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Brand Management

Informatics College Pokhara

Brand Management Module Code: MN5083NP

Individual Report on ‘Brand equity’

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Student Name: Saurav Baral Mr. Bibek Shrestha

London Met ID: 20048854 Module Leader

Date: 2022-11-22

Word count 2428

Brand Management

Executive Summery

This analysis highlights Khaanpin, an online food delivery service, brand equity's
deteriorating trend. This report's main goal is to investigate potential remedies for
Khaanpin's dwindling brand equity. Different academic theories and secondary research
data were used to analyze the Khaanpin in order to meet these objectives. This helped
to pinpoint the issues that kept Khaanpin from restoring its brand equity. On the basis of
the research and integration of the theories, Khaanpin is provided with pertinent
criticism and recommendations for how to rebuild their brand equity.

Brand Management

Introduction................................................................................................................................ 5
Background................................................................................................................................ 6
Company Profile..................................................................................................................... 6
Brand profile and target customers.........................................................................................6
Competitor analysis.................................................................................................................. 7
Academic Theories.................................................................................................................... 8
(CBBE) Model......................................................................................................................... 8
STEP ONE: BRAND IDENTITY...............................................................................................8
STEP TWO: BRAND MEANING..............................................................................................8
STEP THREE: BRAND RESPONSE.......................................................................................9
STEP FOUR: BRAND RELATIONSHIPS................................................................................9
Secondary Brand Association................................................................................................10
Secondary research finding....................................................................................................10
Research methodology (bilal, 2022)...................................................................................10
Present scenario of Khaanpin.............................................................................................10
Current strategy and Future plans:....................................................................................11
Challenges of Khaanpin..........................................................................................................11
Difficulty faced by delivery riders...........................................................................................12
Recommendation:................................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 13
References............................................................................................................................... 14
Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 14

Brand Management


First and foremost, I would want to express my gratitude to Mr. Bibek Shrestha, the
module leader, for his ongoing support, inspiration, and invaluable feedback. I would
also like to express my gratitude to Informatics College for offering all of these
educational possibilities. Second, I want to express my gratitude to my family and my
fellow students for lending me their time and helping me finish my report on schedule. In
addition, I want to thank all of my module leaders for their assistance in providing me
with insightful criticism and advice that helped me determine how to increase the caliber
of my report.

My sincere apologies go out to everyone else who helped me in various ways to finish
this report but shall remain nameless.


Saurav Baral

Brand Management

Isha Balla discovered Khaanpin, a domestic online meal delivery service in Nepal.
Khaanpin's primary goal is to assist hustlers by offering them a one-stop shop for
trustworthy and efficient delivery of meals, drinks, and groceries. Khaanpin established
a business with the goal of making meal delivery simpler and more dependable. The
cloud kitchen was launched at night. The aim behind the cloud kitchen, which was first
introduced at night, is to support Kathmandu's hustlers throughout the year without
having to worry about having an empty glass or stomach. The service is now available
24/7, 365 days a year, as opposed to the previous 8 hours [7pm-3am]. Along with multi-
cuisine foods, beverages, bakeries, and groceries, they also expand to Pokhara. A
genuinely global city is one that offers facilities and services at the customer's fingertips
around-theclock, expanding the hours of its economy.

Brand Management


Company Profile

The Khaanpin is the 24hour online food delivery servicers which main
headquarter is located in the capital city of Nepal Kathmandu. Its mission is to
provide the food, beverage and groceries in the finger tip of Customers or
Hustlers. Khaanpin originally began as a project undertaken to aid and support
netizens and hardworking individuals like ourselves to work and play on their
own time and schedule and free from the limitations of the service providers.

Figure 1 logo of khaanpin

Brand profile and target customers

Khaanpin provides not only the food but also provide beverage and groceries
where must of the other Online food delivers won’t provide. Before Khaanpin
there was Bhoklagyo who used to deliver online food but after that Khaanpin
came and it take the main role by delivering the food day and in night to. They
are the online based where they get their order through the app and the phone
call. They have extended their brands in various cities where they have more
than 200 employers. Their target customers are like who work in the office and
can’t have time to go out and have a meal and the people who work in the night
duty so they can deliver the food in the hand of the hustlers. The target
customers of Khaanpin are the hustlers of any age.

Brand Management

Competitor analysis

4 4.3
3.5 3.9
2.5 3 3
Foodmandu Khaanpin Bhoklagyo Bhojdeals

Figure 2 Competitors analysis on the basis of rating food delivery

The competitors of the Khaanpin are Foodmandu, Bhoklagyo, Bhojdeals etc. as you can
see in the graph there are different competitors where the main competitors of the
Khaanpin is Foodmandu They have only difference of 0.4 rating out of rating 5. Due to
These services are not globally so this analysis is only basis of the delivery services in
different cities of Nepal. Only in Nepal it is also being so hard to provide the E commers
facilities because of the developing phages. If it goes globally there are many other
Ecommers market in food such as Zomato, Swiggy etc. which will be hard to give them
a competition.

Brand Management

Academic Theories

(CBBE) Model

The Keller Model, developed by marketing professor Kevin Lane Keller and published in
his influential Strategic Brand Management, is the most well-known CBBE model.

The growth of marketing caused businesses to shift their attention to the client. Gains
come from satisfied customers. Companies realized they needed to develop a strong
relationship and resonance with their customers in addition to keeping them satisfied if
they wanted to increase profitability. Naturally, relationships are constructed on solid
bases and grow with time. (qualtrics, 2022) (business and Enterpreneurship, 2022)



Khaanpin was created by Isha Balla for the hustlers in the two cities of Nepal (Pokhara,
Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur). Khaanpin created a platform which delivers the food
on the finger tip of the people. They deliver the food 24/7 and 365 days. They provide
the multi cuisine dishes, beverage, bakery, groceries etc.



The branding strategy of Khaanpin has being spread its business not only in Kathmandu
but also in different cities of Nepal. Khaanpin set the record in which they are the only
one food delivery company who deliver the meals a year and 24 hours. They started in
700sq ft apartment and now after the many years they have now a fully equipped
kitchen and with more than 100 members. In the short time they achieve the no.1 online
food delivery tag in Nepal.


Khaanpin has become the one of the most reputed brands in the food delivery field. The brand
has made its presence in more than 3 cities in Nepal, after adding more branches in different

Brand Management

city they have gain the customer trust which Is main important. Khaanpin logo have a theme
that it showing the hustler don’t need to feel hunger.



When you start a business of a food service people will judge you in different things like
delivery time, price, etc. Recently there was an incident where Khaanpin delivery late at
the day time and the food was also cold where the customer was very angry due to this
kind of behavior. Khaanpin rating was being decreased due to the late deliver. People
have a bad judgment towards Khaanpin because they don’t take order less than Rs500
which is kind of unsatisfied. In Katmandu Khaanpin can’t deliver the food in each and
every corner of the city where the customer has to walk few minutes and take their
orders due to this kind of service, they have the less rating at delivery time.


Khaanpin has the very poor delivery time. The delivery won’t be at a perfect where
many customers find out that their food is being cold due to late delivery. Due to the
high delivery charge many customers hesitate to order the food from the khaanpin. After
seeing this kind of service people choice has been decreased to order from it.


RESONANCE: And finally, we reach the pyramid's summit. The goal for brands should
be this section. Retaining customers is a crucial challenge when a strong business has
gained recognition and has received positive feedback. A brand should strive to develop
a favorable relationship with the audience while doing this. Khaanpin has set an
example by demonstrating the high quality and quantity of the food they have been
displaying on their website. They have been responding quickly and guarantee that they
do not purchase food; instead, they have a cloud kitchen where they prepare food for
their customers.

Brand Management

Secondary Brand Association

Khaanpin apply the secondary brand association through the co-branding. Khaanpin is
associated with Coco cola, Tuborg, Gorkha and different shopping stores bhatbhateni
etc. Form these they provide the groceries and the liquor to the customers. Typically.
They don’t provide the discount on which they are co-branding. Their co-branding
doesn’t help the customers but it helps to the company where they get discount on
groceries, they get sponsors from the groceries shop and the liquor shop of Tuborg and
Gorkha. Sometimes they provide a combo package where if you order more than
3000rs they provide a beer such as Gorkha, Tuborg etc. They also provide dessert in
the combo meal for free after ordering more from the Khaanpin’s. They have also given
the giveaway in their anniversary in which the two couples can get the free
accommodation and free beverage, food to the winners at the rupakot resort located in
Pokhara. They have been giving the 10% discount by collabing with the Kumari bank
limited for e.g., if you scan through the Kumari bank while paying the money you will get

Secondary research finding

Research methodology (bilal, 2022)

Secondary sources have been utilized in this study's analysis of Khaanpin. Numerous
research articles, journals, and websites were accessed to get data on Khaanpin. The
major goal of this study was to determine Khaanpin's current situation and trends in its
brand equity. (business and Enterpreneurship, 2022)

Present scenario of Khaanpin

As you have listened to the stories of Khaanpin when they started in a 700sq ft area with
a limited man powers limited tools etc. Now after the 3 years of their progress they have

Brand Management

achieve a fully equipped kitchen a corporate house with the team members of the more
than 200 peoples. In the short period they have extended to the Pokhara with multi
cuisine dishes. Before they used only phone calls orders but now an application is now
accessible on both the apple and android platforms, replacing only calling in orders and
an upgraded website. They primarily use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Viber among other social media sites. (Khaanpin, 2022)

Current strategy and Future plans:

As you can see that Khaanpin is the one and only 24 hours food delivery services
providers. Khaanpin has been using different strategy to make their brand at the no 1
position in which they are providing groceries item which most of the Online food
servicers won’t provide. Their main strategy is digital marketing where they are showing
the advertainment, social media, websites, Blog, etc. Talking about their future plans
they are trying to open more franchise in the different city of Nepal like Butwal, Chitwan
etc. They are trying to launch more food on the basis of customer choice which is the
plus point for them. They are also adding dinner, breakfast through online which is the
toughest work.

Challenges of Khaanpin
Any meal delivery service's main goal should be to increase its market share by giving
clients the best value at the lowest price possible in areas where khaanpin is too
expensive. Due to the enormous demand for online orders, it is extremely difficult for the
delivery partners to bring food from a restaurant located distant from the customer's
location while keeping the highest quality. A well-known, well-established food delivery
service takes up a larger market share and provides less room for other companies,
such as Bhojdeals, Foodmood, etc., to compete. (Khaanpin, 2022)

Brand Management

Difficulty faced by delivery riders

The consumers frequently mistreat these delivery personnel. Even worse, some people
get shouted at by the clients for being late. Additionally, they are occasionally physically
abused. After putting in hard labor for 30 days, a food delivery agent in Nepal might
earn up to Rs 15–20k per month. Employee incentives are also paid by the firms, but
only when a rider has completed orders during his shift. Additionally, if the delivery
personnel are late with the food, they will be penalized. On their shoulders, these
delivery personnel for food delivery services and e-commerce companies ride bikes
while delivering large quantities of goods.

The main thing is too recommended that is the delivery on time. they need to add more
members where they deliver the hot food at the right time in the customer fingertip.
Many people talk about the delivery charge being high they need to considered about
the delivery charge. They need to keep the delivery charge free where there are more
orders from a single customer that will make the customer happy. They need to
considered about the delivery order where their minimum order value amount is NRs.
500 where many people can’t take it. There menu have limited dishes where they need
to work on the menu and add more multi cuisine dishes. They don’t deliver in every
corner of the Kathmandu valley where they can easily take the motorcycle in every door
of the customer. Once you select your location, it generally takes 45 minutes to 1 hour
to deliver your order in which the food can get cold. They need to consider the customer
the cancelation order too. They also need to take the order in advance. The bulk menu
should be added, they should take the order from Catrine. They should also do
collaboration with different brand and make theirs brand popular. Make sure that your
personnel have received the necessary training for effective telephone customer
service. Teach them to gently confirm the order to make sure there is no discrepancy.
Make sure you offer simple ordering alternatives as well to make it simpler for
customers to comprehend and place their orders. They should focus on digital
marketing where they should be also focus on different marketing like email marketing,

Brand Management

social media marketing, content marketing, advertising etc. It should run google Display
advertisements to target people on apps and websites from third parties. They must
post food images so that clients may obtain introductory details like portion sizes,
comparisons of the real meal to the menu, and price and food comparisons. (Khaanpin,

There is a considerable likelihood of missing orders in restaurants where the volume of

delivery orders is high and most of them are placed over the phone. Even if you have
several phone lines for taking orders, sometimes they won't get picked up or the lines
can still be busy. You can make advantage of cloud telephony to prevent this from
happening. Food that is served cold creates the idea that it may be stale, which has a
bad effect on the clients, whereas food that is served hot offers the impression that it is
newly made. This could be handled by monitoring delivery times and making sure that
orders get to clients on time. Because a messy meal will eventually appear unappealing
and less tempting to the customers, care should be taken to prevent the food from
spilling and getting messed up in the containers. You no longer need to invest in a fleet
of delivery boys and vehicles with third-party restaurant delivery partners like
Bhoklagyo, Bhojdeals, Foodmandu, foodmood, etc., or by hiring freelance delivery
drivers as needed. One creative strategy for reducing delivery time during unplanned
rush hours is to outsource delivery drivers. Additionally, it lowers overall food delivery
expenses including insurance and hourly pay. Plan your promotions to meet the needs
of both your company and the target audience. Offer a set menu at a discounted price
that includes a popular dish if a certain dish isn't selling well enough. Additionally, you
may consider doing promotions during slow periods and on holidays by offering early-
bird discounts and running drink specials. Add combos to the menu and include free
drinks with them which will make the customer smile. (The resturant times, 2022)

One of the founders' most notable accomplishments is the company's listing on the
stock market. It has accomplished multiple landmarks, leaving the competitors in the
dust. Even (The resturant times, 2022)ways, by expanding its franchise network, it has

Brand Management

developed a reputation for having a reliable brand. The investor and their gorgeous
customer can also sense this element of trust.

bilal, M. (2022, june 06). zomato and swizzy. Retrieved from Daily:

business and Enterpreneurship. (2022, November 27). Retrieved from Onsight: Khaanpin.

(2022, november 27). khaanpin. Retrieved from Khaanpin:

qualtrics. (2022, 11 14). Experience Managment. Retrieved from Keller vs. Aaker customer based brand
equity models:

The resturant times. (2022, November 27). 7 Challenges Faced by Food Delivery Services and How to
Address Them. Retrieved from Possit:

bilal, M. (2022, june 06). zomato and swizzy. Retrieved from Daily:

business and Enterpreneurship. (2022, November 27). Retrieved from Onsight: Khaanpin.

(2022, november 27). khaanpin. Retrieved from Khaanpin:

qualtrics. (2022, 11 14). Experience Managment. Retrieved from Keller vs. Aaker customer based brand
equity models:

The resturant times. (2022, November 27). 7 Challenges Faced by Food Delivery Services and How to
Address Them. Retrieved from Possit:

Brand Management

(vodafone, 2019)
(vodafone, 2018)

(eletronic design, 2022)

(serchabledesign, 2022)

(timesofindia, 2022)

eletronic design, 2022. Bosch, Vodafone, and Huawei Successfully Test C-V2X.
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Brand Management

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