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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391
E-mail Address:

Name: _________________________________ Grade/Section___________________

School: ________________________________ Date: ___________________________



I. Introduction
Empowerment Technologies is a well growing
web and software development and to give power or
authority to use technologies such in Information and
Communications Technology.

Information and Communications Technology

-refers to the technologies, both hardware and
software, that enable humans to communicate with one another.

When we talk about ICT, we’re referring to technologies that facilitate

communication and data transmission. Through this system, we’re able to
send and receive information in various forms, such as sounds, texts, or
images. A powerful ICT framework allows companies to create new products
and deliver innovative services in the areas of telecommunications,
multimedia, information technology, ecommerce, and retail.

II. Learning Competency

Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites,
and content to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational
Code: CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b1

III. Objectives
At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
1. describe the meaning of ICT technologies.

2. determine the types of social media.
3. understand the feature of Web 2.0 and 3.0; and
4. apply the types of social media leading to social change.

IV. Discussion
Information and Communications Technology Today:
Development and Commonly Used Tools

Century Ago
 Alexander Graham Bell revolutionizes the communications field by
inventing the telephone.
 Invention of telecommunications network to support telephone
 Invention of Internet and mobile phones

These technologies and methodologies are now collectively referred to as

Information and Communications Technology.

Information and Communications Technology in the Philippines

Spanish Colonial Period, the colonization of the Philippines contributed to

growth of science and technology. The Spanish introduced formal education.

Before 1928, Telecommunications in the Philippines was segmented. You

could only call people within your own small town.

American-owned Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) was

incorporated and given the franchise to establish and operate telephone
services in the Philippines. Small phone companies in the provinces were
acquired to speed up the rollout process.

1987, PLDT establishes the country’s first cellular telephone network

1993, with the support of the Department of Science and Technology and
the Industrial Research Foundation, the Philnet project was born.
1994, Benji Tan, who was working for ComNet established the Philippine’s
first connection to the Internet at a PLDT network center in Makati City.
2000, PLDT introduces the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
2013, Mobile Cellular Subscriptions reach 102 Million.
2014, Philippines named fastest growing internet population in the last 5
years with a growth of 531%

2016, Number of Philippine Internet users at 66 million out of a population
of 100 million

Now in ICT in the Philippines were in that nowadays implementation

in the Philippines is the E-Government or Electronic Government is the
use of information and communications technologies and other web-based
technologies to enhance access of information and improve delivery,
efficiency and effectiveness of services to the public.

As Philippine companies rely on digital platforms to connect with

their markets, the amount of consumer information they gather also
increases. The generated big data can help them devise smarter, revenue-
generating strategies.

So there’s a need to invest on tools that can help make sense of these
large heaps of information. Examples are data analytics software,
automation tools, workforce optimization solutions, and others. By 2020, it’s
predicted that revenues produced by these tools will be twice that of
revenues generated by non-tech-based sources.

As the popular saying goes, “Love makes the

world go round.“ But before you start looking for
someone to fall in love with, you could argue how the
Internet has made the world go round for decades.

Likewise the internet has probably made your

world go round. In this lesson, we will understand how Information and
Communication Technologies have improved our lives in such a short period
of time.

World Wide Web (WWW) is the system that enables you to access
hypertext documents and other files over the internet. The technology was
proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.


 WEB 1.0 - static websites without interactivity.

 WEB 2.0 – websites that contain dynamic content.
 WEB 3.0 – a concept of the World Wide Web that is designed to cater
to the individual user.

Types of Website

There are basically two main types of website - static and dynamic.

A STATIC site is one that is usually written in

plain HTML and what is in the code of the page and
what is displayed to the user. Server to Client

A DYNAMIC site is one that is written using a

server-side scripting language and refers to web pages
that are affected by user input or preferences. Server
to Data Base to Client Browser.


1. Folksonomy – allows users to categorize and classify or arrange

information using freely chosen keyword (e.g., tagging). Popular
social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
use tags that start with the pound sign (#). This is also referred to as

2. Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is responsive to

user’s input. An example would be a website that shows local content.
In the case of social networking sites, when logged on, your account is
used to modify what you see in their website.

3. User Participation– the owner of the website is not the only one who
is able to put content. Others are able to place a content of their own
by means of comments, reviews, and evaluation.

4. Long Tail– service that are offered on demand rather than on a one-
time purchase. In certain cases, time-based pricing is better than file
size-based pricing or vice versa. (BPO or Call Center)

5. Software as a Server– users will subscribe to a software only when

needed rather than purchasing them. This is a cheaper option if you

do not always need to use a software. Ex: Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms
Powerpoint, Ms Publisher
6. Mass Participation– diverse information sharing through universal
web access. Since most users can use the internet, Web 2.0’s content
is based on people from various cultures. Ex: Youtube, Bing

Web 3.0 Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is a movement led by the World Wide Web

Consortium (W3C). The W3C standard encourages web developers to include
semantic content in their web pages. The term was coined by the inventor of
the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. Lee also noted that the Semantic
Web is a component for Web 3.0.

The search engine then labels it the most common answer to the
search query. Though there are instances wherein several preferences are
considered like geographic location, Web 3.0 aims to do better. This
studying personal preference of an individual user and showing results
based on those preferences.

WEB 3.0 is yet to be fully realized because of several problems:

 Compatibility – HTML files and current web browsers could not
support Web 3.0
 Security – The user’s security is also in question since the machine is
saving his or her performances.
 Vastness – The World Wide Web already contains billions of web
 Vagueness– Certain words are imprecise. The words “old” and “small”
would depend on the user.
 Logic – Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a
computer to be able to predict what the user is referring to at a given

As the world of ICT continues to grow, the industry has focused on
several innovations. These innovations cater to the needs of the people that
benefit most out of ICT. Whether it is for business or personal use, these
trends are the current front runners in the innovation of ICT.


It is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar
goal or task. For example, besides using your personal computer to create
word documents, you can now use smartphone.
It is a website, application, or online channels that enable web users
to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.


1. Social Network -these are sites that allow you to connect with other
people with the same interest or background. Once a user creates his
or her account he or she can set up a profile, add people, create
groups, and share content. Example: Facebook, Google

2. Bookmarking Site - these are sites that allow you to store and
manage links to various websites and resources. Most these sites
allow you to create a tag that allows you and others to easily search or
share them. Example: Stumble Upon and Pinterest

3. Social News - these are sites that allow users to post their own news
items or links to other news sources. The user can also comment on
the post and comment may also be ranked. There are also capable of
voting on this news article of the website. Those who get the most
amounts of votes are shown prominently. Example: Reddit And Digg

4. Media Sharing – these are sites that allow you to upload and share
media content like images, music, and video. Most of these sites have
additional social futures like liking, commenting, and having user
propels. Example: Flickr, YouTube, Instagram

5. Micro Blogging – these are sites that focus on short updates from the
user those subscribed to the user will be able to resave these updates.
Example: Twitter and Plurk

6. Blogs And Forum – these websites allow users to post there content.
Other users are able to comment on the said topic. There are several
free blogging plat forms like Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. On
the other hand forums typically part of a certainty website or web


The popularity of smartphones and tables has taken a major rise over
the years. These largely because of the devices’ capability to do task that
were originally found in personal computers. Several of these devices are
capable of using high-speed Internet.

Today, the latest mobile devices use 4G Networking Long Term

Evolution (LTE), which is currently the fastest mobile network. Mobile
devices use different operating system.


 iOS – used in Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad. An

operating system used for mobile devices manufactured by
Apple Inc.

 Android – an open source operating system developed by

Google. Being open source means several mobile phone
companies use this Operating System for free. An open-
source operating system used for smartphones and tablet

Blackberry OS – a proprietary mobile operating system

developed by BlackBerry Limited for its BlackBerry line of
smartphone handheld devices.

Symbian– the original smartphone Operating System;

used by Nokia devices. The operating system developed
and sold by Symbian Ltd.


Founded by David Erdody in 1996 and was

the first Internet-based spoken-word audio reading
service for persons with print reading barriers
thereby opening a unique avenue of accessibility for
many individuals with cognitive, physical, and
communication disabilities.

A non-profit service designed to help people who have visual and
reading impairment and etc. A database of audio recording is used to read to
the user.

V. Activities
ACTIVITY #1 Social Change
1. Identify a problem in your community (ex:
Littering, Garbage Disposal, Bullying, Face
Mask is a Must and etc.) Apply this subject on
their everyday life and solve the community
problem, It simply an activity and create Slogan and the topic is: The
Community Problem, Come-up a Campaign name or banner.
2. Materials Need: Activity notebook, coloring materials, magazine,
indigenous materials, pencil and marker.
3. Imagine that you are going to create a website to persuade both
community leader(s) to solve this problem.
4. Copy the sample format of the form and write the answer in your
activity notebook.
5. Please see attached Rubrics for scoring.


Sample Output Date: August 24, 2020

Community Problem: Littering__________________________

Vicinity: Mangan-Vaca, Subic, Zambales___________
Campaign Name: Put Litter in its Place don’t Trash Mother Earth”
Types of Social Media: Social Network____________________
Website Used: Facebook_________________________

1. What will be the content of your Social Media site?

Let’s not create pollution, rather let’s create solution. These are ways to help
reduce the trash in the community through: Proper Waste Management and by
following the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). We must start in our
community, our home and it starts with you.

2. Why did you choose that type of Social Media?

I choose Social Network This sites that allow you to connect with other people
with the same interest or background. Once a user creates his or her account
he or she can set up a profile, add people, create groups, and share content.

3. Why did you choose that website?

I choose Facebook as my website because it can be easily access people and
communicate them to like or join your group page to have same interest on
what you need to share information, promote regarding to your project.

 Slogan is emphasis the community problem and creative work.
 Well Discuss in the social media and Answer the given questions
properly, Creativity, Originality, Highly Promoted and Extremely
Emphasis the Problem of Community
 Slogan is relevant to the community problem and well work. 31-40
 Discuss and Answer the given questions properly, Creativity,
Originality, Cleanliness of work, related images in the topic Usually
Emphasis the Problem of Community
 Slogan is relevant to the community problem and neat work
 Discuss and Give some thoughts and effort to answer the given
question, Cleanliness of work and related images in the topic, Slightly
Emphasis the Problem of Community

Directions. Write the question on your activity note book and

answer each question at least 4 to 5 sentences. (10 points
each question)

Scenario: Nowadays many businesses were close and their product(s) or

good (s) that are not selling and stock in their store due to the pandemic.
Think of the way on how to boost their sales despite of Covid-19 pandemic.
Give an example of product (s) or good (s).

Guide questions:

1. What do you think is the best method that the owner will use to boost
his/her sales?

2. Do you think technology has a big factor to increase his/her sales?



I. Directions: Choose the best answer to each question. Write the

answer on your activity notebook.

____ 1. Refers to the technologies, both hardware and software, that enable
humans to communicate with one another?
a. Information and Communications Technology
b. Technological Economics
c. Computer Science and Technology
d. Information and Media Literacy
____ 2. A websites, application, or online channels that enable users to
create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content?
a. Social Media c. Social Network
b. Social News d. Social Dynamic
____ 3. These are sites that allow you to connect with other people with the
same interest or background. Once a user creates his or her account he or
she can set up a profile, add people, create groups, and share content?
a. Social Media c. Social Network
b. Social News d. Social Dynamic
____ 4. This sites that focus on short updates from the user those
subscribed to the user will be able to resave these updates. This icon is a
Micro Blogging Social Media Site?
a. b. c. d.
____ 5. Allows users to categorize and classify or arrange information using
freely chosen tagging and popular social networking sites such as Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook, etc. and use tags that start with the pound sign?
a. Folksonomy c. Longtail
b. User Participation d. Rich User Experience
____ 6. This web is a concept of the World Wide Web that is designed to cater
to the individual user?
a. Web 1.0 c. Web 3.0
b. Web 2.0 d. Web 4.0
____ 7. It refers to web pages that are the same regardless of the user?
a. Static c. Micro Blogging
b. Dynamic d. Bookmarking Site
____ 8. Refers to web pages that are affected by user input or preferences?
a. Static c. Micro Blogging
b. Dynamic d. Bookmarking Site
____ 9. The synergy of technological advancement to work on a similar goal
or task. Is using several technologies to accomplish a task conveniently?
a. Assistive Media c. Mobile Technology
b. Convergence d. Social Media
____ 10. Internet-based spoken-word audio reading service for persons with
print reading barriers thereby opening a unique avenue of accessibility for
many individuals with cognitive, physical, and communication disabilities?
a. Assistive Media c. Mobile Technology
b. Convergence d. Social Media

II. Directions. Write SO if the Social Media website is a social network,

BS for bookmarking site, SN for social news, MS for media sharing,
MB for micro blogging, and BF for blogs and forums.

____ 1. Facebook ____ 6. Instagram

____ 2. Youtube ____ 7. Pinterest
____ 3. Twitter ____ 8. Wordpress
____ 4. Tumblr ____ 9. Wattpad
____ 5. Google ____ 10. Reddit

VII. Reflection

Write the question and answer to your activity notebook. (Preferably

maximum of 10 sentences)

What is the importance of ICT in your life, career and professional


VIII. References

Chapter 18: Hospitality Information Technology 4th Edition by

Walker, John R., 2006. Published by Pearson Education Inc., South
Asia Pte Ltd. 23-25 First LokYang Road, Jurong, Singapore 629733

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher II
Subic National High School, Subic District

XI. Key to Corrections

Activity #1 Social Change

The learner has their own answer

Activity #2 Essay

The learner has their own answer


I. II.
1. a 1. SO
2. a 2. MS
3. c 3. MB
4. b 4. BF
5. a 5. SO
6. c 6. MS
7. a 7. BS
8. b 8. BF
9. b 9. BF
10. a 10. SN


The learner has their own answer

(For teacher’s copy only. Don’t include this part in the distribution)


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