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We all know how much technological innovations have had an impact on our lives, but there is

something that associated with technology innovation helps us to be informed.

Yes, I'm talking about the social media, the one that most of our parents attend dinner and in a way they
always oblige us to of these days I was thinking what to do for work, because there are many
important moments of humanity that we all have a little knowledge of and but I wanted to bring
something that I think many of you didn't know And I thought who came up with the idea of creating
this whole network of information that we have to this day.

Have you ever heard about the Press Revolution?

To explain you better we have to go back 59 years before Christ, during the Roman Empire, where until
then It was published and spread a newspaper imitation that we have these days called itself "Acta
Diurna"the first newspaper ever, having been created the idea by Julius Caesar,in addition to an
excellent general and commander, was also a marketing professional: to be able to publicize their
military achievements and inform the people about the expansion of the Imperar created the Acta

To be able to write the Acta Diurna, emerged the first professionals in the world of journalism who were
sent to all regions and provinces of the imperar.

The problem is that there were no printing technologies in the Roman Empire and not even enough
paper,as a result the Journal was published on large white plates of paper and wood staying in one place
only not being accessible to everyone and as well as communications being carried on foot or on
horseback presented news of days or weeks.

During the Middle Ages, the books were handmade by monks which takes a long time and
consequently these were extremely rare and restricted, not giving access to all and we can see that there
was a regression in the level of sharing and knowledge by the world population even compared to years
before Christ

But in the year 1447, a German named Johann Gutemberg invented the press.

He developed a mechanical system of movable types, which were passed in linseed oil-based ink and
printed on paper by a wooden bar.This new thenique allowed the begging of the production of
thousands of books which showed a huge evolution and it is not by chance that it is considered the most
important invention of the second millennium.This gutenberg movement was created with a virus across
Europe leading to an annual growth in the number of copies reaching 1 billion.

As a result this easy creation of books has led to an increase in the level of literacy and the ease of new
ideas.Being possible to create a scientific community where they all share different opinions and
experiences across the world who up to that time could not, for they had no ways to do it.

To realize the grandeur of this achievement and a curiosity, the Gutenberg Bible was the first
book to be produced, released and sold with the technology of the mechanical paper press and
even today can be found a copy in the Library of Congress in washintogn

Gutenberg's movement influenced science, culture and stirred a lot with the economy which is a
topic that my colleague will talk about next

Guia da Carreira - A história dos jornais e as origens do jornalismo

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