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Early Human Development

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Potential explanations of behavioural and other differences and similarities between males and
females with autism spectrum disorder


Several potential explanations may be dependent on the dynamics of prenatal and postnatal testosterone in males and females, and to be consistent with Baron-
Cohen's concept of extreme male brain. This paper explores the evidence that male and female autistic subjects differ on the average in that they have had different
exposures to the causes of autism, females bearing higher genetic burdens for ASD (autistic spectrum disorder), and males having a greater exposure to high
intrauterine levels of testosterone (T). The high levels of intrauterine (and possibly postnatal) testosterone to which ASD cases have been exposed, cause a less
masculinized physical habitus (including facial features) in exposed males, and a more masculinized physical habitus in exposed females. ASD genes (as opposed to
intrauterine testosterone) are mainly responsible for a low mean IQ in ASD (especially female cases). Exposure to high intrauterine T increases the probability that
foetuses will be male, thus potentially explaining the high sex ratio (proportion male) of cases of ASD. The Gender Incoherence Model seems to be based on facts
unrelated directly to autism. The shifts towards the other sex are argued to be consequent on sex-different reactions to prenatal exposure to high T, not on the
pathology itself. The suspected underdiagnosis of female cases is partially dependent on the different proportions of environmental and genetic causes to which male
and female cases are hypothesized to have been exposed, and the consequent ‘more normal’ behaviour of female cases.

1. Introduction minds of others and to detect its presence via their facial expressions,
thus leading to diminished eye contact. Baron-Cohen [2] characterised
Recently, strong evidence was published supporting both Baron- this set of symptoms by the term ‘the Extreme Male Brain’. However,
Cohen's Empathizing-Systemizing theory of sex differences, and his these three symptoms do not intercorrelate highly, so one may suspect
Extreme Male Brain (EMB) theory of autism [1]. These authors noted that they have more than one cause. At any rate, the diagnosis of ASD
that typical sex differences between healthy males and females were has been applied to subjects with varying behaviours, abilities and
attenuated in autistic subjects, and speculated that this ‘likely reflects physical habitus. This is so within ASD subjects of the same sex and as
an interaction of biological and cultural factors’. However, some other between ASD subjects of opposite sex. This variability has puzzled some
workers have expressed perplexity about the similarities and differ- research workers, who have interpreted such observations as putting
ences between males and females with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). into question Baron-Cohen's concept of the Extreme Male Brain. The
Indeed, some workers have suggested that they put into question the present note has two purposes viz. 1. to summarize ASD sex similarities
concept of the Extreme Male Brain. Such doubt has been prompted by and differences which have led to such puzzlement, and 2. to try to
similarities and differences in regard to the following: reconcile these findings with the notion of the Extreme Male Brain by
1. Performances on mental rotation tests, considering them in the context of two well-supported hypotheses.
2. Androgynous facial features, These hypotheses are now described. They have explanatory power in
3. Attention to gender-related images, this context, but, to our knowledge, have not previously been invoked
4. Findings on the Cambridge Sympathy Test, for this purpose.
5. Findings on the Reading-the-Mind-in-the-Eyes Test,
6. Finger length ratios, 2. Hypotheses that may reconcile these findings with Baron-
7. Behavioural differences, and. Cohen's concept of the extreme male brain
8. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI.
Our purpose is to offer potential explanations for each of these Hypothesis A. The multifactorial threshold hypothesis.
observations to supplement the explanation cited above of Greenberg
It is established that autism has both genetic and environmental
et al. [1] (viz. an interaction of biological and cultural features). Some
causes. Moreover, autism is suspected of being subject to the ‘Carter
of our potential explanations seem well grounded: others may be ac-
phenomenon’ viz. the multifactorial threshold. In this, genetic and en-
knowledged to be speculative. But, at any rate, one may conclude that
vironmental causal factors are notionally additive, and, when they
the explanation proposed by Greenberg et al. [1] is not the sole possi-
reach a threshold, a case occurs. It is established that ASD females are
more likely to have affected relatives than are ASD males [3–5]. Palmer
From a taxonomic standpoint, autism spectrum disorder, ASD, is an
et al. [6] presented data from 1.5 million families each with 2 children,
interesting diagnosis. It is usually made on the basis of three symptoms
including 37,507 ASD cases. The overall prevalence of ASD was 1.96%
viz. 1. Repetitive movements, 2. Increased systematizing, and 3.
in males and 0.5% in females. Following a male proband, ASD was
Decreased empathizing, involving impaired ability to appreciate the

0378-3782/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Early Human Development xxx (xxxx) xxxx

diagnosed in 4.2% of female sibs and 12.9% of male sibs. Following a [Baron-Cohen's] extreme male brain hypothesis of autism’. Tovainen
female proband, ASD was diagnosed in 7.6% of female sibs and 16.7% et al. [26] presented data on spatial behaviour in a sample of more than
of male sibs. These authors suggested that these rates are consistent 13,000 twin pairs aged 19–21 years. Their data suggested that males
with a model in which females require a higher number of genetic or outperformed females on all spatial measures, including mental rota-
environmental risk factors to manifest ASD than males. A slight mod- tion. However, they found no suggestion that prenatally transferred
ification to that idea will be presented here. It will be argued instead testosterone (T) (as in females born in opposite-sex dizygotic twin pairs)
that the data favour a multifactorial threshold model in which female has any effect on mental rotation. Constantinescu et al. [27] suggested
cases require a higher genetic load, and male cases require a higher that the early postnatal T surge may influence mental rotation in boys,
environmental exposure. One such environmental cause of ASD is in- but not girls. Moreover, Pintzka et al. [28] reported a significantly
trauterine exposure to high levels of testosterone, T ([7,8]). improved mental rotation performance following a single testosterone
dose to healthy women. Thus, mental rotation seems to correlate,
Hypothesis B. The relation between prenatal and postnatal
perhaps weakly, but positively, with postnatal circulating T levels ra-
testosterone levels in healthy males and females.
ther than prenatal T levels. To explain the observations of Rohde et al.
There is evidence that normal males exposed to high intrauterine [25], we invoke the two hypotheses proposed above. So we suggest that
testosterone (T) levels suffer adverse postnatal hormonal consequences. male ASD subjects are no better than female ASD subjects on mental
We know of no direct human experimentation on this point. However, rotation performance for the reason that the male ASD subjects (having
there is evidence in sheep (a standard animal model for human re- been exposed to higher intrauterine T) have moderately low postnatal T
production). When pregnant ewes are experimentally dosed with tes- levels that are comparable to those of ASD females.
tosterone, their male offspring reportedly have reduced body weight,
scrotal circumference and sperm count than controls [9–11]. In con-
trast, their female offspring are phenotypically masculinized [12]. 3.2. Androgynous facial features
Further evidence that exposure to high levels of prenatal testosterone
masculinizes female foetuses is provided by the evidence that it causes Women with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) reportedly have less
polycystic ovary syndrome when they are adult [13,14]. In short, pre- feminine features and larger heads than normal controls, whereas ASD
natal exposure to high levels of T causes postnatal de-masculinization in men have been judged to have comparatively feminine faces [21,29].
males, and masculinization in females. These phenomena occur in Bearing in mind the two hypotheses (A and B) proposed above, we
otherwise healthy animals: so one may suspect that comparable phe- suggest that in ASD, facial morphology is partially moulded by post-
nomena would happen to autistic subjects (who also ex hypothesi, have natal T levels. Ahmed et al. [30] wrote: “Abundant evidence docu-
been exposed to high intrauterine T). mented in the biological and psychological literature indicates that
Next, we note some data relating prenatal and postnatal testos- facial masculinity … is linked to high testosterone levels among males
terone (T) levels to ASD. …”. There is also evidence that testosterone virilizes adult female faces
Brosnan [15] noted that prenatal T slows the growth of the left brain [31], and that this is negatively associated with attractiveness in
and enhances the growth of the right brain. The right brain is associated women [32]. So the androgynous faces of ASD subjects could be ex-
with visual-spatial and mathematical abilities. So it may be proposed plained by the high postnatal T in ASD women and relatively low
that some forms of autistic behaviour are directly due to prenatal postnatal T in ASD men. Moreover, it should be noted that evolutionary
programming of the brain by exposure to high intrauterine T levels. benefits would accrue if such a correlation (between adult T levels and
Strong confirmation of this hypothesis has been published e.g. by masculinity of facial features) were to exist. For instance, one evolu-
Baron-Cohen et al. [7]. It has also been suggested [16,17] that high tionary benefit of such a phenomenon is that women would recognise
adult circulating T levels contribute to autistic behaviour. The latter reproductive promise (high T levels) in the face of a masculine-looking
authors reported that in a placebo-controlled trial of administering T to potential mate. Another benefit is that men would recognise the re-
neurotypical subjects, there was an increase of autistic traits in the productive costs of high T levels signalled by masculine faces in women.
experimental group. Moreover, these authors reported that in a con- A framework embodying this notion (of a positive correlation between
trolled trial of human transsexuals, there was a significant increase in facial masculinity and circulating T in subjects of both sexes) is now
autistic traits in female-to-male cases (who were treated with andro- presented.
gens), and a decrease in autistic traits in male-to-female cases (who In their influential evolutionary paper, Trivers and Willard [33]
were treated with anti-androgens). So the latter authors suggested that noted that in many species, males in ‘good condition’ outreproduce
autism might be treated by anti-androgens. This idea has not received females in good condition; and that females in poor condition out-
wide acceptance. Indeed, it has been argued that there is no appreciable reproduce males in poor condition. These authors further noted that if
relation between adult T levels and autistic diagnoses [18]. But it females in good condition were to produce an excess of sons, and fe-
should be emphasised that single dose administrations of testosterone males in poor condition an excess of daughters, then women, in general,
have reportedly had significant behavioural effects on healthy women would produce more grandchildren. Accordingly, these authors hy-
[19] and men [20]. Moreover, there is a consensus that circulating pothesized that this actually happens. ‘Condition’ is nowhere defined by
androgens are high in autistic females, and also, but less so, in autistic these authors, but one strong piece of evidence supporting this pre-
males [21–24]. So one may propose, as a generalization, that mean diction is the finding that parents (of both sexes) with high T levels
circulating T is high, at least at times, in cases of autism. In short, both produce an excess of sons [34]. And as was pointed out in that paper,
prenatal and postnatal T are thought to be (to varying degrees), high in testosterone, at least in men, correlates positively with a number of
ASD. reproductive parameters. A bonus of this reasoning is that it would
incidentally potentially explain the (otherwise unexplained) high sex
3. Apparently anomalous findings in male and female ASD ratio (proportion male) of autistic subjects (about 3–4 males per fe-
subjects male) [35] because, as noted above, high T (in either parent around the
time of conception) has been hypothesized to be causally associated
3.1. Mental Rotation Performances with male offspring [36–38]. This hypothesis has been described by
Spiegelhalter [39] to be the ‘most coherent’ of those available to explain
Rohde et al. [25] found no significant difference between the mental the variation of sex ratio at birth.
rotation performances of males and females diagnosed with autism
spectrum syndrome. These authors wrote that ‘this does not support

Early Human Development xxx (xxxx) xxxx

3.3. Attention to gender-related images related to 2D:4D in females. Barona et al. [48] suggested that this latter
finding is in conflict with EMB Theory. We suggest alternatively that if
Sex differences between autistic subjects have been reported in re- it were accepted that ASD is subject to the multifactorial threshold ef-
gard to gender-related images. For instance, Harrop et al. [40] reported fect, then it would follow that female, as contrasted with male, ASD
that in contrast with boys with ASD, girls with ASD show more atten- cases, on the average, have been less exposed to high intrauterine T and
tion to images of toys or objects more typical of one sex than the other. thus, less likely to yield a significant correlation between their symp-
These authors also showed that girls with autism attend more to images toms and 2D:4D ratios. This line of argument may reconcile EMB
of faces [41]. As is suggested in the section on Hypothesis A above, Theory with the findings and comments of Barona et al. [48] on female
there is strong evidence that ASD females, on the average, have not ASD cases.
been so much exposed to high intrauterine T as ASD males. Hines et al.
(2015) noted that in human beings, T is elevated from about week 8 to 3.7. Behavioural differences between male and female autistic subjects
week 24 of gestation and then again during early postnatal develop-
ment. These latter authors noted that increased intrauterine exposure to It has been reported that there are behavioural differences as be-
T leads to male-typical play, and to alterations to sexual orientation and tween male and female autistic subjects. For example, Werling and
gender identity. Accordingly, we suggest that the comparatively modest Geschwind [49] suggest that there are fewer restricted and repetitive
exposure of ASD females to high intrauterine T (and, as a consequence, behaviours and externalizing problems in females. Rubenstein et al.
to more normal postnatal T) may be responsible for their more typical [50] concur and also noted that intellectual disability is more common
attention pattern to gender-related images. In short, we suggest that the in female cases. Moreover, Antezana et al. [51] suggest that quality of
Carter Phenomenon (Hypothesis A) may explain the sex differences in the restricted and repetitive behaviours differ as between the sexes. It
attention to gender-related images in ASD subjects. seems that sex differences in levels of pre-and post-natal testosterone
may account for most of these differences. In contrast, the established
3.4. Findings on the Cambridge Sympathy Test lower mean intellectual level of ASD females seems likely to be a spe-
cific consequence of ASD genes, a higher genetic burden of which is
Sympathy and distress ratings, as measured by this test, reportedly carried by ASD females. A relevant fact relates to cases of Asperger's
did not differ significantly as between male and female autistic subjects syndrome (viz. high-performing autistic people). In these, the sex ratio
[42]. These authors write: “Sympathy is a specific form of empathy and (males to females) is of the order of 8–10 to 1. These behavioural dif-
involves both cognitive and affective empathy”. Provisionally we sug- ferences between male and female ASD subjects have probably led to
gest that the result of Holt et al. [42] is explained by the comparable some underdiagnosis of females. This possibility arises as follows. Allely
circulating T levels in male and female autistics as a consequence of the [52] writes: “Females with ASD may display superficial social skills
difference between male and female postnatal T responses to high in- which may mask their ASD symptomatology, impacting on the identi-
trauterine T. We acknowledge that the test results of Holt et al. [42] are fication of the disorder – known as the ‘camouflage hypothesis’. It is
the consequence of complex mental phenomena and so may have ad- increasingly recognised that ASD females are more able than ASD males
ditional explanations. to engage in behaviour which is socially acceptable, particularly those
females with high cognitive abilities. We suggest that this sex difference
3.5. Findings on the Reading-the-Mind-in-the-Eyes Test in behaviour stems from the differential exposure to high intrauterine T
of male and female ASD subjects.
Autistic men and women reportedly show no significant difference
in performance on this test. But the performance of females with autism 3.8. Functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI
differed from that of normal female controls more than the corre-
sponding difference in men ([43]). Testosterone reduces functional Functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI, measures brain ac-
connectivity during the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ test [44]. So we tivity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. This technique
suggest provisionally that comparative lack of sex difference in ASD relies on the fact that cerebral blood flow and neuronal activity are
subjects on this test is due to the postnatal sex-different T responses to coupled. When an area of the brain is in use, blood flow to that region
sex differences in the levels of intrauterine T to which male and female also increases. Functional imaging studies have shown that certain
autistic subjects have been subjected (Hypothesis B). brain regions show greater activity during resting states than during
cognitive tasks. This has led to the finding that these regions constitute
3.6. Sex-differences in the 2D:4D finger length ratios of autistic subjects a network supporting a default mode of brain function. It has been
shown that in normal subjects there are sex differences in the default
It is generally agreed that the finger length ratio, 2D:4D, may be mode network with regard to autism spectrum traits [53]. A study in-
used as a rough proxy for a subject's exposure to intrauterine testos- volving both normal and ASD subjects showed differential neural ex-
terone [45], healthy men in general having lower values of 2D:4D than pressions: female cases showed a shift towards the normal male con-
healthy women. Masuya et al. [46] reported that men with ASD had nectivity pattern and male cases showed a shift towards the normal
lower (more masculine) 2D:4D ratios than healthy control men. In female pattern [54]. These authors suggested that this impugned Baron-
contrast, women with ASD had higher 2D:4D ratios than controls. Cohen's EMB Theory, writing: “Our data support the notion that ASD is
Schieve et al. [47] reported similar findings for ASD children. So one a disorder of sexual differentiation rather than a disorder characterised
may infer that male ASD subjects have been exposed to higher in- by masculinization of both genders”. Floris et al. (2018) presented data
trauterine T levels than female ASD subjects. Since (as noted above), on a large sample of normal and ASD males and females. They offered a
there is good evidence that intrauterine T is an environmental cause of similar view: they suggested that there are two competing models for
ASD, these data constitute powerful confirmation of the hypothesis that ASD, the EMB Theory and the Gender Incoherence (GI) model. The
ASD is subject to the Carter Phenomenon viz. that male cases have been latter predicts a shift towards maleness in females and towards fema-
more exposed to environmental causes, and that female cases carry a leness in male ASD cases. However, this seems equivocal evidence
heavier genetic load (as argued above in Hypothesis A). Comparable against the EMB Theory because they also reported co-existing but
data on large samples of children were presented by Barona et al. [48] network-specific shift-towards-maleness and shift-towards-femaleness
and Schieve et al. [47]. These authors showed that (in accordance with in ASD males. A shift-towards-maleness reportedly involved the default
EMB Theory), males had lower (more masculinized) 2D:4D ratios than network, while a shift-towards-femaleness mostly occurred in the so-
females. However, these authors failed to find that ASD symptoms were matomotor (of, or pertaining to, movements of the body) network.

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2015. Sex-different abnormalities in the right second to fourth digit ratio in (V. Grech).

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