary hyperparathyroidism. In-
skeletal resistance to PTH contribute to the pathogenesis of secondary creased risk of cardiovascular and bone disease arises as a result of
hyperparathyroidism in ESRD patients. elevated PTH levels.


1,25D pg/mL
pg/mL 1,25D Progressive loss of 1,25D
40 Secondary hyperparathyroidism occurs in patients
Lower range with CKD due to a combined effect of hyperphos-
30 of 1,25D 300 phatemia, hypocalcemia, increased calcium phosphate
(Ca × P) product, and reduced synthesis of vitamin D.
20 200
Alterations in the metabolism of these minerals is a part
10 PTH 100 of an interrelated cascade that contributes to bone and
joint destruction [10]. Additional potential devastating
0 effects on the cardiovascular system, such as cardiovas-
105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15
cular calcification, are often seen in patients with ESRD
GFR, mL/min/1.73m2
[3]. Figure 3 summarizes the clinical consequences of in-
Reprinted with permission from Nephrol Dial Transplant 11
creased PTH in renal bone disease (osteitis fibrosa, bone
(Suppl 3):22–28, 1996. Modified from original source.
pain, demineralization, and fractures) and increased car-
Fig. 2. Vitamin D levels and the progression of chronic kidney disease diovascular risk.
(CKD) [6]. Patients with progressive CKD, as determined by glomeru-
lar filtration rates (GFR), have decreased levels of vitamin D and a
corresponding increase in parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels. Bone and joint destruction
The altered calcium and phosphorous metabolism in
secondary hyperparathryroidism leads to bone deminer-
alization resulting in fractures of the joint [11]. Addition-
with diabetes and renal insufficiency. Indeed, treatment ally, subcutaneous deposits of calcium pyrophosphate
with 1,25-dihydrovitamin D results in decreased PTH limit mobility in patients with CKD. PTH is normally
gene transcription and, consequently, decreased PTH anabolic for bone, but excess levels result in catabolism
production. of bone [12]. In most patients with CKD, a functional
Low serum levels of calcium also result in the increased and usually actual excess of PTH destroys bone by stim-
stability of PTH mRNA, which increases the secretion ulating the action of osteoclasts, which act to dissolve
of PTH and parathyroid cell proliferation [8]. The ef- bone and cause pathologic fractures. Calcium pyrophos-
fects of calcium on the parathyroid gland are mediated by phate deposits in the joints of patients with CKD cause
a membrane-bound calcium-sensing receptor. Increased arthropathy, crippling joint pain, and swelling accompa-
levels of serum phosphorus have similar effects in reg- nied by osteoclast-induced erosion of bone. In children
ulating PTH levels. The effects of low calcium levels and young adults with slowly progressive renal osteodys-
and high phosphorus levels regulate PTH levels post- trophy, terminal distal phalangeal osteolysis and clubbing
transcriptionally via the altered binding of cytosolic pro- are typical. Progressive bone dissolution may be clinically
teins to the 3 -untranslated region of the PTH mRNA silent until a minor injury produces a pathologic fracture
[9]. of the wrist, arm, or hip.
Friedman: Consequences and management of hyperphosphatemia S-3


10 Dialysis Male
Dialysis Female
Annual mortality (%)

Dialysis Black
1 Dialysis White
GP Male
GP Female
0.1 GP Black
GP White


25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 >85

Age (years) Fig. 4. Cardiovascular mortality in CKD pa-
tients compared with their counterparts in the
general population (GP). Increased percent
Reprinted with permission from Am J Kidney Dis 32 (5 Suppl 3):S112– annual mortality is seen in dialysis patients
S119,1998. regardless of age, sex, or ethnicity [12].

Cardiovascular calcification of patients with renal failure and on dialysis, compared

Vascular calcification, a marker of atherosclerosis and with their counterparts in the general population, regard-
arterial stiffness, is commonly seen in dialysis patients, less of age, gender, or ethnicity. Indeed, after stratification
and is a risk factor for mortality. A proposed mechanism for age, gender, race, and diabetes, cardiovascular mor-
for accelerated coronary artery calcification is based on bidity and mortality in dialysis patients were 10 to 20 times
the observation that ESRD patients with more coronary higher compared with the general population. Cardiac
calcification had reduced skeletal mass due to calcium failure was also higher and seen in approximately 40% of
mobilization from the bone. patients on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Coro-
An epidemiologic report indicated increased cardio- nary artery calcification is thought to be a contributing
vascular mortality in dialysis patients compared with that factor to this increased mortality. Metastatic calcification
of the general population [13]. Among patients treated in the heart and muscles of the lower extremities has been
by hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, the prevalence of reported in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism
coronary artery disease is approximately 40%, and the [15].
prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy is approxi- Using electron beam computed tomography (EBT),
mately 75%. According to an earlier report by the same Braun et al have suggested that cardiovascular calcifi-
group [14], approximately 9% per year die of cardiovas- cation in dialysis patients is a result of lower vertebral
cular disease. Adjusting for age, gender, race, and the bone mass, and not from altered calcium and phosphate
presence or absence of diabetes, indicates that cardio- metabolism [16]. EBT is a noninvasive, extensively used
vascular mortality in dialysis patients is 10 to 20 times method to detect cardiac calcification in coronary arter-
higher than in the general population. Also, cardiac fail- ies of dialysis patients. The rate of calcification was stud-
ure is more common in chronic renal disease patients ied in 49 chronic hemodialysis patients, compared with
than in the general population, and is an independent pre- 102 nondialysis patients with documented or suspected
dictor of death in chronic renal disease. The prevalence coronary artery disease (CAD). All individuals in this
of cardiac failure in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis study had undergone coronary angiography. A total of 30
patients is approximately 40%. Often it is difficult to axial slices with 30 mm distance between the slices was
determine whether cardiac failure reflects left ventric- used to measure the number of calcifications. The surface
ular dysfunction or extracellular fluid volume overload. area was measured; average and highest density values
Figure 4 summarizes the results of this group’s experi- obtained were used to calculate a quantitative coronary
ence, and shows increased annual mortality in subgroups artery calcium score. Hemodialysis patients had a 2.5- to
S-4 Friedman: Consequences and management of hyperphosphatemia

Relative Mortality Risk (RR)



1.00 1.00
1.1-4.5 4.6-5.5 5.6-6.5 6.6-7.8 7.9-16.9
Serum Phosphorus Quintile (mg/dL) Fig. 5. Elevated serum phosphorus levels is
associated with increased risk of mortality in
P=0.03 ''P<0.0001 (N=6407) dialysis patients. Increased serum phosphate
(>6.5 mg/dL) in CKD patients is associated
Am J Kidney Dis 31:607–617, 1998. Modified from original source. with increased risk of mortality.

5-fold higher coronary artery calcium score that corre- D, and bring the calcium concentration back to normal
lated with a lower vertebral bone mass compared with levels.
nondialysis patients. However, no correlation between
serum calcium, phosphate, or PTH levels with the cal-
cium score was seen. Progress in calcification was seen at Management of hyperphosphatemia
a 12-month follow-up of these patients. Higher calcium Increased risk of mortality and secondary hyper-
scores correlated with lower vertebral bone mass in dial- parathyroidism in dialysis patients occurs when the serum
ysis patients. phosphorous levels exceed 6.5 mg/dL and the Ca × P
Due to the prevalence of hyperphosphatemia in ESRD product exceeds 72 mg2 /dL2 . Because of the morbid-
patients, and the associated increased cardiovascular ity and mortality associated with patients with ESRD,
mortality, Ganesh et al studied the mechanism mediat- data available for serum phosphate were analyzed from
ing this risk. Data from two large random samples of pa- two large, random, cross-sectional studies of patients on
tients on hemodialysis (N = 12,833) in the United States hemodialysis for at least 1 year. Data were analyzed for
were used to test the hypothesis that elevated serum phos- patients in the United States Renal Data System, the
phate contributes to cardiac causes of death [17]. A 2- Case Mix Adequacy Study, and the Dialysis Morbidity
year follow-up for the relative risk (RR) of CAD, sudden and Mortality Study Wave [18]. The relative risk (RR) of
death, and other cardiac causes was determined with re- death for patients with serum phosphorus greater than
spect to serum phosphorus, Ca × P product, and serum 6.5 mg/dL was 1.27 compared with those with serum
PTH levels. High cardiovascular mortality was seen in phosphorus levels between 2.4 and 6.5 mg/dL. The link
patients with elevated serum phosphate (>6.5 mg/dL), between higher risk of death and serum phosphorous con-
compared with the low phosporus group (≤6.5 mg/dL). centration, however, was not uniform across all the quin-
Elevated levels of serum P, Ca × P product, and PTH tiles of serum phosphate analyzed. Figure 5 is a graphic
have been implicated in the altered control of phosphate depiction of these data. Patients in the highest 2 quintiles
metabolism. Additionally, serum calcium and calcium- of serum phosphorus are at the greatest risk for mortality.
based binders were not found to be risk factors for car- For example, patients in the serum phosphorus quintiles
diovascular mortality in this report. of 6.6 to 7.8 mg/dL and 7.9 to 16.9 mg/dL are predicted to
have a mortality risk of 1.18 and 1.39, respectively. The
Ca × P product showed a mortality risk trend similar to
that seen with serum phosphorus. However, the analy-
TREATMENT GOALS sis of serum calcium in this study showed no correlation
Because hyperphosphatemia and increased Ca × PO 4 with the relative risk of death. These observations have
products are associated with increased mortality in resulted in recommendations that serum phosphorous be
dialysis patients, it is important to effectively manage controlled between 2.5 and 6.5 mg/dL, and the Ca × P be
and treat hyperphosphatemia and the resulting hyper- maintained at less than 52 mg2 /dL2 [18].
parathyroidism in patients with CKD. The aim of the The most effective means of controlling hyperphos-
strategy for prevention and treatment should be 3-fold: phatemia is managing dietary phosphorous intake. A
to reduce hyperphosphatemia and the pathogenesis of typical American diet provides approximately 1300 mg
phosphate retention, restore synthesis of active vitamin of phosphorous daily from a protein-rich meal. The
Friedman: Consequences and management of hyperphosphatemia S-5

recommended dietary allowance for phosphorus is 700 tion and death. Goodman et al used EBCT to screen for
mg/day. Increased dietary intake of phosphorus , com- coronary-artery calcification in 39 young patients with
bined with elevated serum phosphorous levels resulting ESRD (mean age 19 years) compared with 60 normal in-
from altered mineral metabolism in dialysis patients, are dividuals [22]. This study reports an increase in the mean
associated with vascular and visceral calcification. A re- serum phosphorus concentration and the Ca × P prod-
cent study involving 63 dialysis patients showed the effec- uct in serum of ESRD patients with coronary calcifica-
tiveness of dietary education in controlling hyperphos- tion. The daily intake of calcium-containing phosphate
phatemia [19]. At the onset of the study, patients had binders was nearly twice as great in ESRD patients with
mean serum phosphorous levels >6 mg/dL. A significant cardiac calcification as in those patients without calcifica-
difference (P < 0.01) in serum phosphorus (6.8 ± 0.72 tion. These observations suggest that the long-term expo-
mg/dL and 5.2 ± 1.2 mg/dL before and after 6 months of sure to alterations in mineral metabolism seen in ESRD
education, respectively) and in the Ca × P product levels patients, and the subsequent efforts to treat and correct
(61 ± 7.7 mg2 /dL2 and 47 ± 11 mg2 /dL2 before and af- these alterations may contribute to coronary artery cal-
ter 6 months of counseling, respectively) was observed in cification in young adults.
the group of patients who had received dietary counsel- An alternative phosphate binder that is not aluminum-
ing and educational tools, compared with a control group or calcium-based is sevelmer hydrochloride, a quater-
of patients (phosphorus: 7.2 ± 1.3 mg/dL and 6.7 ± 1.7 nary amine anion exchange resin that binds phosphate
mg/dL before and after 6 months education, respectively; ions and releases hydrochloric acid [23]. A randomized
Ca × P product: 62 ± 9.6 mg2 /dL2 and 60 ± 14.3 mg2 /dL2 52-week “Treat-to-Goal ” trial compared sevelamer hy-
before and after 6 months of education, respectively). drochloride to two calcium-containing phosphate binders
However, dietary phosphorous restriction and in a group of 200 hemodialysis patients [24]. The primary
hemodialysis are often not effective in adequately end point of this trial was to achieve Ca × P product tar-
controlling serum phosphorous, and phosphate binders get levels, and to estimate calcification of the coronary
have been routinely prescribed to reduce the intestinal arteries using a calcification score from EBCT measure-
absorption of phosphorous. Various estimates of patient ments. Both sevelamer hydrochloride and the calcium-
compliance indicate that the side effects of constipation based phosphate binders provided equivalent control of
and nausea may cause as many as one half of a dialysis serum phosphorus. However, serum calcium concentra-
population to discontinue regular use of phosphate tion, hypercalcemia, and an increased absolute calcium
binders. Although aluminum-based phosphate binders score in coronary arteries were seen in patients treated
have been effectively used in reducing levels of serum with calcium, but not with sevelamer.
phosphorus, the risk of toxicity due to aluminum absorp- These data contrasted with those reported in the Cal-
tion is high. Increased incidence of aluminum-induced cium Acetate Renagel Evaluation (CARE) study (dis-
bone disease, osteomalacia, encephalopathy, and mi- cussed by Dr. Nolan in this supplement). The CARE
crocytic anemia seen in CKD patients has resulted study compared the efficacy and safety of calcium acetate
in abandoning the use of aluminum-based phosphate and sevelamer hydrochloride in the treatment of hyper-
binders [20]. phosphatemia in CKD patients [25]. In this 8-week trial,
Calcium-based phosphate binders have been effec- treatment with calcium acetate was found to be more
tive in combination with vitamin D, and have replaced effective in controlling serum phosphorous and Ca × P
aluminum-binders worldwide; calcium acetate is the product levels than treatment with sevelamer hydrochlo-
binder of choice in the United States, and calcium carbon- ride. Side effects were similar for patients treated with
ate is used extensively in Europe [21]. The efficacy and calcium acetate or sevelamer hydrochloride.
cost effectiveness of calcium-based binders have been In a recent review, Coladonato et al suggest that the
outweighed by concern for the long-term safety of these warnings of putative dangers associated with calcium-
agents. These agents have a risk of metastatic calcifica- containing phosphate binders appear to be premature in
tion, particularly if taken with vitamin D analogues, and the context of risk versus benefits of calcium-containing
are prescribed when a high dialysate calcium concentra- phosphate binders [26]. The need for prospective, ran-
tion is employed. The major advantage of calcium-based domized control trials to examine the pathobiology of
phosphate binders is their low cost, and long experience in coronary calcification in CKD and ESRD patients is
their use for “hyperacidity” with minimal toxicity to those essential. Studies that examine differences in the rates
who have been treated daily with proprietary antacids for of calcification in calcium-containing and calcium-free
a decade or longer. phosphate binders, when controlling hyperphosphatemia
However, the debate about the safety of calcium-based and hyperparathyroidism, would help resolve some of
phosphate binders continues. Treating dialysis patients these issues. A recommendation is made on the im-
with these agents results in a higher oral calcium in- portance of having outcome-based trials, using clini-
take, conferring an additional risk of coronary calcifica- cal cardiac events as primary outcomes—along with
S-6 Friedman: Consequences and management of hyperphosphatemia

thorough scientific research—before abandoning the use serum phosphorus levels in dialysis patients because hy-
of calcium-containing phosphate binders. perphosphatemia and the elevated Ca × P correlate with
cardiovascular mortality and bone disease. Currently,
Restoring vitamin D and calcium levels both sevelamer and calcium-containing phosphate
binders (calcium acetate and calcium carbonate) are ac-
In an attempt to restore vitamin D levels, patients with
ceptable first-line therapeutic agents in the treatment of
CKD are also treated with vitamin D derivatives. Until
ESRD patients with hyperphosphatemia. Cost-benefit
recently, high doses of oral calcium supplements and/or 1-
analysis, and the superior efficacy of calcium acetate
a-hydroxylated vitamin D derivatives were the mainstay
in controlling serum phosphorous, make it a treatment
of treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in CKD.
choice for initial treatment of ESRD patients. Seve-
However, these treatments may not be well tolerated due
lamer hydrochloride, the noncalcium-, nonaluminum-
to the associated vascular and soft tissue calcification. An
containing phosphate binder is the preferred treatment
association between vascular calcification and the use of
choice for patients who develop persistent hypercal-
vitamin D therapy has been reported [27]. To circumvent
cemia during treatment with the calcium-based phos-
the adverse effects observed with vitamin D therapy, cal-
phate binders. This treatment, however, has the potential
cimimetic agents are under development.
risk of acid loading in ESRD patients.
Sevelamer hydrochloride and calcium acetate are the
Calcimimetics only two drugs approved by the FDA in the treatment of
Calcimimetic agents modulate the activity of the hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients. Ongoing studies
calcium-sensing receptor, and result in profound reduc- with calcimimetic agents will offer alternate therapeutic
tions in levels of circulating PTH. Additionally, these choices for patients with CKD.
agents result in decreases in serum calcium, phospho- Reprint requests to Eli A. Friedman, Department of Medicine, Down-
rus, and Ca × P product [28]. A recent study with the state Medical Center, 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203.
second generation calcimimetic agent, cinacalcet HCl, E-mail:
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