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Like most other armies in Europe, russian soldiers had very bright and unique uniforms to
distinguish them in the chaos of battle.

Russian muschets were often copies of europen disigns with minor changes such as havier
stock or coooper ramrods to prevent rust. Offiuscers of the time were similary wearing outfits
OFTEN exantuated by elabored gold breading. A shord and sccabard after side ussualy served
as a symbol fo their ranking and standing.

By the time of the napoleonic wars, millitary had be influenced by the style of unifoms worn
by the french and prussians. Desings remeained goddy, but standards were relaxed during
the rain of Tshar Alexander who once stated ..A soldier has no time for smartness in a
campaign.... Regardless of these Tshar’s opinions, officers still liked to stand out in a croud,
thus their uniforms stayed austantation as did their chacos. Army mujssicians werw
simmilarly well andorend, somethimes being more decorated then the officers. This did
served a function, however as part of their part of the job was to keep moral and spirits hight
on the field.

By the crimeean war, the russian military had begun using percation cap muschets and some
units even were a spiked helmet. In fact there is evdence that teh iconic piklehabor was
officialy designed by Nicholas I with the prototipe bein copied by the prussians before the
original was made into production.

The russian soldiers were among the very first i the world to have bult action rifles as the
standart eassue infantry fire arm.

As warfeare began to modernise, however so did the equipment and appearence of the basic
infantry man. Decorations became a liability and uniform colors shifted to a drab mixture of
earth tones. Of course the officer corse were determined to hold on to their symbols of rang
for as long as possible, usually until an enemy sniper reminded them it was no longer the 18

The Russian Revolution created an imediat need for new decorations as soldiers from the
White and Red Armies naturally whore near identicall uniforms. White Army soldiers usually
whore distinctive slleven signias in the color of the former empire.

Meanwille, soldiers from the Red Army displayed their affiliation with a proeminence soviet

NKVD guards were eassiy identifieble by their bright color tams and belt pokels.
By the start of the WW2, further steps towards military modernisation had taking place with
a new steel helmet and an upgraded mosen gun being eassued to the infantry. Officers were
similary equiped to their great war counterparts and used the same revolver but all other
influences from the priveous government had been removed. Officers now whore the M-36
visors caps witch was emblasent with the soviet star.

While the Red Army performed poorly in the field until 1942, they were much better equiped
to deal with the cold than their german counterparts.

Fallowing the end of ww2, the soviet miliatry saw itself becaming a fully military forse both i
look and their equipment

Deploing to Afghanistan, the soviet military adapted to the desert climate during the conflict.

With the fall of the URSS the new RF eassued their infantry man new camuflage uniforms,
many still retained their soviet style .

Russian millitary forces whould be free from the influence hammar and syechle on their gear.

In contrast to the standard infantryman uniforms, the Honor Guards have a very ceremonial
look absolutly needed when guarding hight profile locations.

Ca majoritatea celorlalte armate din Europa, soldații ruși aveau uniforme foarte strălucitoare și unice
pentru a-i distinge în haosul bătăliei.

Muschetele rusești au fost adesea copii ale modelelor europene cu modificări minore, cum ar fi stocul
de coș sau baghete pentru a preveni rugina. Ofițerii vremii purtau în mod asemănător ținute Adesea
exantuate de aur elaborat. Un șarf și un scabard după latură au servit de obicei ca simbol pentru
clasamentul și statutul lor.

Până în timpul războaielor napoleonice, militarii fuseseră influențați de stilul uniformelor purtate de
francezi și prusaci. Desingurile au rămas nenorocite, dar standardele s-au relaxat în timpul ploii lui Tshar
Alexander, care a declarat odată ..Un soldat nu are timp de inteligență într-o campanie.... Indiferent de
opiniile acestor Tshar, ofițerilor le plăcea totuși să iasă în evidență într-o mulțime, astfel uniformele lor
stăteau austanție la fel ca și chacosul lor. Mușicienii din armată au fost la fel de bine și, uneori, fiind mai
decorați decât ofițerii. Acest lucru a îndeplinit o funcție, totuși, deoarece o parte a sarcinii lor a fost să
mențină morala și spiritul ridicat pe teren

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