Captain Fantastic Review and TOK HW

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In 2016 Matt Ross truly created a masterpiece that touched millions.

Definitely one of the

most intriguing and overwhelming movies of the twenty-first century so far. The actors are
picked perfectly and the acting itself undeniably contributed to why we can now call it a
masterpiece. How can a movie about strange people entering the ‘real’ world be as
interesting? Why is this drama rated so high on platforms like IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes?
For those who have seen Captain fantastic, you know that a movie as such actually is about
all of us and we can find ourselves in it. Since people love to watch movies about
themselves it is once again another reason why it is appealing to everyone and why the
ratings are so high.

The movie is about a man that lives in a deep forest with his six children. The children are
home-schooled and trained in merciless nature. They are taught how to grow and hunt food
in the early stages of their lives. But they have never been out socialising and experiencing
what the outside world has to offer. The mother of this family had committed suicide and that
is what forced them to get out of their comfort zone and go out to the real world. Since she
was a Buddhist, one of her last wishes was not to be buried underground but instead
cremated. Her parents had different ideas and that is why the whole conflict started. Ben
was willing to do anything to grant his dead wife’s wishes even if it meant that it would get
him arrested. The father has a hard time adapting to this completely different environment,
where people are raising their children in completely different ways, challenging his
perception of what it means to be a parent.

This movie is full of contingencies and the viewer can never tell what is about to come next,
while usually, most movies are quite predictable. Probably one of the most spectacular
things worth mentioning is how good were the actors. Taking into consideration that most
children in that movie are below the age of 13 to act out everything this good is pure talent.
To see a movie that can shift from happy to sad to happy so smoothly is very surprising.

I would definitely recommend this film to all different types of people and definitely think that
all of them would find themselves in it. Even if you’re not a drama lover this movie is a great
tool to view the world from a different angle and just overall to have a good two-hour
experience of disconnecting from the world and diving into this oscar worthy movie.

1) I think that taxation is very logical and if the government is fair and spend that
money to develop a country it is more than okay to tax people. On the other
hand, it is not always as clean and not all tax money goes into schools, parks,
etc. So therefore I think that taxation should be as low as possible
2) To an extent yeah, they should. It is all linked together, as we pay taxes we are
not only contributing to a greater good of a country but also taking care of each
other since we all are a part of one big community and so some people need the
money more than others I think government support is what is needed.
3) Definitely, In order to vote you firstly need to know who you are voting for and
what for. Otherwise, the whole conception of democracy doesn’t work.
4) Obligations:

-Paying taxes

-Obeying the law




-Being polite and contributing to the greater good of a country

- Getting primary education

5) Since everything can be linked to politics yeah it is. Also from a different point of
view, it is also true because everything about businesses these days is very
similar to what happens in politics.

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