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Crop Development Cettre, Departmertt of Crop Science, University ol Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Scsk. ,lZN 0W0. Contribution no. 2, received 3l lan. 1973, accepted 7 Mar. 1973.

BHArry, R. S., Sosursxr, F. W. AND Wu, K. K. 1973. Protein and nonprotein

nitrogen contents of some oilseeds and peas. Can. J. Plant Sci. 53l- 651-657.

Nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) was extracted from seven species of oilseeds and
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/23/15

three cuitivars of peas (Pisunt sativum L.) by three methods. Method 1 was
extraction of meal nitrogen with dilute sodium hydroxide and removal of alkali-
soluble proteins by trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation. Methods 2 and 3
were extractions of meal nitrogen with 70% ethanol and |Vo TCA, respectively.
The three solvents extracted vastly different quantities of nitrogen from the meals.
Method 3 gave the highest values for NPN followed by methods 1 and 2 in
that order. The nitrogen extracted by ethanol was probably the true NPN content
of the meals because of the lack of solubility of oilseed and pea proteins in this
solvent. The oilseed meals contained more amide nitrogen than the peas. None
of the meals contained any significant quantities of nitrate nitrogen. Amino acid
analysis of NPN fractions of meals obtained by method 1 showed the oilseed
meals and peas to contain, in free state, all the protein amino acids except cystine
or an appleciable amount of methionine.'fhe NPN fractions of the meals con-
For personal use only.

tained, except in saffiower (.Cartlnmus linctorius I-.), high quantities of ammonia,

glutamic, and asparlic acids. Saffiower NPN fraction contained, in addition to
ammonia, more proline and alanine than glulamic and aspartic acids. Mustard
(Brassica juttcea Coss.) and pea NPN fractions also contained high concentrations
of arginine. f'he other protein amino acids $'ere prescnt in trace or relatively
small concentrations. f-he maior conclusion drawn from the data was that the
NPN of the seed species used in the study was highly variable and depended on
the method and solvent of extraction.

Les auteurs ont extrait, suivant trois m6thodes, I'azote non prot6ique de sept
espdces d'ol6agineux et de trois cultivars de pois (Pisum sativtnn L.). La premidre
m6thode consistait en une extraction de i'azote des tourteaux au moyen d'une
solution dilu6e d'hydroxyde de sodium et la pr6cipitation des prot6ines solubles
en milieu alcalin au rnoyen de l'acide trichloroac6tique (TCA). Les m6thodes 2
et 3 consistaient en des extractions de l'azote i l'dthanol 70/o et i l'acide
trichloroacdtique lVa, respectivement. Les trois solvants ont extrait des quantit6s
trds diff6rentes d'azote. La troisidme m6thode a donn6 les valeurs d'azote non
prot6ique les plus 6lev6es, et a 6t6 suivie dans I'oldre des m6thodes I et 2.
L'azote extrait ir l'6thanol repr6sentait probablement la teneur r6elle en azote
non prot6ique des tourteaux, i cause du manque de solubilit6 des prot6ines des
ol6agineux et des pois dans ce solvant. Les tourteaux d'ol6agineux contenaient
plus d'azote d'arnide que les pois. La teneur en azote nitrique n'6tait significative
dans aucun des tourteaux. L'analyse des acides amin6s des fractions d'azote non
prot6ique obtenues par la premidre m6thode a montr6 que les tourteaux d'ol6-
agineux et les pois contenaient lous les amino acides prot6iques d 1'6tat libre, i
I'exception de la lysine, ou une quantit6 appr6ciable de m6thionine. Les fractions
d'azote non prot6ique des tourteaux contenaient, sauf dans le cas du carthane
(Carthamus tinctorius L.), des quantit6s 6lev6es d'ammoniac, d'acide glutamique,
et d'acide aspartique. La fraction d'azote non prot6ique du carthame contenait,
en plus de I'ammoniac, plus de ploline et d'alanine que d'acides glutamique et
aspartique. Les fractions d'azote non prot6ique de la moutarde (Brassica jurtcea
Coss.) et des pois avaient aussi des concentrations 6lev6es en arginine. Les autres
Cm. J. Plant Sci. 53: 651-657 (July 1973)


amino acides prot6iques 6taient pr6sents i l'6tat de traces ou en concentrations

relativement faibles. La principale conclusion ir tirer de ces donn6es est que la
teneur en azote non prot6ique des espdces 6tudi6es variait consid6rablement et
6tait fonction de la m6thode et du solvant employ6s.

INTRODUCTION More recently, Nakai et al. (1972) reported

Oilseeds and legumes are a rich source of loss of proteins, methionine, and cystine in
proteins and essential amino acids (Van the whey fraction on preparation of isolates
Etten et al. 1967). Some of these species from rape flour. Because of the high cost
are low in certain essential amino acids, for of puriflcation and concentration the NPN
instance, peas (Pisum sativum L.) and soy- fraction cannot be recovered economically
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/23/15

bean (Glycine max Merr.) in methionine and therefore constitutes a serious loss of
and cystine (Van Etten et al. 1967; Wolf meal protein.
1970) , and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) The objective of the present study was
and saffiower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in to determine the type and relative concen-
lysine and methionine (Evans and Bandemer tration of amino acids present in NPN
1967; Tkachuk and Irvine 1969; Sosulski fractions prepared from seven species of
and Sarwar I973). Nevertheless, they pro- oilseeds and three cultivars of peas. The
vide. in combination with each other and method employed was similar to that com-
cereals,a nutritious product for livestock monly used for the preparation of protein
feed as well as for human foods. An in- isolates, except that the proteins were re-
creasing use of oilseed proteins and their moved with TCA rather than by isoelectric
For personal use only.

products is forecast to partly replace the precipitation with HCl. The NPN was also
costly animal proteins in human diets on directly extracted from the meals with
the North American continent and to raise ethanol and TCA, and yields compared with
total protein intake of people in the devel- those obtained by alkaline extraction of the
oping countries (Dimler l97l). meal nitrogen followed by removal of the
One method of using seed proteins is proteins with TCA. In addition, information
to prepare protein-rich concentrates and was obtained on the nitrate nitrogen and
isolates from the seeds for incorporation amide nitrogen contents of the meals.
into a wide variety of food products as has
been done with soybean (Wolf 1970). These MATERIALS AND METHODS
products are prepared by extracting nitro-
genous materials from ground seed or meal The rapeseed cultivar Zephyr, turnip rapeseed

with a dilute alkaline solvent of appropriate cultivar Span, Oriental mustard (Brassica
juncea Coss.), Noralta flax, commercial sun-
pH followed by isoelectric precipitation of
flower, saffiower, soybean, and three cultivars of
the soluble proteins by addition of an acid peas, Century (yellow smooth), PI 106801
(Anson 1962\. The precipitated proteins are (green wrinkled), and PI 165949 (speckled)
then removed by centrifugation. This pro- were obtained from the University of Saskat-
cess leaves in the supernatant a nonprecipit- chewan, Saskatoon, increase plots. All the
able, nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) fraction species and cultivars were grown under com-
containing peptides, free amino acids, and parable conditions. The pea cultivars were ori-
many other nitrogen-containing compounds. ginally obtained from the United States Depart-
Sosulski and Bakal (1969) reported sub- ment of Agriculture World Collection.
stantial quantities of nitrogen lost in the Sunflower and saflower were mechanically
NPN (or whey) fractions obtained on pre- dehulled and the hulls were removed by aspira-
paration of isolates from a number of oil- tion. All seeds were finely ground to a meal in
a coffee mill (Krups model 318). Oilseed meals
seeds.For instance. the NPN formed 10- were defatted by homogenizing twice with ex-
lLVo of the total meal nitrogen in soy, 23- cess of skelly-solve F (bp 30-60 C) in a
32Vo in rap (Brassica napus L. and Bras- Waring blender. The solvent was removed by
sica campestris L.) and flax (Linum usita- vacuum filtration and the meals were dried at
tissimum L.), and L7-2O% in sunflower. room temperature.

Total nitrogen content of the meals was Method 3 (TCA) This method was the same
determined by a micro-Kjeldahl method (Asso- - that the solvent was LVo
as method 2 except
ciation of Official Agricultural Chemists 1970). (w/v) TCA.
Nitrate nitrogen was determined after treat- For amino acid analysis the supernatant frac-
ment of the meals with the salicylic-sulfuric tion obtained in method 1 was repeatedly ex-
acid mixture described by Humphries (1956). tracted in a separatory funnel with water-
Amide nitrogen was determined by refluxing sa'-urated ether to remove the TCA. The
the meals (50 mg) with 2 N HCI for 90 min aqueous layer containing the NPN was collected,
(3 ml/mg protein). The digest was filtered reduced in volume on a rotary evaporator, and
through glass wool, made to pH 9-11 with 2 N an aliquot analyzed for free amino acid con-
sodium hydroxide, and the ammonia distilled tent on a Beckman Model 120 C amino acid
into boric acid solution in a micro-Kjeldahl analyzer.
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/23/15

distillation unit.
NPN was determined by three methods. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Expressed on an as is basis, the protein
Metlrcd 1 (NaOH-TCA) Three g of each content of the oilseed meals varied from
meal was extracted with -75-80 ml. of 0.2Vo 33 to 51Vo, and those of the peas from 22
(w/v) sodium hydroxide (pH 12.0) for 90 min
in a wrist-arm shaker. The extract was centri- to 25% (Table 1). The rape meals con-
fuged at 10,000 X g for 20 min to remove the tained 3-47o residual oil and on oil-free
insoluble materials. An aliquot of the super- basis, turnip rape contained 5% less protein
natant fraction was analyzed for total nitrogen than rape. Sunflower and saffiower meals
(alkali-soluble nitrogen). To the remaining contained the highest protein content, fol-
supernatant an equal volume of freshly pre- lowed by soy, mustard, flax, rape, and peas
pared 30Vo (w/v) TCA was added and the in that order. Century peas contained less
For personal use only.

mixture was stirred at room temperature for protein than the two other cultivars of peas,
5 min for a thorough precipitation of the None of the meals contained any significant
proteins. The proteins precipitated were re-
moved by centrifugation (10,000 1 g; 10 min). quantities of nitrate nitrogen, which was
An aliquot of the supernatant was analyzed for detected only in rape and mustard. All the
total nitrogen to obtain nitrogen not precipita- species examined contained amide nitrogen.
ted by the TCA (NPN). This nitrogen fraction was partly responsible
for the high ammonia content of the NPN
Method 2 (EIOH) NPN was directly ex- fractions. The oilseed meals contained higher
- with 70% (v/v) ethanol
tracted from the meal
at a meal to solvent ratio of 1:40 by shaking concentrations of amide nitrogen than the
in a wrist-arm shaker for 60 min. The insoluble peas (Table 1 ).

materials were removed by centrifugation Sodium hydroxide solubilized, except in

(10,000 X C; 10 min). An aliquot of the super- soy and mustard, 77-87% of the meal nitro-
natant was analyzed for total nitrogen. gen in oilseed meals and peas. The alkaline

Table 1. Nitrogen fractions of oilseed meals and peas;d:rta:rre averages of duplicate determinations

mg/g meal Alkali- Norrprotein nitrogen

solrrble (!/6 of meal nitrogen)
Nlleal Nitrate- Arnide- n if r, ,opn
Species & cult nrrrfein nifrnopn nitr
.... - ogen % NAOH-TCA EIOH
-- TCA

Rapeseed 379 0.6

()0 60 769 6.+ ta 296
Turnip rapeseed 329 +.+ 7).5 66 32.9
Mustard 409 05 .5.8 68.7 66 4.8 295
Flax 364 0.0 5.1 77.3 a1 1.4 156
Sunflower 513 0.0 7 .2 82.3 55 2.6 t6.4
Safflower 520 00 69 87- 6.1 29 98
Soybean 149 0.0 5.8 67.0 6.8 r.9 12.8
Century 226 0.0 25 8J8 13 .2 38 19.5
PI 106801 274 00 2.6 82.2 10.2 IJ. L
PI 165949 253 00 25 75.4 102 3.2 12.5

solubility of soy nitrogen obtained in the some of these oilseeds during protein isola-
present study was rather low; 80-90% of tion (Sosulski and Bakal 1969). An earlier
soy nitrogen can be solubilized after repeated study (Bhatty and Finlayson 1973) reported
extractions, either with dilute hydrochloric that low concentrations of TCA, such as
acid, pH 2-3, or with sodium hydroxide, that used in the present study, extract large
pH 8-12 (Wolf 1970). Alkaline solubility quantities of protein nitrogen from rape,
of mustard meal nitrogen has not been sunflower, and soy meals. It is therefore
reported in the literature, likely that the high nitrogen content of TCA
The NPN extracted from the meals ac- extracts of meals was due to substantial
cording to method I varied between 5 and extraction of protein nitrogen from the
7% of the meal nitrogen in oilseed meals, meals by this solvent. Concentrations of
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/23/15

and between 10 and 13% of the meal nitro- TCA at which protein solubility is minimal
gen in the peas (Table 1). There were some (13%) have been employed by Becker et
differences in the NPN content among al. (1940) for the extraction of NPN frorn
Century and the other two cultivars of peas, soy meal. However, such concentrations of
but the NPN content of the two cultivars TCA are difficult to remove, especially by
of rapeseed was essentially the same. In extraction with ether if the NPN fraction
general, all species of oilseeds contained is to be analyzed for free amino acid content
essentially similar quantities of NPN, and or used for further chemical analysis. Ex-
peas, on the average, contained almost twice cessive washings with ether are required and
the quantities of NPN than the oilseeds. this may cause loss of nitrogen, especially
Extraction of the meals with 10% ethanol amino nitrogen, because of the presence of
For personal use only.

(method 2), a solvent commonly used for some ethanol as an impurity in diethyl ether'
the extraction of NPN from plants, gave In the present study, to remove TCA from
about 5Vo NPN in rapeseed meals and mus- the NPN fractions obtained in method 1,
tard, less than 3Vo in other oilseed meals, 10-12 washings with ether were required in
and 3 4Vo in peas. Unlike in method 1, each instance to raise the pH of TCA super-
there were species differences in the NPN natant from 1.2 to about 6.0. The higher
content of the meals extracted with ethanol. NPN values obtained in method I compared
For example, soy and flax meals contained with those obtained with ethanol extraction
Iess alcohol-soluble nitrogen than sunflower (method 2), particularly in peas, may be
and saffiower. These latter oilseed meals due to the lack of precipitation by TCA of
contained less alcohol-soluble nitrogen than small-molecular-weight peptide materials
rapeseed meals and mustard. The three cul- present in these extracts. Some of these
tivars of peas contained an essentially similar peptide materials probably arose from partial
content of NPN, although it was higher than hydrolysis of proteins by the alkaline solvent
the NPN content of flax, sunflower, saf- during extraction of the meals" Alternatively,
flower, and soybean but lower than the NPN lower values of NPN obtained with ethanol
content of rape and rnustard. When the extraction may be partly due to lower solu-
l% 'lCA
meals were directly extracted with bility of basic amino groups such as lysine
(method 3), the nitrogen solubilized was and arginine in ethanol. An earlier study
much higher than in methods I and 2. TCA (Bhatty and Finlayson 1973) showed that
solubilized almost 3OVo of the meal nitrogen ethanol and some other organic solvents
in rape and mustard, l0-l5o/o in other oil- extract lower quantities of basic amino acids
seed meals, and l2-2O% in peas. There were from oilseed meals than TCA. Nevertheless,
substantial differences in the TCA-soluble the nitrogen extracted by ethanol probably
nitrogen content of the oilseed species, par- represents the true NPN content of the
ticularly rape and mustard, and the three meals because of the lack of solubility of
cultivars of peas. Interestingly, the TCA- oilseed and pea reserve protein in ethanol,
soluble nitrogen obtained in the present study The other two methods extracted, in addi-
closely compared, except in flax, with the tion to NPN, large quantities of protein
nitrogen content of whey obtained from nitrogen.

O4@4iN DO\+1 cOOr O\OeO\O\OcO

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Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/23/15

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For personal use only.

!osoibco \O\orrO-oD+N^i
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The NPN values obtained in method 1 to the presence of some free ammonia in
TCA removes soluble protein
suggest that these meals.
more completely from alkaline extracts of The major amino acids of the meal ex-
meal than when proteins are removed by tracts were glutamic and aspartic acids,
isoelectric precipitation by addition of hydro- except in samower, which contained sub-
chloric acid. For this reason the NPN values stantial quantities of proline and alanine.
obtained by method I were much lower In addition to these two amino acids, mus-
than nitrogen content of whey obtained tard and all three cultivars of peas contained
from some of these oilseeds by Sosulski and extremely high concentrations of arginine.
Bakal ( 1969 ) . Incomplete removal of ex- For instance, mustard contained about 200
tracted protein by isoelectric precipitation times more arginine than rape, 20 times
undoubtedly contributes to a larger loss of
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/23/15

more than flax, and 8-12 times more than

seed nitrogen in the whey fraction, and sunflower, saffiower, and soybean. The other
consequently a lower recovery of nitrogen amino acids were present in relatively small
in the isolates. Alternate methods of orotein concentrations (less than I nmole). None
removal from alkaline extracts shotrld, there- of the meal NPN fractions contained cystine
fore, be investigated in the preparation of in the free state, or an appreciable amount
protein isolates from these seeds. TCA may
of methionine, which is inconsistent with the
be used as a protein precipitant; it can be
results of Nakai et al. (1972).
easily removed from the proteins by dialysis.
Alternatively, proteins may be removed The present results and those of the pre-
from the alkaline extracts by heating in the vious study (Bhatty and Finlayson 1973)
presence of calcium salts (Anson 1962). show that the NPN content of oilseeds and
For personal use only.

The oilseed meals and peas contained peas and probably of other seeds is a vari-
in the NPN fraction all the protein amino able fraction and depends on the method
acids except cystine and methionine and and solvent of extraction. Although the
the latter was present in most instances in NPN fractions obtained from oilseeds and
quantities of less than 0.5 pmole (Table peas used in the study apparently contained
2). Rapeseed and flax contained only trace many ninhydrin-positive materials, the major
amounts of valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyro- amino acids detected were glutamic and
sine, and phenylalanine. Table 2 does not aspartic except in saffiower and, in addition,
include values for threonine and serine be- arginine in mustard and peas'
cause of the incomplete separation of these
amino acids due to interference of unknown LITERATURE CITED
compounds, presumably peptides, eluted
from the column. Although a number of ANSON, M. L. 1962. Oilseed proteins in
unknown compounds were eluted from the foods. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. l: 68-:77.
colurnn, usually before aspartic acid, none ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRICUL-
of the other protein amino acid peaks was TURAL CHEMISTS. 1970. Official methods
of analysis. 1lth ed. Washington, D.C. p. 858.
distorted, as is shown by their resolution
and retention times. The NPN fractions. R. H. 1940. A method for the determination
particularly those of mustard, sunflower, of non-protein nitrogen in soybean meal. Cereal
and saffiower, contained high concentrations Clrem. 17: 447-457.
of ammonia, which was probably derived BHATTY, R. S. and FINLAYSON, A. J.
mostly from the hydrolysis of amide nitro- 1973. Extraction of non-protein nitrogen from
gen during extraction of the meals with oilseeds with different solvents. Cereal Chem.
sodium hydroxide. Some of these meals,
(In press.)

particularly those of sunflower and saffiower, DIMLER, R. J. 1971. Production and use of
oilseed proteins. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 48:
contained high amide nitrogen (Table 1). 400-402.
The high ammonia content of other NPN EVANS, R. J. and BANDEMER, S. L. 1967.
fractions, especially those of pea cultivars Nutritive value of some oilseed proteins. Cereal
PI 106801 and PI 165949. mav also be due Chem. 44: 417*426.

HUMPHRIES, E. C. 1956. Mineral com- Amino acid composition of oilseed meals. Can.
position and ash analysis. Page 481 ln K. Paech Inst. Food Technol. J. 6: l-5.
and M. V. Tracey, eds. Modern methods of TKACHUK, R. and IRVINE, G. N. 1969.
plant analysis. L Springer, Berlin, Germany. Amino acid composition of cereals and oilseeds.
NAKAI, S., KODAGODA, L. P. and POWRIE, Cereal Chem. 46: 206-218.
W. D. 1972. Preparation of three different pro- VAN ETTEN, C. H., KWOLEK, W. F.,
tein isolates from rapeseed flour. l5th Can. Inst. PETERS, J. E. and BARCLAY, A. S. 1967.
Food Technol. Conf., Toronto, Ontario. (Abstr.) Plant seed as protein sources for food and feed.
Evaluation based on amino acid composition
SOSULSKI, F. W. and BAKAL, A. 1969. of 379 species. J. Agr. Food Chem. 15: 1O77-
Isolated proteins from rapeseed, flax and sun- I 089.
flower meals. Can. Inst. Food Technol. I. 2: WOLF, W. J. 1970. Soybean proteins: their
28-32. functional, chemical and physical properties. J.
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/23/15

SOSULSKI, F. W. and SARWAR, c. 1.973. Agr. Food Chem. 18: 969-976.

For personal use only.

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