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CPD article

Interpreting liver parameters

in cats and dogs — getting the
most out of my blood work
One of the first approaches to suspected liver disease will be blood work looking at liver parameters. These are
also commonly included in general and some preanaesthetic screening tests. Having undertaken such testing
it is important to derive as much useful information from the results as possible, as well as understanding
the strengths and weaknesses of the tests performed. This article reviews the interpretation of liver enzymes,
both cholestatic and hepatocellular, as well as tests of liver function and ancillary tests that could indicate
hepatobiliary disease. 10.12968/coan.2017.22.12.729

Kit Sturgess MA VetMB PhD CertVR DSAM CertVC FRCVS, RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Medicine, Advanced
Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology, Vet Freedom Ltd, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7QT

Key words: small animal medicine | liver disease |clinical pathology | liver enzymes | bile acids | bilirubin

levated liver enzyme activity is commonly encountered as neoplasia, little or no increase in liver enzyme activity may occur
during routine biochemical testing including because few hepatocytes are being damaged at any one time. As
pre-anaesthetic screening, with the presence of liver liver enzymes tend to be used first as screening tests, significant
disease often being first recognised on the basis of liver disease can be missed and a client mistakenly told their pet’s liver
enzyme elevation on these routine tests. Elevated liver enzymes do is ‘normal’. As in-house and external laboratory reference intervals
not necessarily represent reduced of liver function — they reflect vary, especially for liver enzyme tests, it is preferable to talk about
hepatocellular membrane integrity or biliary epithelial necrosis, mild, moderate or marked increases rather than specific numbers
cholestasis or a form of induction phenomena. Similarly, very (Table 1); this also helps owners not to become too ‘number focused’.
high values do not necessarily reflect severe disease but are an
expression of the number of hepatocytes that are involved in the Inter-assay variation
process; as such they are neither prognostic nor do they indicate Like all tests there will be inter-assay variation between serial
whether changes are reversible. results. This is perhaps more profound with enzymatic tests and
Secondary liver tests may be appropriate, including bilirubin
and dynamic (pre- and post-prandial) bile acids as well as other
parameters such as albumin and urea that may also reflect liver
function. Urinalysis can also be of value in evaluating liver disease,
looking for ammonium biurate crystal and assessing the specific
gravity and presence of bilirubin (see below) or urobilinogen in
the urine.

What is ‘normal’
The concept of normality for blood values in liver disease is
potentially dangerous, in that we work to a reference interval.
This means that 95% of dogs/cats without liver disease will fall
into that interval but some will naturally sit above or below this
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interval without evidence of disease. Equally, some patients with

significant disease will sit within the reference interval. This is
particularly important in cases where liver mass is falling, as there Figure 1. Liver of a Doberman with end-stage failure; note the
may be insufficient hepatocytes left to cause liver enzymes to be small irregular liver (arrows) and ascites. Liver enzymes were
raised (Figure 1). Further, in some slowly-changing diseases such within their reference intervals in this case.

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Table 1. Classification of magnitude of biochemical changes§ in liver disease

Parameter Low High
Dog, cat, both
Marked Moderate Mild Reference Mild Moderate Marked
Total protein 35 42 47 54–77 80 90 100
(g/l) 35 42 47 54–80 90 100 110
Albumin (g/l) 15 20 24 26–42 Indicates dehydration
Globulin (g/l) 15 18 22 24–47 55 60 70
Urea (mmol/l) 1.0 1.5 1.8 2–9 13 20 35
1.5 2.5 3.5 4-12 15 23 40
Alkaline NA NA NA <50 500 200 800 500 1500 1000
ALT (IU/l) NA NA NA <50 400 200 600 400 1000 600
AST (IU/l) NA NA NA <50; <70 250 7000 2000
Gamma-GT NA NA NA <20 30 150 300
(IU/l) NA NA NA <10 20 80 150
Total bilirubin NA NA NA <10 20 40 100
Bile acids (BA) NA NA NA <10 30 70 100
BA — post- NA NA NA <25 50 70 100
feeding (2 hour)
Glucose 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5–5.5 8 15 25
(mmol/l) 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.5–6.6 10 18 25
Creatine kinase NA NA NA <190 <150 400 300 1000 5000
Cholesterol 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.8–7 10 20 30
(mmol/l) 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.5–6.0 9 18 25
Triglyceride Not been significantly associated with disease 0.5–2 2.5 3.5 5.0
(mmol/l) 0.5–1.5 2.0 3.5 5.0
Parameters commonly changed in liver disease, and the direction of change
Ammonia is a useful parameter in the assessment of liver function but it requires rapid, in-house analysis
*As AST and to some extent ALT are present in muscles, check creatine kinase, since if this is markedly elevated it may account for any elevation in
AST and ALT.
ALT = alanine aminotransferase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; gamma-GT = gamma-glutamyl transferase

some colorimetric assays. As a general rule of thumb, changes measurements should be undertaken using the same
of less than 10–15% are hard to interpret as being ‘real’ changes test system
as opposed to assay noise. This is particularly important when zzUnder some circumstances a phenomenon know as substrate
using tests where the value is large, since what appears to be a big depletion can occur when measuring enzyme activity; this
numerical difference could be insignificant. involves a change in the kinetics of the reaction, resulting in
As an example, if an initial test gives an ALP of 3480 IU/L, on a marked underestimation of the true enzyme activity.
a repeat test values between 2950 and 4000 IU/L are difficult to zzIs the enzyme increase mild, moderate or severe?
interpret as clear evidence of change. zzIs the increase significant, i.e. does it explain the patient’s
Logical interpretation of results is important to achieve the best clinical presentation?
clinical outcome for the patient: zzIs the increase likely to reflect primary or secondary
zzIs the test result correct? hepatobiliary disease?
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zzAre there any spurious factors that may have affected the zzWhat are the differential diagnoses for this enzyme elevation?
result? zzWhich other biochemical/haematologic parameters are
zzIs it repeatable or could it be a laboratory error? changed — do they indicate cause and/or support primary
zz There can be marked variation in results from the same hepatobiliary disease or suggest primary disease elsewhere?
sample between different analysers therefore serial zzWhat is the next step to support/deny my hypothesis?

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Mild increases in parameters

Minor/trivial increases in liver enzymes (less than 2X upper limit Raised ALP and/or ALT
in dogs; less than 1.5X upper limit in cats is commonly used to
define such an increase) are frequently encountered on routine
blood screens, particularly common in older dogs, and often Less than twice (dog); More than twice
unaccompanied by evidence of functional change. An approach to one and a half times (one and a half
such patients is illustrated in Figure 2. (cat) upper limit of times) upper limit
reference interval of reference interval
Liver enzymes
Liver enzymes can be considered in terms of primary and
secondary parameters and in terms of leakage enzymes and Patient Patient clinically unwell, Extend liver screen:
cholestatic enzymes. clinically well, likely to be a secondary gamma-GT, AST,
recheck in hepatopathy — look for CPK, bilirubin,
zzPrimary parameters
3–6 months disease elsewhere dynamic blie acid
zzAlkaline phosphatase (ALP, SAP, ALKP, ALPase, Alk Phos)
zzAlanine aminotransferase (ALT, ALAT [SGPT — serum
glutamate-pyruvate transaminase])
zzSecondary parameters Results normal
zzAspartate aminotransferase (AST [SGOT — serum glutamic
oxaloacetic transaminase])
zzGamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT, γ-GT)
Results still Patient clinically well Ultrasound scan of
zzGlutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) abnormal recheck in 3–6 months liver abnormal
zzLactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
Alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase are
considered to be the primary parameters. Alanine aminotransferase
is categorised as a leakage enzyme indicating hepatocellular injury, Results normal
whereas ALP is categorised as an induction enzyme associated
with increased synthesis in response to cholestasis or other factors
such as glucocorticoid use (dogs) or neoplasia such as biliary Discuss with client Patient clinically unwell Ultrasound
carcinoma. It is critical to remember that increases in ALT reflect chronic monitoring and strong suspicion of scan
the number of cells damaged, not the severity of damage; equally, or further hepatopathy → FNAB liver of liver
increased ALP activity does not reflect the cause of cholestasis and investigation + gallbladder aspirate abnormal
therefore the severity of disease.
Figure 2. Approach to raised alkaline phosphatase (ALP) /alanine
HIGH LIVER ENZYME ACTIVITY DOES NOT aminotransferase (ALT) discovered during routine blood screening. AST =
NECESSARILY MEAN BAD OR SEVERE DISEASE aspartate aminotransferase; CPK = creatine phosphokinase; FNAB = fine needle
aspiration biopsy; gamma GT = gamma-glutamyl transferase.
The liver is the central metabolic powerhouse of the body,
hence will be affected by any metabolic stress that is present, liver enzyme activity is much more common than the prevalence
leading to secondary increases in liver parameters. Similarly, due of liver disease; this is due to the significant effect of systemic
to the high metabolic load, reduction in blood supply or oxygen disorders on the liver. The liver occupies an incredibly important
delivery will cause damage to liver cells — for example a period of location between the gastrointestinal tract and the systemic
low blood pressure during anaesthesia (Tables 2 and 3). circulation and is thus exposed to a wide variety of toxins, drug
Although ALT reflects hepatocellular damage and ALP reflects metabolites, endotoxins and infectious agents. A wide spectrum
biliary stasis, the two systems are not independent. Hepatocellular of non-hepatic (extrahepatic) factors may thus influence liver
damage and swelling will cause collapse of the bile canaliculi, enzyme activity.
resulting in secondary rise of ALP. Bile is a toxic substance and It should also be noted that enzymes will continue to leak from
back up of bile through the biliary system will start to cause repairing hepatic tissues, resulting in more prolonged elevations in
hepatocyte damage and therefore a secondary increase in ALT. liver enzyme activity than would be predicted following resolution
Looking at the magnitude of change can be helpful in suggesting of an acute insult.
which is the primary process and which secondary. However,
particularly in chronic disease, both hepatocellular and biliary Leakage enzymes
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involvement will develop, resulting in increases in both sets of Alanine aminotransferase

liver enzyme activities. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) has reasonable to good sensitivity
The liver enzymes are either categorised leakage enzymes (ALT to hepatocellular injury but will also rise if there is marked muscle
and AST) or are associated with increased synthesis in response to damage. Following a hepatic insult, ALT begins to rise within 12
cholestasis (ALP and GGT). In the general population, increased hours and peaks at 24–48 hours. Artifactual elevation of ALT can

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A number of drugs commonly used in clinical practice are

Table 2. When serum transaminase* levels potentially hepatotoxic, e.g. benzodiazepines, phenobarbital,
may not reflect clinical hepatobiliary disease potentiated sulphonamides, methimazole/carbimazole, and
Endocrinopathies Diabetes mellitus paracetamol. Toxicity can be dose-dependent or idiosyncratic.
Hyperthyroidism (cats) (Foster Aspartate aminotransferase
and Thoday, 2000)
Aspartate aminotransferase is most often used to assess muscle
Gastrointestinal disease Pancreatitis damage. However, in dogs, AST may have a higher sensitivity to
Inflammatory bowel disease
detection of metastatic disease in the liver than ALT (70–95% vs.
Neoplasia Metastatic disease 45%, respectively). Haemolysis also increases serum AST.
Drug induction Phenobarbital (dogs)
Corticosteroids (dogs) Cholestatic enzymes
Hypoxia/hypotension Congestive heart failure Biliary disease results in increased cholestatic enzyme activity
Hypotensive crisis (Guelfi et al, 1982).
Severe haemolytic anaemia
Status epilepticus Alkaline phosphatase
Myositis Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme found in the membranes
Blunt abdominal trauma of epithelial cells that line the bile canaliculi and sinusoids. It is
*Alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase also present in bone, renal tubular and intestinal epithelial cells.
Alkaline phosphatase tends to be higher in young animals due to
bone growth; in an adult, bone ALP accounts for about one third of
Table 3. When alkaline phosphatase levels measured ALP activity in healthy dogs. Although both the kidney
may not reflect clinical hepatobiliary disease and intestines have high levels of ALP, cellular damage causes loss/
Bone growth/disorders Young animals
leakage into the lumen of the gut or renal tubules respectively and
Osteosarcoma the enzyme is not significantly reabsorbed to appear in the blood;
Osteomyelitis half life is also very short (<6 minutes in dogs and <2 minutes
Endocrinopathies Diabetes mellitus in cats). Isoenzymes exist, such as a glucocorticoid-induced
Hypothyroidism isoenzyme (Dillon et al, 1980), but are not routinely individually
Hyperadrenocorticism measured in veterinary medicine (Hoffman et al, 1977).
Gastrointestinal disease Pancreatitis Cholestasis results in increased formation of ALP via induction
Inflammatory bowel disease of enzyme expression and accumulation on the sinusoidal
Neoplasia Hepatic metastasis hepatocyte membranes. This induction takes approximately
Paraneoplastic induction 8 hours, thus ALP elevations may not be noted in the very acute
Drug induction Corticosteroids cholestatic process. An increased ALP activity can reflect a variety
Phenobarbital of hepatic and post-hepatic processes, such as cholestatic liver
disease and canalicular cell necrosis (Cornelius and Kaneko
Hypoxia/hypotension Congestive heart failure
Hypotensive crisis 1960). An elevated ALP in the cat (Everett et al, 1977) always
Severe haemolytic anaemia warrants further investigation, due to the fact that cats have far
Status epilepticus less ALP in their cells than dogs and ALP is readily excreted by the
Systemic infection kidneys. The half-life of ALP in the cat is approximately 6 hours
compared to 72 hours in dogs (Dossin et al, 2005). Following acute
cholestasis, levels should fall significantly (>50%) within 24–48
occur if the serum sample suffers in vitro haemolysis or is lipaemic. hours in cats and 3–4 days in dogs.
Half-life in cats is relatively short (6 hours) compared to dogs Alkaline phosphatase has a reasonably high sensitivity (80%)
(2.5 days) (Dossin et al, 2005) so when assessing recovery from but low specificity (51%) for hepatobiliary disease (Hoffmann,
an acute liver insult (more than 48 hours previously), sampling 1977). Although it is viewed as a cholestatic enzyme it is elevated
a cat the following day is reasonable (a significant fall would be in many diseases that are considered more hepatic than biliary,
expected) whereas re-sampling a dog should ideally be carried out such as nodular hyperplasia in old dogs.
after 2–3 days, when a 50% fall would be expected. As with all liver parameters a variety of non-hepatobiliary
Increased serum ALT activity has the highest sensitivity disease can cause ALP to be elevated.
(80–100%) for inflammation, necrosis (Cornelius and Kaneko,
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1960), vacuolar hepatopathy and primary neoplasia. Reduced Gamma-glutamyl transferase

sensitivity has been noted for the detection of liver failure due to Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), found primarily in biliary
feline hepatic lipidosis (72%), hepatic congestion (70%), metastatic epithelial cells and hepatocytes, is a membrane-associated enzyme
neoplasia, portosystemic vascular anomalies and secondary as well as being present in microsomes and a small portion (<5%)
hepatic lipidosis (60%). in the cytoplasm. Although it is also found in the pancreas, gastro-

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intestinal tract, renal tubular epithelium, reproductive tract and

mammary tissue, these organs leak their enzyme into the respective
lumen and not into the circulation. Increases in serum GGT are
due to cholestasis, and it appears to be a more sensitive indicator
of hepatobiliary disease in the cat than ALP (Figure 3). One notable
exception in cats is in hepatic lipidosis, where ALP is often markedly
elevated whereas GGT remains within the reference interval
or is only mildly elevated. In the cat with extrahepatic bile duct
obstruction, serum GGT activity will increase up to 2-fold within 3
days, 2–6 fold within 5 days and 3–13 fold within a week.
Gamma-glutamyl transferase is relatively insensitive (50%)
for hepatobiliary disease but has good specificity (87%)(Noonan
and Meyer, 1979). In cats, GGT is more sensitive (86%) but less
specific (67%) than ALP for indicating hepatobiliary disease
(Center et al, 1986). Gamma-glutamyl transferase is elevated in
necroinflammatory liver disease, bile duct obstruction and/or
inflammatory intrahepatic cholestasis. In glucocorticoid-induced
hepatopathy, GGT shows much smaller increases than ALP
(Badylak and van Vleet, 1982).

Bilirubin Figure 3. Liver mass in a cat; histology showed biliary cystic hyperplasia and
Bilirubin is formed during removal of red blood cells (RBCs) neutrophilic, lymphocytic, plasmacytic cholangitis. Alanine aminotransferase,
through the monophagocytic system in the liver and spleen. alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transferase were mildly raised.
Haemoglobin from the RBCs is degraded to iron, globin and
biliverdin, and it is the latter that is further degraded to bilirubin. and excretion. This typically occurs only with more severe hepatic
The bilirubin is then released from the cell, binds to albumin and disease; a list of the typical diseases that cause hyperbilirubinaemia
is transported to the liver. In the liver the bilirubin is conjugated is given in Box 1.
with glucuronide in the hepatocyte. Once bound to glucuronide Post-hepatic hyperbilirubinaemia (Figure  4) is secondary
the conjugated bilirubin is water soluble, is transported from the to obstruction of the extrahepatic bile duct. The most common
hepatocytes across the bile canalicular membrane, and enters causes include pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, biliary neoplasia and
the intestines via bile. Hyperbilirubinaemia can occur due to pancreatic neoplasia. Any lesion at the level of the duodenal
prehepatic disease (haemolytic), primary intrahepatic disease, papilla where the bile duct enters the duodenum can also cause
and post-hepatic disease. Dogs can conjugate bilirubin in the
kidneys, hence up to ++ bilirubin in the urine can be normal,
especially in male dogs. Cats have a much higher renal threshold Box 1. Hepatic causes of
for bilirubin (approximately 9 times greater) and are dependent hyperbilirubinaemia
on hepatocyte conjugation only, with none occurring in the zzHepatic lipidosis
kidneys, hence any bilirubin in feline urine is always abnormal. zzCholangitis (inflammatory/immune-mediated)
Any conjugated bilirubin that escapes back into the circulation zzInfectious disease
becomes attached to albumin (delta-bilirubin) and has a half-life zzViral: feline infectious peritonitis, adenovirus
in the circulation of approximately 10–14 days, thus even after zzBacterial: leptospirosis, salmonella, rickettsial
resolution of the cholestatic event icterus can persist for a period zzProtozoal: toxoplasmosis, neosporosis
of time. Duration of icterus can also be further extended due to zzParasitic (rare UK)
staining of elastin tissue. zzToxins: Amanita spp., aflatoxin, Sago palm, cyanobacteria
Pre-hepatic bilirubinaemia is secondary to haemolysis of RBCs zzDrugs (various, e.g. anabolic steroids (dogs, cats), carprofen
and easily distinguishable from the other two causes by the presence (dogs), corticosteroids (dogs), diazepam and other
of marked concurrent anaemia. The level of anaemia that will benzodiazepines (cats), methimazole and carbimazole (cats),
result in jaundice is dependent both on underlying liver function paracetamol (dogs, cats especially), phenobarbital (dogs),
and on the rate of the extravascular haemolysis, but it would be potentiated sulphonamides (dogs), tetracyclines (cats))
very unusual if the anaemia was not at least moderate (packed cell zzNeoplasia (lymphoma, mast-cell tumour, hepatocellular
volume <23% (dog); <18% (cat)). Cats are more prone than dogs adenocarcinoma)
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to becoming jaundiced following haemolysis, as their livers are not zzSepsis

able to handle increased bilirubin load as efficiently as dogs. zzHepatic lipidosis
Primary hepatic bilirubinaemia is often secondary to a zzCopper-associated hepatopathy
combination of decreased hepatocyte function and intrahepatic zzLysosomal storage disease
cholestasis leading to decreased bilirubin uptake, conjugation

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Despite the initial promise, bile acids are not liver-specific

(Box  2), but their sensitivity can be increased by dynamic bile
acid testing. The test is performed pre- and 2 hours post feeding,
following a 12-hour fast. Occasionally anomalous results can
occur, with post-prandial bile acids being lower than pre-prandial.
Although this could reflect mislabelling of samples it is more
commonly due to the gall bladder having contracted shortly before
the pre-prandial bile acid sample was taken; it can be a repeatable
finding in some dogs. It is essential that serum samples are used;
heparinised plasma can give falsely elevated results.

Ammonia is a sensitive and specific indicator of liver function
but requires rapid analysis, with results being significantly
affected by hypocobalaminaemia or by outside influences such
as ammoniacal cleaners. Reduced ammonia levels can be seen
with administration of antibiotics, lactulose and enemas (and also
possibly by administration of probiotics). Causes of increased
ammonia include high-protein meals, improper handling of the
sample, hepatic dysfunction and inherited urea cycle disorders.
Ammonia has a similar sensitivity and specificity to dynamic bile
Figure 4. Jaundice in a cat secondary to post-hepatic biliary obstruction. acid evaluation in the diagnosis of portovascular anomaly and
hepatic dysfunction (Center et al, 1985; Ruland et al, 2010).
extrahepatic biliary obstruction, for example severe inflammatory In cases where there is subtle liver dysfunction, ammonia
bowel disease causing inflammation of the papilla. With biliary tolerance testing can be performed.
obstruction an increase in cholesterol is commonly noted together
with increases in cholestatic enzymes (GGT, ALP), but imaging Other direct and indirect markers of
of the liver and biliary tree is usually necessary to distinguish hepatobiliary disease
primary intrahepatic cholestasis from extra-hepatic cholestasis. With progressive liver dysfunction, decreased protein synthesis
This allows appropriate further diagnostics and treatment options together with altered glucose and lipid metabolism will occur.
to be deciphered. Generally this will only be seen when there is marked loss of liver
function: at least 70–80% and is some cases >90% loss. While they
Serum bile acids are not sensitive markers, when they occur they tend to indicate
Bile acids are primarily synthesized by hydroxylation of cholesterol serious and advanced liver disease, and can often be associated
in the liver. A major function is to form micelles to enhance the with only modest rises in liver enzymes due to the low number of
solubilisation of lipids within the intestine and hence facilitate the viable cells still present in the liver.
digestion and absorption of fats. There is enterohepatic recycling
of the bile acids, with resorption in the ileum. Although we view Glutamate dehydrogenase
serum bile acids to assess hepatic function they more accurately Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) is a sensitive but non-specific
reflect hepatic circulation. Bile acids primarily increase in response indicator of primary and secondary hepatopathies (Mühlberger
to portovascular shunts, hepatic disease and cholestasis; in the and Kraft, 1994). It is also raised where there are effusions, and is
presence of hyperbilirubinaemia there is no value in assessing bile induced in cases of diabetes mellitus. In liver disease, increases in
acids. They have diagnostic value when assessing: GLDH tend to reflect hepatocellular centrilobular injury.
zzPersistent elevation of liver enzymes
zzSuspicion of hepatic encephalopathy and cirrhosis Lactate dehydrogenase
zzSuspected portosystemic shunts (Ruland et al, 2010) Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme that is
zzEffectiveness of therapy in patients with hepatic disease. non tissue-specific but there are a variety of isoenzymes, with
Degree of elevation is not disease associated, although vacuolar LDH5 being more liver specific although also found in muscle.
hepatopathies rarely cause rises above 75–100 µmol/L. Generally, Isoenzymes are not routinely measured in animals although they
a pre-prandial increase above 10–15 µmol/L and a post prandial are in man.
increase above 25 µmol/L is a sensitive although not necessarily
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specific indicator of reduced liver function. Breed- and age-specific Cholesterol

reference ranges are now available, with some breeds e.g. Maltese Hypercholesterolaemia can be a sign of cholestasis, due to reduced
terriers having higher than expected values (O’Leary et al, 2014). cholesterol excretion in the bile.
Generally, the author is less concerned about mild elevations in Hypocholesterolaemia in hepatobiliary disease is usually an
bile acids in older dogs and cats. indicator of significant loss of liver mass.

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Box 2. Causes of decreased and KEY POINTS

increased serum bile acids zzInterpretation of changes in liver enzyme activities is different in cats
zzDecreased bile acids and dogs.
zzDecreased gastric motility zzIncreased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma-glutamyl transferase
zzHypermotile gastrointestinal (GI) tract (GGT) activity primarily reflect biliary disease. Increased alanine
zzGI malabsorption aminotransferase (ALT) activity primarily reflects hepatocellular damage.
zzIleal disease/resection zzThe magnitude of increase in enzyme activity indicates the number of
zzIncreased bile acids cells involved; it does not reflect whether the changes is reversible.
zzPancreatitis zzSevere liver disease can be present in patients with liver enzyme
zzGI tract disease activities within the reference interval.
zzPre-hepatic jaundice zzLiver enzyme activities and serum bile acid levels will increase in both
zzElevated cortisol levels — exogenous or primary and secondary hepatopathies.
hyperadrenocorticism zzOther biochemical and haematologic factors can provide additional
information and aid interpretation in patients with elevated liver enzyme
Albumin and globulins
Decreased protein synthesis leads to hypoalbuminaemia. It may also
lead to hypoglobulinaemia (alpha- and betaglobulins are produced This typically occurs only with very severe liver dysfunction and is
by the liver but gammaglobulins are dependant on B-lymphocytes often one of the last parameters to be affected. Hypoglycaemia is
and plasma cells for production), but this is less common. In acute also reported as a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with some
liver disease, albumin may fall slightly as a negative acute-phase hepatocellular adenocarcinomas (Figure 5).
protein. In some instances hyperglobulinaemia may be seen,
either as an acute-phase reaction or in response to decreased Haematological assessment
clearance of toxins and microbial agents by a reduced liver mass Microcytosis may be seen with severe hepatic dysfunction or
(and hence reduced Kupffer cell numbers), or vascular anomalies portosystemic shunts, due to altered iron metabolism or transport.
such as portosystemic shunts. Acanthocytes (associated with deranged lipid metabolism) and
elliptocytes (e.g. in hepatic lipidosis) may also be seen. Codocytes
Blood urea nitrogen (target cells) can be seen in liver disease, due to decreased
Hepatic insufficiency can result in decreased conversion of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity in cholestasis:
ammonia to urea, resulting in low urea levels. Urea level may decreased enzymatic activity increases the cholesterol to
also by reduced by other factors such as polyuria/polydipsia and phospholipid ratio in the red cells, producing an absolute increase
reduced protein intake (inappetence; low protein diet). in surface area of the red blood cell membranes.

Coagulation factors Conclusions

The liver is responsible for synthesis of coagulation factors II Abnormalities in liver enzymes are commonly encountered in
(prothrombin), VII, IX, X, XI, XII and XIII (enzymatic factors) clinical practice but the full clinical value of the changes observed
and I (fibrinogen), V and XIII (non-enzymatic factors). Therefore is often lost. Combining a better understanding of factors that may
severe liver dysfunction can result in prolongation of activated affect liver parameters with the clinical history and physical
clotting time, prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial examination can significantly impact on the management and
thromboplastin time (APTT) due to reduced production of
coagulation factors by the liver.
Haemostatic defects due to cholestasis are more common.
Cholestasis causes decreased digestion and absorption of
fat-soluble vitamins, hence a decrease in vitamin K-dependent
factors II, VII, IX and X. This is more commonly noted in cats,
and prior to any liver biopsy consideration to this point should
be given. Subcutaneous supplementation of vitamin K (1 mg/kg
q12 hours for 2–3 doses) may be appropriate (especially if APTT
and PT are prolonged). In more severe cases choice of biopsy
technique (ultrasound guided vs. laprascopic vs. surgical) and the
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use of a plasma transfusion should be considered.

Hypoglycaemia can occur as a result of reduced hepatic glycogen Figure 5. Computed tomography scan of a massive hepatocellular carcinoma
stores, delayed insulin clearance or decreased gluconeogenesis. causing abnormal blood glucose levels in a dog.

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further investigation of a case, as the clinician is better informed of tobiliary disease in the cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1986;188(5):507–510
Cornelius CE, Kaneko JJ. Serum transaminase activities in cats with hepatic necro-
the likely presence of hepatobiliary disease; the area of the liver sis. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1960;137:62–66
affected; progression or resolution of the problem; and potentially Dillon AR, Spano JS, Powers RD. Prednisolone induced hematologic, biochemical,
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the severity of the disease process. All these factors serve to better Dossin O, Rives C, Germain JP, Lefebvre H. Pharmacokinetics of liver transami-
inform the client and improve care of the patient, but ultimately nases in healthy dogs: potential clinical relevance for assessment of liver damage.
23rd ACVIM Forum Proceedings, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1–4 June 2005; p 886
liver biopsy and/or bile culture is necessary to achieve a diagnosis Everett RM, Duncan JR, Prasse KW. Alkaline phosphatases in tissues and sera of
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