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1. 2 new knowledge gained from today's session. (5 marks)

What I gained from today's session is knowing the meaning of halal. It is legal or
allowed. There are no haram animal, najis, or human components in this product. Useful (not
poisonous, intoxicating, or detrimental to health). Not prepared, processed, or produced using
najis-contaminated equipment for example there are three categories namely Mughallazah,
Mughallazah and Mukhaffafah.

The second thing I learnt today is how to tell the difference between Samak and Sertu.
Sertu cleanses any bodily parts infected by najs mughallazah (dogs and pigs). The water is
then mixed once with dirt and six times with clean water. Then, Samak cleanses the skin of
animals (edible or not). Remove any blood, meat, or other potentially harmful substances from
the skin. Sharp instruments, such as alum or manjakani, and the same as it.

2. List 5 importance of Halal towards: (15 marks)


1. Individuals value halal for several reasons. First, they eat halal food because it fits the
requirements, they feel make it appropriate for consumption. Halal refers to the regulations
outlined in the Quran and Hadith.

2. The second is to be able to prevent any undesired diseases caused by food or a product
that a person consumes. For example, Allah swt has prohibited the consumption of pork since
scientific investigations show that it contains tapeworms and the JE (Japanes Enceplytis)
virus. Both are thought to be difficult to kill. As a result, observing Allah SWT's demand to
ensure that food and drink or any product used by Muslims is exclusively halal is critical in
order to benefit the individual, particularly in terms of health.

3. The following priority is to maintain the body healthy. Physical, mental, and spiritual health
are all elements of body health. A person's thinking can be influenced by good diet. It improves
a person's fitness, health, and security. The fourth is to prevent evil. For Muslims, the notion
of halalan toyyiban itself might help them avoid sin.

4. According to the hadith given by Imam Muslim, one of the prayers that Allah does not accept
is because the food he consumes is from a haram source, his drink is from a haram source,
and his garments are likewise from a haram source.
5. Worship accepts the final significance. According to a hadith recounted by Imam Muslim,
one of the prayers that Allah does not accept is because the food he eats, the drink he drinks,
and the garments he wears are all from haram sources.


1. Halal is important to customers. Concerns regarding the availability of halal items are on
the rise. This is because a few local entrepreneurs, particularly non-Muslims, unilaterally name
their products with brands that convey Islamic symbolism through packaging and labelling,
such as photos of mosques on the packaging of yellow noodle products. They have their own
marketing goal, which is to make their products known to the general public and to penetrate
the market as halal items to Muslim customers. Furthermore, the intentional abuse of halal
certificates and product labelling, as well as the incidence of cross contamination between
halal and haram food components in food processing, are deliberate irregularities frequently
perpetrated by businesses.

2. Furthermore, most individuals are unaware of food processing and food components used
in food production. Seasoning has become a need in food processing to improve taste.
Because Malaysians are becoming more conscious of the subject of Halal and Haram in food,
entrepreneurs play a crucial role in comprehending the genuine notion of halal as a whole.

3. Third, consumers can avoid using non-halal food or cosmetic goods that include non-halal
components, content, or toxins. As a result, people should exercise caution when purchasing
or wearing it.

4. Customers can prevent unintended health consequences from non-halal materials. Halal
meals and drinks signify that the items have satisfied the Shariah law criteria, however for a
non-Muslim customer, it symbolizes the emblem of hygiene, quality, and safety when prepared
rigorously under the Holistic Halal Assurance Management System.

5. Finally, users can maintain physical and mental wellness. Carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins,
minerals, and proteins are essential for the body as a source of energy, enzyme building, and
digestion. Furthermore, a healthy body can assist us in thinking clearly and carefully about a
situation. Required worship, such as obligatory prayers, is similarly simple to do.

1. In Malaysia, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department is in charge of halal

certification for the company/business (JAKIM). This accreditation ensures that F&B items
adhere to the "Halal Toyyiban" philosophy. The basic guideline of consumption, Halal, has
now been recognised and defined for certification purposes globally. There is also recognition
at the state level, in addition to federal status. Make business more transparent with the
process set by Jakim.

2. Halal is crucial to businesses since there is a growing concern about the availability of halal
products. This is due to the fact that a few local businesses, particularly non-Muslims,
unilaterally identify their products with labels that express Islamic symbolism through
packaging and labelling, such as an image of a mosque on the packaging of yellow noodle
products. They have a marketing aim of introducing their items to the broader public and
penetrating the market as halal goods for Muslim clients. Furthermore, enterprises frequently
conduct purposeful malpractices such as the intentional abuse of halal certificates and product
labelling, as well as cross-contamination between halal and non-halal food components in
food processing.

3. To sustain body health, a corporation should emphasise halal products. Body health
includes physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Good diet can impact a person's thinking. It
boosts fitness, health, and safety. The fourth goal is to keep evil at bay. The concept of halalan
toyyiban itself may assist Muslims avoid sin.

4. ensure the quality of a product that has halal. For example, companies producing products
that have halal will get attention from customers. increase customer confidence in the goods

5. ensure quality products in line with the guidelines that have been set by the authority. In
fact guarantee the cleanliness of the products provided.

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