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Jasper Mpofu

Professor Grant Vickery


19 October 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Works Cited

Komut, Sultan. "Sevim Burak ve Ursula K. Le Guin’in Eserlerinde Evli Kadınların Temsili."

18.2019 special issue (2019): p102-112. 11p.

Summary: In this article, Sultan Komut shows us how women are usually viewed as emotional

and regarded as weak, making them unsuitable for certain jobs due to biological differences.

Therefore they are usually associated with nurturing families, as well as caretakers of the house

generating a belief that it is a woman's duty which ties into the types of oppression women faced

during that as well as marriage and commodification. It was seen that marriage is a form of

individual oppression which was explored in further detail by Le Guin because she also saw

something like oppression existing in both directions and not just for women but for men as well.

Analysis: With the information, I have gained I think I could implement the knowledge into my

essay since my main point is the difficulties and wrongs women faced compared to what they are

facing now. Many people view marriage as two people coming to unify as one and not a form of

oppression which I think gives a perfect contrast from different points in time.
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Works Cited

Silova, Iveta. "The Power of Radical Thought Experiments: Reading Feminist Science Fiction in

Comparative Education." 64.1 (2020): p147.

Summary: In this 2020 article Iveta Silova is basically taking different books and articles she

has read related to feminist science fiction and see how they are interconnected through a single

thread which therefore increases one's capacity to imagine different alternative worldmaking

perspectives as well as diving deeper to certain topics like what it really means to be a feminist

how feminist academics are mainly discussed in philosophical terms.

Analysis: I think this article even though it is short will be very beneficial to my essay because

my main points are basically me seeing how life was back then through a woman's point of view,

so this is why I think this article will help me gain a whole different perspective on this whole

topic, therefore, helping me imaging it differently.

Works Cited

Pullen, Alison. "Feminist Ethics and Women Leaders: From Difference to Intercorporeality."

173.2 (2021): p233-243. 11p.

Summary: In this article, Alison Pullen makes very clear and important points about the

problems when it comes to things women in leadership roles compared to their male

counterparts. Women are mainly scrutinized on particular issues which have to do with one

capability to perform leadership roles encompassing all the disadvantages women bring in
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leadership roles just exposing the structural inequalities woman suffer. She also speaks about

how feminist ethics challenge one's individualism.

Analysis: This article would be very beneficial to me because Le Guin talks about how women

basically never existed during her time and that she viewed herself as a man which I think relates

perfectly to this article because it speaks about the struggles woman face in a predominantly

male-dominated field.

Works Cited

Runyan, Anne Sisson. "Prospects for Realizing International Women's Rights Law Through

Local Governance: the Case of Cities for CEDAW." 22.3 (2021): p303-325, 23p.

Summary: In this 2021 article, Runyan Anne Sisson talks about the prospects for realizing

international women’s rights which she fully encompasses as she mentions the boomerang effect

when it comes to opportunities and obstacles as well as all the arguments for a local CEDAW

since they are the ones who are mainly responsible for any enforcing and punishing which takes

place in certain states, therefore developing influence in what types of women's rights laws can

be passed and enforced

Analysis: This article will be very beneficial to me even though it may hold some irrelevant

information I believe I can link this to the human rights law which was followed during Le Guins

time period which can help me develop a clear distinction to what political challenges women of

that time faced compared to now.

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Works Cited

Blackwell, Wiley. "A Women's Health Issue?: Framing Post‐Abortion Syndrome in the 1980s."

33.3 (2021): p790.

Summary: This article basically talks about the anti-abortion activists who were present during

the 1980s, when America use the term post-abortion syndrome as something they explained as

sickness and mental illness from the trauma of abortion. The main goal of this movement was for

what is called reproductive justice and that women need to take control of their health by telling

their stories of victimization.

Analysis: I believe this article will be essential to my paper because over the past couple of

months there has been an ongoing battle between pro-life and pro-choice which I think I can

contrast to the similar issues which were faced in Le Guin time, especially since there was a

drastic decrease in medical advancements at the time making it more interesting to learn more

about how unsafe it really was compared to now.

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