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Jakarta, 30 Agustus 2022

No : 0 /KEIM-RNP/VIII /2022/JKT
Perihal : Surat Penawaran Harga

Kepada Yth,
Bp Joko

Dengan hormat,

Berikut kami infokan Penawaran Cat KEIM utk Proyek PT SAOI , Semarang :

Produk KEIM Volume Harga / L Total Harga

SoldaliteME9477 500 Kg Rp 394.475,- Rp 197.237.500,-
Innotop 9494 1.155 L Rp 219,500,- Rp 253.522.500,-
S. Fixative 100 L Rp 377.533,- Rp 37.753.300,-
Total Rp 488.513.300,-
Disc 17,5% Rp 85.489.827,50
Sub Total Rp 403.023.472,50
PPn 11% Rp 44.332.582,-
Total Harga Rp 447.356.054,50

All consumption ratios stated herein or in the Technical Data Sheet are empiric values for smooth
substrates and are based on our experience. The actual consumption strongly depends on the absorbency
and texture of the substrate and the method of application. The consumption ratio is best to be defined by
a trial application on site. Further please read the Technical Data Sheet of the product regarding specific
application and product properties.
Demikian penawaran harga ini kami sampaikan, apabila ada yang kurang jelas mohon
menghubungi kami.
- Harga franco Semarang
- Harga Include PPN
- Estimasi delivery 1 minggu atau tergantung persediaan
- Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan
- Pembayaran Full Cash
PT Romulo Nusantara Perkasa
Bank Mandiri Cabang Jalan Sunda Hormat Kami,

Musri Harja
Sales Manager

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