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Spreadsheet or database?

1) A spreadsheet is the best tool to gather this information first.

2) The data can be easily corrupted.
I cannot store a very large amount of data.
3) A very large amount of data can be stored.
Databases have various methods to ensure security of data.
4) SQL

Are you a database architect?

1) by connected tables of records
2) It is a unique identifier of a record in a table.
It is the id of a record
3) It is a reference to a record from another table
4) id is a primary key of the table directors.
A director has many movies.
A movie belongs to a director
5) An inhabitant belongs to one city and a city has many inhabitants.
6) The tables are connected together through a primary key - foreign key system.
A primary key is basically represented by the field id of a table.
A foreign key is a reference, in a given table, to a record from another table.
A relational database is composed by tables with records as rows and fields as

Can you extract this Data?

1) Structured Query Language
2) SELECT FROM genres
3) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM directors
4) SELECT * FROM movies WHERE LIKE 1999
5) SELECT column FROM table;
6) COUNT()
7) *
9) This query returns all doctors having a specialty ending with “surgery” (note
the %).
10) SELECT COUNT(*), age FROM students GROUP BY age;
11) SELECT COUNT(*) AS c, specialty FROM doctors GROUP BY specialty ORDER BY c

Are you a SQL Pro?

1) SELECT * FROM movies WHERE director_id = 'Angelina Jolie'
3) SELECT * FROM first_table JOIN second_table ON =

Excel or Python?
1) Python will let you go further in the analysis and let you show to your manager
that there is a collection of reasons you can evaluate: devivery time, missing
items in order, pain to pay.
2) Python calculation power may seam overkill, and exploring such finacial files
with non-structured data can be a dead end.

Do you know Python Basics?

1) To display the type of object I am handling.
2) int
3) float
4) string
5) It’s a way to store and re-use values in memory.
6) Calling a built in method (or function) on the variable name.

Do you know Pandas Basics?

1) A type of file where we can store data.
2) A way to access data online.
3) A Python library to help analyse large sets of data.
4) A built in function to calculate the average from a list of numbers.
5) df[1:3]
6) Indexed tables, with several dimensions of elements of several types
7) df.plot(kind='scatter',x='col_n1',y='col_n2')
8) A way to select elements of an dataframe using a logical condition
9) False

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