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U uy United States cz) Patent Application Publication (1) Pub. No.: US 2023/0000180 Al en @) rey MERCHA AND DEL Applicant, Inventors Appl. No File: Buzzini et al. .NDISE WITH FLEXIBLE DISPLAY ACHARLE COMPONENT Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC San Mateo, CA (US) ike Buzzin, San Mateo, CA (US) ‘Glenn Black, San Mateo, CA (US) Arthur Kwun, San Mateo, CA (US) Tadd Tokubo, San Mateo, CA (US rr64994 ul 1 2021 Publication Clasitiation Int. € AdiD 1/00 ASD 102 (2006.01) (2006.01) 110 '$ 202300001801 (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 5, 2023 Gove 2002 (2006.01) Gor 930 (2006.01) (2) Usa co AAID 1/02 (2013 01y, AMID 102 (2013.01): Gover 217023 (202005: Goo ‘301 (201301) om ABSTRACT A garment system is provided, including: a min component configured to be warn bya user the min component having a flewble display portion and a sensor: a detachable com- ponent configured to be detachably coupled to the main Component; whercin the sensor detects whea the detachable omponent is attached To, oF_detached from, the main component, and responsively triggers change in imagery presented onthe exible display portion in response to said Sachment or detachment of the detachable eomponett, 108 112b jon Jan, 5,2023 Sheet 1 of 10 US 2023/0000180 AI Patent Application Publi 1126 108 106 Fig. 1 110 US 2023/0000180 AI Jan, 5, 2023 Sheet 2 of 10 Patent Application Publication senjgosued| $82[2uI\\ uz Aenea 00 30888001 — somes quan: 4 195 1UAAS waa ze | 97 z ‘big az syunosoy Jes) aoe dieney eV6iG 022 soynsag yossy [e610 = zo l dy BUOTETEO Patent Application Publication Jan, 5, 2023 Sheet 3 of 10 US 2023/0000180 At 108 a 3024 Patent Application Publication Jan, 5, 2023 Sheet 4 of 10 US 2023/0000180 Al Hood Down Trigger On/Off Fig. 4 2 68 =) & a Hood Up Patent Application Publication Jan, 5, 2023 Sheet 5 of 10 US 2023/0000180 At 514 . Team Members 3 < g > a Fig. 5 500 502 3 5 Team Captain Patent Application Publication Jan, 5, 2023 Sheet 6 of 10 US 2023/0000180 At L—618 612 L614 L—~616 Team A Design Se) +7620 Team B Design Ss 17 622 Wireless Payloads Fig. 6 Ww - (Gym 600 Patent Application Publi jon Jan, 5,2023 Sheet 7 of 10 US 2023/0000180 AI 16 701 70+ ] 702 708—| 700 706 704 720 Fig. 7 US 2023/0000180 At Jan, 5, 2023 Sheet 8 of 10 Patent Application Publication ube hee onouBey ~ yepOIN woon|sueR| + Kes) - ewe aqoubey reed pw fes6 pyog. ~ 908 8 ‘bid vvonequano pue (uns ogeubeuioues Suiequ0a) ly ujeanas youbayy 08: os org US 2023/0000180 At Jan, 5, 2023 Sheet 9 of 10 Patent Application Publication vol ays Sues | Pai _ | a Ee ar SHH 2 z sequen eosin She waNog ej coy @-8hhL TSE |< swueo su 309 ps eH eonr sos ae Janos [>| 8120 era 6 ‘bly noi ou ‘son awed 0b sjunoage Jes { ar SS oon watig US 2023/0000180 At Jan, 5, 2023 Sheet 10 of 10 Patent Application Publication oF ‘Bly UBOINOUd 3OINYES NOLLWWUO-N oh Ansa | Y3CINOUd 7 ‘SNOILY wWwOo 0824 + YROMIBN . 982 YBOINOUd SONS 3YU01S eet AVSIC do : anu NH ONSSI00Ud iva Asvoovoud Suz AD AD A anesia SS AD dp aOHOw NISSHOOK Ei) +12) Se Avndsia ‘82h WOON no] 301838 NouWorad uel U SS tH ¥SO0UE SORES NOUWUOANI it) US 2023/0000180 A MERCHANDISE WITH FLEXIBLE DISPLAY. ‘AND DETACHABLE COMPONENT. FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE 0001) Implementations ofthe present disclosure rate vo clothing and merchandise having a display capability, and triggering changes in display based on afachment detache ment of separate components BACKGROUND Description ofthe Related Ar 0002] common means of seiEexpression is through ‘one's clothing. For example, in a gaming context, gamers may express thei afinity for or association witha partes Tar video game by purchasing. and Wearing articles of clothing that display imagery related to the video game, However, unlike video gaine platforms for which gamers may purchase many diferent games fora single platform, farticlés of clothing are static stl only capable of represen ing a single fixed image (or se of images) per anticle of