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© Read the following atc. Pay specal attention tothe words in bol Judy Perlman, of Chicago, is starting a new career—making dolls. She sells most of them before Christmas, at holiday fairs all over Illinois. “I'm having more fun than ever before. Ym traveling in my new job and meeting new people. Right now I'm preparing for my next, show. I'm not earning a lot of money, but I don't care.” Why isn’t she worried about making. money? Perlman is a retired teacher, and she's getting a pension.! Many older people are starting new careers in their retirement, Americans are living longer than ever before. The average life expectancy in the United States is seventy-six ‘years for men and eighty-one years for women. Most people retire in their midsixties. That ‘means that retired people can have many years ahead of them. Some people are content just relaxing, But many seniors? are getting involved in interesting hobbies or second careers. If they are getting a pension or living off savings from thetr work years, many can afford to {ind rewarding work without worrying about money. “I'm enjoying every minute of my new ‘career, I think this isthe best time of my life,” says Perlman. Some senior citizens decide not to retire at all. Frank Babbit of Newark is a carpenter, and he's still working, He has his own business and works fifty hours a week. And he's almost eighty-eight years old. ‘Today healthy retirees are exploring many options, from relaxing to starting a new business or making « hobby into a new career. How do you see yourself as a retiree? ¥ pension a regular payment made by a business or government toa retired employee 2 senior: an older person; this usually refers to people over 6, 42 Less0n2 ‘kt 59-year-old man (A) and the manager of a retirement home (8). in-thinking about moving nto this retirement vilage. Can you give me some information? Sure. This i a village for people over 5 years old A: 5 now. 'm retired : for activites to keep me busy. Bi Most ofthe people here are very active. Let me give you a tour. This is our fitness center, A: What____those people . ’ 8: yoga. 13 very popular here. And heres our pool, As you can see, some people ‘A: What about those people in the pool? —____ a B: ‘a water aerobics class, Now let’s go to the computer center. ‘That's Nicole, She's the teacher. __ a photo-editing course. Marge make a photo album for her grandchildren. And Bob and. i Cindy over there travel all over the world. together a Web page with their vacation pictures, Let me show you our game room. As you can see, some people chess. ‘Az What about those women? What game . ’ B: ‘That’ called Mahfongg. I's espectally popular among the women. AA: I'm awidower Maybe [can meet a woman here B: Thats possible, We have a singles group that meets once a week. In fact, right now. 1 can introduce you to Mary Dodge. over there, fared T-shirt. She can give you more information, EXERCISE 2 Fill in the blanks with the present continuous form of the verb given. Use the correct. spelling, Make contractions wherever possible, 1. Jack's visiting a retirement village. 2. He a tour. ke 3. He at the different activities. 44 Lesson 2 re EXERCISE 5 Use the words glven to make a yes/no question. Fill in the second blank to complete the short answer. 1. those/men play A _Are those men playing — checkers? B: No, they ae’ _. They're playing chess. 2. you/consider A this retirement home? Br Yes,1 . I'm considering it now that my wife is gone. 8. Marge/design A website? B: Yes, she _ She's designing a website with pictures of her | vacations. | 4. Marge/take | A - pictures now? | Br No,she . She's putting her pietures on her website, | 5. your wife/do } A _ something now? | B: No, ___.. She's just relaxing, | 6, Betty and Charles/take A = art classes? B: Yes, they ____. They love art. 1 ask | A: = _ too many questions? | B: No, You can ask as many questions as you want. | 8 you/write down this information? __. 1 can check your website later. “The Present Continuous, The Future 47 ' EXERCISE 7 fill in the blanks with the present continuous to complete the conversation between two neighbors. Use contractions wherever possible. ‘As What _are you doing, Jack? ule Br ‘at some brochures. Book A: What kind of brochures 3 youaaka ‘They/re from a retirement village. A — about moving? 7 youn } Yes, Lam. , A Why? } Now that Rose is gone, I feel lonely. | A: But you have a lot of good neighbors here. And your daughter lives with you. B: Most of the neighbors are young. My next-door neighbors are always busy. Right now they - ‘And the neighbors across the street are never home. | A: They're older people, —_____ _ too? | "r peor © work No. They — | But I'm here. 1 age I lawn, a5 usual, And my wei inside, | She __on the phone, as usual 8 tale B: I'm sorry I'm complaining so much, A: You You for | reticomplain 1 justia som i something to do. | ‘There's a lot to do. I just don't want to do things alone. A: What retirement village ——____ ___w goto? 12 youn B: Sun Valley Senior Village seems nice. A: What about your daughter? B: She ____to move in with a friend of hers. 15 plan ‘The Present Continuous, The Future 49 rr COMPREHENSION CHECK Based on the reading, tell if the statement is true (T) or false 1, Many digital natives are always connected. 2, Seventy-five percent of older people use smartphones. 3, Digital immigrants usually want a device that does many things. Form as Grandma uses e-mail shve doesnt use a smart phone Does she use the Internet? Yes, she does. Why doesnt she use a smart phone? Use End People use their phones to text. T sometimes send photos to my grandmother. Older people prefer to talk on the phone. Vim getting a text message right now. My grandfather is learning about technology. ‘Technology is growing quickly. My grandparents live in a retirement home. My sister is living in a dorm this semester. ‘A: What does she do (for a living)? he's an English teacher. A: What is she doing now? | [Br She's texting her grandson, fice Marc Is receiving a message. He isn't getting a phone call. Ishe receiving a message from his friend? Yes, he is, How is he receiving a message? Why isn’t he receiving a message from his friend? Emma ‘We use the simple present for: + a general truth + a habitual activity + acustom, We use the present continuous for + an action that is in progress now. + alonger action in progress at this general time. + arecent trend. We use lve in the simple present to indicate a person's home. We use live in the present continuous to indicate a ‘temporary, short-term residence. "What does she do?" asks about a job or profession. "What is she doing?" asks about an activity now. | EXERCISE 8 Fill the blanks with the simple present or the present continuous form of the verb given, 1, Conversation between a grandmother and grandson: ‘As You re eating and working on your essay at the same time. cg B: That's not a problem, Grandma. As What i youreat B: No, itisn’t, I's a veggie burger. I never 2s that a hamburger? = continued ‘The Present Continuous, The Future 51 AA: You don't eat enough. Look at you. You're so thin, BI to lose weight. aw ‘Az Youalways in front of your computer. Take a break, 1 _____ soup now. When its ready, please come to the table. make B: But! ‘on something important now. & work At How is that possible? You to music too. Beard ten B: Talways to musi when I Tien T work orataly ‘At Whenever I_ a on my work. work T emneanian i other things at the same time. im, nowdo : BrYou ___ the world of young people. We often multitask 2 notndertind A: You're right. I don't. 2. Conversation between two brothers: As 2 Wake up. It’s almost time for class. youlleee Tm s0 tired. I never enough sleep. oe ‘A: That's because you're always on your computer or phone. How many hours a night? = youseep ® B: About four or five That's not enough. You more sleep. Turn off your computer a need and phone at night, and get some sleep. B: Inever ____my devices. 1 alway “en wnat ¥ we Evan to know when I get a message. , A: That's ridiculous! Let's go get breakfast. Mom pancakes, = mae BI breakfast. just coffee noe Tan ‘A: That's not good. You to live a healthier life Freed 3. Conversation between two friends: A: What for living? ) ‘a, your mother/do: = B: She's retired now. As old? bs shale 52 Lesson 2 with her free time? = hei B: A lot of things. Infact, she any free time at all. a voiriove She __________a course at the art center this semester. Right now ke she __a picture of me. pant Examples Explanation He is texting his friend. Lam listening to music. ‘Some verbs are action verbs. These verbs express physical or mental activity (text, cal, work, share, etc) ‘Young people know a lot about technology. Many people have a smart phone now. Do you remember a time without cell phones? ‘Some verbs are nonaction verbs. These verbs express a state, condition, perception, or feeling, not an action. We do not usually use the present continuous with nonaction verbs. We use the simple present She's looking at the text message. Twant to learn about technology, but it looks hard, Your photo looks like a selfie. ‘an express an action or a perception. When they express an action (for example, ook at), they are action verbs. When they express a perception (for exathple, look + adjective or look like, they are nonaction verbs. | [Tm looking at my cell phone. [see a text from my father, She Is listening to music. She hears her favorite song. ‘Look and listen are action verbs. See and hear are nonaction verbs, Grandma is thinking about getting an e-reader. She thinks that technology jood thing. “My grandfather is having @ hard time with technology. He's having lunch with his friends now. Grandma has free time now. She has five grandchildren. {can't visit her now, I have a cold When we think about or of something, think is an action verb. Think that shows an opinion about something, It is a nonaction verb. When have means to experience something or to eat or drink something, its an action verb. When have shows possession, relationship, of illness, itis a nonaction verb. ‘Some common nonaction verbs are: + Perception verbs: smell, taste look, sound, followed by an adjective or lke + Feelings and desires lke, dislike, love, hate, hope, want, need, prefer, agree, disagree, care about, expect, matter + Mental states: believe, know, hear, see, notice, understand, remember, think that. suppose, recognize + Other nonaction verbs: mean, cost, spel, weigh ‘The Present Continuous, The Future 53 EXERCISE 9 Circle the correct words to complete the conversation between a grandmother and her grandson. Ae tse, Mo (rnin) ss eg ne compra yohalpmeplkone out? B: Sure, Grandma, How about on Saturday? Saturday's good. Whats that noise? It (sounds/is sounding) like rock music comes/ts coming) from your pocket. B: es my cell phone. I's my new vingtone. (Lreceive/Tn receiving) a text message novs It’s a message from Dad, See? AAs 1 (loks/is looking) like Greek to me, What does it say? Br (le tells/He' ling) me to come home ears (He wants/Hes wanting) 10 give me another diving lesson, (1 learn? Tin earning) 10 dive, you know. Az When (Thave/Tns having) something to say (1 use/1'm using) the phone B: _(I-prefer/I'm preferring) to text. (It saves/ It's saving) time. You can text me (oo, Grandma. "1 ic OK. (It looks /It’s looking) hard. Teach me, Let me send a note to Grandpa, “fim. Where are you? See you later srandma, (you're writing/you write) so slowly. And (you use/ you're using) whole words. Use abbreviations ke this “wheter eulater®Don'tuse punctuation, (You ned/ Yue needing) to wit ast fs You know man Engin eaher, and (don ke / tm nor king write without punctuation, B: Text messages don't need punctuation fe (-dotshink/tm not hinkng) ean do But (1 send/youre sending) eal every dy fz Thatsiferet. (Tuite writin) slow and (check checking ny pling B: You're so old-fashioned! : . fz No. tno This month (study staying) photo eng atte senior center, (mate /tin making aga fay album. 8: That's great, Grandma! I'm proud of you. 54 Lesson2 EXERCISE 10 Fil in the blanks with the simple present or the present continuous form of the verb given. 1. A: My grandfather isa volunteer. Twice aweekhe __reads__for blind people. aed That’ great! My grandmother ___ part-time in a bookstore, She —_— | books, She usually ___her bike to work. She ____ the exercise. | aa = lie Where is she now? le Tahar B: Right now she's on vacation, She her sister in Florida, a } 2. At Can I borrow your dictionary? | B: I'm sorry. itnow. Where's your dictionary? A: Inever {to class. Its too heavy. 3 Bho —————_—_. __to use my dictionary all the time? You = «youre Cneed ‘dictionary app for your phone, Ala smart phone. & ata 3. A What She to0 fast, so he wacheray war 1 ihe = vetted B: I don't know. I ae! a friend. A: T____you should pay attention in class. tink What a youwrte 1 ‘an essay about my grandparents. | __ wie them very much, with you? a eye x No, they don't. They live in Pakistan. They tus once a year. A: How. _? By e-mail? 7 youeemmuniate B: We usually a video chat once a week, But right now their computer _, sowe the phone. 1 nator i we continued ‘The Present Continuous, The Future 55 wee CLULUL 5. A: that guy aver there? Who is he? = youriee B: That's my technology teacher. A: He jeans and running shoes. And he an wear = fe earring in his ear. He like a student. Zook BI Everyone ____he's a student. But he's a very = row : cane y professional teacher, 6. Ar My parents. to put Grandma in a nursing home. Mom ' pion " wb wie she'll receive better care there, B: It like a difficult decision. & und A: Itis. Mom — what else to do. Grandma &natiknow ‘sometimes B: Maybe she a cane or a walker, need Her memory is bad too. She where she puts things. ‘& naverremember B: Can J call you back later? I _ my other phone, My son me, Tat Pmt

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