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Primates as Auditory
1 Specialists
Asif A. Ghazanfar and Laurie R. Santos


I. Introduction
II. Avoiding Predators
III. Finding Food
A. Direct Auditory Cues
B. Indirect Auditory Cues
IV. Finding (and Keeping) a Mate
A. Copulation Calls
B. Primate Songs
V. A Socioecologically Sensible Auditory Neuroscience
A. Temporal Cues in Rhesus Monkey Calls
B. Temporal Cues in Tamarin Long Calls
VI. Conclusion

A brief survey of the animal kingdom quickly reveals an impressive array of sensory
specializations, each engineered to solve a particular type of adaptive problem. Such
a diverse collection of adaptive specializations is especially prevalent in the auditory
domain. Acoustic engineers would likely be impressed by the diverse solutions
different animals have found to the problems of sound localization, auditory dis-
crimination, and vocal recognition. Echolocating bats, for example, have an auditory
system exquisitely tuned for nocturnal prey catching. They are able to use the
difference between the sound of an emitted vocalization and its subsequent echo to
identify and localize moving targets in a dark environment. Similarly, the auditory
systems of many anuran and avian species are specifically tuned for recognizing mating
calls and other conspecific vocalizations.
Unfortunately, when one thinks of the impressive auditory specializations of the
animal kingdom, one rarely considers those of animals within the primate order.
Although human primates clearly possess specialized mechanisms for processing
speech, few consider the auditory systems of other primate species to be exemplary

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in any way. In fact, while many consider primate auditory systems to be important
and effective models of general auditory processing, few auditory physiologists
would describe these systems as particularly specialized for species-specific ecolog-
ical problems or as masterfully designed as those of bats and anurans.
This species-general view of primate audition is incorrect and, more importantly,
detrimental to a rich understanding of the structure and function of primate auditory
mechanisms. We hypothesize that the design of primate auditory circuitry, like that
of other taxa, reflects the specialized functions that these systems have evolved to
carry out. In this chapter, we review the ways in which primates naturally use their
auditory systems, focusing particularly on the problems of avoiding predation, locat-
ing food, and finding mates. We propose that a more thorough understanding of the
adaptive nature of primate audition is necessary for neuroscientists to develop better
questions about the structure and function of primate auditory mechanisms.


One of the most persistent adaptive problems facing our primate ancestors was the
task of avoiding potential predators. Today, most primate species serve as prey to
at least one kind of predator, and many species are hunted by a number of different
predator types. Red colobus monkeys (Procolobus badius), for example, are preyed
upon by eagles, leopards, chimpanzees, and human poachers.1 Predation rates can
often be incredibly high, and in some species predators bring about more deaths
than disease, injuries, and other causes. In vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops),
for example, predation alone accounts for over 70% of all deaths.2 With mortality
rates as high as these, natural selection has exerted strong pressure on the evolution
of antipredator tactics and, in particular, on mechanisms specialized for avoiding
predators. In the auditory domain, these tactics can include the detection of preda-
tory-specific auditory signals as well as recognition of the alarm calls of conspecifics
and other sympatric species.
In response to hearing or seeing a predator, many primates produce alarm calls.
More impressively, a number of primate species distinguish among various predators,
producing acoustically different alarm calls for different classes of predators. Perhaps
the best known antipredator tactic is the alarm-calling behavior of vervet monkeys.
Vervet monkeys in the Amboseli National Forest are preyed upon by at least three
different predator classes: eagles, leopards, and snakes.3,4 Because each of these
predators hunts in a different way, no single general-purpose antipredator tactic
would be effective against all. When faced with an eagle, for example, a vervet
monkey’s safest response is to hide as close to the ground as possible. When faced
with a leopard, however, the ground is the most dangerous place to be; instead,
vervets must immediately move as high off the ground as possible. Vervets must
distinguish among different predator classes and react in a predator-appropriate way.
One way vervets manage to categorize different predators is through the use of three
predator-specific alarm calls, one for aerial predators, one for leopards, and one for
snakes.3 Seyfarth et al.4 played these different calls back to vervet subjects and found
that individuals always reacted to the calls in a predator-appropriate way. When
subjects heard playbacks of leopard calls, they ran into the trees; but when they

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heard eagle alarm calls, they hid under bushes on the ground. These results suggest
that vervets naturally distinguish between both the different predator classes and the
vocalizations associated with those classes.
Conspecific alarm calls are not the only kind of acoustic information relevant for
predator detection. Many primates live sympatrically with other alarm-calling primate
and nonprimate species that are preyed upon by similar classes of predators. As such,
the ability to detect, learn, and respond adaptively to the alarm signals of heterospecific
individuals would be strongly selected for during an organism’s evolutionary history.
There is now much evidence to suggest that primates do just this; many primate species
can learn, and respond adaptively to, the alarm calls of other species with whom they
are sympatric.5–9 In southern India, for example, bonnet macaque (Macaca radiata)
groups are found in association with Nilgiri langurs (Trachypithecus johnii), Hanuman
langurs (Semnopithecus entellus), and sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), but the fre-
quency of such associations varies between groups of bonnet macaques. All four
species fall prey to leopards and produce alarm calls upon detecting a leopard.
Ramakrishnan and Coss7 compared the responses of bonnet macaques to playbacks
of conspecific alarm calls with playbacks of alarm calls of the other three species.
They found that no differences in the latencies to flee following conspecific vs.
heterospecific alarm calls. Thus, bonnet macaques treated the heterospecific alarm
calls with as much urgency as they would a conspecific alarm call. On a group-by-
group basis, however, the responses to alarm calls of species to which bonnet macaques
were not frequently exposed were significantly different from the responses to their
conspecific alarm calls. This suggests that sufficient experience is necessary for bonnet
macaques to learn the alarm calls of other species and argues against the idea that the
responses are driven solely by the acoustic features of alarm calls in general (for similar
results in Diana and Campbell’s monkeys, see Chapter 2).
The ability to learn a secondary cue for danger, such as the alarm vocalizations
of another species, may be a capacity specific to the auditory domain. While primates
seem to readily learn the secondary auditory cues of danger (e.g., the alarm calls of
other species or the sounds that predators themselves make), there is scant evidence
that they understand secondary visual cues of danger. Cheney and Seyfarth5 tested
whether vervet monkeys knew enough about the behavior of leopards to understand
that a carcass in a tree in the absence of a leopard represented the same potential
danger as did the leopard itself. A stuffed carcass of a gazelle was positioned up in
a tree. When vervets saw the carcass, none produced alarm calls or showed any
increased vigilance behavior. Thus, despite all the experience vervets have with
seeing leopards and their prey together in trees, they did not behave as though the
carcass might mean that a leopard was nearby. A similar experiment was conducted
for another predator class. Could vervets associate the distinctive tracks of a python
with the possible presence of the python itself? Pythons prey upon vervets frequently,
and vervets readily alarm call upon seeing a python. Yet, upon seeing fresh python
tracks, vervets did not alarm call or increase their vigilance. In stark contrast, vervets
readily respond to the alarm calls of starlings, a secondary auditory cue for the
presence of terrestrial and aereal predators.5,6
Cheney and Seyfarth5 have argued that vervets’ inability to adaptively use sec-
ondary visual cues of predators may be related to their limited use of visual signals

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as secondary cues in their social interactions. In the auditory domain, however,

vervets regularly use auditory signals to designate objects or events, and this may
facilitate their use of auditory signals as cues when dealing with other species.


Predator avoidance is not the only significant adaptive problem that all primates
must face. In order to survive, primates, like other organisms, must forage for food.
At a proximate level, a primate’s size and food processing apparatus (i.e., its teeth
and gut) constrain its food choices. Although the diet of a given primate can be
diverse enough to include insects, fruits, leaves, vines, nectar, sap, and resin, most
primates are easily classified according to the food type they most commonly eat.10
The five main dietary classes are insectivores, gummivores (gums and sap), frugi-
vores (fruits), gramnivores (seeds), and foliovores (leaves). These dietary variations
among species can often be related to morphological and physiological differences.
For example, within the Callichtrichids, marmosets (Callithrix and Cebuella) have
long, forward-projecting lower incisors consistent with their gummivory (necessary
to gouge holes in tree trunks), while tamarins (Saguinus and Leontopithecus), like
most primates, do not have such a dental adaptation.11 A more familiar food-related
adaptation is cheek pouches, typically used by Cercopithecinae for their “retrieve-
and-retreat” pattern of feeding. Such a tactic is useful in situations where competition
from conspecifics is intense and for the enzymatic predigestion of food.12,13 Special-
ized adaptations for feeding and foraging should be no less prevalent in the auditory
system. In this section, we consider the relationship between perceptual specializa-
tions in the auditory domains and the foraging behaviors of different primates.


The two categories of auditory cues that primates can use to detect food are direct
and indirect.14 Direct cues include the sounds of prey or self-generated acoustic cues
that could be used to identify where prey might be found. Indirect auditory cues
include the calls of conspecifics or other sympatric species that could lead a listener
to the location of a food source.
The use of direct auditory cues can sometimes be related to the anatomy of the
ears. For example, many insectivorous nocturnal primates have large, membranous
outer ears that can be moved in several directions.15 The prosimian aye-aye
(Daubentonia madagascarensis), for example, uses its large ears to detect larvae
that reside in wood cavities. By tapping on wood surfaces with their long middle
finger, they seem to detect cavities made by insects by changes in the reverberation
of sound.16 Such detection is, without a doubt, aided by their large ears. Another
prosimian, the galago (Galago demidovii and Euoticus elegantulus), locates scur-
rying or flying insects primarily by the sounds these prey make.17 A cricket can
escape detection as long as it remains quiet and immobile; however, as soon as it
moves or makes a sound, a galago will move its ears in the appropriate direction
to locate the prey and then grab it, often in mid-air. Indeed, experiments in which
insects were placed behind a plywood screen revealed that galagos followed the

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movements of insects with precise head movements, almost as if they can see the
prey.17 Direct auditory cues are also used by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) when
they hunt monkey prey.18 In the dense forest, chimpanzees detect their preferred
prey species, the red colobus monkey (Procolobus badius), by the colobus’ frequent
vocalizations. Red colobus monkeys are very vocal, especially compared to sym-
patric primates,18 and, naturally, one of their antipredator strategies upon hearing
chimpanzees is to reduce their vocalization rates.19


Food-associated vocalizations — indirect auditory cues — are produced by many
New and Old World primates.14 These calls can let receivers know the location and
characteristics of a food source. Depending on the species, characteristics such as
quantity, quality, and divisibility can be indicated by the probability and rate of food
calling by the discoverer. For example, toque macaques (Macaca sinica) produce
special food calls when they discover a new location of food.20 It is the quantity
(must be large), not the food type, that seems to elicit calls from the discoverers. In
other words, the same food but in low quantities does not elicit food calls from toque
macaques. Upon hearing food calls, dispersed receivers immediately run to the site
and feed there. These calls, therefore, convey information about the presence of a
food source, its location, and its quantity.
Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) produce three different calls (chirps, war-
bles, and harmonic arches) associated exclusively with the discovery of preferred,
rare foods (e.g., coconuts, berries, etc.).21 The rate of calling is positively correlated
with the hunger level of the caller. When conspecifics hear these calls, they typically
approach the caller. Interestingly, all members of a given rhesus monkey troop do
not call with equal probability upon discovering high-quality foods. Adult males are
less likely to produce food calls compared to adult females, and among those who
do call they are more likely to be residents of the group than peripheral males.
Among females, those within large matrilines are more likely to produce food calls
compared to females in smaller matrilines.21 What happens when a rhesus monkey
finds good food and fails to give a food call? If such cheating is discovered by a
conspecific, the result is increased aggression from group members, regardless of
the cheater’s rank.22
In cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), a New World monkey, food calling
may serve slightly different functions and may depend on social conditions. Tamarin
social groups include a stable, monogamous pair with one or more generations of
offspring. They produce two calls in their repertoire that are exclusively associated
with food-related activities: the C-chirp and the D-chirp.23 C-chirps are produced as
they approach a food source, and D-chirps are produced during feeding. In a series
of experiments on captive cotton-top tamarins, Roush and Snowdon24 tested the
influence of food types, food quantity, food distribution, and audience effects on
food calling rates. While neither food quantity nor distribution affects the calling
rate, adult mate-pairs call at a higher rate than immature individuals or mate-pairs
with offspring.24 The presence or absence of a mate-pair in the vicinity of the food
has no effect on food calling rates among discovers, suggesting that there is no

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audience effect on food calling. These findings for the cotton-top tamarin are in
contrast to the results reported by Caine et al.25 for the closely related red-bellied
tamarin (Saguinus labiatus). In this species, increased calling rates were associated
with increased food palatability and quantity. Furthermore, the visibility of conspe-
cifics also influenced calling rates: When conspecifics were out of sight, food
discoverers gave more food calls.25
For all four species described above, food calls ultimately serve as indirect
auditory cues, attracting conspecifics to a food source; however, there are important
differences between species, even within a genus. Within Macaca, toque macaques
give food calls in response to quantity as opposed to food type, while rhesus
macaques produce food calls upon the discovery of rare, high-quality foods. Within
Saguinus, red-bellied tamarins adjust their food call rates according to the quantity
and palatability of the discovered food and whether or not conspecifics are out of
sight. Cotton-top tamarin food calling behavior, on the other hand, reveals no such


Although avoiding predators and locating food are essential tasks for survival, a
primate’s ultimate reproductive success requires finding high-quality mates. In a
wide variety of mating systems, mate choice is based on an assessment of auditory
signals presumed to correlate with fitness. For example, for one species of frog
(Physalaemus pustulosus), the fundamental frequency of the male advertisement
call (which correlates positively with body size) is used by females to select the
biggest male as a mate.26 In another species of frog (Hyla versicolor), the duration
of the advertisement call is used as an indicator of male genetic quality: longer
duration calls are preferred by females, and males with the longest calls sire the
fittest offspring.27
In many Old World monkey and ape species, particularly those with multi-male
mating systems, individuals (males, females, or both sexes) produce copulation
calls.28,29 These calls are produced immediately before, immediately after, or during
copulation and serve as auditory cues for reproductive status. In rhesus monkeys,
only males produce copulation calls and always during copulation.30 Whether or not
their production is under voluntary control, they could be used as indicators of male
quality. Three pieces of evidence support this idea.30 First, the number of calling
males decreases with increased competition for estrous females. Second, males,
independent of rank, who produce copulation calls receive more aggression from
conspecifics. Finally, copulation-calling males have a greater mating success (in
terms of number of copulations) than silent males. In essence, males who call are
more fit because they can withstand the aggression of other males following their
copulation calls. However, it is not known whether females show preferences among
the males who do call or what acoustic features they might be using as cues.
Semple31,32 has studied the function of female copulation calls in Barbary
macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Following playbacks of their copulation calls, Barbary

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macaque females were mated sooner than following a control playback. Playbacks
to male dyads revealed that only the higher ranking of the two would approach the
sound source, while the other male stayed behind. These results suggest that these
Barbary macaque copulation calls provide an indirect mechanism of female choice
(because females end up with the higher ranking male more often) and promote
sperm competition by reducing the interval between matings.31 Of course, a male
Barbary macaque looking for a suitable mate would be wise to select, and fight for,
a mate who is at the peak stage of fertility. Indeed, male Barbary macaques can
actually distinguish the reproductive states of conspecific females based on voice
alone.32 Playbacks of female copulation calls produced during late estrus (when she
is most likely to ovulate) elicited stronger responses from males than calls produced
during early estrus. The dominant frequency and/or the duration of the copulation
call are two acoustic cues males may use to discern the reproductive states of females.
Late estrus calls had longer durations and higher dominant frequencies than early
estrus calls.32 Taken together, the data from both rhesus and Barbary macaques
suggest that these primates can and do use copulation calls to influence their repro-
ductive success.

Singing has evolved four times in the primate lineage and is represented by 26
species of primates.33 All of them have monogamous mating systems. What is a
primate song? Like birdsong, it is defined as a concatenation of different notes that
together form a recognizable pattern over time; they can last for several tens of
minutes. Both males and females can sing in some species, and sometimes they sing
together in duets. Also like birdsong, primate songs are thought to have two main
functions: to defend territories and to strengthen pair bonds. For strengthening pair
bonds, there has been scant supporting evidence,34 but recent studies of gibbon
singing have provided some new insights.35,36
Geissman and colleagues studied the duet songs of one species of gibbon, the
siamang (Hylobates syndactylus).35,36 Duet songs are mostly produced by mated
pairs and are exquisitely timed vocal exchanges between mates using components
of their individual songs.33 As a male sings his song, the female will insert, at
regular intervals, long parts of her song. How does each member of the pair know
when to start and stop singing? If such song coordination had to be learned (an
investment of time and energy), then this would support the idea that singing (and
duetting, in particular) can function to strengthen pair bonds.37 To test this idea,
the changes in duet structure were examined for two pairs of siamangs during a
forced partner exchange.35 When the new pairs formed, they had difficulties in
synchronizing their duets and produced atypical (relative to their song behavior
before the partner exchange) sequences of calls. Thereafter, the two newly formed
pairs showed changes in their duetting behavior that can only be interpreted as a
learning effort: one partner would adapt its singing behavior to compensate for
the mate’s song structure. For example, a male in one pair dropped the last syllable
of one of his songs so that it did not overlap with a similar sounding syllable sung
by the female.35

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If duetting strengthens pair bonds, then one would expect that the intensity of
duetting (number of duets per day and duration of duets) should be correlated with
other measures of pair bond strength, such as grooming, interindividual distance,
and behavioral synchronization (e.g., eating or resting at the same time). In siamangs,
both the number of duets produced each day and the average duration of a duet were
positively correlated with the frequency of grooming and negatively correlated with
interindividual distance.36 Thus, for siamangs at least, duetting seems to be important
for strengthening pair bonds.

In the previous sections, we provided a broad overview of three adaptive problems that
primates face and ways in which different primate species use audition to solve those
problems. Primate audition, then, can be seen not simply as a set of general perceptual
mechanisms but also as a suite of specifically tailored, species-specific auditory systems
which, like those of bats and birds, are built to solve particular ethological problems.
As such, primate auditory mechanisms must be specialized to attend to particular
acoustic features, namely those features that are relevant to particular adaptive problems.
The task for those interested in auditory processing, then, is to identify first the acoustic
features that are relevant for particular adaptive problems and use this information to
examine how neural mechanisms are able to extract out such cues.38 Toward this goal,
recent playback experiments have investigated the acoustic features rhesus monkeys
and cotton-top tamarins use to recognize conspecific vocalizations.


To date, only two field playback studies have explicitly explored the acoustic features
that primates use to distinguish conspecific from nonconspecific sounds.39,40 Building
upon their initial findings using the head-orienting bias as an assay,41 Hauser and
colleagues39 tested the role of interpulse interval on call recognition in rhesus monkeys
(Macaca mulatta). Playback experiments using temporally manipulated exemplars of
three different call types — shrill barks, grunts, and copulation calls — demonstrated
that expanding or contracting the interpulse interval beyond the species-typical range
eliminated the right-ear orienting bias normally seen for shrill barks and grunts, but
not for copulation screams. Sensitivity to the shape of the amplitude envelope in rhesus
monkey shrill barks and harmonic arch calls was tested by using time-reversed calls
and the head-orienting assay.40 Reversing the calls changed their temporal structure
without affecting their spectral content. Rhesus monkeys responded with left-ear lead-
ing head turns in response to time-reversed exemplars (Figure 1.1), demonstrating that
temporal cues in the amplitude envelope are important for recognition.


Like many primates, cotton-top tamarins produce loud, multisyllabic calls dubbed
long calls.42 Upon hearing long calls, conspecifics will reliably respond with their

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A 20 10
18 Shrill Barks Harmonic Arches

Number of Subjects
16 8
12 6
8 4
4 2
0 0

20 20
Number of Subjects

18 Reversed 18 Reversed
16 Shrill Barks 16 Harmonic Arches
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
Left Right Left Right

Direction of Head Turn

FIGURE 1.1 (A) Number of subjects orienting either left or right in response to normal calls.
(B) Number of subjects orienting either left or right in response to reversed calls. On the x-
axis, black bars represent left head turns, gray bars represent right head turns; y-axis, number
of subjects.

own antiphonal long calls. Beyond the acoustic classification of these calls and
descriptions of the behavioral context in which they are produced,23 no experimental
studies have examined how species-typical information is encoded in the structure
of these signals until recently.43,44 To isolate the mechanisms underlying the produc-
tion of long calls in tamarins, combinations of naturally produced and experimentally
manipulated long calls were used as playback stimuli. These stimuli were presented
to individuals isolated from their group, and the relationship between signal design
and the rate of antiphonal long call production by the test subject was measured.
Tamarins antiphonally called preferentially to whole calls compared to signals com-
posed of one of the two syllable types present in long calls.43 Tamarins did not
distinguish between normal calls and time-reversed or pitch-shifted long calls, but
normal response rates did require the species-typical amplitude envelope.44 Further-
more, evidence suggested that the number of syllables and the syllable rate may also
influence antiphonal calling responses.44
Together, these experiments exploring the salient features of rhesus monkey and
cotton-top tamarin vocal perception allow one to generate meaningful hypotheses
for the neural mechanisms underlying primate communication. For example, in the
case of the cotton-top tamarin, one might predict that neurons in the auditory cortex
would be combination sensitive to the multisyllabic long call, yet insensitive to the
order of syllables within the call. Another candidate mechanism would be neural
selectivity to amplitude modulation. One might predict that decreasing the intersyl-
lable interval, or altering the number of syllables in the tamarin long call not only

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may result in an increase in the number of antiphonal calls by subjects but also may
result in an increase in the responsiveness of a subset of auditory neurons to such
stimuli. In contrast, eliminating the species-typical amplitude envelope of tamarin
long calls should result in a decrease in neural responsiveness.

In conclusion, then, we argue that a rich understanding of the mechanisms underlying
primate audition can only be achieved by focusing on the adaptive problems that
shaped these mechanisms. By identifying the features that are relevant to solving
these problems, scientists will be able to examine how primates represent and extract
the relevant acoustic features. Such an ethological analysis will shed light on the
neural mechanisms subserving these representations and may provide insight into
the evolution of auditory capacities across the primate order.

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