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‘A Sound of Thunder" Study Guide Directions: Using the following word bank, choose the word that best completes the sentences that follow. Find the four you completed and then ty to see if you can figure out the rest using your schema or context clues N Anninilate 2 ores, § Delirium eon a mit 4 etilaat ome ree During a many people cannot find work The agitated patient’ was caused by high fever. After a driver gets too many tickets, the law may his license Modem builders are careful nat to completely the remains of ancient civilization A time that is even older than ancient times is known as The car will be yours after you the final payment. Items that are thrown overboard to lighten a load are Good rubber tires are strang and Thoughts that lie just below the surface are 0. If a heavy load is light to carry, that is an example of a Comprehension Questions sshenaat What are the penalties for disobeying instructions? morhensa 1 2. How many people besides Eckels are on the trip? Name therm Gf ¢S 3. What does Travis tell Eckels is the best way to Kill a dinosaur? 4. How many years did the men travel?| 5. Why do the men wear oxygen helmet ae “A 6. What is unique about the dinosaurs that the men can shoot a : 7. Where was Eckels on his way to when he stepped off the pafn’aggy iss a? 8. What do Billings and Kramer do after the dinosaur is dead 9. What does Eckels notice about the sign on their return?| 5 re 10. What daes Eckels find on the bottom of his boots? PSe ‘11. What is the reader to infer that Travis does to Eckels? 12. When the time travelers, crossing the border between the past and the present, return to the world of 2055, how has that setting changed?

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