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Lena Schorge

SCWR 220

March 29, 2022

The Offering - Treatment


Sequence 1:

“Here Comes the Bride” blares throughout a huge open church. The date is June 1st,

2018. EMERSON TURNER, 26, rests his face in his palm as he watches his older brother

JEFFERY TURNER, 31, tracks the love of his life down the aisle with loving eyes. Sigh. Yet

another wedding alone. Next to him, a hefty man wearing a bright rainbow suit and top hat,

FLETCHER JENKINS, 26, hits his dab pen, drawing attention to himself (although, you could

argue that his outfit was already doing that for him). DANIELLA TURNER, 58, glares at the

two of them. Is that even allowed in a place of worship? Emerson’s mother never appreciated her

son bringing his foul roommate as the plus one to every family event. Kind of hypocritical

coming from someone on her fourth husband. Jeff has tears in his eyes as he holds hands with his

bride-to-be ASHLEY FERGUSON, 30. Their love is oh-so-beautiful. Emerson couldn’t be more


After the ceremony, Emerson gets a talk from Daniella about neglecting to bring a real

date once more. She compares him to not only Jeff, who just got married, but to MARCUS

TURNER, 28, who is going strong with his girlfriend. Why can’t Emerson be the same?

The party is distracted when Ashley begins choking on a piece of the wedding cake. Jeff

begins freaking out and Daniella screams at Emerson to do something since he is in medical
school. He runs to the rescue and gives her the heimlich, when she collapses to the floor. He

performs CPR and Jeff makes a comment about him kissing his new wife. Emerson saves her

life, and Daniella explains how proud she is of her soon-to-be-doctor son. That’s when he breaks

the news… He actually dropped out of medical school last week to pursue his dream of being a


Two years later, an overly joyous couple kisses each other on their wedding day, still

beaming from their “I do”s, their wedding videographer holds in a deep groan of cringe. This is

Emerson, now 28, and he lazily tends to his cheap DSLR as the FLEMING COUPLE jumps for

joy. The wedding is painfully low-budget and there does not seem to be many guests. Probably

because they’re so fucking annoying, Emerson thinks to himself. He glances at his camera and

realizes the shot of the husband kissing the bride was slightly out of focus. Shit. He quickly fixes

it and wipes a bead of anxious sweat from his brow. Should be fine, right?

After the ceremony closes, Emerson begins wrapping up his camera setup, which is

literally just a tripod, Canon DSLR, and lens set. The Fleming couple giggles to each other

before interrupting his routine, begging to see a sneak peak of their footage. Emerson gulps,

removing his camera and fumbling with some of the buttons to get to the clips. He pans through

some shots that are clearly not set up right: too dark, out of focus, and poorly composed. He

nervously explains that not every shot is perfect. The Fleming Couple awkwardly laughs to

distill their disappointment. Finally, he gets to some better clips and shows it to the pair, who are

still unsure about the validity of his work. For some reason, Emerson just doesn’t have the eye of

someone who knows how to capture love. The couple hesitantly compliments his work before

scuttling away, off to dig into their $20 Walmart wedding cake. Emerson shudders at their
interaction, remembering Ashley, and checks his watch. He has to hurry. It’s already 6:30pm and

the Brown Sugar Cafe is about to close.

Emerson stumbles into the cafe minutes just in time to see the brilliantly beautiful barista,

ANGELINA QUINN, 26. She flashes him a bright white smile, tossing her blonde hair over her

shoulder. She flirtatiously asks if he wants the regular, and Emerson starts a smooth

conversation. He asks about her week, to which she replies in innuendos that easily sail over

Emerson’s head, such as how she’s going to have an engagement soon (which Emerson believes

means some kind of appointment), how sometimes she feels like her family is just killing her,

and more. The conversation goes silent after Emerson receives his overpriced coffee, which he

sips and stifles a grimace. After an awkward pause, he skips out of the cafe, pissed at himself for

neglecting to ask her out yet again. This seems to be a daily occurrence for Emerson.

Emerson stumbles into his dingy apartment. In the living room, his roommate Fletcher,

now 28, packs a bowl at the couch. The space is small, but full of nice furniture (paid for by

Fletcher, who rakes in cash as a stay-at-home computer engineer). Emerson tosses his keys onto

the counter and takes a sip of his iced shaken espresso. His face contorts in a way that he cannot

hide, retches at the overpriced coffee and tosses it. Fletcher laughs that he spends what little

money he has on overpriced coffee just to see the hot barista and never make a move on her.

Emerson rolls his eyes and begins complaining about his day and the ungrateful couple he had to

shoot for. Yuck, Fletcher agrees, straight couples can be the worst.

Emerson retires to his bedroom, where he still has a twin bed. It was cheaper than ever

buying a full sized one after college 6 years ago, and it’s not like there’s ever anyone to share it

with. Emerson checks his emails and sits at his IKEA desk. He sees that the Flemming couple

from earlier that day sent him a message titled “Thanks...” In the email, they explain that they are
looking forward to seeing the finished video montage, but would like to lower the price because

they felt like something was missing. He groans. This always happens. Emerson is distracted

when his phone rings. It’s his mother. She initially pretends to care about how his job as a

wedding videographer is going, but quickly redirects the conversation to be about his brother

Marcus getting married in a few months. She presses him about finding a real date this time, she

doesn’t want to be embarrassed when people ask if Emerson and Fletcher are a couple anymore.

After the hefty phone call, he hangs up and goes back to the living room.

Fletcher says he heard that phone call and hands him the bong he’s already prepared.

Emerson says he’s gonna need some help, asking out Angelina can only happen with Fletcher’s

presence. Fletcher says they’ll go tomorrow. They smoke together.

The next afternoon, Emerson and Fletcher walk through the door with swagger. Emerson

has new confidence with Fletcher on standby. They stroll in, wearing sunglasses and in slow

motion. Emerson walks up to the cashier, it’s Angelina’s shift. He always goes during her shifts.

She flashes that same bright smile. He asks for the regular and smirks, Angelina eagerly begins

making it. She turns around to get the espresso machine. Fletcher remarks that Emerson has

something to ask Angelina. As she turns around, drink made, she begins to ask what he needs

when her eyes dart to the door. It’s GRAYSON TANNER, 28, her dashingly handsome and

douchey boyfriend, but Emerson doesn’t know that last part. He walks up to the cashier, butting

Emerson and Fletcher out of the way. This guy looks familiar. Grayson makes a scene, professing

his undying love for Angelina. She races around the counter and stands before him. Emerson is

at a loss for words. Grayson takes a comically large step down to be on one knee, removing the

largest diamond ring Emerson’s eyes have ever seen. Grayson asks Angelina to marry him with

all of the charm of an entitled asshole. Fletcher grabs Emerson to leave the shop as Angelina and
Grayson kiss passionately in the middle of the cafe, onlookers applauding and wiping tears from

their faces at the picture-perfect couple. Just as the two roommates are about to make it out,

Angelina questions what he wanted to ask her. Grayson realizes he recognizes Emerson from

medical school, mocking him for dropping out to become a wedding videographer. Fletcher

blurts that he would be an amazing person to film their wedding, and that is all he wanted to ask.

Emerson pinches Fletcher’s arm behind his back. Angelina is overjoyed, eagerly inviting him to

work on their wedding. She explains that her parents are having the wedding on their private

island, Oasis, and are trying to fill it with people, so he can bring a date. She hints at Fletcher,

assuming Emerson is gay. This fact sails right over Emerson’s head.

Sequence 2:

At home, Emerson mopes about on the couch. Fletcher taps his foot, and before filling

another bowl of weed, he explains that he can’t watch his friend sit there on the couch depressed.

He has to find a date for Angelina’s wedding. There is no way Fletcher will let his friend work at

his crush’s wedding without any girl to make her jealous. He makes Emerson get his sorry ass up

and prepare for a night on the town, and Fletcher knows just the spot: the gay bars. Countless

women, no competition. Should be a piece of cake, right?

Emerson and Fletcher meander around a bar called Progress, looking for girls that might

be Emerson’s type. There are plenty of girls, and no one else seems to be hitting on them.

Emerson is far too picky, shooting down every one of Fletcher’s options. Eventually, he finds a

cute girl sitting alone at the bar. She seems pretty cute. Fletcher notices Emerson’s attraction, and

wingman's him. Right before Emerson gets to introduce himself, Fletcher becomes distracted

with a tall, handsome brunette man. This is TODD QUINN, (25), and he coaxes Fletcher to leave
his friend to come talk to him. With Fletcher gone, Emerson starts sweating at the thought of

interacting with this girl on his own. He compares things about her to Angelina. No one else will

ever have that same luscious hair and brilliant smile. Emerson turns away in defeat a little too

quickly and ends up slamming into another girl, who is VALERIE QUINN, 24. He spills his long

island iced tea all over her white shirt, exposing her breasts. Valerie cusses Emerson out and calls

him a pervert. Emerson is struck by her beauty, which is disantly similar to Angelina’s but all the

more real. Emerson embarasses himself by wiping her chest with some napkins, where she gets

even more angry and he ditches the scene. He grabs Fletcher by the arm, who is dangerously

close to making out with the stranger, in order to leave the bar.

Emerson and Fletcher go back to their apartment and Emerson stomps into his room. He

sees he has been added to a Facebook group for the wedding, where he views pictures of

Angelina lovingly kissing Grayson in perfectly posed portraits. Emerson retches and closes his

computer. He cannot go to this thing alone. Where else can we find chicks?

Surely another coffee shop will have a cute barista. Emerson and Fletcher visit another

high end cafe in the Chicago area, this one named the Blue Bar Cafe. The two see the barista of

this cafe, who looks distantly similar to Angelina. A clumsy repeat of their swagger with

Angelina. However, Emerson’t fails once more. He cannot seem to understand how to flirt with


Back home, Emerson shakes off his failures. He can’t go to this thing alone, and he has

his favorite plus one already sitting next to him on the couch. Emerson decides he’ll just take

Fletcher to the wedding. Maybe he’ll find a date on the island?

Sequence 3:

Emerson and Fletcher get to the airport before their first flight from Chicago to Miami.

Emerson has packed one singular carry-on. He does not have the most intricate style in the

world, with most of his outfits consisting of the same two pairs of cargo shorts and t-shirts that

have seen better days. Fletcher, however, is checking a giant bag full of 3 different outfits for

each day of the week. Fletcher’s style cannot be stuffed into a measly carry-on.

As the two get to the gate, they plop down before boarding begins. Around the corner of

the airport, Angelina and Grayson roll up looking straight out of a SkyMall magazine, holding

hands and nuzzling into one another. They spot Emerson and Fletcher at the gate and Angelina

scurries up to the pair. She makes innuendos about Emerson and Fletcher being a couple, but

once again this goes completely over his head. When she leaves, Fletcher jokes to Emerson that

she definitely thinks he is gay, pissing him off. He wants to prove to her that his is certainly


As Emerson and Fletcher shuffle onto the plane, they pass Angelina and Grayson in first

class on their way to the back. Grayson rubs it in Emerson’s face that they have better seats. The

tension between them grows.

Flashback to 4 years ago, Emerson and Grayson are lab partners in their anatomy class in

the University of Chicago medical school. They butt heads as they figure out how to dissect the

cadaver. Grayson has no idea how to do any of the incisions, and Emerson asks if he even did the

homework before their lab. Grayson brushes this off - he has a huge ego. but eventually finish

their lab. In the report, Grayson steals all of the credit for the assignment even though Emerson

was pulling his weight the entire time. Emerson is infuriated. Medical school students are the

fucking worst.
At the Miami airport, Emerson gets another call from his mom. She presses about

Marcus’ wedding next month. While staring at Angelina, Emerson spits out a lie that he has

actually met someone and insists that she shouldn’t worry about him being the family

embarrassment again. He also informs her of the amazing gig he landed at a private island. He

tries any and everything to convince her that he is doing fine since being out of medical school.

Angelina directs the four of them to a nearby port, revealing their private ferry. She

explains that this is what they use to get to Oasis Island. It’s awkward for Emerson and Fletcher,

but Grayson and Angelina treat the entire ride like a double date. No matter how hard he tries to

push down his jealousy, it just keeps bubbling up inside of Emerson. Watching Angelina and

Grayson interact feels just about as good as being stabbed by a thousand needles.

As the boat ride from hell docks on shore of a stunningly luxurious island, a sign reads:

OASIS ISLAND: YOUR LAST RESORT. The sign is written in dark red paint. It’s a little

ominous. Emerson feels a shudder down his spine, which counteracts the beautiful nature of the

island. He tries to check his phone, and sees that there is no cell service. He asks Fletcher about

it, but he does not have any cell service either. Angelina remarks that the beauty of the island can

only be enjoyed without much technology, so there isn’t going to be any service on the whole


Angelina’s family welcomes all of the island visitors with a huge prepared dinner on the

beachfront. MARISA QUINN, 57 and DAVID QUINN, 59, greet Emerson and Fletcher,

introducing themselves as Angelina’s parents. Other members of the Quinn family are around the

area, consisting of aunts, uncles, cousins, and more. They explain some island rules: there is no

cell service, ask before using the medical hut (which is located in the middle of the island), and
avoid the wildlife reserve at all costs. Marisa makes sure to stress that last rule as much as


The island is the most beautiful thing Emerson and Fletcher have ever seen. Everywhere

they turn, there is luxurious furniture, state of the art hut-style rooms, and food. There is so much

fucking food. Emerson and Fletcher seat themselves to an empty tablecloth draped table and

begin feasting upon their dinners. It was a long day of travel, and the night is only going to be

longer. Fletcher spots someone at the buffet that looks familiar: it’s Todd from the gay bars.

Emerson begs him not to leave him alone at the table and Fletcher hesitantly obliges.

After the dinner ends, the beach is littered with bonfires. Avoiding the Quinn family all

day has been hard, but Emerson and Fletcher were able to find a secluded spot far from everyone

else. They get drunk off one too many wine coolers, and Fletcher apologizes but leaves Emerson

to himself alone at the fire. He wants to go check out what Todd is up to. While Emerson mopes

by the bonfire, watching the waves crash against each other in order to peel his eyes away from

Angelina and Grayson’s embrace, a slender figure makes her way through the sand to his lonely

firepit. Valerie Quinn, Angelina’s younger sister, is storming away from her family for the night

and looking for any kind of distraction when she stumbles upon the lost puppy that is Emerson


Valerie stops in her tracks and begins cackling. She recognizes Emerson from the gay

bars in Chicago, he’s the fuck-up who spilled a drink all over her. Emerson asks why she’s

laughing so hard, wondering if he really looks that pathetic right now. Valerie takes a seat next to

him in the sand and chews him out. Emerson takes a big swig from his wine cooler, embarrassed

from the events of that night. He is pretty drunk already. Valerie lightly flirts with him, to which
Emerson discloses that he actually has feelings for her sister. Seemingly out of nowhere, Valerie

grows furious and storms off.

Flashback to 8 years prior, Valerie and Angelina are at a high school party. Valerie tells

Angelina that she has a crush on this boy named COLE, 16, from her English class. They are

both sophomores while Angelina is a senior at this point, and she says she’ll help wingwoman

her sister. Angelina approaches Cole and they begin talking. She never even points at Valerie,

who is watching from behind a corner of the room. Valerie gets distracted for a moment, and

when she looks back she sees Angelina making out with Cole. The boys always want her instead.

She is infuriated. Angelina always steals boys away from her sister.

Sequence 4:

Back in the present day, Emerson stumbles away from the bonfire, which is now littered

with a dozen empty wine coolers. He is embarrassed and upset from his interaction with Valerie,

and says a prayer that she doesn’t tell anyone about his feelings for her sister. Why did she seem

so upset? Emerson swears to himself on the walk back to his assigned hut.

Emerson kicks the sand in anger as he trails up the steps. The eerie island silence is

interrupted when he stomps on a sharp object, which he does not realize is a bone, sending a

piercing scream throughout the area. Fletcher was in the middle of hooking up with Todd inside

their shared room, but quickly tells him to run off when he hears the scream. Todd scampers off

and Fletcher runs out to help Emerson, who is wailing in pain from his wound. It’s chaos.

Emerson, who retains some things from his time in medical school, explains that they need to

stitch up his foot. They need to get to the medical tent. Fletcher brings a bottle of vodka, they’ll

be needing this for two reasons: disinfectant, and moral support.

Drunkenly, Fletcher and Emerson stumble around the island center, loudly searching for

the medical tent. From a distance, Marisa Quinn stands outside her room, glaring at the two of

them. She watches them wobble their way into the tent, and purses her lips. David exits the room

and stands next to her. He asks if the medical hut is in use at the moment. She says it shouldn’t

be, but she’s keeping an eye on the two drunks. This moment is suspicious…

In the medical hut, Emerson and Fletcher trip over objects that they don’t look at. On the

ground, there are bones and fragments of skulls. It’s a strange atmosphere. Emerson grabs a first

aid kit and rips it open. He rests it on a nearby organ cooler. In fact, the room is littered with

organ coolers… but Emerson and Fletcher don’t see this. Emerson sits on the blood stained cot

(which is definitely not safe…) and screams as he digs into his own foot, stitching with whatever

he can remember from medical school. Fletcher pours shots into his mouth, and Emerson snaps

at him to pour it over the wound. Eventually, it’s stitched up as best as it will be, and they head

out of the medical tent.

The next morning, Emerson and Fletcher wake up in their separate beds with a

mind-splitting hangover. The area is in disarray. There really is only one thing to do now: hair of

the dog. They haul over to the beach and order countless pina coladas. It’s the morning, and

Emerson can’t bear to think about how he wounded his foot and embarrassed himself in front of

Valerie. Near them on the beach, Angelina and Grayson are cuddling together. However, they get

into a small verbal fight. It looks like Grayson is being more aggressive than the situation lets on.

He storms off, leaving Angelina to herself in the sand. Emerson takes a swig of his

pineapple-flavored liquid courage and approaches her.

Emerson checks in on Angelina, asking if she’s okay due to the nature of their argument.

Angelina is initially embarrassed that anyone had to see that, she is trying to make everyone
believe the pair is perfect for each other. Emerson still thinks there’s a chance and wants to know

every ounce of drama between them to feed his fantasy. Angelina explains that Gray’s always

been stressed around her family and is easily jealous. He’s probably stressed about the

bachelorette and bachelor parties that are supposed to occur tonight. Emerson offers Angelina a

hug, and she agrees. It lasts a second longer than comfort, and Emerson deeply inhales the scent

of her coconut perfume. Man, he needs to move on.

As night rolls in, Emerson sets up his camera on the area of the beach that neighbors the

woods. He drinks a wine cooler as he watches Angelina and her close friends take shots and get

excited for the male strippers. Emerson feels unsettled being the only man allowed to be there,

and feels a pang of jealousy in his heart. He tries to shake this off, however, and focuses on the

scene at hand. The strippers dance on Angelina and Emerson averts his eyes, neglecting to focus

the camera at certain moments. It is just far too painful to watch his crush be danced on by these

attractive men.

After, one of the male strippers asks for a copy of the videos the next day so he can use it

in his reel for his business. Emerson reluctantly agrees, saying he’ll download the footage tonight

and then give him a flash drive tomorrow morning.

The next morning, Emerson carries the flash drive and searches throughout the island

center for the stripper. Unfortunately, he never got the man’s name, so Emerson asks some of the

family members if they have seen an attractive and muscular man around, they further hint at

Emerson appearing gay to the family. Emerson is brought to different strippers, but nobody is the

one that he has been looking for. Annoyed, he stashes the flash drive back at the hut.

Fletcher asks if he can have the flash drive, which Emerson finds odd. Fletcher just wants

to see the male strippers. Emerson throws him the drive and leaves to ponder alone on the beach.
At the beach, Emerson throws rocks into the ocean. He sees Valerie sitting alone and

decides to approach her. She looks upset. She is a little abrasive towards Emerson at first,

making fun of him for liking her sister when she is literally getting married in a few days.

Emerson begs her not to tell anyone and realizes that he has to get over Angelina.

When he comes back to the hut, Fletcher is shoveling popcorn into his mouth and

rewinding the stripper video, playing it back in slow motion. He beckons Emerson over, and

points to the screen. Emerson’s inability to properly focus the shot ended up catching something

shocking in the background. It almost looks like David Quinn and UNCLE CRAIG QUINN, 56,

are carrying some kind of body-shaped tarp. They are walking in the direction of the wildlife

reserve. It is hard to make out, but it does kind of look like a body. The two look at each other.

It’s unsettling.

The next night, everyone is setting up for the rehearsal dinner. Emerson practices his

camera angles for the wedding in the coming days. He films some family members chatting to

one another in the corner. Emerson recalls the strange finding from the stripper video, and gains

the courage to investigate further.

The family passes through the fenced off wildlife preserve. Emerson starts his camera

and begins filming everything in sight. There is a small gap in the fencing, and Emerson is able

to squeeze through silently due to his thin frame. After dredging through the woods for a

relatively short amount of time, the area transforms from beachside woods into a sinister space.

He approaches a clearing shaded completely by trees. There is a fire lit underneath an altar,

where Emerson recognizes the body of the stripper he was looking for. Members of the Quinn

family talk about how there are 3 days left of the wedding ritual, which means 3 more people

have to be sacrificed until it is complete. Emerson catches everything on video. He begins

silently panicking. The family gets distracted by some bushes rustling, and they inspect the area.

Emerson takes this as his cue to leave.

Sequence 5:

Emerson runs back to the hut and frantically downloads the footage so he can show it to

Fletcher, who is demanding to know what is going on. Emerson cannot find the words to explain

and just shows Fletcher the footage. After watching the family sacrifice the stripper, they freak

out about the footage and decide what to do with what they know. Emerson figures that

uncovering the truth of the Quinn family and their island might be his only chance at gaining

fame, becoming a renowned filmmaker and proving himself to his family. However, Emerson

still can’t let go of Angelina, so he and Fletcher make the plan to gain an alliance with her

against her family.

The next day, a stressed out Emerson and Fletcher hit the bar. However, there is a

different bartender today. Nobody seems to know what happened to the other bartender. Emerson

orders a Long Island iced tea. It’s going to be a long day. Fletcher chats up Todd who is sitting

nearby. They end up walking to the beach, but Todd remarks that he won’t be swimming. He has

a fear of the water and can’t really swim.

Angelina parks herself at the bar next to Emerson. She looks distraught. She asks for a

hug, and cries into Emerson’s shoulder. She explains that Gray hit her last night after they got

into a fight. She opens up about how her family pushed her into this and she wasn’t ready, but

she can’t do anything now because the wedding is tomorrow. Emerson side-eyes a nearby Todd,

and asks to talk to her on the beach in private.

Marisa Quinn watches Emerson take Angelina to the beachside and grabs David. They

have a conversation about the upcoming wedding ritual. Marisa is suspicious of Emerson

because he is constantly filming everything and recalls the time he was in the medical hut. She

insists that they all keep an eye on him and his gay friend.

Emerson drags Angelina by her hand over to the beach chair where he left Fletcher. Their

hand holding remains a little bit longer than comfort. Emerson reveals to Angelina what they saw

her family doing. She does not believe them. Emerson decides to go get the evidence back at the


Emerson shows Angelina the videos he took the night prior and her breath is caught in

her throat. She acts as if she had no idea about the horrors of her family. She still decides to go

through with the wedding. She figures she will at least do that first before anything can be done

about her murderous family.

Later, Angelina grabs Valerie and talks to her on the side. She tells her about the videos

Emerson caught of their family and asks what she should do about it. Should she tell her family

and stay loyal to her blood? Should she keep this a secret? Valerie tells Angelina it’s not her

problem and that she should figure this out on her own. Secretly, Valerie knows she wants to take

her family down for their crimes, so she sees Emerson as an excellent opportunity to do so.

Valerie leaves Angelina and sneaks off into Emerson’s hut. She goes to grab his flash drive when

all of the sudden, he turns the lights on and sees her trying to steal his footage.

Sequence 6:

Emerson demands to know why Valerie needs the flash drive. She has been caught

red-handed. Valerie admits that she wanted to use the footage in order to expose her family. She
has known the whole time. Emerson realizes… Angelina must have known about this too. And

Todd… Where is Fletcher?

Todd drags Fletcher to an underground cave-like entrance. Fletcher goes along with it,

expecting that they’ll just be hooking up in some fun new location. Once they enter inside,

however, Todd reveals the room to be a dark, masochistic sex dungeon. Fletcher tries to sneak

out, but Todd slams the door and locks them both inside.

Valerie tells Emerson she thinks she knows exactly where Fletcher might be. If he is with

Todd, she knows about his secret spot. Emerson doesn’t love the sound of that. Valerie explains

that she can’t join Emerson, or else the family will know she is onto them, but she gives

directions to where to find the dungeon. Emerson walks there on his own, unsure of what he

might find. At the cave entrance, Emerson hesitates before he enters.

Fletcher is uncomfortably tied to some kind of torture contraption in the corner of the red

room. Todd is standing nearby wearing bondage and a ball gag. He holds a knife over Fletcher's

leg, about to start slicing. This is an uncomfortable setting to witness. Emerson screams for him

to stop, which influences Todd to stumble over. He is a bit disabled due to the contraptions he is

wearing, which gives Emerson the upper hand. Todd throws a punch and Emerson ends up

tripping over his wounded foot, falling to the ground. This causes Todd’s punch to make contact

with the cave wall instead of Emerson’s face. Todd wails in pain. Emerson uses this weakness to

grab a nearby femur (why are there bones everywhere on this island?) and beat Todd over the

head with it. Todd goes unconscious. Emerson takes the opportunity to remove Fletcher from the

torture contraption. Once free, Emerson begs Fletcher to put clothes on, and then they decide

what to do with Todd. They come to the conclusion that they will put a heavy object over the
door - one that will allow him to escape eventually but not immediately. They find a heavy rock

and use it in front of the door, and then leave the scene.

Angelina gets ready for the day of her wedding. Marisa, her mom, comes into the room

as her makeup and hair is getting done. Marisa stresses the importance of the day, and comments

on family tradition. Everything must go according to plan, or else their wealth will be at stake.

After 7 days and 6 deaths, there is one sacrifice left. It must be done.

Back at Emerson and Fletcher’s shared hut, they figure out what they should do now.

Fletcher insists that they leave the island as soon as possible, avoiding the wedding altogether.

However, Emerson presses that he needs to capture the end of the ritual. He wants the glory of

creating a documentary to take this family down and seems to care more about that than his own

life. Fletcher realizes he can’t leave the island alone and must go along with what Emerson

wants, so they will endure the wedding.

Emerson sets up his cameras and gets ready for the wedding. He is hiding his inner panic

as best as he can, terrified that Angelina has told people about his knowledge of her family and

terrified that Todd will escape and foil his plan. It’s a tense situation. Emerson’s mental torture

only ends when Grayson appraches him while the wedding party awaits Angelina’s arrival.

Grayson emphasizes how he’s winning and Emerson will never have a chance with his wife.

Emerson realizes he hasn’t even thought about his “feelings” for Angelina in what feels like


Eventually, Angelina shows up and the wedding begins. Emerson films the entire thing. It

feels silly to film a menial task after the expose work he has been doing. It appears like a normal

wedding, but something is off. As the wedding continues on, Angelina and Grayson are about to
say “I do” before she runs from the altar. Everyone whispers to themselves, it’s chaotic. Emerson

grabs Fletcher and they follow the family, trying to remain as unsuspicious as possible.

Angelina chaotically looks for somewhere to hide, but Marisa and David trail behind her

close. She trips on her wedding dress, but scampers into the wildlife reserve. Emerson catches on

camera the family talking about the final sacrifice, which uses a large copper bull where a person

will be stuffed inside and cooked alive. She explains how she was luring the wedding

videographer, Emerson, trying to seduce him so he would be an easy target. She begs her family

to let her out of the wedding. She hates Grayson because he emotionally and physically abuses

her. Marisa has no empathy, she needs Angelina to marry Grayson because he is the only doctor

they have who can dissect the bodies of the dead in order to sell their organs on the black market.

Emerson cannot believe the amount of information he has caught on video. He inches closer, and

a branch snaps. Marisa, David and Angelina whip their heads toward the noise and see Emerson

and Fletcher standing there.


Sequence 7:

Emerson and Fletcher run for their lives towards the reserve exit, but Emerson drops the

camera in the sand. He tries to go back for it, knowing that all of his potential glory and fame lies

in the SD card. Fletcher grabs him by the arm and drags him away from the scene, knowing it

would mean certain death. They have no choice but to run.

A chasing scene commences, where Emerson and Fletcher run from Marisa and David.

Angelina screams for Emerson to stop. She believes she has him wrapped around her finger, but

he doesn’t stop. They run into Valerie, who was looking for Emerson after they scattered during
the wedding ceremony. She directs them to the beach where the ferry is docked, and tells them

she’ll cause a distraction. Her family doesn’t yet know that she is onto them.

Back at the sex dungeon, Todd bursts out of the cave after hours of pushing away at the

door. Now he is on a rampage to find and kill Emerson and Fletcher. He bolts out of the area, off

to search for the duo.

Valerie stops Marisa and David, insisting that they need to go back to the wedding party,

as everyone will grow suspicious soon without any information. Valerie tells them she will look

for Emerson, she hates the two just as much as the rest of the family. She convinces her parents

that she is still on their side.

At the beach, Emerson and Fletcher try to get onto the boat. They cannot seem to get it to

start. Also, neither of them have ever driven a boat before. It seems like they won’t be able to

escape this way. On the beach, they see a figure. Emerson calls out, believing it is Valerie, but as

the figure grows closer it is revealed that it is in fact Todd. Shit.

There is a boat fight sequence between Emerson, Fletcher and Todd. Todd knows

Emerson’s weak point is his injured foot so he targets this. Fletcher fights Todd back, eventually

throwing him overboard. This wouldn’t seem like a big deal, but Todd cannot swim. Emerson

and Fletcher ditch the boat as Todd drowns in the ocean. They have to either find another way to

leave the island.

The Quinn family tells the wedding party that unfortunately, there will be no wedding.

Grayson is devastated and furious, so he immediately heads to the bar and drinks away his

sorrows. The family tells everyone to pack their things because they will be leaving first thing

tomorrow morning on the boat.

Emerson and Fletcher run down the beach as far as they can from the family and try to

figure out what to do. However, Angelina spots them and alerts her parents of their whereabouts.

She knows she ruined the wedding but they can still do the ritual. They have to finish what they

started, and who better to sacrifice than the one who started all of the chaos in the first place?

The day has since carried into night, and Emerson and Fletcher are captured by the Quinn

family and dragged through the wildlife reserve to their sacrificial clearing. Emerson is stuffed

into the copper bull and Fletcher is tied to a nearby tree. The family awaits midnight so that they

can complete the ritual and have it technically be the next day. It looks like all hope is lost.

Valerie paces back and forth deciding what to do about the situation. Grayson ends up

stumbling upon her outside the reserve. He is extremely drunk and in a mood. Grayson tries to

make a move on her, which she thinks is funny. After all this time where Angelina has stolen her

men, she finally has the opportunity to steal her sister’s. She thinks about it, but eventually

decides she has a better plan. She is going to switch out Emerson for Grayson.

Valerie lures Grayson over to the altar, keeping him away from her family, who are

convening in the corner of the clearing awaiting their chance to muder Emerson. Valerie quietly

unlocks the door to the bull and tells Emerson to keep quiet, allowing him to get out. He is

shocked that his life has been saved, and scatters off into the bushes so as not to be seen. She

lures a drunk Grayson into the bull and locks him inside. She joins Emerson in the brush and

waits for the sacrifice to be over. That would be their only chance to save Fletcher.

Eventually, the entire family enters the clearing. Every single member of the family

stands around the altar, including Valerie who secretly joins them from the brush, and they all

begin chanting. The clock strikes midnight, and Marisa Quinn lights the copper bull’s stomach
aflame, burning the contents alive. Grayson screams and yells to be let out, but nobody can make

out the difference in his voice from Emerson’s. It’s a sickly sight.

After some time, the family is elated that they were able to live another day, believing

that they pleased their gods. They exit the area, leaving Valerie to tell Emerson the coast is clear.

Nobody realized that it was Grayson instead of Emerson, but they will likely find out when they

look for their favorite organ dissector. Together, Valerie and Emerson undo Fletcher. They made

it through the ritual alive, but how will they leave the island? Valerie expresses that she cannot

disappear, her family will go looking for her. She leads them to an old rowboat to hide under

near the beach, and tells Emerson she will find a way to save them once she gets to the mainland.

Emerson still doesn’t know if he should trust her, but she has the footage and is his only shot at

any kind of legacy or glory. At this point, he wants to survive more than anything, but maybe his

work will survive him. Emerson now has real feelings for Valerie after their time together. The

two share a passionate kiss, and wonder if they’ll make it off this island alive. She leaves and

Emerson and Fletcher cozy up inside the old rowboat.

In the morning, the family rushes everyone onto the ferry back to the mainland. They get

everyone on the boat and leave, stranding Emerson and Fletcher on the island, believing they are

both dead. Emerson and Fletcher watch from the beach as their only escape off the island leaves

the shore. They squint their eyes at the sea until the boat dips under the horizon, and await for

their possible rescue, but have little hope. They turn to what they know best and begin to drink

the leftover wine coolers. Might as well spend their last days on the most beautiful island in the

world and get to do it drunk.

Sequence 8:
Days later, Emerson and Fletcher are parched and hungry and on their last limb. There

were far less resources on the island than they knew what to do with. On the beach, they have

created symbols and words to try and signal for help. They even used empty wine coolers to

write “SOS”. Unfortunately, nobody has come to rescue them. Maybe Valerie was just going to

take the footage and sell it herself and never save the two of them. Technically that would be way

easier. Emerson passes out and Fletcher starts slapping him. It’s unclear if he is unconscious or

dead… Suddenly, a helicopter comes into view. Fletcher screams at Emerson to wake up, but

leaves him in the sand to signal to the helicopter that they are stranded. The helicopter lands on

the beach - it's the National Guard.

Fletcher reclines on the sofa, same position as always. It’s been a few weeks. Is Emerson

dead? He isn’t in the shot… Hobbled footsteps can be heard. In a big reveal, Emerson plops onto

the shitty couch next to Fletcher, foot lifted on the coffee table. It’s still wrapped in gauze. They

joke about his brother’s wedding next week and say they need a damn break from chaotic

weddings. They turn on the news. Valerie comes out of Emerson’s bedroom, and jokes about

how shitty it is sleeping on a twin bed.

On the news, there is a pre recorded news story about the Quinn family. Emerson rushed

to edit together an expose documentary using the footage that Valerie was supposed to save. On

TV, the two tell the story of the wedding from hell, and Valerie was able to go into full detail

about the horrors she experienced throughout her childhood with the family. She is deemed a

national hero for her bravery in exposing them.

A week later, Emerson is at his brother Marcus’ wedding. This time, he has a real +1 -

Valerie. People look at her weird, they recognize her from the condemned Quinn family, who are

now all in prison.

In a conversation with his mom after the ceremony, Daniella, she tells him she is finally

proud of him, but he tells her it wasn’t ever about making her happy. Emerson’s family is proud

of him for not only the amount of money he made at the Quinn wedding, but also the amount of

acclaim it gained them. He thanks them for finally seeing his potential. He holds Valerie’s hand

tight. She was the one who saved his life multiple times. She was the one who saved the footage.

She helped him see what love means, and because of that, the pieces fell into place.

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