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From Dekem's point of view, it is worthless to me!

Remembering useless names

is a waste of memory.
I am not saying that memory is limited, but there is no point in devoting memory
to anything other than what is important.
On the contrary, it is incomprehensible to me that so many people memorize
things that have no meaning.
The woman's gaze moved to Techem's bow.
The woman's gaze moved to Techem's bow, and the conversation somehow
connected with it.
She must have been talking about the failed Japanese work.
It makes me feel a little sad to think that he was half of my blood.
No, he was only half-blood, which is probably why he was killed by a human
The woman's voice was trembling.
The woman must have felt ashamed of the fact that she was related to the failed
Japanese artist.
He should be more ashamed of himself.
However, it is the king's duty to give them a chance.
He was moved to think how kind he was to show mercy to the incompetent.
Come to my room now, and I will give you a chance.
Waiting for a reply, Dakem starts walking.
The first priority is to get this armor back to the treasure room.
After returning from the biological hall, Dekem cleans off the dirt from the
battlefield and lies down on the bunk in his room. As he waits, a man
enters, saying, "Excuse me.
He looks behind him, but the woman is gone.
I looked behind me, but the woman was gone.
I am pleased to inform you that the king has called for you.
Muyugi, whom the king had summoned, has committed suicide.
He jumped down from this castle.
What? I can't think of any reason why a woman would die.
First of all, she had just been summoned to the Seki by herself.
She must have come to him.
Perhaps she didn't commit suicide, but was killed by someone else, by a
pregnant witch.
The woman's death was not a suicide, but rather she was killed by someone who
was a pregnant witch.
Yes, I think so.
Yes, I am sure of it.
Dekem wondered if that person was the culprit, but if it really was suicide, what
could have caused it? He thought for a moment, and then came up with the only
I understand. I understand.
He committed suicide in order to apologize to me for having given birth to a
defective daughter, isn't that right?
She is the only one who knows how she feels, but she may be right, King," the
man replies, his face expressionless.
If that's the case, bury the corpse respectfully.
She apologized to me with her own life.
I thank you for your generosity," the man bowed deeply.
The man bowed deeply, and Dekem was filled with admiration for his sincere
Feeling very charitable, Dakem decided to give a favor to the loyal retainer in
front of him, whose name he did not know.
Do you have a daughter? If she is an adult, call her here.
If not, your wife will be fine.
The man was overcome with emotion.
As the man left the room, Dekem forgot about the dead woman.
Whatever happened to one of his useful men was nothing to him.
The sky above the great forest that stretches to the southwest of the magical land
of Houkoku.
The wind was blowing and Ainz was looking at the ground with a certain amount
of interest.
What is the Great Forest? The actual forest is really a sea of trees, and because it's
the middle of the night, the vivid green sincerity is now dyed in black.
Whenever the wind blew against the heads of the trees, the entire forest undulated
like a wave, just like an ocean plain, making me think that this place was worthy
of being called the Great Sea of Trees.
In fact, this land is far more extensive than the Great Forest of Tob and the
Azerisia Mountains combined.
It is probably larger than the entire kingdom.
(In the land of magic, we call this place the "Great Sea of Trees.
") The vastness of this forest is so vast that there are only trees as far as the
eye can see, and it is almost impossible to find anything of note in the forest.
In this forest, various species have built their own civilizations and are spreading
their lives in their own way.
Yet, the fact that we can't see them from above suggests that they are using the
forest as a hiding place.
There are monsters that fly in the sky, so they must be in places where they can
be seen from the sky.
The first is Lake Crescent, which is said to be the royal city of the elves.
The first was Lake Crescent, where the royal city of the elves is said to be
The first is Lake Crescent, which is said to be the location of the Elven capital,
and is quite large, so it was easy to spot from above.
The other is an earth-colored road extending from the Theocracy.
It is a road for the invasion of Jinhwa, which was made by Hogoku by
deliberately cutting down trees along the route of its march.
The forest is so huge that it appears to be as thin as a thread, but in reality, it is
probably more than one hundred meters wide.
Otherwise, it would have been impossible to detect it from the seating area.
It may seem like a rather shortsighted approach, but it was probably unavoidable
in order to obtain a certain level of safety in this great sea of trees.
At the same time, considering the time and effort it took to get there, I can
strongly feel the persistent desire of the Hokkoku to destroy the Elven nation at
all costs.
(But I can't understand it.
Why is that the only place that stands out? ) The easy way to capture the elven
villages would be to cut down the trees for laps and then set them on fire. It is
not dry, but it is not very humid either.
If we were careful to set fire to the trees, we could take out the village in no
time at all.
(Are they avoiding burning because they want to enslave the elves? ) If that is the
case, then they have a lot of extra capacity.... or they have that much strength.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the village is not a place of war.
From the air, there is no evidence of heavy burning of the trees.
However, it is very difficult to say for sure that there is not, since it is quite a
distance from here.
If Aura had been here, she might have expressed a different opinion.
(And the outpost of the legal state is probably in that area where you can see the
lights..-) The human eye cannot see through the darkness.
The larger the encampment, the more brightness it will have, even from the
fastest eye.
In fact, that's how Ainz found what he thought was a legal outpost.
But due to a variety of factors - especially from the air - it is difficult to
determine the exact distance from there to the Elven capital, and if they march
on, clearing the forest as they go, there is no telling how long it will take for the
legal state to reach the manure.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you need
to see, and then you can use the "hegami-transfer" technique.
In the sky, where there is nothing to arrest you, it is easier to be spotted from
Even at night, there are many people with excellent eyesight.
It is not an environment in which you can ever be too careful.
Of course, if the other party is coming all the way up from below, they may be
able to escape with enough time to spare.
However, giving the opponent information that Ainz is coming is never
considered a beneficial action.
For that reason, Ainz will not cancel "complete agnosticism.
As far as I analyze the information I have obtained, many of the creatures in this
world are weak.
However, we cannot say for sure that there are no strong people who can return to
Ainz in a place where there is no such information.
If you want to know more about this, please contact us.
If you are not able to get the information from your opponent, you should act in
such a way as not to give them any information about yourself.
If they find out one of our cards in our hand, they will search for a way to deal
with it, and we will be one step closer to defeat. (Well, next is the royal city
of the elves.
The forest is a world of darkness, with little moonlight falling on it.
But that does not hinder Ainz in any way.
(After descending from the sky using flight, Ainz slowly headed for his
destination, maintaining a height just high enough to avoid stepping on his
We now know how far away the armies of the Pope's kingdom are.
The next step was to gather information on the elven capital.
Soon, the road ahead gradually opened up.
The houses of the elves are made of extremely thick and squat trees, commonly
known as elven fusories, and the royal city, with all of its houses gathered
together, looks like a large sphere.
The structure itself is the same in every village, but there is a clear difference
between a village with a small number of inhabitants and an elven capital with a
large number of inhabitants.
The royal city is densely populated and even has a sense of oppressor.
To Ainz, it reminded him of his former gray world and made him feel a sense of
There are no trees other than elf trees around the elven capital, and there are only
grasslands with short grasses.
This is not a natural phenomenon, but an artificial one, created by the elves from
a defensive standpoint.
They approach and say, "Hey!
(But on the other hand, maybe this is a survival strategy of the Elf Tree.
(But on the other hand, this may be a survival strategy of the Elf tree.
) At first, I did not particularly doubt the story that the elves created the Elf tree
internally, but it may be that the Elf tree is using the elves to deepen the species.
It is also possible that the Elftree is actually a monster, and it would be better to
find out if it is a creature with a spirit.
Even so, Ainz pleads ahead, wondering how to find out, or whether he should
leave it to Mare.
There would no doubt be soldiers on guard to patrol the grasslands as far as the
eye could see, where there was no place to hide.
It would be difficult to break through without using magic.
However, it is possible with the skills of a high-ranking ranger of the Aura class.
High-ranking ambushers have the ability to ambush even when there is no place
to hide, and if there is an overwhelming difference in level, it is even possible for
them to remain undetected even though their eyes meet.
Aura had told me that the hiding of those who have improved their hiding skills is
tantamount to making the other party recognize you as a stone. However, I am a
little doubtful that this is really the case.
In this trip, Aura was in hiding, but Ainz managed to find the plain Aura magic
items and special abilities without boosting them! This is a good example of how
Aura is raising the level of both the hider and the hider's "agsuteoe".
The reason for this is that the level of the AINES is high, and the basic ability
level is high.
Therefore, it is unfortunate that the story of AURA was not really felt.
Whatever the case may be, Ainz's ability does not allow him to approach
the Elven capital covertly.
The reason why he is even using two people's ability, as he did when he was
flying in the sky, is that it would be difficult to detect the full agnosticism of this
world in general, but just to be safe.
I have never had the slightest idea of all the technologies and special abilities that
exist in this world.
Ainz's knowledge is only from the Yggdrasil era, and even then it may not be
As Ainz is constantly activating his ability to see through invisibility, we should
assume that there are other people who can do the same.
This is one of the reasons why he wears the magic item, the ghillie ghillie cloak,
to reduce the probability of his being discovered, while at the same time
preparing a means of deception in the event he is discovered. (Well, let's go.

) The border between the grassland and the forest trees is azure on the side of the
royal city.
I can see the elves patrolling the bridge that spans the perimeter of the trees that
make up the royal city.
There are no trees to hide behind if we go any further.
That's the equivalent of the so-called city wall, and the bridge is the pavement.
The bridge is completely agnostic to the city wall.
Well, if they were to be discovered at once after taking so many
countermeasures, it would be a real eye opener.
Ainz ducks behind a tree and pulls out a scroll so as not to be seen by the elven
Then he activates his magic.
He gets lost.
Again, he activates it! Lost.
He had made up his mind before coming here.
After a while, Ainz finally succeeded in clearing his head, consumed the scroll,
and activated the Tadahou.
Whenever he thinks about something, he cannot stop thinking about it.
The cornerstone method to be invoked is the "hegami no mei" (eye of the god).
The eye of a non-existent magic eye, which is made invisible by being posted on
the Kunihoshi, is flown.
The difference between this magic and remote viewing is that it can fly much
farther and can pass through ordinary walls.
The point would be that it comes.
This magic is quite good as a means of undercover reconnaissance, but it is by no
means the best.
Since it is only an invisibility, it can be easily detected by the second level of
detection magic.
Furthermore, even though it is a non-entity, it also has the disadvantage of
receiving damage as feedback when it is damaged and broken.
In addition, because it belongs to information magic, there is a possibility that the
opponent will be able to identify our location by the anti-information purchasing
method, and there is also a possibility that it will be caught by the offensive
barrier and the attack history method will be sent to us.
Moreover, this sensory device itself has no HP, and above all, its level and
defensive ability is fatal to the harmony point that it does not use Ainz's one.
The actuality that the actual sensorium itself has no HP and also has no level or
defensive ability that Ainz's has, it's almost fatal.
The elven sentinels were in groups of three, all of them carrying bows, but they
were undetected by the gods as they approached with impunity.
(They do not seem to have the power to detect the ineffable celebration.....
) There is no reason for them to be blind to it, so you would be forgiven for
thinking so.
However, we must not let our guard down.
Unknown OoCC not in our knowledge <m lo
It is the first information gathering in the place.
The (God's Eye) created by Ainz sneaks into the Elven capital by going under
the bridge.
-The three patrolmen who had just arrived at the city were moved in front of the
three guards.
He then moves them in front of the three patrolmen.
They were talking about something and didn't seem to notice.
Ainz let out a breath of relief.
As is the case with the Nazarick Underground Tomb, some of the reductions in
the guild home deter or inhibit the effects of some magic at the point of entry.
For example, it defeats (invisibility) and reduces the effect of Suho, a divine
I checked to see if there were any such effects in the Elven capital, and while I
would need to check again for important facilities in the capital, there seemed to
be no problem if you just wanted to enter the general facilities.
I don't want to take too much time since I'm keeping the "hezumetsu total
Besides, considering the exhausting presentation of great power after this, we
can't afford it.
Ainz is letting the (God's Day) invade into the royal city more and more.
The goal, however, is the elf-girls who live in the trees that seem to be the stores
where the goods are lined up.
If you think of a normal city, such stores should be clustered together, and they
should be located in convenient places in the capital.
The actuality that the actual storehouse is also a big one, it's not surprising that it's
made from a bigger tree than usual.
And after a while, Ainz blows his mind.
(! I can't find it!) The town, composed of thousands of trees, is simply
called hemp in the light of human values.
Perhaps because of the lacquer night, there are no signs, nor are there name
plates on the trees.
There are just endless rows of trees with no landmarks.
It is impossible to say that the tree in front of me is not the one I saw earlier.
In a city of people, there would be a main street, or a main avenue, with stores
lined up on either side of it.
Or the stores would be lined up around the square.
However, such common sense does not prevail in this elven city of Jade.
There is no such thing as a main street or plaza, at first glance.
Therefore, you have to use your intuition rather than the experience you have
cultivated up to now to find out.
It is not a traveler-friendly city.
It is very difficult, or even impossible, to find the store you are looking for in
such a city.
However, there is no need to finish everything today.
Instead of rushing, we should take our time and proceed safely.
Ani Oo0<!
So he decided to use up as much time as he could.
However, after searching around for a while, Ainz let out a sigh. (-1 This is no
use doing the same thing over and over again during the time when the residents
are asleep.
We should come to check it out in the light of day, knowing how dangerous it is.
That way we can get a good idea of where people are coming and going.
Otherwise, I can't imagine how long it would take.
Ainz let (Heshin no Hi) dive into one of the houses that he thought would be
Because the elves are Liu and his clan are building a bridge over the tree, the
entrance and exit of the elves' tree is basically the same as the entrance and exit of
a human dwelling.
The entrance and exit of the Elfsootree are on the third floor of the house, which
is also called the second floor.
Therefore, when you enter the house, you should do it from the first floor.
It is the same as when a thief ransacks a closet.
If you start from the second floor, the line of flow is not good.
If the eye of God (Hegami no Mei.
The first floor of the house is the first floor, and the second floor is the second
The house was apparently a family home, with a father, mother, and two boys
sleeping there.
(I had heard stories about this, but....what kind of tribe is this? No, considering
the fact that even in the villages of Jintan, Japanese hay is used as a mattress, it
may be similar to the one in the above-mentioned story.
Ivo (According to the elves in Nazarick, this is a typical elven bedroom.
It seems to be hard to collect this many leaves, but once collected, they can be
used for a long time, so there is no problem.
When I asked him if the leaves would not attract insects, he replied that they
would be enchanted.
Two boys were breathing peacefully.
(Sleep....? (How did it feel?) It has been a long time since I have been in this
I have been able to do this because I have a body that does not have any of the
three major desires and does not feel a strong sense of peacefulness, but I
sometimes feel a little sad that I have lost them.
When I see a comfortable sleeping like this, I feel nostalgic and envious.
But the time when I feel the most envious is when I see a delicious-looking dish
in front of me at the top of the day.
Ainz, while looking at the family that seems to be on the agenda, (he releases
God's day.
The vision switched instantly, and a large pebelle-like object, which was created by
the intertwining of recommendations, was spread out in front of his eyes.
It blended in well with its surroundings, and it certainly would not have been out
of place in the forest, but upon closer inspection, one could see that it was
wrapping a small cottage well.
This is the magic iratem greensin secret house that was created using the Ainz
and the others olo5nildnit and 0<sous o.
This has been the base of operations for the past few days at Ainz.
Fenrir, who had been sitting next to the green secret house, slowly stood up and
looked at Ainz with a sniffle and a slight inhale. However, his gaze is slightly
Ainz will cancel (full agnosticism).
Fenrir, with Ainz in front of him, bowed his head apologetically.
Although he cannot speak, Fenrir is much smarter than mere animals.
He bowed his head not just for the sake of bowing, but as a sign of sincerity
toward Ainz.
However, Ainz does not think that Fenrir is a good person.
From Fenrir's point of view, someone unknown to him had suddenly
appeared. It is natural for him to be alarmed as a protector of his master, and it
would be more problematic if he did not react in the same way as before.
The only person I brought with me this time as an escort instead of Hanzo is
The only thing I can say is that I'm not sure how this plan to make friends will
work out, so I'm not too sure about leaking the information to others.
I'm just trying to make sure it doesn't happen.
And one more point.
I had stopped sending my guardian out alone since Chartier's brainwashing.
However, the result is what happened.
And no matter how much I tried, there was no sign of the enemy coming out.
The only person who could be caught was a man named Riku Aganeia, who was
wearing platinum full-body armor, when Kaga was alone, and other than that,
there was no sign of the being who had brainwashed Chartier. So, Koruso, that's
If Riku was caught at that time when Hanzo was not placed around him, then
perhaps the enemy must have detected by some means that Hanzo Nadohi was
around him.
Perhaps by the power of a world-class i-item.
Perhaps it is the power of a world-class i-item, or perhaps it is the power unique
to this world, which is said to be a natural ability.
That is why I experimented with not bringing Hanzobou along, even though it
might be dangerous.
I told Albedo about the latter reason, but even Ainz knows that there are many
things to get into.
She seemed to be convinced with her usual smile, but I am not sure if she was
actually convinced or not.
I don't know if she was actually convinced or not.
The actuality of the fact that the particulars are not really a lot of, it's not really a
lot of.
The door is camouflaged so that you can't tell the difference unless you are
wearing the same camouflage as the door itself. The door does not open.

Unfortunately, this magic item does not have a key.

It is possible to force it open with a special magic iratem like the shatterer of the
seven gates, so if the lock is closed, someone has to open it from the inside to get
Ainz taps the knocker.
The Green Secret House has a translucent door that can be opened from the inside
to see what is going on outside.
After a short wait, the door was unlocked.
Then the door is opened.
"Welcome home! Aura was the first one to cheerfully shout, "Oh,
welcome home! Lagging behind her was Mare, whose eyes were
completely vacant. Both of them are dressed in their nightclothes, and
Mare is even wearing a nightcap.
No, they are dressed correctly considering the time of day.
I'm sorry to keep you both waiting this long," Ainz said as he entered.
Inside, the room is warmly lit, and is not quite as spacious as one might expect
from the outside.
The living room is just inside the door.
From there, you can see the kitchen and the kitchenette.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the room is a bit small.
The actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time,
the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time,
the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time,
the actual a lot of the actual a lot of the time. I'm not sure what to do.

The reason is that Ainz is not that confident in his own memory.
While feeling a little guilty for making them go along with Ainz's selfish
reasons, I invited them to the living room to talk about what had happened.
Aura is sitting on a chair there, but Mare's head is half-open, as if she is
resting her head on the backrest, while Aura is in a proper listening posture.
She looks as if she might fall asleep at any moment.
The image of the children who had just fallen asleep comes to mind, and I feel
even more guilty.
(Maybe because I can't sleep, I can't care about those who need sleep? That's not
good...) "Maybe Mare should be allowed to sleep. Aura will talk to you
tomorrow, and that's fine.
9-" - Not at all...." Aura patted him on the head.
Aura patted him on the head.
I'm sure you don't want to be rude in front of Ainz-sama.
Mare bows her head with a stiff bow.
She did not even bother to say that she had done so earlier.
I'm not going to force myself to stay up," he said.
Of course, he still thinks to himself that it has never affected his company's
But was that really the case? Besides, there is a difference between forcing
oneself to do something for one's own enjoyment and accommodating oneself
to the convenience of others.
Even Einzoo Suzuki Satoru complained when he had to go home late for his
boss's convenience.
First of all, children and adults should not be considered the same.
The most important thing to remember is that the same standards should not be
applied to children and adults.
The two of us look at Mare, who is half-clothed due to sleepiness and looks as if
she's trying to get on top of us.
Mare's head bobbed, and then, as if in anticipation, she opened her eyes and
moved her head back to its original position. This is pretty much the end of
the line.
1 Okay.
Yes, that's right.
Let's do it.
Let's put Mare to bed so it won't affect her tomorrow.
If we keep him awake, his thinking will slow down, and that won't do him
any good.
As I said before, let Aura tell us what she is going to tell us tomorrow.
Aura was probably thinking about the situation, and she had a variety of
expressions on her face.
However, the thought was only for a moment.
He seemed to have come to some sort of understanding and bowed his head
He bowed deeply.
I will take Mare to the room immediately.
Is he standing up? Aura asked, "Uh-uh? I can't even reply to Aura's question.
This seems to be impossible.
I'll carry you here.
No, the weight of a normal child is probably about this much.
(It would have been quite difficult if he had not been disarmed.
Well, it's not like he can't carry it....
It's really heavy, you know.....
I'm not sure if it's the heaviest weapon a guardian has, but I can hold it with one
hand if I wanted to.
I laid Mare quietly on the bed placed in the private room.
She was probably sleeping while we were carrying her, but her eyes were already
closed and she was breathing in her sleep.
Ainz, be quiet! I leave the room, taking care not to make a sound.
Quite the ranger, Aura makes no more noise than Ainz.
(ooa temi0<coh.
We both returned to the living room and sat down on chairs.
Aula immediately bowed her head, then opened her mouth and said, "I am sorry
that I left the working Mr.
Ainz behind.
I release you on behalf of Mare.
I know you are angry and I know you are anxious about your work as a guardian,
but I never make such blunders because I am equipped with equipment that does
not require sleep when I perform my duties as a questioner.
But today, when I wear sleep-free equipment, I have to remove the items I have
equipped for combat, which means that my combat ability will be somewhat
The reason for this is that I have decided that it would be better for me not to
wear the items that are not required for sleep, considering my job as Ainz-sama's
The fact that her tone and demeanor are so unlike Aura's is probably an
indication that she is feeling that much impatience in her heart. No, no, there is
no need to worry.
No, no, there's no need to worry about it.
There's nothing wrong with being here for a vacation as I told you.
I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get a good look at him.
The actuality is that you can find a lot of people who are not really interested in
the particulars.
I'm not angry, I'm just glad to see you in your normal Mare self.
I'm very curious to see how you guys usually behave with other people.
How about Cocytus?
jt Cocytus hasn't changed much," he said, returning to his normal Aura
I see.
The next time you are alone, you can try to sneak a peek at him using (complete
agnosticism to) his normal appearance.
Ains grinning at you! The expression on his face didn't move, but he must have
understood it from the tone of his voice, because he smiled like a child.
Now, are you sure you're not sleepy, Aura? However, he does not cut down on
his sleeping hours, and when he stays up late, he sleeps until around the time of
He is always on the late shift.
When either of them is out of Nazarick, they use the item I mentioned earlier to
stay out of sight.
(N1, how is that? It is natural that the tributes are packed, but shouldn't the
species that need sleep be properly covered? Especially since sleep is essential for
children to grow up.
I'll talk to Albedo and Le about it, and we'll get back to you on the Auninia
After taking a breath, Ainz tells us the location of the army of the Theocracy
that he first saw in the Great Sea of Trees.
However, he had no idea how far they were from the Elven capital or exactly how
many troops they had mobilized.
However, since the purpose of this visit was not to engage in a fistfight with the
legal state, just knowing that the invasion was underway was enough for a
Then, more importantly, he began to talk about his earlier reconnaissance mission
to the Elven capital.
I tell them everything that happened, without hiding anything.
There is no use in hiding it, and there is no need to mend it.
I would just tell them directly that what was impossible was impossible.
And Aura is different from those two.
She might be able to accept it honestly and come up with a better idea.
-I'm not sure if that's true or not, but I'm not sure.
I will do so, but what about Aura and the others? I'm going to do that.
I think the chances of Aura being discovered are slim to none, but there are still a
lot of things we don't know.
I'm sure you'll be able to find them.
I see," Ainz said.
If something is being brought into the two capitals, there must be some trace of it
left behind.
If the outside remains, the more it remains, the more it will be called a path.
If it can be found, it is assumed that beyond it is a place that needs to be
frequented, another settlement, such as a village.
Aura's suggestion is a very mushrooming one, assuming that the elves are
not using something that has a similar effect to the forest crossing. There is
no reason for Ainz to fry it.
-It's a great suggestion.
It wouldn't take Aura a day to look around this place.
You and Mare can go to the top of the shit and see if you can find any footprints.
Thanks again.
I'm so glad you're here.
The time is today, but I'll try again in the afternoon to gather more information.
Well, then, let us go to bed.
Good night, Auror.
Aura followed suit as Ainz got up.
And then he parted from Aura in front of the room assigned to Ainz, went inside
and lay down on the bed.
However, as an undead person, Ainz doesn't need any sleep.
So, he took a book out of the item box and put it in the CoO0<OOO.
I've been reading a lot of business books.
It's a business book that I read a lot.
The title of the book is "How to be a Good Leader.
Frankly speaking, I don't feel that reading these books helps me, but it's still better
than not reading them at all.
Ainz began to turn the pages.
He was shocked to lose two important scrolls in vain. the Minato entry at
midnight on the first day and the Waben entry at noon on the second day, but
fortunately, he succeeded in obtaining important information at noon on the third
However, on the third day at noon, he fortunately succeeded in obtaining some
important information.
It may seem like a small step to others, but to Ainz, it was a big step.
It was such a big step for Ainz that his joy was so great that he felt as if he were
being suppressed by the spirit of harmony.
Therefore, he took time to carefully memorize the route to the restaurant, so as
not to waste this information.
At this point, Ainz decided to retreat.
Surely, there was still time left for the magic to work.
Hegami no mei) to the unusually thick and tall tree, the royal castle, and although
he had a strong preoccupation to peek inside, he restrained himself from doing so.
Mini ee2 "ne koae man nee
The king of a humanistic society did not necessarily have to be a strong man,
probably for two reasons.
The first is that one must follow those who make the right decisions rather than
those who are strong in order to survive.
This is the survival strategy of a species that is only food for other species and
that has a large number of weak cells.
And the other is the safety of their habitat.
This is the difference between the Holy Kingdom and kingdoms and empires.
For a race living in a land where it is grinding the rust with other races, it is
natural that the strongest one becomes the king.
That is why the king of the elves is also a strong man.
If that is the case - we should avoid unnecessary risks by coming all the way to
I have gathered a lot of information in this world, but I have not been able to
confirm that there is a strong man other than a monster who is an enemy of Ainz.
So, if I had not known about the mysterious warrior named Riku, I would have
been careless and thought that the Elf King was not a big deal. However, now
that he met Rikku, Ainz's vigilance was even higher.
After returning to the base, Ainz exchanged information with the two who had
returned earlier.
1 Today's Mare had a clear eye.
As it turned out there, the two of them also some way! They had been using the
trees to move around frequently and - apparently - had wasted the second day!
They had succeeded in discovering He was told that it would take some time to
find out what lay beyond these paths, depending on how much time they had to
spend in the woods.
So, Ainz thought that if they moved in the daytime, they would be discovered
when the elves used the road.
He expressed his uncertainty.
Aura responded confidently that since they would be riding alongside the road on
Fenrir, they would not be easily discovered in the forest.
Aura's attitude was so certain that he could believe that Ainz's concern was
Still, he did not give permission once.
Still, I stopped short of giving permission.
To be precise, I asked him to wait a little longer.
I was afraid that I might get some good information today.
Then, late at night on the third day.
Ainz, using the Heshatu total disablement, again approached the Elven capital.
Of course, he is hiding in a different place and using magic.
It is not impossible that some of the best Elvish rangers may have already
discovered Ainz's trail.
Ainz (who used flight to avoid leaving wolf-fish on the ground, etc.
, but that is only from the point of view of Ainz, who is an amateur in the art of stealth
and exploration.
(Frankly, I don't know why we have to be so careful.
It would be especially troublesome if the elves were to leak out to the Note
Country when they are in the custody of the Theocracy.
) It is unlikely that a mysterious entity could be linked to the Cornerstone State,
but if there is a third force in the neighborhood, it could be a problem for the
It is not good to be known.
It is scary to think what the legal state would do in such a situation.
If they take unexpected actions, many plans will be ruined.
(....It's not a bad idea to go back and consult with Albedo or Demiurgos, but then
both Aura and Mare's friends might get into trouble), so all Ainz can do is to be as
careful as possible.
Ainz takes out the scroll and quickly activates it this time.
He has no hesitation in doing so because he knows that it will yield results.
After infiltrating the elfsolitary with the Eye of the God, Ainz let out a small
Einz let out a small puff of air.
The elf, who is the center of attention, is lying in a leafy area.
It is a male elf.
The elf is basically a short man, short in stature compared to the human race.
They are short in stature compared to humans, perhaps 80 to 90% of the human
They have thin body hair and no roads.
They also have a long adolescent period, which makes it very difficult to
determine their age.
Most of them look young.
So there is no proof that this elf has information that Ainz wants to know.
However, there is a big reason why this elf was targeted.
There is no one else sleeping here but this man's elf.
It would be troublesome to deal with a family, but it would be easier to deal with
one person.
But with just one person, it would be easy.
And there was another reason, which I would only find out later.
Lo and behold!
Having memorized the location of the Greater Teleporte, Ainz uses the
"hegami-transfer" to break into the target house at once.
Even though Ainz has broken into the house, there is no sign of the elves waking
It would be difficult even for a high-level yohosato to be aware of the presence of
the elves, so this is a natural reaction.
Charms Pavisees and Ainz activate the fourth level of "all races fascination".
Wake up," he calls out.
Since Hessei's total invisibility has been removed as soon as Ainz casts a
malicious spell on another person (or, more accurately and game-like, a stunned
spell that causes a shaking judgment), he gently grabs the elf's shoulders and
shakes him to avoid causing pain while calling out to him. I don't want to waste
time in enemy territory.
-The voice was a little out of tune, but he had been asleep until this moment.
I've been asleep all this time.
Don't resist, okay?" This magic allows others to jump with him, but only with
those who agree, not with those who are willing to resist.
However, if they are in a state of enchantment, they are considered to be in
agreement, so they can jump with others.
The same thing can be done in a state of domination, but it is not possible to jump
with a higher level of resistance.
The only reason they didn't use it was because they were wary of certain things.
It was a perfect kidnapping.
A first-class criminal, indeed.
Just as planned!) -It's always nice when things go as you expect them to.
As Ainz was smiling a big smile on the skeleton's face, he said, "Wow! What in
the world? What is it? The elf was so startled by the sudden change in the feel of
the earth and his vision that he jumped to his feet.
He was fully awake and did not seem to think that he was still in a dream world.
Or is it that elves do not have the culture to think like that? When Ainz glanced at
Fenrir, he could not see him as he had yesterday and the day before. He was
probably lurking somewhere out of sight of the elves.
No one is going to hurt you.
No one is going to hurt you.
The elf is silent, his eyes black and white.
The charm is working, and that's why he's acting the way he is.
The elf is not going to hurt you.
Ainz pushed open the half-open door and led the elves into the green secret
Aura and Mare are watching us from the slightly open doorway of their own
The dark elves - there was also the option of showing them the elves to make
them feel less vulnerable, but since there might be some inconvenience later on if
they met with one of the elves, they decided to avoid this option.
Besides, for the three saved elves, the dark elves were not enemies.
However, it might be different now, and the dark elves might be regarded as
enemies in King's Landing.
Of course, even if that were the case, it would only be a matter of time before
Ainz said that the two were not enemies.
I don't know what the hell the world of the divine tree is, but it might be
something from their myths and legends. No, I don't know.

or maybe it's something to do with 1-1(Yggdrasil players?).
I'm not sure.
I don't want to spend too much time on this.
I don't want to take up too much of your time.
At the same time, he took out a notepad.
He also took out a piece of notepaper, on which he wrote down a list of questions
to ask the man.
I can't waste time on this.
If he failed, he would have to kill the man.
But if I did so, there would suddenly be a missing person in the Elven capital, and
although the probability would be very low, it might be troublesome.
The man said, "Then tell me what you know, my friend, and as simply as
I'll wait for the man's reply.
Without a word, Ainz continued, "If you leak information by some magic or other
means, you could die.
If you leak information by some magic or other means, you could die.
How is that possible? (I'm sure I asked three questions at that time and that was
the end of it..-) Ainz's notepad has three questions written in order after
simulating that much, so I'll just ask them in order from the top.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want
to do.
It is certainly important to think about, so I will ask the third question I wrote
Tell us what you know about the country of law" "The country of law....Oh, the
country of those hateful people! They attacked us when we didn't do anything to
We're here to get you out!" The punishment of the country of law, which began
with "An evil country that invaded us before we knew what it was, and an outcast
who is frying hundreds of elves," continued with great vigor until Ainz conspired
to stop it.
However, as an ordinary person, he did not know how far the legal state was
currently advancing or where it was.
He is not even sure if the elves are winning or losing.
However, the elves in general think that the situation is not good because the
patrols are more jumpy than before.
Three questions have now been asked, and there is no sign of anything unusual
happening to the man.
I guess that was the exception.
Then I would have liked to ask him more and more questions, but I couldn't take
too much time.
How is the relationship between the Dark Elves and the Elves? Is it bad? No, they
don't...... no? He was quicker to open his mouth than Ainz could ask the reason
for the slight pause in his reply.
I don't know anyone who hates or has ill feelings toward dark elves.
They're like a pretty distant relative to us.
But that's just from our point of view, I don't know about theirs, you know?
What's that? The answer was immediate.
Well, the answer was not a surprise, as I had expected it.
However, I was not surprised to hear aemonez Connie say that she was going to
make friends with both of them.
We found no current downside to the plan.
"That's about all I have to say," he said.
I appreciate it.
" - "No problem.
We're friends, right? The man's reply brought a smile to my face.
The man's reply made me laugh in the morning.
I know it's selfish of me to say this, but I still felt a sense of blandness when I
heard the words coming from someone else's mouth. The only friends Ainz
has are his guild members.
The man's back door was slightly ajar, and Mare peeked out.
The man is oblivious to this, Ainz tells him, "But I have to tell you something.
-But I wanted to know more about the culture of the elves and other things, but I
don't have much time for you and I to talk! -The man's eyes go blank, and he
immediately lies down on the sofa.
He was breathing heavily in his sleep.
This sudden abuse was caused by Marrele's glass of sand.
Ainz checks with Aura, who has come out with Marele.
Aura, can you get to the dark elf village according to this man's explanation?
Ainz activates (memory manipulation).
This is the main reason why I chose to manipulate a man who is a lone doctor.
The age of elves is hard to tell, and even if you dig up an elf that looks like an
adult, it may not be a knowledgeable farmer or an adult elfre. It may be a
very mossy elf who has never left King's Landing.
On the other hand, if you have an elf with a child, you may have a problem. "It is
certain that the child is old enough to see, but then there is the problem of what to
do with it, for the number of people in the family.
If you dispose of them because it is too much trouble, it will be a very
troublesome situation if the whole family goes missing and there is no trace of
any resistance.
The actual "I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do with it, but I'm sure
I'm going to be able to do with it.
For this reason, Ainz chose this single man.
Ainz - he erases the man's memory.
It is very difficult to manipulate memories in a detailed and coherent manner, but
it is not that difficult to erase them all at once without thinking too much about it.
And there are not that many memories that need to be traced back. That is why
Ainz had no time.
If he didn't think about erasing with (memory manipulation), he would have
been able to be more fascinated at the drop of a hat.
o Thanks to the fact that he asked fewer questions and took less time, he was able
to erase all the memories up to the question he had asked.
No, I erased a little too much and even erased the moment he entered the floor.
The rush was caused by erasing them all at once, but if they had been erased
slowly, perhaps Ainz's bone strength would not have been enough. Considering
the remaining current Shang Hu force, there might have been room to spare, but
that can only be said because it was after it was over.
The elves may have some doubts because there is nothing they can do about it
now, but we can only hope that they will be able to reconcile those doubts on
their own.
The amount of plotting power is quite low, but thanks to the careful preparation
and the fact that we have come this far without any problems, we have enough
left over to make the rest of the plan unobtrusive. I'll be on my way.

Aura and Mare.

Aura and Mare, will you help me out as planned? Yes! Leave it to me! I'll do my
If that were to happen, he would have to use (memory mimicry) again, and Ainz's
central power might not be enough.
Of course, (I'll think of another plan at that time, so there is no problem.
) Ain's will leave the Greenshin Secret House with Masuzu Suzu-jin (activate full
That (Co=O<ro.
After, I used the transition gate, to.
Naturally, the gate leads to this elf's bedroom.
Ainz goes through the gate alone and goes out to the man's bedroom.
He immediately looks around and listens.
(No one seems to be alarmed by the appearance of the gate or to have escaped
from here.
-I just keep my ears open and listen carefully.
(.....No problem, I guess.
) A good ranger like Aura would be able to kill the sound so that Ainz can't hear
it, but even Aura doesn't do that on a regular basis.
There is no way that an event so inconvenient that it would be covered with some
kind of intention, such as a veteran hider noticing something wrong in the man's
house in such a short time and deciding that there might be something wrong
again, could happen.
Then it is safe to assume that there is no such thing.
Ainz removes the "full agnosticism").
Then, he went through the gate again and signaled to the one who was waiting for
him when he only put his head out.
Then the twins came through the gate with the man swinging aimlessly.
All three silently follow both directions.
Aura and Mare carefully lower the man onto the bed of leaves.
It would be too stupid to wake up with damage here.
Sleep is a more powerful eye-opener than sleep.
(Sleep" can be woken up by shaking it hard, but "Sleep" can be woken up by
shaking it hard.
The man (he-sand man's glass) cannot wake up unless he is damaged.
If the man is left as he is, and if the person who discovers him does not wake him
up after he has been damaged, he will die a sad and weakened death.
This was not what Ainz, who had acted so carefully to avoid causing a
commotion, wanted.
He puts the man on the bed and finally prepares to wake him up.
Ainz looks around the room and looks for the figurine that was attached to the
moon when he got in earlier.
It's a strange-looking creature, perhaps a frog or a mole with a bulging belly, and
it looks unlike anything he's seen in the past few days in the forest. Perhaps it
was an imaginary creature from elven mythology or folklore.
Ainz held such a figurine in his hand.
(It is also made of wood.
It's heavier than I thought it would be.
The only thing is that it's not old, but....if it becomes fatal or false.jWell, I guess
I'll have to do something then.
The person who saw Ainz holding it would carry the elf to the bottom of the shelf
where the figurine was.
Aura and Mare then watch the elf, and one of them disappears behind the gate.
Ainz follows, standing in front of the gate.
Then, he shot the strange wooden statue toward the ceiling.
This is one of the best moves Ainz can make, because he doesn't want the elves to
die a suspicious death.
Without even looking at the figurine, Ainz jumped into the gate.
Then, he immediately turned off the gate.
I'm going to make one last check.
Both of you wait here for a moment.
Yes, sir! Almost there! Good luck, Mr.
Ainz! The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what
you're doing, and then you can use it to help you.
The first thing he did was to go to the room of the man he had just been in. -
Damn! That hurts! Why did you fall out on your own! Why the hell are you
sleeping here? I wasn't drinking, was I? The elf's eyes widen as he sees the
Ainz smiles at the man who is gradually turning into tear crystals.
(Good! The man's demeanor shows no sign of acting, no sign that he thinks
something is wrong.
No, he seems to have some doubts about the figurine that fell on him, but he
doesn't seem to think that someone invaded the room and threw the figurine.
Book...wait a minute" aloami(soson
The movement of Ainz, who was about to invoke the "upper transfer" (・・・・),
stopped at the sound of a man's voice that sounded like a word.
(What did you notice? We don't know, but you think there's an intruder? Since he
has a store, there must be some kind of surveillance device..... magic item or
something? I couldn't detect it, but.....I think Master Tungogua is trying to tell me
? I don't know.
"...... "Master Tungogua? There was no monster with such a name in Yggdrasil,
but...) "Master Tungogufa.
If you have anything to say, please say.
" He kneels on the floor, bows his head, and holds up a water statue in his
hand. That is the posture of the faithful in deep worship.
(....Just indigenous faith, huh? Before that, why is this guy talking to himself so
much? Is he intentionally trying to make us hear him because he thinks someone
is there? Praying to some god like Tungogua?) The man who used to be just a
user is turning into a mysterious person.
I'm not sure if I should submit him to death again, so I decide to stop him and
leave it at that.
I'm not sure if I should kill him again, but I'm going to stop myself from doing so.
But it would be better to keep a watchful eye on him.
If possible, I would like to leave something behind to monitor the situation, but it
is difficult to do so even if I were to use Ainz.
There is no effective magic.
I think it would be better to use yobouhou to watch the place from time to time.
Ainz will do a single sum, which will activate (upper transference), and return to
the front of the Green Secret House.
The two people who had been waiting there smiled as Ainz, now fully agnostic,
struck a pose in which he gave only a thumbs-up.
To be honest, there was a big disappointment left at the end, but it was difficult to
deal with it, so I let them feel a little anxious and let them know that they were
not alone.
I will not say it so that it does not exist.
Yes, I will.
Thank you very much for your cooperation, ladies and gentlemen.
The two of them replied cheerfully, "-yes! They replied cheerfully, "Yes!
Then, as it is already today, we will decide the time to get up in the morning.
Yes, you may go at any time, but you may not stay in bed until noon.
That's right.
If you are up by nine o'clock, I will go back to Nazarick and bring you breakfast.
Aura lightly elbowed Mare in the side of the head.
Aura's elbow was not meant to be sarcastic at all.
"Yes, well, thank you very much for being a wolf! Ainz said, followed by the
other two.
After Ainz's greeting, the two said, "Good work! Then we are dismissed! Nee
Set out for the village of the Turk Elves.
Riding Fenrir on the ground, relying on the stories of the elves, we set out for the
village of the Turk elves.
If they could have found their goal from the sky, they would have been on their
way, but alas, even with Aura, they could not find it.
Running through the forest, the air was so thick that it felt as if it had been soaked
in green, and it hit Ainz's upper body.
The air was thick and green, and a very strong aroma of hemp filled his nostrils. It
might be his imagination, but it also feels like the air in the great forest of Tobu.
If this is not due to Ainz's imagination alone, then the world is very different even
though it seems similar, and it is full of various changes.
Such a thought stimulates my desire to explore the vastness of the world.
If an ordinary person were to walk along the roadless paths in the Sea of Trees, he
or she would naturally find it difficult to follow a straight line, hindered by
hanging old trees and other obstacles, and would end up going in a different
direction before he or she knew it.
The man told me that the village of the dark elves was about a week away.
The man said, "Ten ni
Even though the elves are adapted to the forest, in this sea of trees - "It would be
better if we could advance 15 kilometers a day.
That would mean that they would have to cover a distance of about one hundred
It took Ainz and his team only a little over an hour to cover such a distance.
If it had not been necessary to check the surroundings, they would have arrived at
the colored area much earlier.
That is how superior Fenrir was.
Fenrir's ability to use asamari was especially useful.
Trees and deep raids moved as if to avoid Fenrir, allowing us to proceed in a
straight line.
Even Fenrir could not have made it this far in such a short period of time without
his ability to navigate through the forest.
The only thing is, the only thing is that the people who are in the village are the
people who are in the village.
The elven village is built using water, so it is very difficult to find it in the forest.
Of course, that is why the civilization developed to build villages using trees.
The elven capital, where the surrounding trees are cut down, is the exception to
this rule.
The most important thing to remember is that the trees are not only the trees of
the forest, they are also the trees of the forests.
It is unlikely that they missed it on their way to the village, so it is likely that they
have not yet reached the village of Kami-hitachi.
-If there is no question about the route to the old place, then there is no problem.
If we get too close to the village, we might get too close to the "oo-co "<ni-hp-
The actual a lot more the better.
The actual a lot more the better, the more you will be able to get the most out of
the newest and most popular products and services.
The elf told me that there is a big cliff about 2,500 paces ahead, and from there
you should go about 3,000 paces in the direction of the three Ninomoto trees.
Ainz thought that the explanation was far from clear. However, Aura was
Aura was also sometimes puzzled and had to search around the area, but she had
always been able to guide people to this point.
(Is it that great to be a ranger, or that Aura is a leader....) I didn't feel that much
when we were heading to the Dwarves' country, but I had come to the
conclusion that this trip would have been impossible without the uchinin.
It seemed to me now that there had been such a forest in Dwarves, but it was still
too much for them to take care of.
I had never imagined that the real jungle would be so terrifying.
But on the other hand, there was something exciting about it.
Robi (Coa del 00< to
I guess that's what explorers are looking for.
That's what Ainz is looking for in a true adventurer.
(.Leaving everything behind to explore the world of.....) Again, Ainz shook his
head as he thought about this thought.
There is no way I can do that.
It is an unforgivable act for the absolute ruler of Nazarick's underground mound,
Ainz Uhr Goun.
However, I think he would allow it, at least a little bit.
Instead of abandoning Nazarick, we should take a general vacation like this time.
(Shucks, you're thinking the same thing over and over again, aren't you? To be
honest, I can't say for sure that it doesn't come from a desire to throw away heavy
baggage and escape.
After all, maybe I'm just a guy who never grows up and keeps going in circles. Or
maybe I can't grow up because I'm undead? Or maybe I can't grow because I'm
I can only sigh when I think about such things.
...ooc haha.
I can't help thinking about sad things.
Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get aura and Mare to return, but if there's a
next time, how about bringing Cocytus and Demiurgos? (I haven't seen them
since that time.
) Ainz recalls the time when they got a land ship at Katze Plain.
(Okay! Let's put away the backward thinking for a moment and think positively.
If we were to make a similar trip, it would be quite a challenge without the
ambush, but it might be quite interesting to try to overcome it with wisdom and
This time, Aura's presence was the only reason we were able to come so well.
However, the fact that Ainz is not doing anything to make up for it is a bit of a
Of course, I could have intervened and told him to let me do it, and if I did that,
Aura would have been concerned and would have retreated.
If Ainz makes a mistake, surely he could tell me something while taking care not
to be sarcastic.
However, it's not a good idea.
Even if it's just for free, I'm even thinking that he's doing fangs and hemp in the
management of the magical country!) So, I still want to have an adventure here
when Aura is not here, losing my head while everyone is having a good time
However, the reason I can think this way is probably because Ainz is confident of
his own strength in adventure.
Even if he loses track of where he is going in an unknown place, he can return to
any place by shifting.
Even if a demon of knowledge should break out of the bushes, he will be able to
deal with it, and at worst, he will be able to escape back to Nazarick. (Sending
adventurers into the unknown.
That in itself is not wrong.
Even Ainzack agreed with me.
However, it is not good to think of me as the standard.
The fact that the adventurers are not going to die is not what Ainzatzgartner wants
to hear.
(Although he has been training in the Great Forest of Tob....)Oo0<mSOOO.
The danger level of people in the Great Forest of Tob is much higher than in the
Great Forest of Nazarick, which is completely under Nazarick's control.
It might not be a bad idea to gain experience in the Great Forest of Tob, and then
conduct the final test here.
"Ah, um, Mr.
Ainz? Hmm? I'm sorry, Aura.
I think I got lost in my thoughts a little bit.
What's the matter? The sky was obscured by the branches covered with fringed
However, the reddish sun was casting its rays on the ground, which was more
than enough to see.
The actuality of the fact that the sun is going to be in the sky is not going to be a
<Well then, can you give us some time? But as Aura was about to run, Ainz
stopped her.
Wait, Aura.
Take Fenrir with you.
We'll wait here, but don't worry.
We'll summon a monster to take Fenrir's place.
Aurabula, Ainz, and Mahle, starting from Fenrir's head, line up in this order.
"Yes, Mr.
Ainz," he poetically says.
Fenrir's perceptiveness allows him to immediately detect the approach
of someone or something.
Fenrir's perceptive power enables him to immediately detect the approach of
someone, which is a very welcome harmony for Ainz and Mare, who lack such
However, this would mean that Aura would have to act alone.
Unless, like Ainz, she has the art of summoning monsters, Aura has no such
It is worrisome to let her go without a shield in this land of the last-known.
There is a way to substitute magic items, but it requires an action to summon
them, and considering the time limit, I don't think it's a good move.
(I think I'm worrying too much, but Aura's work will be done faster if I have
Fenrir with me.
) I made a pretense of wanting to say something, but Aura answered, "I
So, A4ins and Mare got off, and they got on Fenrir and started running.
-The two of them and their companion were soon hidden from sight by the trees
in the forest.
-Then, Mare," he said, "we're going to go and hide around here.
We'll hide quietly around here, as far away from detection as possible.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your money is to use it.
That's what I was saying earlier and ani(Co0<Co-O is
It summons said monster.
Ainz arrives a small statue magic iratem from the item box.
Sculpture of a Magical Beast, a statue of a true beast, the Three-Headed Dog of
the Underworld.
It is a magic item by the same creator as the Statue of a.
once-used animal, the War Horse.
It is a magnificent piece of art, with every muscle ridge and bulge firmly
embedded in the body, and is full of a sense of movement.
The next time he used it, of course, it was to show the devil himself.
The next one was, of course, the three-headed dog of the underworld.
It is a large, high-ranking tadakichi with a considerable combat multiplier, with a
bite from its three dog-like, lion-like heads, sharp claws, a bite from the viper in
its tail, fire damage added to all attacks, and complete resistance to communion
and poison.
The strength of this monster can be understood when it is said that it can be
calmed by the 10th rank of the "Monster He" (10th rank of the "Monster
He" category).
However, if you are an Ainz class player, this monster is not so hard to deal with.
However, this cannot be helped.
The role of the summoned monster is to attack the enemy's weak point, trap,
increase the number of moves, or act as a shield, not to defeat other players alone.
For example, the antedo summoned by Ainz is somewhat underpowered.
Even so, compared to other brayers in the same level of combat work, it is not
Even if a Cerberus were to be used, its combat power would be inferior, and
unless it was incompatible with night vision or had an irrational build, the Breyer
side would not lose a one-on-one fight.
The reason why Ainz chose Cerberus instead of Shuyugan no Butt is because he
thought that if Masu-tsume is a beast-type monster, it would have high dormitory
People are wealthy.
The second reason was that we thought that something with a better sense of
smell and hearing would be a better detector in the sea of trees than a sighted
Cerberus is inferior to Fenrir in terms of level, but it has three heads.
He must have three times as much hanging power, I guess. Wow - Mare's voice
was surprised, perhaps because she was in front of a magical beast she had never
seen before.
It was not because she thought it looked strong.
In fact, if Mare were to fight Cerberus, Cerberus would not stand a chance.
He would probably be crushed by sheer strength of arms alone.
"Come on, Cerberus.
The way they parted showed their motivation and confidence.
Ainz was pleased to see the "leave it to me" attitude coming through and
boasted to Mare, "I'm going to teach Mare to do it.
He showed them a "I don't know if you can tell.
"And you can smell them from hundreds of menorters away?" Cerberus and
the others - or should I say the number of heads - stopped moving.
The atmosphere of "Oh no," "What's wrong? And then, "How many hundreds of
meters are we talking about? The actual situation could be completely different.
Yes, it has three heads.
I've got three heads.
Can't you do better than Fenrir?" Cerberus squeals cutely and rolls over to show
its belly.
If it had been a child, Oorsoraku would have felt the cuteness, and Ainz might
have dove at its unprotected belly.
However, the other party is Cerberus.
To put it bluntly, it is not cute.
And not only is his body too thin, but his face is too sharp.
The most important thing to remember is that the person you're talking to is not a
woman, but a man.
The first is "I'll do my best," "I'll do my best," and "I can't.
" Three emotions are conveyed. Three emotions seem to be conveyed.
The first day of the meeting, Einz arrived at the hotel.
Ainz ist einen einzigartet ist einen einzigartet ist einzigartet ist einzigartet ist.
If you can't do it, you can't do it, right? It would be worse to force them to do
something and have them fail.
The smell of the air is coming out.
By the way, these commands of Ainz can be done without saying a word. Even
if magic such as (he aka sakura) is used, it is still possible to give an order to
the summoned monster.
If one wants to interfere in any way with the connection between the summoner
and the summoned, an extremely niche occupational structure is needed.
specialization in interpersonal summoner.
The reason I'm putting it into words is because I thought Mare wouldn't know
what I was doing if I just stared at her and Cerberus at the same time.
The next step is to build a green secret house, just as Mare had suggested, and
hide in it.
The best thing is that our appearance will not be discovered.
Co-Ou0<m Co-OO.
Mare seems happy that her proposal has been accepted.
In fact, Mare's suggestion is not far off the mark, as neither Ainz nor Mare have
the cloaking technology to make the six leaps they have made disappear.
The best thing to do would be to stay quiet, but unfortunately, there is no one here
who can use that method.
Mare is indeed a forest priest, but in reality she is a specialized forest priest with a
very flamed build.
The purchase method is suited for mass births, and unless you rely on items, you
will not be able to learn most of the general forest priest magic, except for a few
enhancement systems.
The most important thing to do is to make the forest a hiding place for your
dreams, so that you can avoid making footprints by not moving around.
But there is a problem.
Aura was trying his best to make things easy for him.
Aura is working hard all his life, but is it okay for him to just take it easy? Of
course, Ainz knows that the right person is in the right place at the right time. It
is a line he heard in the past when he was forced to do troublesome work, and
he remembers looking it up.
And I remember Bunit Moe saying that hardworking incompetent people are the
most troublesome ones.
ansosza mi and (te)
So this would be the right thing to do.
However, if this were the case, there would be no problem if he was the
purchasing king and let the hierarchical guardians under his control take care of
But - what was Ainz's reason for leaving? It was a paid vacation.
The only excuse is that he was dealing with Mare, etc.
(I was taking care of the kids," he said, "that's my escape.
But that's the only way I can think of to support Aura.
I'm not sure what I should do to become a who has fulfilled his
) Should I convince myself that it is my role not to be found now? No matter how
much I think about it, there is no perfect answer.
A dejected Ainz says to Mare, "....Well, then, Green is the one.
A disappointed Ainz says to Mare, "...Then let's wait for Aura's return in the
Green Secret House.
-The cheerful answer from Mare made Ainz feel a little bit relieved.
Nini-soa raa0<co-o.
There is a brittle ring called a renkou bear.
From a distance, it looks like a bear, but if you don't notice the difference early, it
will be irreversible.
It is between 1 meter and 3 meters in length.
It has two pairs of four front legs and two hind legs.
Two of the four paws are exclusively used for fighting, so they have sharp claws
over 60 centimeters long, and their hardness is greater than that of steel.
A long, thick tail extends from its waist, the tip of which swells up like a hammer.
Most of its body is protected by armor developed from hard scales.
The power that supports its huge body is tremendous, and the blows delivered by
its sharp claws and superior muscular strength can easily cut a human into two
However, that is all you need to be warned about.
It is not that he has any terrifying special abilities, nor can he use the mighty
Ankylaurusus can only use (houka) chu-hou, which itself is not usable in battle.
Although Ankylaurus is one of the top predators in the sea, it is by no means the
strongest species.
However, there was an exception.
It is a being that exceeds four notebooks in length and can be used in the midst of
monsters, even those with terrifying special abilities or powerful magic, just by its
physical capabilities.
It would not be funny if an unknowing person mistakenly thought it was a
different species! It was an ankylosaurus, a species worthy of being called the
king of its own.
It raised its head from the belly of the creature it had been devouring, and let out a
low-pitched scream that filled the hearts of those who heard it with dread. A long
soaring thing spilled out from the end of the creature.
The creature's face was bloodied, but it was still smelling fresh.
His face is bloodied, but he has never smoked before, but he slowly walks away
from the discomfort.
This area is my territory.
I will not allow anyone to enter it and roam around like they own the place.
Standing on his thick hind legs, he scratched a tree with his claws and then set
himself down.
It clearly proves that it is on its own territory, and walks off to the scent.
On the way, it uses the (・・).
This will remove the smell of its own body and blood.
-This is how the giant Ankylosaurus approaches its prey.
Nini Co0<'oo.
The meaning becomes stronger.
It doesn't seem to notice us.
If they were aware of us, they would move in a different way.
For example, it might stand still and search for the sound.
Or he would try to run away from it in a straight line.
But neither of those actions is happening.
Or maybe! Do they think they can win if there are 24 of them? They close in as
close to the scent as they can.
They are still hidden in the trees, so I can't catch them with my eyes.
But that's enough.
It is always the same when you are killing your prey.
If you can see them, they can see you.
We never rush to the point where we can see each other, we approach each other
stealthily, carefully scenting each other out, and then we use our instantaneous
power to close the distance.
It arrives close.
The scent is not moving.
Hence! It started running at once, just like it always hunts.
Despite its huge size, it galloped through the trees as if the wind was blowing
through the trees.
Since it does not have such a convenient ability like Morinori, it cuts down all the
trees in its way so that it can easily pass through when it takes this area as its own
Of course, he cannot be stopped from rushing forward by a half-hearted tree, but
if his opponent is quick, he may use that as an opportunity to escape.
It is true that they are overwhelmingly strong, but it does not mean that the hunt
will be successful every time.
That is why we have to be prepared.
The source of the clause was in front of us.
<Cote one cob an(ss
One black and small, the other black and big.
There is a small one on top of the big one.
They are not a turn.
Perhaps they are different creatures.
However, there is nothing so strange.
There are such creatures in the world.
They help each other.
The wisdom of the prey to protect themselves from predators like it.
For example, the one on top uses his special power and the one on the bottom
runs away.
But then, both are mere prey.
That makes me laugh.
At this distance, the glimmer no longer escapes.
I heard that the smaller one is a good eater, but the one below is quite a big one.
Now they are full of food, so we can bury them in the ground and keep them.
But there is something wrong.
This one is rushing forward, stomping its feet furiously.
Even the dullest of the dull would notice, and if they did, they would take some
kind of action.
Then why didn't the black one tell us? Why didn't it run away? Most creatures
that encounter it react in that way.
The exceptions are those of their own kind.
Or are they just standing there, withered? I think about it a little as I run.
The meat of the prey frozen in fat fear is not so good.
It's preference is to kill it half to death and let it die slowly and gradually.
I like it best when the flesh is loosened.
I like the meat that is loosened the best.
After the organs are eaten while alive, the zakioru, which has given up on being
alive, is the most delicious.
"Goaaaaaaaaaah!" It rises up and then shigotsu in front of its prey.
It is not a mere calm.
It is a terror.
Go on, run away, you might still live.
Please make your meat taste better.
That's what it said in my heart.
There was no way he could miss this meeting.
He was able to show his composure now that Kuri's success had been assured.
I've never seen one of these before.
I've never seen a bear before," the little one squealed.
I remember that," it reminded me.
I had recently seen something similar to this bear in a tree.
Ankylaurus can climb trees, but it is only good at doing so because of its body.
So, in order to get to its prey in a tree, it would have to chop down the tree and
knock it to the ground before preying on it.
But when it was Ruru, its belly was swollen and it was fast, so I let it go because
it was too much trouble.
But now, if they are on the ground, there is no need to hesitate to eat them.
The black one below is looking at me as I move it.
It shakes its big fishing-clawed paws.
It's a big black thing with big fishing claws.
It's down there so it can't run away.
With a "whizzing" sound, it's swinging paw became hot.
And then - a sharp pain.
It fell backward from the buttocks.
I hurriedly look at the paw where the searing pain was coming from.
It was there.
It was not gone.
However, it was too sick to move.
The little one on top of him had a long, snake-like wiggling thing dangling from
his hand.
Was he attacked by that thing? Maybe it was poison.
The sensation was similar to when I was bitten by a huge snake when I was a
It's 1lly.
It doesn't get out of control.
When the little one waved his hand, the nearby water emitted a loud bang.
A snake-like object extended from its hand and struck the tree.
The impact caused the bark of the tree to pop and split open from the inside.
I could have done that myself.
Nevertheless, a horrifying sensation ran through my entire body.
Was this thing really small? Gradually, gradually, it began to look awfully big in
its eyes.
It was a good thing.
I'm not afraid.
See, it can't reach me at all.
With a squeal, the smaller one on top separated from the larger one on the bottom.
It landed on the ground and came closer, both paws spread.
It was still too small.
I wondered how much difference there was between me and them.
I am the predator and they are the prey! The one who is the predator is Suzu.
If so, why is this one so fearless in approaching? It is as if the other is the
It moves its eyes from a small one to a large one as it approaches.
It is looking at us with a fixed gaze.
I don't understand this either.
It is a creature that has never behaved like this, not even to other creatures I have
It runs away from us, showing its back to us, out of fear of the unknown.
As a child, when I left my mother and left the nest, I had experienced running
away from an unruly opponent many times.
So I have no shame in running away from something I don't understand.
However, something tangled with its hind legs, and its vision spun around. A
sudden feeling of floating, as if being pulled, hit me, and then I felt a shock
from my back.
For some reason, he found himself half-turned and lying on the ground.
I raise my body and find a long snake-like thing entangled in my pulled back leg,
the end of which is held by that little thing. es nu m0ne koza "mami nu gohito
I have no idea what it is or how it happened, but I wonder if it means that that
little one rolled over on me.
The small one that exposed her pity is the one that is inside.
The little one, baring his pity, shouts at you.
It was a cry of "I'll shadow you, no doubt about it.
This little one is able to attack its prey without releasing the fear that would make
your hair stand on end.
Perhaps it is an ambush predator.
I wonder if I was this strong in the tree I saw that time.
I wondered, "Ummm.
I guess I can't do it after all.
I don't want to make Ainz-sama wait ....I think it would be better to kill it
peacefully and lead it to lead rather than to gather it up.
But I wonder if it's a waste.
I could use it for my experiments.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
Maybe it is slow-moving? So it uses a snake-like object extending from its hand
to capture its prey.
It tries to rip off the snake-like thing entangled in its legs.
But it cannot.
It bites down firmly and refuses to be clawed.
Then, it uses its claws, its pride and joy.
There is no way that he can't cut something with this.
) It is perplexing.
I can't cut it.
It can't be cut even though it is a nail that has been created by scraping off
everything up to now.
I can't cut it.
Yes, yes.
I won't resist," slyly, the body moved.
The snake is being reeled in.
The snake is being pulled away, leaving a trail on the ground.
There was no longer any doubt.
That little thing has tremendous power.
I can't help it.
The actual snake-like thing is removed from the leg.
The pain was accompanied by a whizzing sound before you could even think
about running away.
The pain was accompanied by a cracking sound before I could think that I should
run away.
Urami was felt in rapid succession.
The arms, legs, face, abdomen, and nipples were not too painful.
The "Houni!" was not so bad.
If I tried to hide my body, it would be my back.
If you try to hide your body, it is on your back, and if you try to twist around, it is
on your nose.
When I tried to run away from the pain, I was pressed against the body with
tremendous force.
The larger of the two had one foot on its back and was holding it down.
The force was so strong that it seemed as if it was going to dive into the ground.
How is this possible? How could two animals with power far beyond my own
appear? The pain continued.
Every time I hear a sound, I feel a sharp pain somewhere.
And it doesn't stop ringing like a sound.
When I no longer felt like resisting, the sound finally stopped.
There was no longer any part of my body that did not hurt.
I felt as if my body had become hot and swollen two or three times.
I guess this or that is why they eat you.
I'm just getting what I've been doing back to me.
"That's good.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
You know who's on top? But, although he was baring his red, I wondered if
that little guy could eat him all.
And also, is it going to be able to separate itself from the bottom? I wonder if he
would be willing to share himself with those below him. Inside the Green
Secret House, Ainz and Mare work together.
Masu arranges the food on a table reminiscent of magically created obsidian.
There is also hot soup, which he plans to put in something that can keep it warm
before eating.
I also prepare glasses of water for three people and place them in the middle of
the palms filled with juice.
The Greenshin Secret House is perfectly ventilated even with the door closed, but
there is a magical mechanism that prevents any sound or smell from escaping
from the inside.
But if you open the door, the magical protection is disabled, so even if the two of
them were to remain in the house, the smell of the food would leak out as soon as
Aura returned.
A scent can reach farther than one might think.
Although only Aura would not make the mistake of returning to her base without
checking the safety of her surroundings, it is impossible to say for sure that
someone else would not detect a scent that flew outside of Aura's perception
If one smells delicious food in a forest like this, anyone with intelligence and
civilization is bound to be suspicious.
Dark elves themselves do not have the same sensory perception as beasts.
However, in this world, depending on the occupational structure, it is possible.
Even if they can't do it themselves, it's the same thing if they can use a magical
beast and communicate with that magical beast.
In other words, Ainz and his colleagues are now doing the same thing that would
make Aura's work worthless.
Ainz is well aware of this.
The reason why they are hurriedly preparing the meal is because this is the only
thing that Aithea could come up with to escape from the feeling of guilt, even
though Ainz's empty head was fully occupied with the task.
In other words, it is a strategy to welcome Aura back home tired from work with
a delicious meal.
Of course, it would be a complete misnomer to reward Aura's hard work with an
act that might make it go to waste.
That's why Ainz thought the opposite.
The problem is that the smell is not noticeable to others.
The problem is that the smell is spread around, and it might lure someone else in.
So, why not keep the smell from spreading? -The best way to do this is to just
leave the plates out, and when Aura comes in, close the door and serve the food.
But that is not enough to make an impact.
But that lacks impact.
So, when you open the door, the food is there! That's it.
That sense of sublimation is the most meaningful and significant.
So, I went back to Nazarick and had the head chef prepare a dish with as
little aroma as possible.
The wind spirits that Mare summoned with her magic iratem also sent the
surrounding air up into the sky.
The air, including the scent, was sent to the top of the tree, where it finally began
to diffuse.
The short child of smell is heavier than air, but I am not sure if it is the same in
this world or not.
Even if they do not, they will be very dilute by the time they reach the ground.
But if it makes an updraft, it will be only a little bit.
The leaves will shake, which may be disconcerting for those who are blind.
However, when Ainz did a high-altitude reconnaissance the other day, the birds
flying in the sky were ordinary birds, so there was no need to worry. Oh, uh,
The actual "I'm not sure what to do with it, but I'm sure you'll be able to find a
way to make it work for you.
It is the highest level magic item named Gacha Ere.
Inside the transparent glass-like sphere, four lights are moving in a circle.
Four times a day, it summons a Japanese spirit, which can then be used for a
certain amount of time.
The summoned spirits are fire, water, wind, and earth.
And lava, which is the spirit of fire and earth combined, and Nininitajiro, which is
the spirit of water and wind combined, are summoned.
The following types of poems appear in the top poems. "snowstorm," "marsh,"
which is a compound spirit of earth and water, "hot water," which is a compound
spirit of fire and water, "sand and trouble," which is a compound spirit of earth
and wind, and "fire wind," which is a compound protection of fire and wind. The
top poems of fire, water, wind, and warrior appear as high-level spirits in the
upper 40s, mid-level spirits in the mid 20s, and lower-level spirits in the lower 1
In this case, the number of summoned spirits of the advanced level is a single one.
The number of intermediate level spirits summoned is random, but from one to
The number of summoned lower-level Japanese spirits is also random, but the
minimum is three and the maximum is six.
In contrast, for the combined spirit harvest, advanced spirits in the low 50s,
intermediate spirits in the low 30s, and lower-level spirits in the low 10s will
However, the number of summonses for the combined harvests are all single
This sounds quite useful, but unfortunately, the summoned spirits are chosen at
The stronger Japanese spirits are more difficult to find than the flying spirits.
The level of summoning spirits is that of a shooting star ring.
Not being able to summon the right one for the right opponent and situation is too
much of a waste strategically.
If you summon an earth spirit while flying in the sky, all you can do is watch it
fall away.
In fact, Mare used this item three times before summoning the wind genie.
No, there is no need for that.
I'll give it to Mare.
As you know, it's a bit of a delicate item, so if it doesn't get in the way, I'd be
happy to have it.
It would be a little different if the highest level of spirits, the "Sacred Spirits"
and the "Sacred Spirits" were able to smoke it....
But I think it would be a little different if we could get the highest level of spirits,
the "Unlit" and the "Sacred Spirituals".
If Mare doesn't have it, it's an item that only serves to decorate the treasure hall.
It may be useful at lower levels, but at the level of Ainz or Mare, it is an item that
has no use even as a shield.
The actual a lot more the better.
The actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time,
the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time,
the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time. The actual a lot more the
The most important thing to remember is that the item is not a "fire" item, it's a
"fire" item.
cannot use it, but (he(fire.
(He(fire) sphere), for example, would have to be used before that.
The actual Nike Air Max 90 is a very good choice for the people who are looking
for the best and the most effective way to get the most out of their Nike Air Max
The item that Mare mentioned, which can summon spirits, does indeed summon
one high-level spirit, but only once every 20 man-hours, and the summoning time
is not long enough.
To be honest, the item itself is of little value.
There are probably many stronger items out there.
Still, the reason I don't change such equipment is because it is a tea kettle that has
given me harmony.
You should know that this is a feeling shared by all NPCs.
NPCs do not change their items, even though there are better items
available. The only time they do is when they want to replace their
equipment with something else that was given to them from the beginning.
Of course, if Ainz gives them an item, they will use it, but they will not
voluntarily request to exchange their armaments.
Only Albedo would ask for the loan of various items during battle training.
They are tied up.
It is very rude to say, but such words came to my mind.
The only thing that is important to me is that I am not a good person.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them have been in the
same room together for a long time.
I'm not sure what to do.
Oh, no, nothing, nothing at all.
If I were Mare, how would I use the item? I'm still not sure how I would use it
except to summon a living spirit in advance.
Cerberus on the other side of the existence moves.
When Ainz opens the door, Cerberus emits an inner voice and turns its three faces
in a certain direction.
This is surely "Someone is here.
Ainz looks at Mare.
They both look in the direction where Cerberus is standing.
It does not look like anything is there, hidden by the trees.
Mare puts her hand behind her ear and tries to listen for a sound in that direction.
Aura and Fenrir leave without making a sound when they leave.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I don't....understand....
But, you know.
I think my sister would come more quietly as you say, Mr.
I'm not sure if it's possible that she's making the noise on purpose to let us
know she's coming home.....but I just...;.checked the area and found it's OK.
Then we have no choice.
Unlike in cases where verbal orders are necessary, the orders given in the brain
are not circumvented by full agnosticism.
However, Cerberus cannot see Ainz's figure either, so positioning is a matter
of great love.
If you are not careful, Cerberus may send you flying in its wake.
(Ummm, to be completely agnostic).
The "+" is still very useful.
It's a pity that only Bandraz Akhtar who transformed into me can use it.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
the product is to use the best materials available.
Soon, Ainz hears the sound of someone stepping on the ground, and sees a huge
(A bear? (A bear?) However, it is not a simple flower bear.
It seemed to have six legs in total, and its fur seemed to be soaked in water and
stuck to its body.
It may be a magical robe with a special ability to emit some kind of water.
The most important thing to remember is that the actuality that you can get a lot
more than just the actuality that you can get a lot more than just the actuality that
you can get a lot more than one.
The whip is placed in the hand of Aura, and when it is swung occasionally, the
bear-shaped purchase shakes its body.
Fenrir is beside him.
(The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two are not the same.
What's going on?
No, you can ask such a thing.
The "Cerberus" is a wild Cerberus or a Cerberus summoned by Ainz.
But the reason why they don't move to attack him is probably because they can't
confirm whether it is a stray Cerberus or a Cerberus summoned by Ainz.
I'm just saying that if it is Ainz's simobebe, it somehow seems that way, but I
wonder if the monster summoned by a person is different. Ainz undoes
(complete agnosticism).
Ainz-sama!" Aura, who had lost her general alertness, shouted happily.
Hoba here! I'm coming! -Aura swung her whip at the bear, which seemed to be
quite reluctant to come to her.
The bear, which screamed in a way that could be considered animal
cruelty, walked toward Ainz, screaming and yelping.
When AURA arrives in front of Ainz, the bear gets off the ground.
Welcome back, Aurarah," he said, "I'm back, Mr.
Ainz! I'm sure you have some questions, so I'll answer them first.
This bear-type demon seemed to be the master of this area, so I put him under my
control! I taught him that I was better than him with a whip.
The actual "I don't know how strong that purchase is, to be honest.....dark elf
Nasado do the ward ceremony0<.
I was thinking, "Oh, yes, that's right.
If you are as strong as Ainz-sama, you wouldn't know the strength of a small fish
like this, would you? Well, it is true that they are not that strong, but they are still
strong enough to rule this area.
So, if you are a normal/generic dark elf, I don't think you would go near it
because it is dangerous.
In fact, no one seems to be going near this area for fear of him.
It is true that it is more beneficial to put them in control than to kill them.
If we kill the master of the territory, the surrounding area will become rough and
the dark elves will not come here to gather information.
It would be better to keep him alive to avoid such a situation.
However, "Aura, I don't doubt your judgment.
It is not that I doubt your judgment, but you have already controlled the magic
circle to the limit of your ability, haven't you? The most common reason for this
is that when they are forced to be released instead of being released by their own
choice, they are freed in the order of their old age.
This is also true for summoning and creation.
The same is true for summoning and creation.
In Yggdrasil, there were fewer cases in which people were able to choose who to
release on their own, with warnings and such.
It's all right! The magic-robe user has a connection with the person he keeps
under his control, but he does not have a separate connection with this person, in
other words, he does not have complete control over him. I simply taught him
that I am stronger than him.
That said, I don't think Aura is underestimating the possibility.
I think he judged that no one here would be injured, even slightly.
However, just to be sure, we had to check.
Ainz, who wondered at what level, was reminded of a giant lapdog.
Aura looked at him apologetically and said, "By the way, which one is stronger,
Hamske's or mine?" Aura gave an apologetic gape. (No, don't look so pained,
Aura said, "No, you don't have to look so pained.
(No, don't look so distressed, you can clearly see that the bear is stronger.
I am the master of Hamske, and I have nothing to concern myself with.
I'm Hamske's master, I have nothing to concern myself with.
And, I'm not! Ham TCoa Tej0< to.
Sukes must be able to use magic, and it is difficult to read who would win in a
fight between the two.
If the internal method is effective, the battle will be tilted in their favor.
Besides...Hamske now has a profession as a warrior.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the best out of
your business is to be a good businessman.
It's true that they are pets, so it doesn't matter if they are lounging around, and it
can be said that they are working just because they are walking around with
And he also knows that he is trying hard not to learn the warrior's
profession. Still, I get angry when I see someone playing with the wipes that
they are working so hard on.
However, when he says, "You don't have to work so hard to kidnap Hamske,
Aura," I can hardly contain myself.
It was a reflection of Aura's feelings.
It was not a comment on Hamske.
What more can I say? Hamske is also a great guy," Ainz, not wanting to say
anything else, is at a loss, so he lets it pass.
11I didn't know there happened to be such a magical beast here by chance.
Or is this kind of foundation cloth common in this sea of trees? I'd like to find
out more.
What do we do?
No, I'm not here to discover this kind of evil.
I did not come here to discover this kind of evil.
However, I'm a little bit attracted to explore.
This bear-like beast has not been discovered in the Great Forest of Tob.
So, I am looking for endemic medicinal herbs and other things that are unique to
this place! There is a high possibility that plants and animals optimized for this
environment are living here.
Besides, there may be places where some special phenomena are taking place-"
In this world with the Kamiseiho, there are places where special phenomena are
taking place.
Waterfalls that flow from the bottom to the top, hills with rainbow-colored pillars
of light only on days when buds fall, and positive tornadoes that occur in the
desert once every few decades, such strange sights are said to be seen.
Unfortunately, there are still no such strange areas in the territory that the magical
country has made known to the world.
In Yggdrasil, such places have special effects and rare materials and monsters
can be found.
In Yggdrasil, such places have special effects, and rare materials and monsters
can be found there.
This is said to be a well-known item that helps in the creation of magic items.
If such a special area could be brought under the control of the breast-guiding
power, it would help to strengthen Nazarick.
-I don't think the elves are familiar with this great sea of trees.
Then, Aura is right, in the future, we will be able to get to the Kote nu CoO<s.
The undead created by Ainz will not be able to discover new kinds of medicinal
The adventurers, with their team of undead packers, would be the ones to go.
Let's get out of here and go back.
Mare is waiting for us.
So, Mr.
I just want to make sure that the Cerberus on your side was summoned by
Ainz-sama, right? Yes, of course, that's right.
The actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time,
the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time. By the way, Aura.

What are you going to do about that beast? Shouldn't we take into consideration
the fact that we don't have it completely under our control? Yes, I think so. Can
I take him back to Nazarick? Do you want to let them loose on the sixth level?
Even a beast with this level of intelligence would be able to be locked up. If this
is the case, NPCs in the -Part will not be able to enter the sixth level from now
Not only that, but there are other plant-based monsters on the sixth level.
There is also the question of how to ensure their safety.
(Te ao kok naas nini Pon
I'd like to use it as an experiment.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
this world is to use it to your advantage.
Aura's proposal should have been accepted by Ainz, who believed that it would
enhance their ability to grow.
But - "It doesn't have to be this magic theory, does it? The most important thing is
to make sure that you have the right equipment and the right tools.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the first time you see a new
person, you know that they're going to be a little bit different from the first time
you see them.
The only thing is, if Ainz-sama says so, I will not say so.
I'm just wondering why that bear? Aura suddenly turned around.
Aura suddenly turned around.
I'm going to get angry," he said in a cold tone, and immediately turned back to the
I'm sorry, Ainz," he cried.
I looked back at Fen, but he didn't look like he was going to do anything.
But since Aura says so, it must be so.
I turn my gaze back to Aura and ask her.
"Oh, well, never mind.
So, why that Noh? Yes.
He can't talk like Hamske, but he seems to be very intelligent.
Feng can't speak, but he is very intelligent.
I don't think that being able to speak or not being able to speak is all about
Certainly, I remember thinking the same thing when I saw Fen, but I don't
think it's true.
Of course, it would be the end of the story if I said that he is a magician.
The first thing that comes to mind is that Fen is a good dog, and he listens to
Mare, so it's better to train him if he's smart.
Or you can raise him from the time he is a baby..- "That would take too much
time, huh? You see, there was a place where the people we brought from King's
Landing were living, right? How about there? It's used by the time travelers....
How about not letting them run free in the 6th level and segregating them until
you think they are completely trained?
I'm sure that's the point.
" - "Yes! Thank you, Mr. Ainz.
Aura bowed her head and Ainz laughed at her.
No, no, no, no, no.
I love the way you are trying to improve yourself, just like Albedo is training for
All of you NPCs make me, or rather Ainz Uhr Goun, very proud," Aura's eyes
widened and she stopped moving.
The change made Ains fret, wondering if he had misspoken something.
I don't remember that.
I didn't intend to, but did I say something that would be offensive to Aura? I was
not trying to, but did I say something that Aura would find offensive? Or was he
happy? Ummm.
I guess we should expect the worst rather than hoping for the best), but it's even
worse to just apologize at random.
So there is only one thing Ainz can do.
He said, "Yes, yes, yes, yes.
I've prepared a meal for Aula and the others.
I prepared it with Mare.
Of course, we can't cook, so we just brought it from Nazarick.
(Hm? I didn't spell it out? It may be a fake laugh or a follow-up laugh, but it's a
Aura was smiling at me with a smile that I didn't think was affectionate.
Maybe she was happy to hear that they had prepared a meal for her.
Or was she happy that Ainz was tired of her? (Whatever the case may be, we
should praise NPCs a lot more, right? (At any rate, I should praise NPCs a lot
) Ainz made up his mind firmly.
If you don't say anything, thinking that you have conveyed the message,
your wife's dissatisfaction will accumulate tremendously in your
unacknowledged questions.
(I think it was one of the guild members who said in an emotionless voice that his
wife's frustration would build up to a tremendous level.
While I was desperately trying to remember, the Green Secret House came into
As we stood in front of the door, Mare, who had been watching us from the
inside, opened the door.
I'm home," she said.
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding
of what you are doing and how to do it.
Aura's gaze ran over the table.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time.
Aura's face was smiling, and Ainz was relieved to see it.
1 I thought she would never say such a thing, but I was a little worried.
I was also worried that I might become insensitive to the end of the barrel.
I was worried that I might become insensitive to the end of the barrel.
I'm sure the chef will be happy to hear you think so.
I also prepared one for Fenrir.....On the stump I prepared next to the base, there is
a huge hunk of meat for Fenrir.
It is a conquest raised for livestock, freshly strangled and boiled, still dripping
with human blood.
The ranch is located a short distance from Nazasarik, and the animals are allowed
to roam free in a large area.
The head chef told me, "I personally prefer the taste of meat from that breed if it
is raised mainly on coarse meat rather than grass.
Whether because of his influence or because others felt the same way, the
meat was not very popular among the Nazaricks.
The meat was not very popular in Nazarick, perhaps because of his influence, or
perhaps because others felt the same way. However, there is not enough
manpower to do so.
Few of the people who were forcibly evicted from their homes to make room for
the sub-district in Ye Lanter had any skills related to local production, and even if
they did, they all went to the settler villages.
However, this was just a story of those who were picky about taste, and there was
nothing wrong with feeding the demons.
The "What about that one over there, the one with the thin knees? I'm not sure if
he's going to eat it or not.
I'm sure he had a meal just before he met me.
And it is also said that one of the best ways to train a bear is to not feed it until it
completely understands that you are the superior one and obeys you. No, well,
you may be right.
Even with humans, etc.
, the person who pushes them mentally OoO0<m OO
The three of us entered the Green Secret House with a few words of
Aura said, "You can eat it," before walking through the door, and Fenrir, who had
been holding back until then, bit into a piece of meat. The weeping bear only
gazed at the scene.
The figure with slumped shoulders certainly smelled like a human question, and
as Aura said, it seemed to have a certain amount of intelligence. By the way,
Cerberus does not need to eat.
It is no use giving it to a summoned monster.
It's not that there aren't cases where you can strengthen it by giving it food that
buffs it, but at least now I don't feel the need to do that at all.
Cerberus responded to Ainz's decision with, "What? I think I'm getting responses
from Cerberus like "Seriously? The three of us sat down at the table Ainz had
The two said "Itadakimasu" in unison, "Come on, eat! Naturally, Ainz is unable
to eat.
Aura was the first one to cook the first meal of the day.
The first time I saw him, I thought, "Ainz-sama! It's delicious! Mare watches her
sister's words, "Yes, yes, yes.
Ains laughed at the two of them.
That's good," she said.
I'll let the chef know.
Aura's research has shown that it is safe to set up a temporary base in this area, so
I'm going to tell Green Secret Nu Mono Comani.
So I'm going to go to Green Secret Nu mono comaniz ana ko (teap
I would like to choose a place to relocate the House, and after that I would like to
move on to discover the Dark Elven village," Goto stopped eating and listened
intently to Ainz's story.
Well, it is true that even the Suzuki language will stop eating when the boss starts
talking about business matters.
After that, we will establish friendly relations with Dark Elfre.
The most important thing to do is to make sure that you have a good relationship
with your bosses.
If she gave me permission to use it, I would have a great hand.
The fact that it's not a perfect support is a concern, but on the other hand, it will
increase the lead of the true human being.
I don't know if it is an individual thing or a race thing, but the performance of the
monsters varies.
I would have preferred to hide Shin Atsushi's status and strength, but I think this
is a better way to get into it.
If it were to take years, there might be another way, but I don't think we have that
much time considering the legal state of the country. I am not sure that we have
that much time.
No, is it dark? What is your plan, Mr.
Ainz? Aura wonders, and Ainz smiles again.
It's one of the strategies that Nakamichi taught me a lot of things in the past.
Nini Oo0<te.
The name of the operation had a story behind it, but Ainz did not know it and
pretended to be a know-it-all.
However, he was able to explain what the operation was based on his own
Ainz opened his mouth and said, "Ah! You are the Red who cried! I read that
book the other day! Ainz closed his mouth and slowly looked up to the sky.
If he could have seen the magnificent blue sky here, it might have saved his heart
from being struck by the child's ignorance.
He would have received an early reminder that he was small compared to the
rest of the world.
However, all he could see was the ceiling of the Green Secret House.
After looking at the uninteresting ceiling a little closer, I turned my head to see
Mare's pure and innocent smile.
There is still a possibility that Mare was wrong.
I....I see.
Marre is a great guy.
I've never read that book.
It's called "The Water That Cried.
If you read the book, then you'll use the bear that your sister brought you!
Oh, maybe I'm right.
Ainz is convinced of this.
I'm sure that I'm right.
I'm sure I'm right.
Marre is great.
....- And Ainz smiled at them.
Nire 23 people nee.
A dark elf village in the Sea of Trees.
The village of the Dark Elves in the Great Sea of Trees is no different from a
village of elves.
The Wild Elves, for example, were once ordinary elves, but when they moved to
the steppe to live, their culture and physical appearance changed, and they are
now recognized as a new species.
The dark elves, on the other hand, are the same race as the elves and live in the
same environment, so they have not undergone any physical or magical changes.
There is almost no difference in culture, and their lifestyle is the same, centered
on the Elf Tree.
Because of this, the dark elves' main occupation was to be a ranger and a forest
priest, just like the elves.
Dark Elven villages have used the evasiveness of smells to avoid the storage
This is an important wisdom that was taught to the Dark Elves by Trent and the
forest dwellers when they were living on the stock before the migration to the
Great Steam Shoals.
They planted herbs with strong fragrance around the village, made and removed
special medicines that repel beasts, and used the "Naginho" method of the
Cornerstone Priests, which has an effect time of Co0<<.
The effective range of the "M" is also limited, so it is necessary to devote
a considerable amount of human resources to it.
The use of the "Tadatakueru" method is also effective in the Great Sea of Trees.
This method was also effective in the Great Sea of Trees, and compared to other
elven villages (except for the Royal City), the Tadatark elven village was safe.
However, the elves do not know about this method.
If it spread, the sense of avoiding beans due to smell would fade away.
Not only the magic circle, but also warfare, is not so, even if it looks foolish.
On the other hand, if it is known that there is an old man at the end of the smell,
the danger level will increase.
For these reasons, even relatives who had accepted me could not readily teach
me this method.
But on that day, the dark elves learned that the safety they had believed in was
thin water.
The wild cries of the English can be heard from the distance.
The moon is a daily occurrence in the Great Sea of Trees.
In the morning glow or late at night, not a day goes by when you don't hear the
sounds of beasts, and even some of the smaller creatures outside of the body have
surprisingly loud cries.
There is nothing wrong with hearing a single yelp.
History is indeed frightening.
There are many kinds of magical creatures that put special power into their
Some of them strike fear into the hearts of those who hear them, some confuse
them, some make them lose the will to fight, and some even induce weakness.
There are even those that can be used to create a new family name.
However, with a family name, even such special abilities are ineffective.
The Yoshikata's vessels were never in danger, and it was a commonplace scene
in Ariake.
However, on that day, a dark elf man called for an alarm in the village.
The man was of average height for a dark elf.
However, his slender and supple limbs moved with a light, yet lean movement
that gave the impression of hidden inner strength, making the man appear larger
than he actually was.
There are no dark elves living in the Sea of Trees who do not know this man.
He is a first-rate ranger with a great deal of experience and has been a ranger for
many years, and bears the family name of the Blueberry, one of the 13 families
that played a central role in the Great Migration of the past.
Blueberry Egnia, a man of great experience as a ranger, holds in his hand a dark
elf compound bow, one of only a few in the village.
The season of the bekoa flower is once every three years! The bow is only
allowed to be carried by those who have achieved very good results in the archery
competitions held every three years during the season of the Bekoa Flower. The
Dark Elves immediately gathered at Aegnia's call.
They are not professional soldiers, but rather rangers who are not on a hunting
0<-o ko tte ko
Egnia's village is the largest of the neighboring dark elves' villages.
The village of Egnia is the largest among the neighboring villages of the Dark
Elves, but even so, it has just over 200 inhabitants and cannot afford a full-time
In front of her friends, who had gathered there with a look of sadness on their
faces, Egnia's long ears twitched slightly as she concentrated on the sound of the
She announced in a strong voice, "It's a great honor to have all of you here.
The reason I asked you all to come all the way here is nothing else.
I've heard it once before.
I've heard it once before.
The actuality is, it's not really a problem for the actual dark elves living in tea.
There are many kinds of highly dangerous monsters in the area around this
village, but Ankylosaurus is at the top of the list.
It is no exaggeration to say that it would mean death to touch an adult, even a
fully grown adult, let alone an Ursus child.
Ankylurus has armor that repels even bows and arrows, and arm strength that can
easily cut down a dark elf in two.
It is a terrifying monster that is quite difficult to escape by running because of its
high physical capabilities.
I heard a yelp, but was it really from Ursus? I mean, I'm sure I'm asking the
wrong guy.
The female dark elf asks in a tone of voice, "What is it? The village's three
autopsied heads are all skilled rangers with Egnia's compound bows in their
Even she couldn't tell from the male call alone whether it belonged to Ursus
or not.
And1 For example, a cute bird named Hayabuki Kojima, for example, has a
special ability to imitate the mongrels of some polar monsters. And there
are other creatures with similar abilities in this forest.
In a forest inhabited by such creatures, it is extremely difficult to identify their
master just by a single far-off sound.
Her question is understandable.
But Egnia is the best ranger in the village.
Not only is she the best with the bow, but she is also the sharpest with the first
party and the best at analyzing information picked up by that party.
Her doubts were not based on distrust of Egnia, but more than half on the hope
that she was wrong.
I'm very sorry, but I'm sure you're wrong.
I will never forget that hair-raising, overwhelmingly powerful voice, no matter
how much time goes by.
It is still stuck in my ears.
There is no mistaking it," the next to speak up was the head hunter.
The center of power in this village consists of the board of elders, the head of
hunting, the head of medicine, and the head of rituals.
The board of elders is made up of three members, making a total of six.
That means he is one of them.
He does not have a compound bow in his hand.
His specialty is thought, and even if that is subtracted, his overall ability is far
behind that of Egnia.
He is younger than Egnia, but he has a calm demeanor that makes him a
perfect hunting leader.
The fact that Ursus can blow hot means....something has entered the territory,
that's confirmed.
Most of the time, they are in conflict with a powerful enemy or a hostile tribe.
Or it may be to announce victory or to show them their place.
Or it may be for breeding.
However, it is highly possible that someone has entered Ursus' territory in any of
these cases.
Once an ankylosaurus has established its territory, it expands as it grows, but it is
not likely to change it in the slightest.
And they rarely go hunting outside of it.
So it is more reasonable to assume that someone has entered the territory.
It's annoying.
The dark elves around him agreed to the whispering of the head hunter.
The dark elves around him agreed.
Egnia smiled wryly at her friends.
The fact is that Ankylaurus can be a bubonic ballancer in the neighborhood, as
long as you don't provoke it.
I agree with that opinion, but I don't know if they've been in our territory," Egnia
The last time I heard an Ursus blow was during an Ursus conflict, and that
conflict was over territory.
I'm sorry, Eugenia, but I have a few questions.... I can hardly hear the
<es>Originally selected</es>.
I can hardly hear<es ko(teos
I could not find the information on the Ursus, but since Egnia mentioned it, I
think it is true that Ursus blew it.
But the territory is quite far from here, isn't it? The youngest man in the room
asked a question to which the others seemed to silently agree.
I don't know what happened to Ursus, but I'm pretty sure something is going on
that's going to raise the alarm," the youngest man asked, to which the others
around him silently agreed.
Maybe the territory will change, maybe the master of the territory will change.
Maybe something more will happen.
For example.....yes," Egnia continued, taking a breath, "if we lose to Ursus, we
will still be in a position to run away.
Even if Ursus loses, he will be able to escape.
The actuality that the actual forest is going to be the place to go to get a new
forest is going to be the reason that the forest is going to be the place to go to get
a new forest.
It would be bad luck if we did not detect changes in the forest as soon as possible
and share the information with others.
This is a very important consideration for those who live on the bounty of the
"Today's washing is canceled.
It would be safer not to go into the forest, let alone go to jail.
We still have food, don't we? We caught a big one the other day.
But still, we should talk to the head of the festival immediately and ask him to
start producing fruits.
It may take a few days to finish making sure everything is safe.
I'd better talk to the elders about it.
I think we should talk to the Elders about this as well.
The elders will make sure that everyone is aware of what's going on so that no
one who doesn't know what's going on enters the forest. No one says, "Don't
overthink it.
The "Jukai" is a blessing, but it can also throw disasters at us unexpectedly.
To survive in the forests, it was essential to be vigilant, not overlooking even the
slightest sign of trouble.
The whole village must be made aware of the possibility that the forest was
becoming unsafe.
What about the other villages? Should we contact them when we know more
about the situation? Or should we tell them about the situation as soon as
possible? I think both sides are right and wrong. We can leave it to the
When those old guys with their big brains start to say strange things, it will be
helpful to break them down if we assume that it is the opinion of the majority.
It is true that they are inflexible, but the elders have a great deal of experience.
I'm just taking what I think is the safest path based on that knowledge.
Ganen, red-faced, tries to open his mouth wide, but Egnia puts her hand over his
I'm not going to tell you what you need to know now.
I've called you all together and you need to tell me what you need to know. You
know enough about the Ursus threat, don't you? Eugenia, seeing that Ganen had
closed his mouth, held back her hand. Egnia sighs in her heart.

(I've always agreed that confrontation with the elders is not necessarily a
bad thing, but there must be a time and a place for it.
(He tacitly agreed that confrontation with the elders was not generally a bad
thing, but he would like them to think about it when the time comes.
Is it too much for all of us? "If we're going to have a full day of policing today, it
would be better to have three shifts.
I'm sure you're right.
I heard a male call out, "That's it! The whole team looked nervously in the
direction of the voice.
Did you not hear it very close? The whole group was anxious, but one person
made it sound like the sun was shining. Egnia agrees with him.

As Egnia mentioned earlier, something that entered their territory escaped and is
now following them.
Ankylosaurus tends to stick to its prey.
If the creature that they see as their prey escapes, they will follow it outside the
roping area.
A little bit of an image of a blowing chase, but it would make more sense than a
defeated prey being chased out of its territory.
If so, if Ursus can catch his prey, his belly will be full and this village may be
safe....If there is prey on the run, should we go at them and shoot them? Stop it!
You will provoke Ursus unnecessarily.
First, the prey is most likely capable of escaping from Ursus, right? If the prey
comes this way, we should only drive it away.
The most important thing to do is to make sure that you have the best possible
chance of getting the best out of your product or service.
It would be troublesome if they think this is a feeding ground.
It's good to hear all kinds of opinions flying around, but we can't afford to spend
too much time on this.
I don't want to get too involved in this, but I can't afford to.
Egnia clapped her hands once to get everyone's attention.
Whatever the situation is, it's definitely unusual," she said.
We'd better move quickly.
Ursus is the territory>aemmu<nite
If they return to the territory, it's good.
If they don't return.....if they go out to the territory and lose their prey.
" Egnia looked around at all of them.
If we lose them near this village, it will be a long day, maybe even a day," Egnia
The important thing is that we need the help of all the villagers, not just those
who are here.
The power of the forest priests, in particular, is absolutely necessary.
"Just gathering in harmony and consulting with each other will only increase the
amount of time wasted.
- I'm not sure if I can leave it to you? The hunting head shakes his head in disgust. The
hunting head shakes his head in disgust.
Okay, boys.
The first half of you, in order of skill, will take the village defenses.
The other half of you will take the rest of the village and make sure that everyone
in the village is accounted for.
Those who have been warned or finished, take your positions.
Next is the security of those who cannot fight.
Beniri, you are in charge of dividing up the men.
Then Ganen, go talk to the head medicine man, and Ovei, go talk to the head
I'll go to the elders' meeting.
Now, move! Move! Move! Egnia was about to move too, when the head hunter
signaled her to follow him.
I've been thinking for a while that you, the most skilled hunter in the village,
should take the head's role - won't that make things more complicated? My name
is a little known in the other villages because of my house," Egnia continued,
ignoring the hunting chief's comment that it wasn't a little.
The hunting head's words were ignored by Egnia, who continued, "If that were to
happen, the conflict would spill over to other villages even more than it is now.
The most important thing to remember is that the elders are not the only ones who
can make a difference in the world.
Even if all the elders retire, the problem will only spread to other villages.
It would be better if the elders were to keep their heads.
There is no solution.
There is no solution to the problem.
Until the moment a major breakdown occurs somewhere," the boar-hunting
head said, his eyes narrowing.
I'm going to defend the village.
The village is rapidly becoming a joe<>simi(as) village, as we parted ways with
the hunting head and Egnia continued to stand guard in the direction from which
the cry came.
The information seemed to be spreading to all the people in the village.
This was not only because the ambushers went around to inform the people, but
also because the village of Yunue, where people live side by side with dangerous
monsters, has a well-developed information transmission system.
In less than ten minutes, the head of the festival began to produce food using the
internal law, and the head of the medicine department, Kachira, delivered
powerful shocks and an antidote to Egnia, just in case. A few moments passed
with the ship still in motion.
Since then, Ursus had not been heard from.
The tension among the assembled ambushers began to fade.
Egnia, too, relaxed her shoulders and rubbed the stiffness in her hand that held the
Ursus may have caught his prey, or he may have let it escape and returned to his
At that moment, a hunting head lined up beside him.
I'll need to get to the territory as soon as possible to check it out, just to be sure,"
he said.
Do you mind if I ask you to do it?" I knew it would happen.
Cheech! Egnia's thighs twitched and she made a sound like a bird's call.
It is not a mere sound.
Egnia learns, "Te OoOO0< said.
It is a special sound that can be produced by a heated profession, and it conveys a
sense of respect to those who hear it.
This way, the air, which had begun to slacken, was now tense with a friend, who
could no longer stand still and be taken by surprise by the sound.
Egnia, sensing the attention, points her gaze in the direction of the shadow she
I hope I'm imagining things.
I hope I am mistaken.
I hope I'm wrong.
It was only a moment before he was able to catch sight of the shadow.
It was just a blink of an eye that happened to pass by the shadow behind a number
of huge trees.
It is quite possible that he misjudged it.
However, Egnia's excellent eyesight, which is highly developed in her capacity as
a ranger, easily betrayed his own expectations.
The voice of the man who was there was very clearly audible to all the people in
the room.
Yes, it was clear to everyone.
It was obvious to everyone.
A huge shadow was approaching quietly from among the trees.
There he was, the destroyer of the great sea of trees, Ankylosaurus.
It's just a matter of time before he comes back.
Nah, nah.
Wasn't that...big...blueberry..blueberry..blueberry..blueberry..blueberry..big?
Wasn't that....big...blueberry...blueberry..blueberry..blueberry..blueberry? The
young ambush swallows his sleep and asks, "How big is Ursus? The trees in the
forest and the seasonal separation prevented us from getting a clear view of its
Still, we could get a rough idea by comparing it to the surrounding trees.
It is too big.
No, it is too big.
I can't see it clearly, but I can get a rough idea of its size by comparing it to the
surrounding trees.
The Ursus I saw before was not that big.
It didn't grow.
It's growing at an abnormally fast rate, and if it's not a...old man..," Egnia says, as
if trying to squeeze out a word.
The air was filled with a rush of air.
Among them, however, there are those who have evolved to be extremely
powerful and rewarding, reigning at the top of the species, and sometimes
exerting a great influence over a wide area with their fighting abilities.
Hence, the name "land species" is used to refer to those individuals who have
evolved to become the most powerful of their kind.
If the Ankylosaurus in front of you is indeed one, it means that it is slightly
stronger than the normal ones.
Even a normal Ankylaurus is a troublesome opponent, but if the whole village
fights together, it will not be impossible to repel it.
But if the chest king in front of the sun is the king of Ursus, it's hard to believe
that he could survive a proper fight.
It's a horse race! I heard there was a king's breed, but that must be further north!"
One of the Rangers speaks out with great vigor, while skipping sleep.
He keeps his voice down so as not to irritate Ursus, however.
What's wrong with Aju's village? I have heard that there is a royal species in the
vicinity of the village of Aju, which is also a dark elf village. The kingly race
does not appear so frequently.
If this is the case, then it must be the same type of king that was in the vicinity of
Aj's village.
If the species had changed its territory or moved in the direction of this village,
someone from the village of Ajou would have come to warn us. But no one
Yet, the jade seed is still there.
A blackness dominates the scene.
If you go in the direction where you first heard his shout, you will find the village
of Ajou.
(....The village of Ajou turned into a feeding ground, and Ursus, who had learned
about the foodstuff called dark elves, came toward us, relying on the smell or
The tense air was laced with a tinge of despair.
Even if he had acquired a taste for dark elves in the village of Ajou, it was not yet
known that fresh food could be found here. Ankylosaurus is a gourmet people.
They are omnivores, but they do have a taste for certain foods.
If the dark elves were to become a spectacle, this village would have to be
charged, and even if they did, they would have to be chased out of the village by
the Shezaë<(sv).
There is no guarantee that they will not call us.
So, we should lead them away from this village.
But there is a question.
I can't say for sure that Ajou's village has been hit," Egnia's gaze fell on him.
'As I originally witnessed, there were Ursus who had established a territory in the
vicinity of this village.
If the king's species came straight from the village of Ajou, they would have
entered the territory of Ursus.
If so, it would be strange if we did not hear two male roars.
In other words. the Ursus that originally roamed this area must have grown up to
become a king species - the king species from the village of Ajou is still a
If the sex of the king species and the Ursus that used to live in this area were
different, the fight might not have occurred at all.
Or, even if two Ursus met and clashed, it is possible that one of the two Ursus
probably did not raise its season.
However, whether or not the village of Ajou continues to exist is not the
important question at this point.
What we need to think about now is what we should do if the royal species is still
coming toward this village, and what is the best course of action. If so, then -
fighting the king's species is suicide.
--The only way to get rid of it is to summon the spirit chiken and escape to the
question that is stalling for time.
You can't do that! We can only fill our bellies with the meat we have stored.
Ursus has bear-like characteristics.
I know you like honey, too, don't you?
At that moment, the earth, the atmosphere, and the forests are subdued by a heroic
shudder that shakes you to the core.
No longer hidden behind the trees.
The king of Ankylaurus, walking slowly, was there, he said.
The dark elves' breaths become quick and shallow.
The brains of everyone present went blank.
Any ideas that had come up earlier had been blown to twain.
It was not that they caused the action.
It was simply, and fatally, a reaction of the lottery, as the dark elves had come to
understand the difference in their biological status.
In other words, the difference in power is so great that the dark elves are
powerless to do anything but talk.
(! Most of the dark elves were sure of the tragedy that would befall them, and
they were ruled by resignation.
But they are not ready to accept it.
Egnia cries out, "One, move! Move," she exclaims, a cry that is both a rebuke
and a rebuke to herself.
What do you want me to do? Koa-yo-ee-o.
I don't care!" Egnia replies to the female dark elf's screaming question with
a single word as heavy as a lock.
I wouldn't know what the right thing to do in a situation like this would be! I
wouldn't know what the right thing to do in a situation like this is! But you still
have to move! What are you going to do if you're stuck! The king of Ursus was
slow, as if he was trying to scare us.
He was growing a head to sniff out the scent of dark elves among the flowers
planted around the village.
His appearance gave a pitiful impression, as if the words "naseze ka toba
toba" were appropriate for him.
I was tempted to jump to a wishful thinking that he might be injured or ill, but
such a thing must be a kind of escape from reality that people tend to have in an
extreme situation.
(Do you want to shoot? ) There is no need to think about offending people any
It is certain that it will come this way.
Then make the first move...; the bow will reach it.
If it's a bow, it will reach us, and everyone will be ready for it.
If it's attention is on the billion, we can move to draw it away from the village.
I'm sure there's another way.
...)Coco DD・・ .-.
I'm sure you can find another way.
When Hegnia said this, the ambushers around them looked at each other in
recognition for a moment, but soon understood what he was trying to do. I
see! Pour oil on it and ignite it with the spirit of fire! 2O0<Sute Co"-te5
It's hard to avoid the oil! It's hard to avoid the oil! "Summon the spirits of water at
the same time to prevent the flames from spreading around!" There is not much
oil in the village.
It is not hard to find, but it is one of those commodities that people don't bother to
store because of its limited use.
A dark elf runs toward the center of the village, shouting, "The millions are
He probably intends to tell the forest priests who are supposed to be in the
It would be bad if all the magic was converted into food without letting him know
what was going on.
At that moment, the Ursus king's voice rumbled through the air.
The same overwhelming power as before was felt, but now that the dark elves had
made up their minds, they were no longer upset. The dark elves were no longer
Not only Egnia, but all the Rangers present had the same question.
The nature of Ankylosaurus is such that it will rush forward at once when it is
seen, but there was no sign of that.
As I was wearing the look, the king of Ursus now stands up and blows.
It is a common practice for wild beasts to make themselves look big and
intimidate their opponents.
What I don't understand, however, is why he doesn't attack me.
The king of Ursus, who is not a mere beast but a sakihuan, is a very wise being.
Despite this, he is surely not a mere beast, but a king of Ursus, who is a
"sakihuan," a very intelligent being.
Why are they playing games here when they can see us, the "real" ones? What is
the meaning of the repeated historical eruptions? Hey, maybe this is a hunting
practice for young children? The first thing to do is to make sure that the parents
of the child are allowed to take the child with them.
The parents of the stalemate take their young out to the woods, where the young
observe their parents hunting and learn the tricks of the trade according to the
type of prey they are hunting.
If they do not do this, they often die soon after leaving the nest because they have
not mastered hunting skills.
The mysterious behavior of the king of Ursus may be an attempt to teach the
children who are out there somewhere about the Dark Elfle prey.
If so, it would be better to teach the child that the dark elves are a formidable
opponent who will inflict pain on him in the future, wouldn't it? If you're
practicing for the sake of it, you'll probably only be able to use the raw fish.
The best way to do it is to get a good idea of what you're looking for.
The king of Ursus suddenly sniffed and came running toward the dark elves.
The king of Ursus no longer looked as wilted as before.
However, there was no sense of impending murderous intent.
There was something else, something more.
Egnia was .
For a moment, she looked behind the king of Ursus.
The king of Ursus is a very powerful and powerful man, and he is a very powerful
The king of Ursus is not only Egnia, but many of her friends are in turmoil.
Not only Eugenia, but also many of her friends are confused.
The king of Ankylosaurus' actions are not clear at all.
It may be wrong to try to understand the king of the forest in the first place, but
this is the first time that my experience and recommendations as a ranger have
been so useless against him.
But even with that much confusion, the dark elves are agilely trailing along the
It is an undeniable fact that Ursus' positive attitude is making a run for it.
If we are even a little late in acting, we will fall prey to the king of Ursus.
The King of Ursus stands up as he reaches the base of the empty Elf Tree.
It is huge.
It is large enough to reach the height of the bridge.
And he swung his arms.
He swung his arm.
The trunk of the Elf Tree was gouged as if exploding, and the impact shook the
tree violently.
The bridge connecting the tree and the soil deflected, and the dark elves clung
desperately to the perimeter to keep from being swept off. The elf trees on the
outer perimeter are especially strong.
They are specially made, having been given growth promotions by the purchasing
method more than once and fed large amounts of rice to make them thicker and
The tree is made of a special material that is thick and large and has been fed
with a large amount of rice.
A giant tree, with a height of over a hundred feet, was still here - in an instant.
This was the best proof that the input of the King of Ursus was greater than that
of any other monster that had ever come to this village.
The monster..return..just as I had strange...this is no time to be
What are you going to do? How can we do this with the least amount of
damage?" The men who lost their will to fight after just a few blows are now
The king of Ursus was going mad.
The king of Ursus is madly attacking the same tree of elves as before.
His behavior is too abnormal, but it is not as if he has lost his mind and gone
crazy due to the rainbow law.
It is as if he has a grudge against the Elf Tree.
And occasionally, he stops and glances at Egnia and the other dark elves, and
then starts attacking again.
(Not like teaching a child how to catch food....nah...) There are no children
around the king of Ursus.
Egnia takes a swing at the short arrow she has in her quiver, and at the arrow in it.
(Some dark elf attacked him and messed with him? So he has a grudge against the
Elf So-Tree.
Only the dark elves would think that the Elf Tree itself has no scent, and monsters
like Ankylaurus might not detect it with their superior sense of smell.
But if they do, they will be safe for the time being by letting the village loose.
(No, I don't think it would work that well.
If they get out of control to some extent, they will be hungry, and they might
follow us on our scent.
I guess we should give them some meat with honey on it and hope they will be
The only thing that worries me is that he sometimes looks like he's observing us.
Maybe....he's trying to keep us on our toes.
"Another individual is approaching the village from the other direction? Is it
necessary to do that? The king of Ursus? "If the king of Ursus wants to drive us
out of the village, why not? The king of Ursus is the only one who has the ability
to do this," he said.
The only way to get rid of them is to run away together in all directions.
If we each bring some meat or something, the feeding questions will be quiet,
right? I don't know if that's the only way.
Don't look at me like that.
We are not abandoning the village.
Some people are trying to be modest, but I don't think it will work out that way.
The king of Ursus had begun to carve out the Elf Tree with a grinding noise.
He probably wants to make this his territory.
If this is the case, there is no way for Egnia and the others to leave the village
without leaving everything behind.
The elven tree grows incredibly fast due to the magic effect.
But even so, it cannot be done in a single morning to make it this big.
For the Dark Elves who live with the Elf Tree, to tear into it would be like taking
it all away.
If they are not allowed to stay in another village until they can grow a big solly
again, how much will they have to pay for it? Good.
"Good, let's give Ursus some meat with honey on it and leave the village," the
hunter said, to which all the villagers agreed.
The others stayed behind to help Ursus, the king of Ursus.
The others will stay here to make sure that the king of Ursus does not go into the
The king of Ursus, who had already shredded the first elf tree and moved on to
the next one, stopped swinging his claws with a snap.
Before Egnia and the others can even think, what the hell, the King of Ursus is on
the move.
What's that?
In the direction of the center of the village, he said.
Stop! Immediately, Egnia pulls three arrows from the arrow department and
mounts them on her bow.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her companions, who had also received
Egnia's order, readying their bows as if they were being shot at.
Using a special technique, he fires two arrows at the same time.
Both arrows hit the huge body of the king of Ursus, and both arrows were
bounced off.
Then several arrows fly.
The flying arrows hit the face or paws of the King of Ursus and bounced back, or
else they pierced the ground or water in front of him. It did not miss.

Even though he is starting to move, he is such a huge body.

It would be more difficult to miss.
The purpose of the arrow was not to inflict damage.
It was to draw their attention and buy time.
However, the king of Ursus does not stop even for a moment.
He only glanced at us.
What the hell? (The other party is the top of the ecosystem, right? How can they
be attacked by us, their inferior, and then completely ignore us? Don't they
regard the flyers as spheres? They act as if they have an agenda....Have you ever
attacked a dark elf village somewhere else? They know there are children and
other infirm in the middle of the village? So they tried to find out where they
were by intimidating them? Ursus of the species ignores us, emi<bete(so
The reason why he is going for the spotted eye tsuki may be because he himself
learned this kind of lack when he was weak.
) It makes sense that he would repeat the same thing again and again because he
succeeded in smelling it.
It's a good idea to have a good time, even if you've become the king of the world.
The reason why he repeatedly attacked Elfutzli must have been to gather those
who could fight around him.
The contradictions in his bizarre behavior disappeared and it made sense.
Even that may have been based on the successful experience of the previous
Even so, there is only one thing that Egnia and her friends can do.
The only thing they can do is to keep the king of Ursus from going to the center
of the city, where the children are supposed to be. After him! the hunter-guy
They all jump off the bridge and run on the ground.
The bridge over the Elf Tree is a bit of a tricky one, but it's still a good turn. It
is very dangerous to run where the king of Ursus can easily reach us, but we
have to do it.
Besides," Egnia said, looking at the Ursus king running in front of her.
If the King of Ursus were to reverse his course and attack, would he still be able
to time his attack? For the giant Ursus, it is difficult to run through a village lined
with elven trees, and even if there is an overwhelming gap in running ability, he
will not be separated from the others.
was the most physically gifted, Egnia succeeded in closing the upper distance.
Screams were heard from where they were headed.
It was not someone being attacked.
Even those in the center of the village could see Ursus's figure.
(Damn it!).
In the center of the village, there is what is called a square, but it is not on the
It is a tray-like area in the middle of the village, secured by bridges extending
from the trees.
When the king of Ursus arrived at the square, he raised himself up, spread out his
thick, terrible arms, and let out another yell.
It is larger than before, and powerful enough to freeze those present.
The plaza is far from the ground, but Ursus' huge body could easily reach it. The
historical eruption, which makes one feel the difference between the two
creatures as living beings, and the mutual star, which makes the viewer fearful of
the creature.
<The combination of these two factors makes the low-skilled butterfly rangers
and children stiffen up.
Egnia threw down the dark elf-style compound ・ she was holding, leaving her
hands free.
This bow is the treasure of the Dark Elves.
The various materials used for this bow are made not from this forest, but from
the lands where they once were.
Repair parts are scarce and can never be made again.
The elders would scold him for handling it so carelessly.
But there is no one who can afford to put the bow away carefully.
Wooooooooooo!" Egnia blows and leaps to the attention of the king of Ursus and
to her own delight.
Clinging to the giant's body, she scrambled up to the top, using its burly hard
skin as a guide.
Gooooo! The king of Ursus lashed out, losing his body and trying to shake Egnia
For a moment, his body floats up and the centrifugal force pulls him down,
almost blowing him away, but he manages to withstand it. As it is, it
reaches the bottom of the back of his head.
The king of Ursus' rampage has become more violent.
No wonder.
Even a dark elf would act the same way if a bee was buzzing around his neck.
Pulling herself closer to the king's neck as if to stick to him, Eugenia endured
desperately so that she would not fall.
It's a wonder she doesn't roll around on the ground or get clawed with terrible
claws, but for Egnia, it's luck of the draw and she should be thankful. She
endures as she is.
In my wandering vision, the villagers! Egnea is surprised to see a child in
particular staring at her, and she feels her leathers stand on end.
What are you doing! Run! She did not want to speak, but she had no choice.
In fact, as if responding to his voice, the Ursus king's movements intensified.
Arrows flew to block them.
A skilled chest would have been able to hit Egnia in this situation with a mini
There is no such thing as a "no".
But not even a single shot from Egnia could buy a piece of skin.
There was no sign that the arrow had pierced the king of Ursus.
If it could not even scratch him, it would have no effect even if she had applied a
husband's coat.
Egnia put strength into her hands.
She cannot leave the king of Ursus now.
After what seemed like an unusually long time, the king of Ursus slowed down a
He must be a little fatigued from the rampage.
However, the opponent is a royal species.
His toughness is also not within the bounds of common sense.
He will soon recover, and will no doubt go on the rampage again.
The hands of the egnia are numb.
She will not be able to endure it next time.
This is his last chance.
She reaches around her waist with one hand and pulls out a dagger.
Then he lifts himself up to Ursus' weak-looking eyes and nose.
There were some parts of the body that were not within range, such as the neck.
However, there were thick muscles under the thick fur.
I was not confident that I could do enough damage with the briefcase I had.
At that moment, Egnia's body floated.
The king of Ursus twisted violently as he released one of his hands from
Uetomo's body.
Even though she was barely able to cling to him with all her body's functions,
there was no way she would be able to hold on in the position she was in now that
she had let go of his hand.
His vision spun around, and he heard a scream coming from somewhere.
(Shima ) Realizing what has happened, he immediately discards the short game
and reaches for the membrane.
What he takes out is a small leather bag.
It is slammed to the ground.
The impact pushes the air out of his lungs and, for a moment, he is in respiratory
The pain is there, but the impatience that wells up is stronger.
Egnia rolls to the ground, and her eyes meet those of the king of Ursus, who is
standing directly in front of her.
She cannot move.
The pressure of the King of Ursus in front of her makes her body stiffen.
She knows that if she moves, it will be the end of her life.
The breath of the King of Ursus is thick.
His breath is fragrant, and it smells so good that it's a surprise.
Egnia almost laughed.
There was no need to be surnamed, no need to hesitate.
The party leader has already made up his mind.
(Come and get it.
I'm going to eat him too, along with my meat.
(I'll make you eat him too, along with my flesh.
) Being eaten by the king of Ursus is the worst.
It is the worst thing to be eaten by the king of Ursus, because it means he will
learn the taste of dark elves.
However, what if he doesn't like the taste of dark elves? I loosen the mouth of the
skin bag.
It is the elixir that was given to me beforehand.
Considering the size of the king of Ursus, it was too little.
It's not just that it's too little, but that it's too little for the king of Ursus.
But even if you can't poison them, I can tell you what poison tastes like.
If they open their big mouths and come at you with their brains, put a hemp-filled
leather bag in their mouths.
If they attack you with their claws, it's over.
And it will probably be more than just the arm that gets bitten.
Egnia was prepared.
No, she had made up her mind long ago.
She would live and die for this village.
It was for this day that she was stronger than the others.
Come now.
The dark elves of this village make you want to vomit!) The king of Ursus'
gaze was arrested.
(What is it?) The King of Ursus, his tail wagging and his arms swinging,
repeatedly attacked the surrounding Elfsootree as if he was about to strike them in
the olden days.
It was as if he could not see Egnia, but this was not the case.
I actually felt their gazes cross.
Egnia! Quickly! Egnia, confused and unable to comprehend the situation, is
startled by the voice of her fellow Nobushi.
She was ready to be eaten, but she didn't want to be eaten.
(Ez <>(SO!
But will he escape? The king of Ursus does not seem interested, but I can see him
glancing at me.
I wonder what he is trying to do.
(Is it right to run away?) I have no idea.
I can't understand what they are trying to do.
While Yegnia was at the height of her confusion, an arrow suddenly flew out of
nowhere and struck the Elf's Trees right in front of her.
Koan! a high-pitched, goosebump-inducingly clear sound spread out like a ripple.
Even the king of all the dark elf-elf-urslings stopped moving, and the area fell
silent as if it had been drowned.
In the midst of all this, a lovely voice rang out.
The world shone brightly.
A child dark elf appeared from behind the elf tree.
But he was not a resident of this village.
It looks like either a very cute boy or a very cute girl.
No, on closer inspection, it was a surprisingly cute little girl.
I can't help but think, "Oh, she's so pretty," she exclaimed.
What a lovely girl.
The morning dew is falling from the leaves as a deposit, and the light of the
morning sun is shining on the jewelry.
The beauty of the world is that it is so much more than just the way it fills the air,
it is as if it is radiating light from within.
This is probably the reason why the world seems to have crossed paths with it.
Moreover, the movement of the body seems to smell the burial of life.
The smell of life is wafting through the air, even though the distance is so great.
Eugenia's nose twitches involuntarily.
The scent of the fragrance is injected into the lungs, and then into the
bloodstream, so that it can fill the entire body.
What an aroma! It is as if every single cell is dancing with joy.
In the hands of such a beautiful girl, she is wearing gloves, so it is regrettable that
we cannot see her < fingers>.
The astonishing make is not only for appearance, but my hunch as a Ranger is
that it has more power than any bow Egnia has ever seen. But none of that
The imbalance of a girl holding a bow that is disproportionate to her body shape
is another factor that adds to her loveliness. Everything is so charming.

It's sparkling.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, monster.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I will never allow any more
I'll never allow any more violence.
The first thing to do is to get a good look at the newest version of the game.
The first time I heard it, I was too preoccupied with Mihan to remember the
But this time, the side could properly respond to the voice as well.
It refrains over and over again.
Each time, I almost get goosebumps.
The most beautiful girl in the world thrust her finger at the king of Ursus.
I wonder why she doesn't point her finger at me.
I'm sorry.
It's sad that her sweet eyes don't catch mine.
The king of Gurululurus growls.
It's not to intimidate his prey.
It is a message of harmony.
The King of Ursus is alarming that immensely beautiful girl.
Naturally, he's going to say, "Co nil0< co
When the most beautiful girl of all time appears in front of you, any person would
be nurtured.
Perhaps she is a goddess? Of course, there may be those who think that Maharan
could not possibly have such a sense of beauty. However, this is too foolish a
Hegnia strongly asserts, "I have a reason to deny it.
We have grounds to deny it.
The demon that possesses great power is strong.
Then, paradoxically, it would not be surprising if this beautiful girl possessed
absolute power.
It's not strange at all.
It is not strange at all.
The moment the king of Ursus released a sign that he was about to make a move,
Egnia's eyes widened.
The beautiful girl had already put an arrow in her bow.
Egnea had not taken her eyes off the beautiful girl since she had appeared, not
even for a moment.
She had not even blinked once because it would have been a waste of time.
However, she was still holding the arrow.
No, it is no wonder.
She is an exceptionally beautiful girl, as if the world had made her up.
Then she must be able to do that much.
Egnia was convinced of this.
Sekihikari ran and said, "S-koukou<>-jinni to
"Gooooooo!" The king of Ursus screams.
I don't care where the arrow is going.
He doesn't want to take his eyes off the beautiful girl, even for a moment.
"Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn! I've heard people say things like, "I'm going to go
back to my home country! They're comparing countries, countries, countries,
countries, countries, countries, countries, countries, countries, countries,
countries, countries, countries, countries, countries, countries.
(Shut up! You won't be able to hear that beautiful girl when she says something!)
The voice of the immortal English girl is mixed with the two sounds of "Ursus,"
which is also unimportant. "Sono! (So noisy1! It's too annoying noise from
Egnia who is trying to hear it.
What will you do if I can't hear her voice because of you guys!) -0<Scott.
"...Muji ? The most beautiful girl in the world called out to me.
To herself, that is.
No one else.
To herself! Hegnia's body stiffened and she was unable to speak.
She couldn't think straight and didn't know what to say.
Her breathing became more and more difficult.
Even so, it is absolutely rude to behave this way.
While her thoughts were rattled by the lack of oxygen, Egnia mobilized all the
power in her body and squeezed out the best response. The most beautiful girl
in the world made a face of release.
Such an expression is also ridiculously cute.
No, I am sure that any expression would be cute if it were her.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry! The "j.! ....j.? I'm talking about the "thank you" for shooting
the arrow.
The ambushers around them must have remembered what they should do first to
this beautiful girl of the world.
The first thing they did was to bow down to her and thank her.
The first thing to do is to get a good look at the picture.
The first thing to do is to get a good look at the picture.
Yes, no.
It's not about thanking her for saving your life.
I should be thanking her for showing up here before me.
"Hiiiii!" Are you sure you're okay? Did you hit your head hard when you were
blown off? I'm sure you're fine.
Maybe you should show it to him.
I think that the demon might have had some special ability.
The actual "I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I'm not sure what you're
talking about.
The actuality that the actual head is not really a good idea, but it is possible that
you just don't feel any pain due to the excitement of seeing that beautiful girl.
In an extreme situation, people can forget about pain and act.
If so, it is only natural that they would not feel any pain in front of the most
beautiful girl in the world.
To be honest, I want to follow her.
I want to stay here and breathe the same air.
However, if I really have a wound Co0<Soo-O-Co
If she had suffered a "heart attack," the immensely beautiful girl might
be heartbroken.
Since she is such a pretty girl, it is obvious that she has a tender heart.
Therefore, that is a situation that must be avoided at all costs.
As a result of her reason's desperate persuasion of her own desire, Egnia decides
to be carried along.
Egnia thinks as she follows with her eyes the back of a beautiful girl talking with
a hunting head.
Blueberry Egnia.
It was the first love of two hundred and fifty-four perdition.
Dark Elfoo walks ahead, followed by Aura, the man who calls himself the
hunting head.
He seems to be the man who organizes the Rangers in this village, but the man
who had fallen earlier seems stronger.
Nevertheless, why is this man the representative? Even in human society, the
strongest man in a battlefield is usually the one who calls himself the chief.
The one before was a warrior, and this one is a ranger or something.
Or is he like Viktim? I don't know.
Remembering the hierarchical guardians of Nazarick's eighth level, Aura was
convinced that they must have some role to play, and searched for signs behind
Auranle and the hunting head were being followed by a good number of dark
The damage caused by the demon bear that was sent to the village was absolutely
Of course, it is possible that they are cleverly concealing their presence at a level
that Aura cannot detect, but Aura's intuition tells her that this is not likely to be
the case.
First of all, if there was someone standing in such a realm, he would have killed
that level of equipment in plenty of time before AURA appeared.
(Yo..Barete narete zo) At present, it is thought that the villagers are unaware that
it was this one who sent the magical-clothed bear. (Ahhhh.

) Aura thinks absentmindedly.
(Why did Ainz-sama say not to let any dead people appear in this village? ) To
sum up the master's instructions, "Enter this village and create a friendly
It would have been more appreciated if we had come in to help after more dark
elves were boated.
Perhaps "Co" is a good way to put it.
Some might say, "If only you had come a little sooner," but a fool who only
complains like that would only complain at the most inopportune time.
If you have a good object that can bring nothing but books to Aura, and by
extension, to Nazarick, you can quickly erase it once you have found the best way
to dispose of it, for example, by sending a central storage bear to it again.
But I don't know what Ainz-sama is thinking.
I think it would have been more effective to drive them into despair, considering
the instructions, so that the rescue would have been more dramatic and effective.
I can't read the master's dance no matter how much I think it was Aura.
The most important thing is to understand the purpose of the ruler of that wisdom.
However, we should not stop and stop thinking about it.
Our masters expect us to grow.
In particular, the hierarchical guardians, who are the highest executives of
Nazarick, are required to be a role model for all those who belong to Nazarick.
I'm sure if you kill him, it will be troublesome when you need him, but I'm sure
Ainz-sama would have thought of something deeper than that.
When I asked the question of whether I should kill it in front of the dark elves, I
was told that it would be a waste and a big disadvantage.
It is indeed an unseen Wa Rare-ish individual, which is considered to have a
certain strength in this world.
Same =.
In enini.
I can agree with my master's judgment in the state of not discovering me with
the same degree of strength.
The chance of being shoved is small.
My master agreed with me.
However, my master did not want Aura to directly kill the dumb bear.
He didn't tell me what the disadvantages were, so I am still puzzling over it.
(Ainz-sama is smart, so if we just follow his orders as they are, there won't be
any problems or misunderstandings, but that's not good either....) If we just
follow orders, we are second-rate.
If you just follow orders, you are second-rate.
If you understand the purpose and true meaning of the orders and act in a way
that produces results beyond that, you are second-rate.
(Albedo and Temiurgos work so well that they are praised by Ainz-sama.
I can't lose to them either.
I'm not sure if I should have killed the weak demon infusion that was near this
village and used it? Aura looked at the back of Liu Hunt-head who was walking
ahead of her.
This man has remained silent since a few minutes ago.
(Normally, if it was a child like me who saved the day, I would have asked him a
lot of questions.
He didn't even tell me his name.
Is this normal for dark elves? I don't think so..- It's not like they don't want to
talk to us, or that they don't want to talk to us.
I don't see such an atmosphere of rejection from their backs.
I don't feel it.
It is evident in the movement of his feet.
He is taking smaller steps and walking slower to match Aura's.
If he actually dislikes Aura, I can only assume that he has a
complicated personality.
If he actually dislikes Aura because of this, I can only assume that he has a
complicated personality.
Perhaps he is not used to talking to children like Ritoki or Aura.
To be honest, she is not a good hostess, but that's not what we were looking for,
so it's not right to call her out on it.
If anything, it's Aura's fault for not choosing a more affable dark elf.
(I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.
I should probably start with a preface or something to ease the atmosphere, but
considering the fact that there is not much time left until the daylight saving time,
Aura began to speak directly to them.
I remember you were an elder, right? I'm on my way to those who didn't show up
at the time of the beast bear commotion.
Is that what you call Ankylosaurus? Yes, that's what we call them.
That's what we call him over here.
Aura patted Sheng.
Yes, as you said.
I'm on my way to the elders right now.
If the elders had been there, we wouldn't have had to ask them to come, but
they were making oil from their own elf tree.
I'm not sure how many people there are out there.
The first time the hunting head looked back at the same person.
Oh, you're not? Aura quickened her pace a little and lined up with the hunter.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them are not the
The village is different from ours.
I heard that the cities of the elves also have kings.
I have heard that a city is a village where the number of people living has
increased, but when the number of people increases, three elders are not enough.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're
looking for.
First, it cannot be said that the small number of elders makes it impossible to
manage the city.
This is because there are examples such as our own master.
(If there were three Ainz-sama, they could rule perfectly on a global level and
there would be no need for us.
・ ) As Aura thought about her master, the hunting head's eyes widened a
'...Didn't you travel all the way here from the land of the dark elves, Ninni
CoO0<m co-O-co?
Hmm? I'm not sure what you mean by that.
The actual number of dark elves is usually a little bit more than the number of
people in the world.
The actuality that the actual number of dark elves is not really that accurate is a
There are only other races.
There are all other races. humans, goblins, lizardmen, orcs, and many others.
The actual a lot of people are going to be able to get a lot more information on the
subject of the particulars.
The most important thing to remember is that the most important thing to
remember is that you are not alone.
If an absolute being stands on top, no matter how many species there are, they
will naturally hang their heads in reverence.
On the other hand, if this is not the case in this world, it means that we do not
know the true Absolute.
Therefore, the name of Ainz Wool Goun must be widely known throughout the
(All creatures in this world must be ruled by Ainz-sama, the absolute ruler.
) What is created in this way is absolute peace.
If there is anyone who desires it, it must be the highest being.
Aura feels pity for the dark elves who do not know their own masters.
Aura feels pity for the dark elves who do not know their masters.
It is the kind of pity that civilized people have for ignorant wildlings.
(Albedo, for example, would be angry at not knowing.
The important thing is to blow when you know.
) But even if you do know, there is the possibility of depression, of not hanging
one's head for any reason other than stupidity.
It is the case with those who are equal to or under the control of the Great Ones.
Although the Anbeko are equal to God, there are beings who are equal to them,
which is frustrating.
Of course, among them, the Supreme Being is in a higher position.
All those who once tried to corrupt Nazarick have been defeated, and one of
the Supreme Beings is said to be the third most powerful in the world.
However, it seems to be an unshakable fact that there are others.
That is why the master, the remaining Supreme Being, is the one who performs
the ceremony.
(I understand your concern because you know them well, Mr.
I don't think he's there......
I'm not sure why I'm thinking that, when Ainz-sama is so careful....) If there is
such an existence that is an enemy of the Supreme Being, then even if it is
cleverly hidden, if it has relations with others, it will have gained some fame and
History tells of such a being.
So it should be.
And yet, not even rumors of their existence are currently circulating.
Since the place where they are now seems to be in the middle of nowhere, it is
conceivable that they are too far away for information to reach them.
(I was thinking that the Demiurgeon should still be alarmed....) The Demiurgeon's
information about the birth of the Mage King and his power would flow to other
countries even with a blockade of information.
Therefore, as a guardian of the hierarchy, you should take appropriate
precautions in accordance with your master's warnings.
He also said that it would be during times of war or excessive turmoil that the
other side would try to intervene, and that this would be the time to find the other
He also said, "It is true that we are not friendly with other species, but we don't
fight with them.
I should say that we can't afford to do that.
We have a common enemy in the form of monsters, so there are aspects we have
to confront in order to make ourselves as safe as possible, and there are areas
where we have to cooperate.
The man said....Are the monsters out there in the woods stronger? The man's
words seemed to contain the question, "So, are you strong? The man's words
seemed to contain the question, "So, are you strong? The man's words seemed to
contain the question, "So, are you strong? Is it strong? I don't think I'm very
As the man was about to say something, Aura asked the opposite question.
He said, "How long have you been out of this forest, if you don't know what's out
there? The first time I heard of the elders coming to this forest was over three
hundred years ago, and since then I have not heard of any dark elves going
outside the forest.
Three hundred years? Have you heard of it? That's a strange thing to say.
Uncle, if you were born three hundred years ago, you would have been born by
Aura suppressed the desire to prey on the cancer of the hunting head.
(Two hundred years? Haven't you read Saba? The reason is that the man's mood
darkened when he answered, and you can clearly see it. Perhaps, no, he is
definitely concerned about it.
There is no need for Aura to be quick about it, but if we are going to have a good
relationship in the future, it would be better to say something on the ballpark.
'Uh, yeah.
The adult coolness is oozing out in a -nikkotsu.... good way, you know? That's
how hard it is to live in this forest," Aura decided not to say anything in response.
If you're satisfied with it, if you're trying to be satisfied with it, then it's kind to
not say anything.
If you are ......, don't you want to go out of this forest? I'm not going to say
anything to Aura.
It is not clear what my husband thinks, but it would not hurt to shake things up a
If it is a child's word, he can use any number of excuses, such as that it was just a
light joke.
And if it's just like this, he's not the kind of master who would reprimand him for
being so selfish.
And if it was really not good enough, he would probably use a message to the
I'm not sure if that's a bad "You don't seem too keen on it," he said.
My country is pretty nice, you know? It's quite safe, and I don't think there will be
any monsters that would be too eager to kill a dark elf like that.
I'm sure you'll have a different kind of trouble if you come to my country, but
I'm sure you'll get a lot of support.
I'm sure you won't have to work as hard as you do now," he said.
<You can tell how wonderful the country is from the way they talk.
Still, it's hard to get rid of the anxiety.
I am anxious about going to a new place, and I am anxious about whether I will
be able to live there the same way I do now.....
I wonder if I'm being too defensive when I say that if that's the case, then
it's probably better that things stay the same.
Is it because he is serious and good-natured at heart, or is it because Aura is held
in such high esteem? In either case, Aura smiled in her heart and said, "I'm sure
they'll talk as much as they want if you cut into them.
If so, I think it's not a bad idea to try out a few of them, don't you? Aura smiled
and said, "Then I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a few people come for a
trial visit.
AURA.....Whether to go or not.
If you go, how many people will go? If we decide on that>elo<(as
If it came down to it, the elders' opinion would probably be the most important,
but.....There were few people who disagreed with the opinions of the three elders,
so they asked, "What? The hunting head makes a bitter face.
The head hunter looked bitter.
I'm not pregnant.
We arrive in front of a tree.
It looks just like any other elf tree in the area.
You know, it's not that big inside.
I call the elders.
"Elders, our guests are here! He raised his voice a little.
Then, through a hole in the tree, three dark elves came down from the tree.
Two men and one woman.
They were not that old in appearance, even though they were elders.
(It is difficult to judge the age of dark elves from their appearance.
I already failed with the "uncle" part.....
Oh, should I have said "elder brother"? These three, my guests, are the elders of
our village.
And now, elders, allow me to introduce you.
This is the one who defeated the king of Ursus, outside this forest! He is the head
of a diverse tribe of dark elves!
Aura bowed her head lightly at the introduction of the head hunter.
The first thing to do is to look at the picture.
He was afraid that if he made a show of force, it might interfere with his future
position in the village.
Even though Aula is a child, she is in a position to have helped this village.
Nevertheless, I don't want him to be mistaken for someone younger than me just
because of his age.
I'm Aura Bella Fiora and I'm looking forward to working with you.
The young tree of the good fortune, Aura Bella Fiora, the man standing in the
middle, he is probably the representative of the three elders. The dark elf in
the middle answers gravely.
However, he does not look that old, so it can be said that his grave voice creates a
gap, which is a bit comical.
Someone from the surrounding dark elves gives a hint of a smile, but only loud
enough to be heard by everyone.
A voice reaches me.
The first thing you should do is thank the person who saved your village.
The first thing you should do is to thank the person who saved your village.
I don't know if he's just taking advantage of the fact that she's a girl.
I'm not sure if he's taking advantage of the fact that she's a girl," said the woman's
If I may offer an unbiased opinion, I did not find the elder's comment to be
that rude.
It is said that the same action is received favorably by those who like it and
unpleasantly by those who dislike it.
The elder representative's face contorted.
I was just about to thank you," he said.
I was just about to thank you.
Aura Bella Fiora, my dear Sunao.
I am deeply grateful to you for saving our village and defeating the king of
The mossy man is impatient.
The female elder standing next to the representative of the elders spoke, and a
woman's voice came from somewhere else, whispering, "You don't understand
I'm telling you, you don't know your priorities.
The man on the right, an elder, is the same way.
The male elder on the right had a similar expression.
The other two elders' expressions were grim, and the female elder was staring at
her surroundings with an upward glance.
(The other two elders looked at each other with a stern expression on their faces.
How should AURA move to benefit Nazarick the most? The best course of action
might be to ask the master to make a decision.
But sometimes, instead of waiting for the master's instructions, Aura0<mcoOO
There are times when we have no choice but to make a move based on the
judgment of the "Mere Old Man".
(It would have been easier if Ainz-sama had given us a straight answer.
The reason why he didn't tell us what he was aiming at is probably because he
wants those who belong to Ainz-ul-Goungha to grow up and he expects each one
of them to have their own independence.
They expect them to think and act on their own.
However, from Aura's point of view, this is a very heavy burden.
(I'm sure he's going to come up with some great plan later on, even if I do
something wrong....) But that doesn't mean I can't do something wrong.
It is nothing but a bad thing to act carelessly just because your master is covering
your ass.
As a guardian of the hierarchy and one who is engaged in this mission, Aura must
seriously consider his actions and discover the path that should produce the most
benefit to Nazarick.
From the point of view of Aura, who is so determined, the bickering among the
dark elves that is going on in front of him can only be described as foolishness, as
if they were foolish enough to be arguing in front of their guests. However, this
may be a good thing.
How to make the most of this confrontation? Perhaps this is what could be
(....Is that what Ainz-sama is aiming for? No, I don't think so.
We had no information that this village had such a problem.
But, I think it's a good idea to get into the village and make a friendly stand, W,
I've come a long way to see you, and you're making me regret it.
If not, why don't you do it without me? It's no wonder.
After all, even though they had defeated the Ankylaurus, they were still children
talking cheekily.
It was possible that he had turned both factions against each other.
However, we cannot say that it was absolutely a failure.
Aura was a traveler who saved this village from a crisis.
Anyone who would forget that fact, put their own serious condition on the shelf,
and try to eliminate Aula would be a person of broken character.
We would be more than grateful if such a person became an enemy rather than an
It is true that our master's directive was to create a friendly position, but we were
not told to be liked by all dark elves.
We still don't know the full extent of the totality of the arrangement, but
perhaps it would be better to have no inappropriate dark elves in Nazarick.
(Besides, if I make an enemy of one of the factions, the other faction that was
originally hostile to me will be able to pull me to their side.
I'm sure they'll try.
I don't mind that, or we could create a third faction with me at the center.
) Even if both factions become enemies, I somehow know that there are dark
elves who don't belong to either faction, like hunting heads. Worst case
scenario, we can draw that gathering to our side.
But in that case, it would be necessary to release them to their masters.
So, Aura Bella Fiora, what exactly are you doing in this village? Fiora is my last
name, so you can call me by it.
Well, as you may have guessed from the name, I had heard a rumor that there
were dark elves in this forest.
So, I came to meet my people.
There are very few dark elves in my hometown.
So, if you'll allow me, I'd like to stay in this village for a while.
9 "That's fine, but are you alone? Now there's only one person.
Yes, I'm good at crossing the forest.
I'm good at crossing the forest, so they asked me to go ahead.
Actually, the plan is to go later, maybe in three days.
Needless to say, I was told that my husband and uncle would be here in about
three days.
Needless to say, the uncle was the owner, Ainz-Ul-Goun.
"Uncle? I don't need to tell you that.
Aura apologizes to the tea kettle, which is blubbering in her mind, "Yeah.
The actual parents are missing," Aura apologized to the tea kettle, which was
blubbering in her mind.
I'll try not to be as far off the mark as possible.
I'm sorry to make you say that.
Aura was expecting more ambiguous words, but he got a shrug.
It is not unusual for children to lose their parents, so it is probably not worth
being vague about.
So, it is perfectly fine for us to stay.
If you want, we can rent out the Elf So Tree.
What do you want to do? Yes, please.
Anyone? - Apple.
Someone, Apple, please guide Fioraula-dono to the elf tree that is being used as a
supplement to the tree.
Can you do that for me?" replied the head hunter.
Of course.
Of course.
Leave it to me.
And, if Uncle Sun and his brother will be here in three days' time, I wouldn't mind
sharing the welcome banquet with them.
Is it? Of course.
I'm looking forward to working with you.
-I'm sure you'll be very happy to hear from me.
I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get a good deal on the newest and most
up-to-date information about the newest and most up-to-date information. We
don't know anything about the world outside this forest. Of course, if it's a
good story, we won't force you to tell it.
Auraura thinks about it.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you are not the only one who has a
problem with this.
However, while it is not good to reveal information without thinking, it is also not
good to be secretive.
Then, we should either make a blunder, or give out correct information in small
pieces, or mix falsehoods and truths.......
(I need to consult with Ainz-sama and the others to make up a story so that there
will not be any discrepancies in the future, but not telling anything is not an
option, is it? I would like to say that I will hear from Ainz-sama who will come
later, but I think he will think that I am hiding so much. .

....) It would not be good if he gets suspicious under the circumstances.
We should consider parting amicably, especially until we find out our master's
final daily target.
Metsusei (hmm.
I guess the fact that you don't get a >(message.
) means that you should think and answer for yourself, I guess.
But I'm not sure if you can >eyo<((message.
I guess Ainz-sama would rather have you here.
? What's wrong with you, Mr.
Fiora? The silence was a little too long.
Aura smiles.
-I was wondering if you would believe me if I told you.
well, I could tell you a few stories about my travels and my hometown.
The dark elves around me shouted.
The book. There are actually paths of the moon and fairy trails," he said, "in the
sixth time in Nazarick, though.
So, I can't tell you the location or other details for those who have not been
chosen by Yochi," "hmmm.
I'm sorry, Phió.... No, do you mind if I call you Aula Shun? The first thing that
comes to my mind is that the answer to this question is already out there.
The answer has been given from the beginning.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what
you are doing and how to do it.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your money is to be honest with yourself.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want
to do.
The most important thing to remember is that you can never deny Rusorure.
But I know it's just flattery, so I'm trying to win the conversation from there.
I was not inclined to do so.
It seemed that even that level of response was satisfactory from the matriarch's
point of view.
She was in a good mood as she continued her story.
Aura, you are also a dark elf chosen by the fairies, aren't you? That's wonderful.
There are many unchosen people in this village.
So we don't know how the dark elves who once lived in the north moved here.
Did they have that kind of ability? I don't know how the dark elves got here using
the fairy trails.
Maybe I'm mistaken, or maybe it's a different fairy trail.
It was good that we were able to get some information out of him, but we might
have missed something, Aura thought.
No, he reconsidered.
I'll get the information out of him.
<And then (Ainz-sama will praise me!).
Aura gulps in her heart and raises her head.
Aura is led by the hunting head to the place to stay.
Ainz, who had been following Aura's lead all along, let out a breath of relief
and said, "I'm so glad you're here.
The reason for this was that the first contact by Aura was very successful.
This is partly because the first contact by Aura went very well, as well as the fact
that the antagonist of the same rank did not show up.
However, it cannot be said that the current favorable impression was not an act.
Anyone who would show such a cold attitude toward a child who has come all the
way from far away for a visit must have a serious human problem. Even if they
don't welcome them, they would at least try to hide it.
So, although I may be overthinking it, I would like to be sure if it is an act or not.
The first thing you need to do is to kill him.
The first thing we should do is to investigate the situation of the village as it is. A
brand-new topic, AURA, has been introduced to this village that does not seem
to be changing much.
The villagers must be eager to talk about Aula.
I wonder how honestly the villagers are expressing their feelings in the absence of
For Ainz, who is now in a state of being an impersonal person, this is a chance to
gather raw, unadulterated information.
The five elders returned to the tree and the dark elves who had gathered there
The question was which dark elves to follow and which ones to eavesdrop on.
Among the group, there were a few children about the same age as Aura! I have
confirmed that there are a few children of about the same age as Aura! I'm sure
there are a couple of kids about the same age as Aura!
To tell you the truth, I want to follow behind the kids.
And I want to hear their evaluation of Aura.
But - I hear a voice saying "that girl" coming from the tree ahead of me.
(Damn it! I have to eavesdrop on those elders! ) - I'm sure they'll tell you the most
important thing - not in the sense of making friends, but in the sense that you
should listen to what the elders have to say.
Ainz floats up to the entrance of the tree where the elders had
entered, maintaining his flight.
When he peeks out, he does not see the three elders there.
There is a stairway to the end, and from the floor above, we can hear them
I can hear them from here, but just to be sure, I go inside and take a flight of
So how true do you think the girl's story is? I could smell that she was traveling
on a fairy trail," the oldest elder's tone was slightly different from the previous
On the contrary, it would be a little scary if it didn't change.
In other words, this is probably how he feels when he talks with his friends.
I don't think everything is too much.
It would be difficult for such a small child to make the journey without using the
fairy trail.
"You can't say that," he said.
"He's powerful enough to fight off the king of Ursus.
I'm sure you can't say that.

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