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Masson, again by Baluze in 1666.

For later editions see Potthast,

him to resign was carried on a poll being taken by 46,770

sensitive to the bites of insects; and with Europeans it is a

meaning of "sovereign lord," in which sense it was early assumed

ring. This burns round to a passage made in the lower ring, when

I. Albumins proper: characterized by having colloidal solutions.

Russian, by Nikolai Karlovich Schilder, Imperator Aleksander,

the length of the shorter axis of the ellipse about 510

prosody, qualities which, however good in themselves, do

containing many interesting local details. For some poems

10,000. In 1900 the oasis of Atar, on the western borders

finally reach the value desired for permanent working. Towards

Akbar was a munificent patron of literature. He established

``hanging well''); pop. 5980. A thoroughly French town, it

From them it passed to the Phoenicians, who were their near

arisen. The Bushmen (q.v.), a race of short yellowish-brown

number. The reduction stage, on the other hand, is the

sacerdotal assumptions of all ecclesiastical courts. The

``Monograph of the Acetabulariaceae,'' Trans. Linn. Soc.

spite of the continued opposition of the powerful Cistercian

a charter for building the Canadian Pacific railway, but the

foreign powers, but little definite information is available.

public officer that an instrument was acknowledged before

Shuckburgh (1890). ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS.--Leland (1771).

In 1906 the population of the commune of Algiers was 154,049; the

collection arose out of bequests by Adrian van der Hoop and

(1888), with headquarters in Washington, D.C.; the Geological

the other hand, those who imagined aethers in order to explain

constructed of glass, but it was more usual to make the cucurbit

sent. Meanwhile the various colonial societies established

given between A.D. 240 and 245. See NEO-PLATONISM, ORIGEN.

looking at a painting and desire to be its possessor. In like

Given the presence of all the necessary determinants for

Theol. Cath. (1858); other authorities in J. C. L. Gieseler,

shifted to three hundred and seventy leagues west of the

including Flour,

The sponge fisheries are of considerable importance. The

place to place. Certain of these native trade routes are,

in Italy, there were at least four other alphabets in use in

the indices. The unknown he terms arithmos, the number,

received the crown from the archbishop of Braganza; the assembly

ABDICATION (Lat. abdicatio, disowning, renouncing,

Christian under the name of Maria or Isabel, bore him the only

tentacles. The atrial region extends from the mouth over about

attempt to seize it. The great development of Amsterdam

to the polite letters of the past. It was, however, in

by the assassination of President McKinley by Czolgoscz on the

Since 1876 no new drugs have been introduced; the progress

Somaliland with Harrar. To the S.W. Abyssinia also includes

points above this surface will correspond to wholly liquid

exists before the reign of Henry I. No mention occurs in

lay in mid-eastern Africa---a fact only valuable in the present

between December 1667 and June 1668, and they described the
prizes. In the case of open golf competitions professional

outlined in the article on the history of Europe. In general

until the arrival of Sir Garnet Wolseley, led the Highland

they understood the potter's art and used flint arrow-heads

processes. In the West Indies ``the only horned cattle

Bornu where they meet the southern edge of the Sahara. In the

though already somewhat antiquated, are: (1) The Alphabet (2

ALAIS, a town of southern France, capital of an

the old glasses. In uniting three colours an ``achromatism

influence. The eastern boundary followed the 20th degree

Ba-Kundu Ba-Koko Ja-Mbute

NH2.SO3K. The disulphonate is more readily obtained

a strong ammoniacal smell, and on digestion with alcohol the

of the 11th century, at least in the diocese of Worcester.

pharynx (q.v.) are separately described, the detailed

prose and wrote novels, sketches of travel, and especially

Syria, it has been suggested that the LXX. reading in which

germinate directly, like the zoospores derived from unilocular

the curse (cp. iii. 19, ``dust thou art'').

his first appearance at that theatre (1816). He created the

When James Bradley and Samuel Moineux entered this sphere of

amplitude as well as delicacy to our enjoyment of beauty.

clever at taming wild beasts. The nobles hunt antelopes with

another, and that other by a third, and so on. In this way

are the equivalent of the familiar ``altarhorns'' in Hebrew

an academy of belles lettres, they changed to Humoristi.

were called in to assist at the sittings, and the commission

ACIDALIUS, VALENS (1567-1595), German scholar and critic,

reputation was that of being the foremost soldier on either

of Mithradates Eupator ``The Great.'' The latter, however,

and prizes were distributed by competent judges annually.

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