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67-317: Mobile Web Development and Usability Testing

Download today's lab and unzip to a folder on your machine.

Practice Exercise 1: Create a simple slider based on the following.

1. Start with this document containing three images only one of which is displayed.
img {display: none;}
#first { display: block;}

<div id="slider">
<img id="first" src="images/1.jpg" alt="first image" />
<img src="images/2.jpg" alt="2=second image"/>
<img src="images/3.jpg" alt="third image"/></div>
2. Add this script to the header
var i = 1;
var noOfImages = 3;
var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
3. Add this script above the closing body tag.
<script type= text/javascript>
function displayImage() {
if (i == 0) { prev = noOfImages - 1; } else { prev = i - 1; }
if (i == (noOfImages - 1)) i = 0; else i++;

4. Invoke the script by adding a onclick event for the <div id="slider" ..> element.
<div id="slider">
5. Add a button element:
<button onclick="displayImage();">Press</button>
6. Complete the above steps and test the solution. Does the image slide when you click the
7. Now create two new events:
a. Every time you click on the slider image let it slide.
b. When the mouse enters an image let it slide.
Submission: The compiled HTML from above and screenshots of the result

Practice Exercise 2: Create text animation

• How do we create text animation similar to what we did for the slider?
1. Create a paragraph with a certain fontsize – say 14px
67-317: Mobile Web Development and Usability Testing

<title>Text Animation</title>
p { font-size:14px; width:500px; height:40px; margin:auto;}
<p> I am an animated text <br />
Touch me !!!! I will yell <br /></p>
2. Initialize variables by placing this script in the <head>
var min=14;
var max = 30;
var sz = min;
var reverse = false;
3. Write JavaScript code to increase font upto a max and decrease upto a min
function changeFontSize() {
var paras = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
if (sz >= max) { reverse = true; }
if (sz <= 14) { reverse = false; }
if (reverse) { sz--; } else { sz++; }
paras[0].style.fontSize = sz + "px";
new Audio("chime.mp3").play(); //plays an audio chime everytime

4. Define the event onmouseover

<p onmouseover="changeFontSize();">
5. You will hear a chiming sound everytime the font changes. Please change it to a funny
sound downloaded from the net (for this exercise only). We have given you a file called
haha.mp3 if you are unable to find another sound.

Submission: The compiled HTML from above and screenshots of the result
67-317: Mobile Web Development and Usability Testing

Practice Exercise 3: Learn to use jQuery plugins from external sources

1. Create this HTML template
<title>JQzoom 2 Demo</title>

2. Specify the javascript libraries (note we use 1.6 version):

<script src="js/jquery-1.6.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.jqzoom-core.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

(You can download jquery files (plugins) - Already provided for you under the js

3. Add the image code

<div style="height:500px;width:500px;" >
<a href="images/highresolution.jpg" class="jqzoom">
<img src="images/lowresolution.jpg">
4. Add the javascript action within the <head> so the initialization of jqZoom is done..
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
zoomType: 'innerzoom',
preloadImages: false,
5. Specify the CSS:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/jquery.jqzoom.css">
6. Test your page
7. Now go to this page and implement the
Lens Zoom with the same two images in this example.
a. Download the code (available here)
b. Change the file demo.html such that the basic zoom function is changed to lens
zoom (Check out the code under lens zoom-
c. Copy the high and low resolution images to the large and small folders
d. Test your page.
Submission: The compiled HTML from above and screenshots of the result
67-317: Mobile Web Development and Usability Testing

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